994 resultados para Foliar spray
A produção de mudas vigorosas é um dos primeiros passos para o sucesso do cultivo de olerícolas. Os adubos orgânicos e biofertilizantes auxiliam no suprimento nutricional das plantas e tem menor custo quando obtidos na propriedade. Foi avaliado o uso de biofertilizante e esterco de aves sobre a produção de mudas de pimentão (cv. Dhara R, Sakata®).
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a partição da biomassa na copa de clones comerciais de eucaliptos em Integração Lavoura Pecuária Floresta (ILPF) e recomendar práticas de desrama. Os dados foram coletados na Fazenda Guarantã em Juara, MT, e foram avaliados cinco clones implantados em renques duplos e triplos em espaçamento de 21 x 3,5 x 2,5 m aos 15 meses de idade. Para o estudo da biomassa na parte aérea das plantas foram selecionadas duas árvores amostras de cada clone, que foram abatidas e tiveram a biomassa da copa, tronco e densidade básica determinados. Concluiu-se que a distribuição da biomassa e área foliar ao longo da copa variou em função do material genético e da configuração de plantio. Para todos os materiais genéticos avaliados, foi observada a presença de galhos mortos na copa, indicando a necessidade de se fazer desramas antes dos 15 meses de idade se o objetivo for produzir madeira para serraria. A definição da intensidade de desrama com base na proporção da altura da copa viva mostrou-se inadequada quando empregada de forma genérica sem o estudo prévio da arquitetura da copa.
Il presente lavoro di tesi, svolto in collaborazione con una azienda del settore automotive, tratta lo studio di impatto di sprays combustibili su pareti calde adottando un approccio numerico CFD-3D. Viene effettuata la validazione di alcuni tra i più utilizzati modelli di interazione goccia-parete implementati nel software commerciale STAR-CD. Lo scopo principale del lavoro svolto è quello di indirizzare il lettore verso una corretta implementazione della simulazione di uno spray impattante, comprendere pregi e limiti dei modelli applicati e fornire dei criteri per effettuare la scelta tra uno di essi in funzione di condizioni di interesse motoristico.
Il seguente lavoro è uno studio di iniezione (strategia, timing, spray pattern) svolto con la simulazione numerica, alle quali oggi si richiede dettaglio e accuratezza. Il lavoro si concentra sullo studio di spray multi componente, tramite la scrittura di una UDF (user define function) proprietaria, valutazione sensibilità dell'impatto a parete, film boiling a parametri modellistici influenzati dal multicomponente e scrittura di un codice per l'elaborazione delle immagini sia sperimentali che numeriche per rendere più esteso il confronto tra CFD e sperimentale, per migliorare le tarature e i modelli e comprendere meglio la fenomenologia.
Furfural is one of the most promising biomass derived platform molecules. It is to this day produced in volumes above 300 ktons per year from the hydrolysis and dehydration of hemicellulose, one of the main components of lignocellulosic biomass. While the majority of the yearly production is destined to selective reduction to furfuryl alcohol for the production of furan resins, these molecules hold great potential for the production of more valuable chemicals, fuels, fuel additives and solvents. Among these products are alkyl levulinates and γ-valerolactone. To convert furfural to these target products, a cascade process involving Lewis acidity-catalysed reduction steps and Brønsted acidity-catalysed steps. In order to develop catalysts capable of promoting the one-pot domino reaction from furfural to γ-valerolactone, the two kinds of acidity must both be present. To this end, in this work, the spray freeze-drying technique is employed to combine the high activity and strong Brønsted acidity of Aquivion with the structural properties and Lewis acidity of different supporting metal oxide, forming composite catalysts. The flexibility of the spray freeze-drying technique and the modulable composition of the catalysts allowed a thorough study of the complex network of equilibria underlying the cascade reaction, while achieving high selectivities towards the final product.
Knowledge of the major effects governing desorption/ionization efficiency is required for the development and application of ambient mass spectrometry. Although all triacylglycerols (TAG) have the same favorable protonation and cationization sites, their desorption/ionization efficiencies can vary dramatically during easy ambient sonic-spray ionization because of structural differences in the carbon chain. To quantify this somewhat surprising and drastic effect, we have performed a systematic investigation of desorption/ionization efficiencies as a function of unsaturation and length for TAG as well as for diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols and several phospholipids (PL). Affinities for Na(+) as a function of unsaturation level have also been assayed via comprehensive metadynamics calculations to understand the influence of this phenomenon on the ionization efficiency. The results suggest that dipole-dipole interactions within a carbon chain tuned by unsaturation sites govern ionization efficiency of TAG and PL.
Ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) is an explosive used in many civil applications. In Brazil, ANFO has unfortunately also been used in criminal attacks, mainly in automated teller machine (ATM) explosions. In this paper, we describe a detailed characterization of the ANFO composition and its two main constituents (diesel and a nitrate explosive) using high resolution and accuracy mass spectrometry performed on an FT-ICR-mass spectrometer with electrospray ionization (ESI(±)-FTMS) in both the positive and negative ion modes. Via ESI(-)-MS, an ion marker for ANFO was characterized. Using a direct and simple ambient desorption/ionization technique, i.e., easy ambient sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), in a simpler, lower accuracy but robust single quadrupole mass spectrometer, the ANFO ion marker was directly detected from the surface of banknotes collected from ATM explosion theft.
Trees from tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) display very dynamic patterns of water use. They are capable of downwards water transport towards the soil during leaf-wetting events, likely a consequence of foliar water uptake (FWU), as well as high rates of night-time transpiration (Enight) during drier nights. These two processes might represent important sources of water losses and gains to the plant, but little is known about the environmental factors controlling these water fluxes. We evaluated how contrasting atmospheric and soil water conditions control diurnal, nocturnal and seasonal dynamics of sap flow in Drimys brasiliensis (Miers), a common Neotropical cloud forest species. We monitored the seasonal variation of soil water content, micrometeorological conditions and sap flow of D. brasiliensis trees in the field during wet and dry seasons. We also conducted a greenhouse experiment exposing D. brasiliensis saplings under contrasting soil water conditions to deuterium-labelled fog water. We found that during the night D. brasiliensis possesses heightened stomatal sensitivity to soil drought and vapour pressure deficit, which reduces night-time water loss. Leaf-wetting events had a strong suppressive effect on tree transpiration (E). Foliar water uptake increased in magnitude with drier soil and during longer leaf-wetting events. The difference between diurnal and nocturnal stomatal behaviour in D. brasiliensis could be attributed to an optimization of carbon gain when leaves are dry, as well as minimization of nocturnal water loss. The leaf-wetting events on the other hand seem important to D. brasiliensis water balance, especially during soil droughts, both by suppressing tree transpiration (E) and as a small additional water supply through FWU. Our results suggest that decreases in leaf-wetting events in TMCF might increase D. brasiliensis water loss and decrease its water gains, which could compromise its ecophysiological performance and survival during dry periods.
In the past few decades, the textile industry has significantly increased investment in research to develop functional fabrics, with a special focus on those aggregating values. Such fabrics can exploit microparticles inferior to 100 μm, such as those made by complex coacervation in their creation. The antimicrobial properties of chitosan can be attributed to these microparticles. Developing particles with uniform structure and properties would facilitate the control for the eventual release of the core material. Thus, a complex coacervation between gelatin and chitosan was studied, and the optimal conditions were replicated in the encapsulation of limonene. Spherical particles formed had an average diameter (D3,2) of 30 μm and were prepared with 89.7% efficiency. Cross-linking of these microparticles using glutaraldehyde and tripolyphosphate was carried out before spray drying. After drying, microparticles cross-linked with glutaraldehyde were oxidized and clustered and those that were cross-linked with tripolyphosphate resisted drying and presented a high yield.
In this review recent methods developed and applied to solve criminal occurences related to documentoscopy, ballistic and drugs of abuse are discussed. In documentoscopy, aging of ink writings, the sequence of line crossings and counterfeiting of documents are aspects to be solved with reproducible, fast and non-destructive methods. In ballistic, the industries are currently producing ''lead-free'' or ''nontoxic'' handgun ammunitions, so new methods of gunshot residues characterization are being presented. For drugs analysis, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization mass spectrometry (EASI-MS) is shown to provide a relatively simple and selective screening tool to distinguish m-CPP and amphetamines (MDMA) tablets, cocaine and LSD.
The covering of the soil is an agricultural practice that intends to control the harmful herbs, to reduce the losses of water by evaporation of the soil, and to facilitate the harvest and the commercialization, once the product is cleaner and healthier. However, when the soil is covered important microclimatic parameters are also altered, and consequently the germination of seeds, the growth of roots, the absorption of water and nutrients, the metabolic activity of the plants and the carbohydrates storage. The current trial intended to evaluate the effect of soil covering with blue colored film on consumptive water-use in a lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa, L.). The experiment was carried out in a plastic greenhouse in Araras - São Paulo State, Brazil from March 3rd, 2001 to May 5th, 2001. The consumptive water-use was measured through two weighing lysimeter installed inside the greenhouse. Crop spacing was 0.25 m x 0.25 m and the color of the film above soil was blue. Leaf area index (IAF), was measured six times (7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 40 days after transplant) and the water-use efficiency (EU) was measured at the end. The experimental design was subdivided portions with two treatments, bare soil and covered soil. The average consumptive water-use was 4.17 mm day-1 to the bare soil treatment and 3.11 mm day-1 to the covered soil treatment. The final leaf area index was 25.23 to the bare soil treatment and 24.39 to the covered soil treatment, and there was no statistical difference between then.
The post-harvesting cleaning process in fresh market tomatoes production is essential to the consumer acceptance, since the degree of dirtiness of the fruits is directly related to its quality. However, the washing stage of the cleaning process of commercial packinghouse demands an excessive water volume, bringing serious environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to compare the cleaning efficiency in two cleaning systems through the evaluation of different operational conditions of the cleaning process, related with the brush rotation, water flow and fruit standing time under the system. It was compared the conventional system utilized in commercial equipment with a system using commercial sprays. The results showed that the cleaning efficiency was not directly related to the water volume used, but to the water pressure, standing time and brushes rotation. Therefore, the use of commercial sprays can bring benefits to the cleaning efficiency, increasing it up to 13%, and to the environmental, decreasing water consumption.