963 resultados para Environmental Politics


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This report considers the development of environmental quality standards (EQSs) for the salmonid fishery, cyprinid fishery, migratory fishery, commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption and commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption uses of controlled surface waters. Previous reports have been used to identify those parameters necessary for the maintenance of these five uses. Each water use is considered in a separate section within which identified parameters are discussed and standards proposed, a summary of the proposed standards is presented at the beginning of the relevant section. For salmonid, cyprinid and migratory fisheries, EQSs for substances in water have been proposed for the protection of these fisheries. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish for public consumption uses 'Warning Levels' of substances in waters have been proposed. These 'Warning Levels' have been proposed by considering data on bioaccumulation and food standards and aim to prevent acceptable intake values and concentrations in fish/shellfish flesh exceeding statutory or recommended levels. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption it has been concluded that the current EQSs for most List II substances for the protection of salt water life should be adequately stringent to protect this use, however for the commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption, these List II EQSs do not appear adequate to protect this use and more stringent 'Warning Levels' have been proposed. For all five uses considered in this report there has been found to be limited information on a number of the parameters considered and in general for indigenous species, this has been found to be especially so when considering migratory fisheries and the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish.


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This survey was the second year of a three year study to examine fish populations in relation to low flows, drought and abstraction in the River Ouse. To fully evaluate the possible effects on fisheries the study set out to encompass fish population surveys from fry to adult stock, analysis of angler catch data, reports from anglers and river reports from Environment Agency Fisheries staff.


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The Drought Monitoring workshop of October 1996, held at the Jarvis Leyland Hotel in Preston, England, established 4 priority issues for dealing with the question: How do we monitor the environment to pick up unexpected change ? 1. Review existing data, and review related study areas throughout the country. 2. Modelling and analysis of data 3. Monitoring / new data / sentinel species' 4. Public relations / Promotion. A group was set up to review issue 1 and feedback to the main group. This report establishes this feedback to the group and refers to existing data / monitoring, other Regional and national work, external Organisations and Recommendations. Appendix 1, is a summary of work completed at the workshop.


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The following brief is to ensure standard criteria and format are used for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects leading to the production of an environmental report or Environmental Statement. This volume is one of a series giving guidance on water resources projects. The water resources projects will predominantly comprise drought orders and permits, time limited and permanent licences. Smaller projects, such as spray irrigation licences, will not require an environmental assessment. This document forms the basis for discussions between the Environment Agency North East Region, consultees and the applicant. The process aims to produce a thorough assessment. Each section addresses consecutive elements of the assessment process. Section 2 outlines the structure for a scoping document, section 3 outlines the structure for an Environmental Statement and section 4 gives guidance on the role of an Environmental Action Plan. Appendices 1 and 2 should be used in conjunction with the scoping process and cover a wide range of aspects. However, some projects may not require all of them to be included, whilst for others, the inclusion of additional factors may be appropriate.


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In its role as protector of the water environment, the Environment Agency requires significant water resources abstraction applications and schemes such as drought orders, drought permits, time limited licences, and river transfers to be environmentally assessed leading to the production of an environmental report or statement. This may not take the form of a formal Environmental Assessment, but is required to provide environmental information to support applications. (See Volume 1 - Guidance for Scoping and Environmental Assessment for Water Resources Projects in North East Region). This second volume concentrates on the environmental monitoring component of environmental assessments.


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A case study of Atlantic Salmon runs into the R. Tyvi (S. Wales) is presented. Radio tracking of over 200 salmon in 1988 and 1989 has demonstrated that flow is an important factor in modifying both run timing and migratory success. Entry of salmon into the river is typically in response to flow events, and periods of low falling flows delay entry and may directly result in reduced runs into the river. Delayed entry may also increase the proportion of the run migrating after the end of both rod and net fishing seasons. The implications of these results for net and rod catch and catch/effort data are discussed, using both statutory reported catch data and data from specific catch/effort studies. Flow is demonstrated to be a dominant factor in determining the within-season distribution of rod catch and catch/effort during low-flow years. Estuarial seine net catch and catch/effort tend to be controlled more by time of return than by flow although low flows may delay runs. Annual reported rod catch is correlated with flow, which controls in season availability, catchability and consequently the amount of fishing effort. Use of catch or catch/effort data should take account of inter-year variations in flow and other environmental factors. Although catch and catch/effort are valuable indicators of fishery performance, they are inadequate to represent changing stock levels.


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O presente estudo visa analisar os processos de transformações econômicos, políticos e socioambientais decorrentes da instalação dos grandes empreendimentos em territórios tradicionais da pesca, mais especificamente, as experiências da comunidade pesqueira da Ilha da Madeira/baía de Sepetiba/Itaguaí-RJ, desde a instalação da Cia Ingá Mercantil (1964) até os dias atuais, identificando, nos vários ciclos de industrialização: os fatores endógenos e exógenos que contribuem para a vulnerabilidade ou sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal e do meio ambiente. Sinalizando, nesta experiência, alguns aspectos que possam servir de referência para outras comunidades pesqueiras que vivenciam problemas similares. Introduzimos a problemática a partir da contextualização da pesca artesanal no Brasil, as políticas, a regulamentação da atividade, a organização dos pescadores. Ao evidenciar a pesca artesanal no estado do Rio de Janeiro, destacamos os conflitos socioambientais decorrentes da instalação de complexos industriais em territórios tradicionalmente ocupados por pescadores, com destaque para os conflitos relativos à instalação do Porto de Açu, em São João da Barra/RJ e os gasodutos para a refinaria de petróleo na baía de Guanabara. Aprofundamos a temática, a partir de um estudo de caso na Ilha da Madeira, baía de Sepetiba, Itaguaí/RJ. Esse território, tradicionalmente ocupado por pescadores, mergulhou em uma crise socioambiental a partir da década de 60 e, desde então, vem passando por diversas transformações: alteração radical da paisagem, degradação ambiental além do sufocamento da atividade pesqueira. Os fatos são evidenciados por meio de pesquisas bibliográficas, documentais, registros fotográficos, sobretudo, história de oral. Em entrevistas com informantes-chave resgatamos as memórias pessoais e, nesse percurso, fomos recuperando parte da história do território. Caracterizando a paisagem, a vida e trabalho dos pescadores, a cultura local: tradições, costumes, valores, aspectos materiais e simbólicos, em um período anterior a chegada das indústrias, quando a Ilha da Madeira era de fato, uma Ilha. Em suas narrativas os entrevistados foram pontuando as sucessões dos trágicos acontecimentos que ocorreram após a instalação da Ingá até os dias atuais. Esses fatos são demarcados em ciclos que compõem a crise socioambiental no território. Um estudo que retrata a injustiça ambiental, a vulnerabilidade de uma comunidade pesqueira, cuja experiência serve de alerta para outras comunidades tradicionais. Ressaltamos a importância das articulações entre os movimentos locais com instâncias extras locais, sinalizando para a necessidade de democratização dos processos decisórios e da gestão compartilhada dos recursos de uso comum. Também pontuamos a urgência de superação do paradigma que dissocia desenvolvimento, natureza e sociedade, fortalecendo uma lógica de produção que, ao se impor como hegemônica sufoca todas outras formas de organização do trabalho.


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We modeled the probability of capturing Pacif ic mackerel (Scomber japonicus) larvae as a function of environmental variables for the Southern California Bight (SCB) most years from 1951 through 2008 and Mexican waters offshore of Baja California from 1951 through 1984. The model exhibited acceptable fit, as indicated by the area under a receiver-operating-characteristic curve of 0.80 but was inconsistent with the zero catches that occurred frequently in the 2000s. Two types of spawners overlapped spatially within the survey area: those that exhibited peak spawning during April in the SCB at about 15.5°C and a smaller group that exhibited peak spawning in August near Punta Eugenia, Mexico, at 20°C or greater. The SCB generally had greater zooplankton than Mexican waters but less appropriate (lower) geostrophic f lows. Mexican waters generally exhibited greater predicted habitat quality than the SCB in cold years. Predicted quality of the habitat in the SCB was greater from the 1980s to 2008 than in the earlier years of the survey primarily because temperatures and geostrophic flows were more appropriate for larvae. However, stock size the previous year had a larger effect on predictions than any environmental variable, indicating that larval Pacific mackerel did not fully occupy the suitable habitat during most years.


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A description of the foraging habitat of a cetacean species is critical for conservation and effective management. We used a fine-scale microhabitat approach to examine patterns in bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) foraging distribution in relation to dissolved oxygen, turbidity, salinity, water depth, water temperature, and distance from shore measurements in a highly turbid estuary on the northern Gulf of Mexico. In general, environmental variation in the Barataria Basin marine environment comprises three primary axes of variability (i.e., factors: temperature and dissolved oxygen, salinity and turbidity, and distance and depth) that represent seasonal, spatial-seasonal, and spatial scales, respectively. Foraging sites were differentiated from nonforaging sites by significant differences among group size, temperature, turbidity, and season. Habitat selection analysis on individual variables indicated that foraging was more frequently observed in waters 4–6 m deep, 200–500 m from shore, and at salinity values of around 20 psu. This fine-scale and multivariate approach represents a useful method of exploring the complexity, gradation, and detail of the relationships between environmental variables and the foraging distribution patterns of bottlenose dolphin.


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Environmental variability affects the distributions of most marine fish species. In this analysis, assemblages of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) species were defined on the basis of similarities in their distributions along environmental gradients. Data from 14 bottom trawl surveys of the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (n=6767) were used. Five distinct assemblages of rockfish were defined by geographical position, depth, and temperature. The 180-m and 275-m depth contours were major divisions between assemblages inhabiting the shelf, shelf break, and lower continental slope. Another noticeable division was between species centered in southeastern Alaska and those found in the northern Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. The use of environmental variables to define the species composition of assemblages is different from the use of traditional methods based on clustering and nonparametric statistics and as such, environmentally based analyses should result in predictable assemblages of species that are useful for ecosystem-based management.


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We estimated annual abundance of juvenile blue (Sebastes mystinus), yellowtail (S. f lavidus), and black (S. melanops) rockfish off northern California over 21 years and evaluated the relationship of abundance to oceanographic variables (sea level anomaly, nearshore temperature, and offshore Ekman transport). Although mean annual abundance was highly variable (0.01−181 fish/minute), trends were similar for the three species. Sea level anomaly and nearshore temperature had the strongest relationship with interannual variation in rockfish abundance, and offshore Ekman transport did not correlate with abundance. Oceanographic events occurring in February and March (i.e., during the larval stage) had the strongest relationship with juvenile abundance, which indicates that year-class strength is determined during the larval stage. Also of note, the annual abundance of juvenile yellowtail rockfish was positively correlated with year-class strength of adult yellowtail rockfish; this finding would indicate the importance of studying juvenile abundance surveys for management purposes.