993 resultados para Evans, Caroline
O objetivo deste trabalho foi recuperar e fracionar as proteínas do soro de leite por meio da técnica de coacervação, utilizando o polissacarídeo carboximetilcelulose sódica (CMC). O soro de leite foi obtido da fabricação industrial do queijo tipo frescal. Foram estudados concentrações do polímero (0,1% a 0,9% CMC p/v) e valores de pH, a fim de se obter uma precipitação seletiva das proteínas do soro de leite, sendo as condições otimizadas para produção em piloto. Mediante ajuste gradual, foi possível obter, no pH 3, uma precipitação das proteínas totais (PT/CMC); no pH 4, da beta-lactoglobulina (beta-Lg/CMC) e, no pH 3,2, a maior proporção de alfa-lactoalbumina (alfa-La/CMC). Os coacervados foram separados, por aplicação de força centrífuga, e caracterizados em relação à composição centesimal e perfil eletroforético. O maior rendimento foi verificado no fracionamento da beta-lactoglobulina, com 86% de recuperação dessa classe de proteínas do soro desnatado. O coacervado beta-lactoglobulina-CMC (beta-Lg/CMC) apresenta maior conteúdo protéico, provavelmente em conseqüência da proporção estabelecida entre os hidrocolóides coacervados. O coacervado composto pela alfa-La/CMC apresentou menor conteúdo protéico e porcentagem de recuperação dessas proteínas presentes no soro.
Acquis le 1er avril 1837 de MM. de Bure, "manuscrits provenant de la bibliothèque de Rosny, ou plutôt de M. Lepelletier de Rosambo", pour le prix de 100 francs 50 centimes; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, registre des acquisitions 1833-1848, n° 2029; Rosny 2371, cf. Delisle, Cab. des mss., II, 294 n. 4; — bibliothèque de Rosny, cf. ex-libris gravé aux armes de Marie-Caroline de Bourbon-Sicile, duchesse de Berry et cote "45" (contreplat sup.); Catalogue Rosny, n° 2371; — Louis Le Peletier de Rosambo (?); — Pierre Pithou, cf. ex-libris "P. Pithoei" (1); B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, nouv. acq. fr. 5527, f. 13; — , cote "26" (dos)
The present study describes the postnatal expression of calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in organotypic monocultures of rat dorsal thalamus compared to the thalamus in vivo. Cultures were maintained for up to 7 weeks. Cortex-conditioned medium improved the survival of thalamic cultures. MAP2-immunoreactive material was present in somata and dendrites of small and large-sized neurons throughout the cultures. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity was present in larger multipolar or bitufted neurons along the edge of a culture. These neurons also displayed strong parvalbumin mRNA and GAD mRNA expression, and GABA immunoreactivity. They likely corresponded to cells of the nucleus reticularis thalami. Parvalbumin mRNA, but neither parvalbumin protein nor GAD mRNA, was expressed in neurons with large somata within the explant. They likely represented relay cells. GAD mRNA, but not parvalbumin mRNA, was expressed in small neurons within the explants. Small neurons also displayed calbindin- and calretinin-immunoreactivity. The small neurons likely represented local circuit neurons. The time course of expression of the calcium-binding proteins revealed that all were present at birth with the predicted molecular weights. A low, but constant parvalbumin expression was observed in vitro without the developmental increase seen in vivo, which most likely represented parvalbumin from afferent sources. In contrast, the explantation transiently downregulated the calretinin and calbindin expression, but the neurons recovered the expression after 14 and 21 days, respectively. In conclusion, thalamic monocultures older than three weeks represent a stable neuronal network containing well differentiated neurons of the nucleus reticularis thalami, relay cells and local circuit neurons.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a nematofauna fitopatogênica de sementes de forrageiras, destinadas aos mercados interno e externo. Examinaram-se sementes de Brachiaria brizantha (cvs. Marandu e Xaraés), B. decumbens cv. Basilisk, Panicum maximum (cvs. Massai, Mombaça e Tanzânia) e Stylosanthes capitata e S. macrocephala, componentes da cultivar Estilosantes Campo Grande. As extrações foram realizadas por flotação centrífuga, em solução de sacarose com caulim. Nas gramíneas, encontraram-se os gêneros Aphelenchoides e Ditylenchus. O maior número de espécimes de Aphelenchoides spp. foi observado nas sementes de 'Marandu', e, em seguida, nas sementes de 'Xaraés', 'Basilisk' e 'Tanzânia'. Quanto à densidade populacional de Ditylenchus spp., os maiores valores foram observados nas sementes de 'Marandu', 'Xaraés' e 'Basilisk'. Os resultados sugerem que pelo menos duas espécies de Aphelenchoides e Ditylenchus estão associadas às sementes de gramíneas forrageiras, destinadas ao mercado interno. Fitonematóides não são detectados em sementes de 'Estilosantes Campo Grande', tampouco nas cultivares Marandu, Mombaça e Tanzânia, destinadas à exportação.
A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of educational attainment was conducted in a discovery sample of 101,069 individuals and a replication sample of 25,490. Three independent single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genome-wide significant (rs9320913, rs11584700, rs4851266), and all three replicate. Estimated effects sizes are small (coefficient of determination R(2) ≈ 0.02%), approximately 1 month of schooling per allele. A linear polygenic score from all measured SNPs accounts for ≈2% of the variance in both educational attainment and cognitive function. Genes in the region of the loci have previously been associated with health, cognitive, and central nervous system phenotypes, and bioinformatics analyses suggest the involvement of the anterior caudate nucleus. These findings provide promising candidate SNPs for follow-up work, and our effect size estimates can anchor power analyses in social-science genetics.
It is common practice in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to focus on the relationship between disease risk and genetic variants one marker at a time. When relevant genes are identified it is often possible to implicate biological intermediates and pathways likely to be involved in disease aetiology. However, single genetic variants typically explain small amounts of disease risk. Our idea is to construct allelic scores that explain greater proportions of the variance in biological intermediates, and subsequently use these scores to data mine GWAS. To investigate the approach's properties, we indexed three biological intermediates where the results of large GWAS meta-analyses were available: body mass index, C-reactive protein and low density lipoprotein levels. We generated allelic scores in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, and in publicly available data from the first Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. We compared the explanatory ability of allelic scores in terms of their capacity to proxy for the intermediate of interest, and the extent to which they associated with disease. We found that allelic scores derived from known variants and allelic scores derived from hundreds of thousands of genetic markers explained significant portions of the variance in biological intermediates of interest, and many of these scores showed expected correlations with disease. Genome-wide allelic scores however tended to lack specificity suggesting that they should be used with caution and perhaps only to proxy biological intermediates for which there are no known individual variants. Power calculations confirm the feasibility of extending our strategy to the analysis of tens of thousands of molecular phenotypes in large genome-wide meta-analyses. We conclude that our method represents a simple way in which potentially tens of thousands of molecular phenotypes could be screened for causal relationships with disease without having to expensively measure these variables in individual disease collections.
The objective of this work was to develop a genetic transformation system for tropical maize genotypes via particle bombardment of immature zygotic embryos. Particle bombardment was carried out using a genetic construct with bar and uidA genes under control of CaMV35S promoter. The best conditions to transform maize tropical inbred lines L3 and L1345 were obtained when immature embryos were cultivated, prior to the bombardment, in higher osmolarity during 4 hours and bombarded at an acceleration helium gas pressure of 1,100 psi, two shots per plate, and a microcarrier flying distance of 6.6 cm. Transformation frequencies obtained using these conditions ranged from 0.9 to 2.31%. Integration of foreign genes into the genome of maize plants was confirmed by Southern blot analysis as well as bar and uidA gene expressions. The maize genetic transformation protocol developed in this work will possibly improve the efficiency to produce new transgenic tropical maize lines expressing desirable agronomic characteristics.
The present work assessed the effects of intracerebroventricular injections (2x5 mg/2.5 ml) of recombined human nerve growth factor (rhNGF) at postnatal days 2 and 3 upon the development of spatial learning capacities in rats. The treated rats were trained at the age of 22 days to escape onto an invisible platform at a fixed position in space in a Morris navigation task. For half of the subjects, the training position was also cued, a procedure aimed at facilitating escape and reducing attention to the distant spatial cues. At the age of 2 months all the rats were retrained in the same task. Treatment effects were found in both immature and adult rats. The injection of NGF induced a slight alteration of the immature rats' performance. In contrast, a marked impairment of spatial abilities was shown in the 2-month-old rats. The most consistent effects were a significant increase in the escape latency and a decrease bias towards the training platform area during probe trials. The reduction of spatial memory was particularly marked if the subjects had been trained in a cued condition. Taken together, these experiments reveal that an acute pharmacological treatment that leads to transient modifications during early development might induce a behavioural change long after treatment. Thus, the development and the maintenance of an accurate spatial representation are tightly related to the development of brain structures that could be altered by precocious NGF administrations.
Summary: Why so few men apply to study veterinary medicine? : opinions of applicants to the faculty and final-year male high-school students
The objective of this work was to evaluate interactions of Lumbricus terrestris juveniles with adults and with inherited burrow systems. An experiment was set up using a two dimensional Evans' boxes microcosm. Adult L. terrestris were added to 16 boxes (one individual per box) and kept in darkness at 17ºC along with eight unoccupied boxes for two months. The adult L. terrestris were removed from eight randomly selected boxes, and L. terrestris juveniles were added (one juvenile per box), composing three treatments with eight replicates: 1, with an adult in an inherited burrow (ABJ); 2, alone in an inherited burrow (BJ); and 3, alone in a previously uninhabited box (J). The proportion of juveniles occupying adult burrows observed was significantly different in treatments ABJ (48%) and BJ (75%). The mean mass of juveniles at experimental termination differed significantly among treatments and was greater in treatment J (4.04±0.39 g) in comparison to the BJ (3.09±0.93 g) and ABJ treatments (2.13±0.64 g). Results suggest a negative influence of both the presence of an adult and its burrow system on juvenile growth. Intraspecific competition partially explained this, but further investigation is required to examine how an inherited environment (i.e. burrow) could negatively affect the growth of juveniles.
Current therapeutic strategies against glioblastoma (GBM) have failed to prevent disease progression and recurrence effectively. The part played by molecular imaging (MI) in the development of novel therapies has gained increasing traction in recent years. For the first time, using expertise from an integrated multidisciplinary group of authors, herein we present a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art GBM imaging and explore how advances facilitate the emergence of new treatment options. We propose a novel next-generation treatment paradigm based on the targeting of multiple hallmarks of cancer evolution that will heavily rely on MI.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de substâncias húmicas e de diferentes substratos orgânicos na qualidade textural dos frutos do tomateiro híbrido Vênus, em ambiente protegido. Utilizaram-se, quatro tipos de substratos: fibra de coco; fibra de coco e casca de café carbonizada 1/3 (v/v); fibra de coco e casca de café carbonizada 2/3 (v/v); e casca de café carbonizada. As doses de substâncias húmicas (ácido húmico, 10% + ácido fúlvico 10,2%) utilizadas foram 0, 20, 40 e 80 L ha-1, aplicadas ao substrato quinzenalmente, a partir do oitavo dia após o transplantio. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x4. Avaliaram-se firmeza dos frutos, percentagem de solubilização péctica e atividade enzimática (pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase). Observou-se variação na atividade das enzimas pectinametilesterase e poligalacturonase, em consequência das doses de substâncias húmicas adicionadas, nos diferentes substratos. O efeito das doses de substâncias húmicas sobre a firmeza, solubilidade de pectinas e atividade enzimática, em frutos de tomate, depende do substrato utilizado. Frutos obtidos de plantas cultivadas em fibra de coco apresentaram aumento de firmeza e redução da percentagem de solubilização péctica com a aplicação de doses crescentes de substâncias húmicas.