975 resultados para Ferrer Guardia, Francisco, 1859-1909.
Programa de doctorado en Análisis geográfico y ordenación territorial
Máster Universitario International en Acuicultura. Trabajo realizado en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco y presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Universitario Internacional en Acuicultura, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM)
Programa de doctorado: Cibernética y telecomunicaciones
[EN]The importance of a suitable feeding in reproduction and spawning quality of teleost fish has been recognized as one of the major ?bottlenecks? in new aquaculture species like seahorses. Mysidacea species has been described as one of the main food for temperate seahorse species (Hippocampus hippocampus and H. guttulatus) in the wild. On the other hand, Artemia has been employed usually as marine food for rearing fish, including seahorses. The aim of this work is to study the effect of two different live preys (Artemia vs Mysis) in spawning quality of H. hippocampus broodstock. The animals were fed two times per day, six times per week. Spawning episodes and larvae quality was recorded. Seahorse fed on mysis showed significantly better results (p<0.05) than Artemia treatment, regarding spawning events, number of offspring?s and size. This fact showed the high potential of mysis as live prey for seahorses or other ornamental species.
[EN]Effects of first feeding on survival and growth of Atlantic seahorse juveniles, Hippocampus hippocampus, (Linnaeus, 1758). In this study, two experimental protocols were tested: a first treatment (RA), in which larvae were fed exclusively on rotifers until day 5, and then on Artemia, and a second treatment (A) where larvae were only fed on Artemia. We attempted to improve survival and growth by comparing different diets in the first days of life. The results showed excellent survival (60% average) and growth in juveniles exclusively fed with Artemia, with better values than those obtained by other authors for this species. In comparison, high mortality and poor growth were observed on the first days in larvae fed rotifers.
[EN]Seahorses husbandry constitute an innovative aspect on the recovery of wild populations. In this study, two aeration levels were tested (normal and strong) in seahorse juveniles fed on Artemia. Survival and growth were evaluated. The results showed higher survivals (11% average) with strong aerations levels after 90 days. In addition, these juveniles were able to reproduce after 4 months, denoting the early sexual maturation of this species. However, sizes of second-generation larvae at day 0 were smaller compared with those produced by their parents
[ES] En 1909 España entró en guerra con Marruecos, un conflicto armado que ha pasado a la historia como la guerra del Rif. En el transcurso de la misma cambiaron muchas casas en España, pues una población descontenta logró derrocar a un gobierno que promovió la injusta medida de enviar al frente a los reservistas. Paralelamente a ello, esta guerra significó el inicio efectivo del fotoperiodismo en España, ya que las principales revistas gráficas enviaron al escenario del conflicto a reporteros que semanalmente enviaban sus fotografías desde el mismísimo campo de batalla.
[ES] Estudios sobre las poblaciones de caballitos de mar a nivel mundial demuestran que muchas de ellas han sufrido importantes regresiones en poco tiempo. En este sentido, la información existente sobre las poblaciones silvestres de la isla de Gran Canaria eran insuficientes para establecer su estado de conservación y posibles amenazas. Desde el año 2005, investigadores del Grupo de Investigación en Acuicultura (GIA – ULPGC) vienen realizando estudios sobre las poblaciones de caballitos en la isla, así como en el desarrollo y optimización de las técnicas de cultivo como posible herramienta futura para reforzamiento de poblaciones si fuera necesario. Los datos presentados pretender ser una base para futuros estudios e incluso servir como guía para el estudio de poblaciones de otras islas del archipiélago