978 resultados para Electronic energy meter


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The new recast of Directive 2010/31/EU in order to implement the new concept NZEB in new buildings, is to be fully respected by all Member States, and is revealed as important measure to promote the reduction of energy consumption of buildings and encouraging the use of renewable energy. In this study, it was tested the applicability of the nearly zero energy building concept to a big size office building and its impact after a 50-years life cycle span.


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Dissertação apresentada na faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Purpose – Our paper aims at analyzing how different European countries cope with the European Energy Policy, which proposes a set of measures (free energy market, smart meters, energy certificates) to improve energy utilization and management in Europe. Design/methodology/approach – The paper first reports the general vision, regulations and goals set up by Europe to implement the European Energy Policy. Later on, it performs an analysis of how some European countries are coping with the goals, with financial, legal, economical and regulatory measures. Finally, the paper draws a comparison between the countries to present a view on how Europe is responding to the emerging energy emergency of the modern world. Findings – Our analysis on different use cases (countries) showed that European countries are converging to a common energy policy, even though some countries appear to be later than others In particular, Southern European countries were slowed down by the world financial and economical crisis. Still, it appears that contingency plans were put into action, and Europe as a whole is proceeding steadily towards the common vision. Research limitations/implications – European countries are applying yet more cuts to financing green technologies, and it is not possible to predict clearly how each country will evolve its support to the European energy policy. Practical implications – Different countries applied the concepts and measures in different ways. The implementation of the European energy policy has to cope with the resulting plethora of regulations, and a company proposing enhancement regarding energy management still has to possess robust knowledge of the single country, before being able to export experience and know-how between European countries. Originality/Value – Even though a few surveys on energy measures in Europe are already part of the state-of-the-art, organic analysis diagonal to the different topics of the European Energy Policy is missing. Moreover, this paper highlights how European countries are converging on a common view, and provides some details on the differences between the countries, thus facilitating parties interesting into cross-country export of experience and technology for energy management.


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Energy consumption is one of the major issues for modern embedded systems. Early, power saving approaches mainly focused on dynamic power dissipation, while neglecting the static (leakage) energy consumption. However, technology improvements resulted in a case where static power dissipation increasingly dominates. Addressing this issue, hardware vendors have equipped modern processors with several sleep states. We propose a set of leakage-aware energy management approaches that reduce the energy consumption of embedded real-time systems while respecting the real-time constraints. Our algorithms are based on the race-to-halt strategy that tends to run the system at top speed with an aim to create long idle intervals, which are used to deploy a sleep state. The effectiveness of our algorithms is illustrated with an extensive set of simulations that show an improvement of up to 8% reduction in energy consumption over existing work at high utilization. The complexity of our algorithms is smaller when compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. We also eliminate assumptions made in the related work that restrict the practical application of the respective algorithms. Moreover, a novel study about the relation between the use of sleep intervals and the number of pre-emptions is also presented utilizing a large set of simulation results, where our algorithms reduce the experienced number of pre-emptions in all cases. Our results show that sleep states in general can save up to 30% of the overall number of pre-emptions when compared to the sleep-agnostic earliest-deadline-first algorithm.


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The use of a solar photovoltaic (PV) panel simulator can be a valued tool for the design and evaluation of the several components of a photovoltaic system. This simulator is based on power electronic converter controlled in such a way that will behave as a PV panel. Thus, in this paper a PV panel simulator based on a two quadrant DC/DC power converter is proposed. This topology will allow to achieve fast responses, like suddenly changes in the irradiation and temperature. To control the power converter it will be used a fast and robust sliding mode controller. Therefore, with the proposed system I-V curve simulation of a PV panel is obtained. Experimental results from a laboratory prototype are presented in order to confirm the theoretical operation.


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This paper is about a PV system connected to the electric grid by power electronic converters, using classical PI controller. The modelling for the converters emulates the association of a DC-DC boost with a two-level power inverter (TwLI) or three-level power inverter (ThLI) in order to follow the performance of a testing experimental system. Pulse width modulation (PWMo) by sliding mode control (SMCo) associated with space vector modulation (SVMo) is applied to the boost and the inverter. The PV system is described by the five parameters equivalent circuit. Parameter identification and simulation studies are performed for comparison with the testing experimental system.


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This paper focuses on a PV system linked to the electric grid by power electronic converters, identification of the five parameters modeling for photovoltaic systems and the assessment of the shading effect. Normally, the technical information for photovoltaic panels is too restricted to identify the five parameters. An undemanding heuristic method is used to find the five parameters for photovoltaic systems, requiring only the open circuit, maximum power, and short circuit data. The I- V and the P- V curves for a monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous photovoltaic systems are computed from the parameters identification and validated by comparison with experimental ones. Also, the I- V and the P- V curves under the effect of partial shading are obtained from those parameters. The modeling for the converters emulates the association of a DC-DC boost with a two-level power inverter in order to follow the performance of a testing commercial inverter employed on an experimental system. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.


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This work introduces a novel idea for wireless energy transfer, proposing for the first time the unit-cell of an indoor localization and RF harvesting system embedded into the floor. The unit-cell is composed by a 5.8 GHz patch antenna surrounded by a 13.56 MHz coil. The coil locates a device and activate the patch which, connected to a power grid, radiates to wirelessly charge the localized device. The HF and RF circuits co-existence and functionality are demonstrated in this paper, the novelty of which is also in the adoption of low cost and most of all ecofriendly materials, such as wood and cork, as substrates for electronics.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Especialização em Concepção e Produção


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X-Ray Spectrom. 2003; 32: 396–401


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This book discusses in detail the CMOS implementation of energy harvesting. The authors describe an integrated, indoor light energy harvesting system, based on a controller circuit that dynamically and automatically adjusts its operation to meet the actual light circumstances of the environment where the system is placed. The system is intended to power a sensor node, enabling an autonomous wireless sensor network (WSN). Although designed to cope with indoor light levels, the system is also able to work with higher levels, making it an all-round light energy harvesting system. The discussion includes experimental data obtained from an integrated manufactured prototype, which in conjunction with a photovoltaic (PV) cell, serves as a proof of concept of the desired energy harvesting system. © 2016 Springer International Publishing. All rights are reserved.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Um dos princípios da Gestão é: “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” In The Economist – 26.Dez.2008, idea of 19th century English physicist Lord Kelvin. Embora seja uma afirmação aplicável à gestão económica, também pode ser utilizada no domínio da gestão da energia. Este trabalho surge da necessidade sentida pela empresa Continental - Industria Têxtil do Ave, S.A. em efetuar uma atualização dos seus standards de produção, minimizando os seus consumos de eletricidade e gás natural. Foi necessário efetuar o levantamento dos consumos em diversas máquinas e equipamentos industriais, caracterizando e analisando os consumos ao longo de todo o processo produtivo. Para o tratamento de dados recolhidos foi desenvolvida uma folha de cálculo em MS Office ExcelTM com metodologia adequada ao equipamento em análise, que dará apoio ao decisor para a identificação dos aspetos que melhorem o processo produtivo e garantam uma elevada eficiência energética. Porém, não se enquadra no âmbito do Plano Nacional de Racionalização de Energia, sendo uma “auditoria energética” ao processo produtivo. Recentemente, a empresa, tem vindo a utilizar equipamentos eletrónicos que permitem otimizar o funcionamento mecânico dos equipamentos e das potências instaladas dos transformadores, na tentativa de racionalizar o consumo da energia elétrica. Outros equipamentos como, conversores de frequência para controlo de motores, balastros eletrónicos que substituem os convencionais balastros ferromagnéticos das lâmpadas de descarga fluorescente, têm sido incluídos ao nível das instalações elétricas, sendo gradualmente substituída a eletromecânica pela eletrónica. Este tipo de soluções vem deteriorar as formas de onda da corrente e da tensão do sistema pela introdução de distorções harmónicas. Faz ainda parte deste trabalho, um estudo de uma solução que melhore, simultaneamente o fator de potência e reduza as harmónicas presentes num posto de transformação localizado no seio da fábrica. Esta solução, permite melhorar a qualidade da energia elétrica e as condições de continuidade de serviço, garantindo melhores condições de exploração e incrementando a produtividade da empresa.


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The intensive use of distributed generation based on renewable resources increases the complexity of power systems management, particularly the short-term scheduling. Demand response, storage units and electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles also pose new challenges to the short-term scheduling. However, these distributed energy resources can contribute significantly to turn the shortterm scheduling more efficient and effective improving the power system reliability. This paper proposes a short-term scheduling methodology based on two distinct time horizons: hour-ahead scheduling, and real-time scheduling considering the point of view of one aggregator agent. In each scheduling process, it is necessary to update the generation and consumption operation, and the storage and electric vehicles status. Besides the new operation condition, more accurate forecast values of wind generation and consumption are available, for the resulting of short-term and very short-term methods. In this paper, the aggregator has the main goal of maximizing his profits while, fulfilling the established contracts with the aggregated and external players.