991 resultados para Eficiência em edifícios


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Este trabalho avaliou a eficiência mastigatória na maloclusão do tipo Mordida Aberta Anterior por meio do Me-mastig, dispositivo que pode ser utilizado no sentido de se mensurar a eficiência da mastigação, prometendo ser uma alternativa prática, rápida e eficiente para o exame da mastigação. O grupo experimental compôs-se de 106 crianças na faixa etária dos 07 aos 11 anos, divididos em 2 grupos, da seguinte forma: (A) Grupo de Mordida Aberta Anterior, contendo 51 crianças e (B) Grupo Controle, com trespasse vertical normal contendo 55 crianças. Procurou-se avaliar a eficiência mastigatória das crianças dos dois grupos e comparar os resultados, que mostraram que a mastigação do grupo mordida aberta anterior foi menos eficiente quando comparada à do grupo controle; fato que se pode explicar pelas características faciais dos indivíduos portadores da maloclusão estudada e também características da própria maloclusão de mordida aberta anterior. Conclusões, a mordida aberta anterior é responsável por uma diminuição significativa da a Eficiência Mastigatória e o dispositivo Me-mastig se mostrou um método eficaz, de fácil utilização e não dispendioso que pode ser usado na clínica diária para se medir ou avaliar a Eficiência Mastigatória.


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O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi comparar a eficiência oclusal do tratamento ortopédico com os aparelhos funcionais Regulador de Função Fränkel-2 e Bionator de Balters em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental diferente e comparar com um grupo controle. A amostra constituiu-se de 45 registros de documentações, pertencentes ao arquivo do programa de pós-graduação em Odontologia, área de concentração Ortodontia, da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, com má oclusão inicial de Classe II bilateral, divisão 1, sendo 15 pacientes provenientes do grupo tratados com Bionator (grupo 1) com média de idade incial de 8,56 anos e com 80% dos casos em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental-2 (DS 2), 15 pacientes tratados com RF-2 (grupo 2) com média de idade inicial de 10,71 anos e com 80% dos casos em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental-3 (DS 3), e 15 pacientes controle (grupo 3) com media de idade incial de 10,03 anos e com estágio de desenvolvimento dental compatível com os grupos 1 e 2. Os grupos foram divididos em duas fases, de acordo com o período de avaliação: T1:início de tratamento e T2: final de tratamento, totalizando 90 pares de modelos. As avaliações oclusais foram realizadas em modelos de gesso, utilizando o Índice PAR com auxílio da régua PAR e de um paquímetro digital devidamente calibrado. Para comparação entre os três grupos foi utilizado Análise de Variância a um critério e em seguida o Teste de Tukey. A severidade da má oclusão (PAR Inicial) foi semelhante em ambos os grupos, porém, o PAR final apresentou uma diferença estatisticamente significante onde o percentual de redução do índice PAR para o grupo 1 foi de 20,72%, para o grupo 2 foi de 60,06% e no grupo 3 não houve alteração significante do valor do Índice PAR. O presente estudo conclui que o tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II, 1a divisão é mais eficiente quando iniciado no estágio de desenvolvimento dental 3 (DS 3) do que no estágio de desenvolvimento dental 2 (DS2). Além disso, ressalta-se a importância do uso mais prolongado do aparelho ortopédico, já que os pacientes do grupo 2 apresentaram melhores resultados oclusais.(AU)


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The present work aims to demonstrate the link of the principle of efficiency - as expressed in the Constitution of 1988, by Constitutional Amendment No. 19 - with regulatory agencies, more specifically the ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency). It also includes this principle’s importance to regulation - to monitor and manage public services - as well as when an activity will be considered efficient, keeping in mind that agencies are subjected to other principles of public administration. The increasing use of telephony has enabled further development of technologies that provide improvements in the provision of this service. The VoIP (Voice over IP), is nothing more than a technological breakthrough that directly targets the providers of conventional telephone service, both by modifying the business working for a long time with the same technology as the amount of new competitors’ dispute on market share. It also analyses the difficulty of understanding and definition of what is VoIP telephony, its growth and the threats that the traditional and mostly which is ANATEL’s role concerning this telephony technology. As regulator of the telecommunications service, ANATEL not yet regulated the voice telephony service using the IP protocol. What looks over the years is that ANATEL exercise its regulatory function to provide better conditions for competition among providers of VoIP and traditional telephone companies, obviously some difficulties are expected, given that VoIP is a technology that provides two services, through conventional telephony and using the internet.


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This paper addresses the theme of retrotif applied to buildings that belong to the modernist architectural production of historical interest located in the urban area of Natal . The overall objective is to identify and harmonize procedures for retrofit and architectural heritage preservation using elements of constructive analysis of expression and Benefit Cost Ratio ( BCR ) parameters established by the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL . The hypothesis put forward is that by stimulating the projetual year analysis , retrofit interventions , it is possible to obtain better results with projects RCB addressing the issues of preservation of architectural heritage . For both flow analysis of process solutions and proposals for action of elements and systems that seek to improve the energy performance of the building , restoring or preserving the architectural elements were developed . The proposed interventions undergo performance through computer simulations of systems such as DesignBuilder, Solar and Sun Tool. The energy results were converted to the analysis of RCB parameter and compared to the constructive expression of the project because the prenatal and intervention. From the results , a plot was constructed which results in a comparison between the RCB and the constructive expression of the simulated interventions


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Navigation, in both virtual and real environments, is the process of a deliberated movement to a specific place that is usually away from the origin point, and that cannot be perceived from it. Navigation aid techniques (TANs) have as their main objective help finding a path through a virtual environment to a desired location and, are widely used because they ease the navigation on these unknown environments. Tools like maps, GPS (Global Positioning System) or even oral instructions are real world examples of TAN usage. Most of the works which propose new TANs for virtual environments aim to analyze their impact in efficiency gain on navigation tasks from a known place to an unknown place. However, such papers tend to ignore the effect caused by a TAN usage over the route knowledge acquisition process, which is important on virtual to real training transfer, for example. Based on a user study, it was possible to confirm that TANs with different strategies affects the performance of search tasks differently and that the efficiency of the help provided by a TAN is not inversely related to the cognitive load of the technique’s aids. A technique classification formula was created. This formula utilizes three factors instead of only efficiency. The experiment’s data were applied to the formula and we obtained a better refinement of help level provided by TANs.


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This work was performing effluent degradation studies by electrochemical treatment. The electrochemical oxidation (EO) hydroquinone (H2Q) was carried out in acid medium, using PbO2 electrode by galvanostatic electrolysis, applying current densities of 10 and 30 mA/cm2 . The concentration of H2Q was monitored by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The experimental results showed that the galvanostatic electrolysis process performance significantly depends on the applied current density, achieving removal efficiencies of 100% and 80 % and 10 applying 30 mA/cm2 , respectively. Furthermore, the electroanalytical technique was effective in H2Q be used as a detection method. In order to test the efficiency of PbO2 electrode, the electrochemical treatment was conducted in an actual effluent, leachate from a landfill. The liquid waste leachate (600ml effluent) was treated in a batch electrochemical cell, with or without addition of NaCl by applying 7 mA/cm2 . The efficiency of EO was assessed against the removal of thermo-tolerant coliforms, total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorus and metals (copper, cobalt, chromium, iron and nickel). These results showed that efficient removal of coliforms was obtained (100%), and was further decrease the concentration of heavy metals by the cathode processes. However, results were not satisfactory TOC, achieving low total removal of dissolved organic load. Because it is considered an effluent complex were developed other tests with this effluent to monitor a larger number of decontamination parameters (Turbidity, Total Solids, Color, Conductivity, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and metals (barium, chromium, lithium, manganese and Zinc), comparing the efficiency of this type of electrochemical treatment (EO or electrocoagulation) using a flow cell. In this assay was compared to electro streaming. In the case of the OE, Ti/IrO2-TaO5 was used as the anode, however, the electrocoagulation process, aluminum electrodes were used; applying current densities of 10, 20 and 30 mA/cm2 in the presence and absence of NaCl as an electrolyte. The results showed that EO using Ti/IrO2–TaO5 was anode as efficient when Cl- was present in the effluent. In contrast, the electrocoagulation flow reduces the dissolved organic matter in the effluent, under certain experimental conditions.


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This study evaluates the cost effectiveness of municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the execution of spending in basic education carried out in 2011, as well as analyze the determinants of the inefficiency of the same. For this, we used two methodological approaches (i) stochastic frontier cost, and (ii) analyze data envelopment (DEA), which allows to identify the efficient frontier of the municipalities analyzed non-parametrically. Results show that municipalities under review achieved low efficiency rates in the stochastic frontier cost, while the DEA method they achieved higher rates where nineteen among them reached full efficiency. The results suggest that a significant portion of the Potiguar municipalities should review its administrative practices, especially the means of allocation of resources. In regard to determining the efficiency observed distinct results by the two methods.


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Contamination of groundwater by BTX has been featured in recent decades. This type of contamination is due to small and continuous leaks at gas stations, causing serious problems to public health and the environment. Based on these antecedents, the search for new alternatives for treating contaminated water is shown to be essential. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of removal of BTX by adsorption processes employing commercial alumina (Al2O3) and alumina supported with iron (Fe/Al2O3) as adsorbents. It was prepared by a in a synthetic gasoline solution and distilled water to simulate an actual sample. Initially, the adsorbents were characterized by techniques XRD, TG / DTG, XRF, FTIR and SEM/EDS, several trials, where he was placed synthetic solution to react in the presence of Al2O3 and Fe/Al2O3 in a closed, mechanical stirring system were performed varying the catalyst concentration 2, 4 and 6 g.L-1 every 0, 10, 30 60, 90 and 120 min, aliquots were taken and brought to analysis by gas chromatography flame ionization with headspace extraction. The results indicated that the absorbent which has higher BTX removal capacity was the Fe/Al2O3 at a concentration of 6 g.L-1, pH = 4 and time of 90 minutes reaction, resulting in an efficiency, resulting in a 86,5% efficiency for benzene removal, for the 95,4% toluene, 90,8% for ɱ,ρ- xylene and 93.7% for the θ-xylenes. Subsequently, we performed a kinetic study of the reactions, the values of experimental adsorption capacity (qe) showed agreement with the values of the theoretical adsorption capacity (qc) to the pseudo-second-order model in the adsorption tests using 2 and 6 gL-1 of Al2O3 and assays using 2, 4 and 6 g.L-1 of Fe/Al2O3. A fact corroborated by the R2 values, thus indicating that the chemical interactions are present in the adsorption mechanisms of BTX.


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Traditional methods for dentures fabrication require a wide clinical and laboratory procedures; however, there is no scientific evidence that these methods can produce better results when compared with simplified methods. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a simplified methods for denture fabrication, comparing it to the traditional one through masticatory efficiency and prosthesis quality. Method: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 50 patients, 25 rehabilitated with prosthesis produced by traditional technique and 25 rehabilitated by a simplified technique. The masticatory efficiency was evaluated by colorimetric method, using chewing capsules. The quality of prosthesis was obtained using a reliable and reproducible instrument. Statistical analysis of the masticatory efficiency and quality of the prosthesis was obtained by the Mann-Whitney test. Results: 39 patients completed the study, 18 on traditional group and 21 on simplified group. There was no difference between groups for the masticatory efficiency (p = 0.835) and the quality of the prosthesis (p = 0672). The evaluation of the overall quality of the prosthesis according to oral conditions, demonstrated significant difference on the height of the mandibular ridges (p = 0.010) and mandibular muscle attachments (p = 0.039). Conclusion: Complete dentures fabricated by simplified method were considered effective from the point of view of masticatory efficiency and quality of prosthetics, with results similar to those made by the traditional method.


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Traditional methods for dentures fabrication require a wide clinical and laboratory procedures; however, there is no scientific evidence that these methods can produce better results when compared with simplified methods. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a simplified methods for denture fabrication, comparing it to the traditional one through masticatory efficiency and prosthesis quality. Method: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 50 patients, 25 rehabilitated with prosthesis produced by traditional technique and 25 rehabilitated by a simplified technique. The masticatory efficiency was evaluated by colorimetric method, using chewing capsules. The quality of prosthesis was obtained using a reliable and reproducible instrument. Statistical analysis of the masticatory efficiency and quality of the prosthesis was obtained by the Mann-Whitney test. Results: 39 patients completed the study, 18 on traditional group and 21 on simplified group. There was no difference between groups for the masticatory efficiency (p = 0.835) and the quality of the prosthesis (p = 0672). The evaluation of the overall quality of the prosthesis according to oral conditions, demonstrated significant difference on the height of the mandibular ridges (p = 0.010) and mandibular muscle attachments (p = 0.039). Conclusion: Complete dentures fabricated by simplified method were considered effective from the point of view of masticatory efficiency and quality of prosthetics, with results similar to those made by the traditional method.


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O crescimento da utilização de energia nas diversas organizações tem levado a uma maior preocupação com a gestão dessa energia. Sendo assim, têm sido desenvolvidas ferramentas que pretendem melhorar a gestão da energia, como o caso dos Sistemas de Gestão de Energia (SGE). Nesta dissertação, pretende-se estudar a metodologia para a implementação de um SGE num edifício escolar, com base na Norma ISO 50001. Para testar esta implementação utilizou-se como caso de estudo a Escola Secundária de Pombal. Para a implementação do SGE, foram seguidos todos os requisitos presentes na Norma ISO 50001, iniciando-se com uma análise energética ao edifício, através de uma análise dos dados energéticos desde o ano letivo 2012/2013 até ao ano letivo 2014/2015. Numa segunda fase, procurar-se-á explicar como cumprir todos os pontos da norma, explicando o que fazer em cada caso, as ações que se devem realizar, assim como os documentos que devem existir. Por fim será desenvolvida uma abordagem à forma como se deve auditar um SGE, segundo a mesma norma, com aplicação a esta escola mas com potencial de aplicação a todos os edifícios que se assemelhem a este.


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A transformação de elementos naturais em alimentos foi, é e será um tema central na actividade humana, convocando perícia, recursos, objectos e cultura, construindo em seu redor toda uma sociabilização e estabelecendo a refeição como um cerne civilizacional. Neste cenário, ritualizado na cozinha e na sala, convergem os mais diversos elementos disponibilizados pela sociedade contemporânea para produzir a refeição e dele resultam os mais diversos resíduos. Numa sociedade, em que a consciencialização da finitude dos recursos aliada ao aumento demográfico exponencial, gerou uma atitude ecológica que se tenta difundir e aumentar num panorama multicontraditório, todas as contribuições ganham uma urgência e validade significativa, sendo neste contexto que um trabalho de investigação pelo design, dedicado ao aumento de eficiência na confecção e consumo de refeições, assume a sua contribuição. Desde a utilização da tampa até aos mais recentes electrodomésticos, que a necessidade de uma maior eficiência energética se manifestou, embora de uma maneira difusa e colateral num contexto dominado pela qualidade, diversidade gastronómica e tempo de confecção. Pela análise das práticas, dos objectos e do espaço utilizados, verifica-se que existe um potencial de economia de recursos, que se pode obter pelo design de objectos e processos, relevantes para a refeição, que alarga e complementa as acções já implementadas, constituindo uma investigação em design que aborda várias dimensões desde aspectos históricos à produção de novos objectos e processos. Um olhar renovado e orientado para a eficiência coloca questões que, não pondo em causa aspectos qualitativos e culturais da refeição, poderão modificar e/ou complementar objectos e processos, melhorando práticas, potenciando espaços e relações. A concretização de cinco objectos e as pistas de investigação sugeridas demonstram a pertinência desta proposta e são o culminar deste trabalho.


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SILVA, Jorge Luiz Mariano da. Eficiência técnica dos produtores familiares no projeto de irrigação do Baixo Açu/RN.In: CONGRESSO SA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL,42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Dinâmcias Setorias e Desevolvimento Regional, 2004.


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SILVA, J. L. M. da; SAMPAIO, L. M. . Eficiência, Gestão e Meio Ambiente na Carcinicultura do Rio Grande do Norte. In: Congresso da Sociendade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural - SOBER, 40., 2007, Londrina. Conhecimentos para a Agricultura do Futuro, 2007.


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The definition of the boundaries of the firms is subject that has occupied the organizational theorists long ago, being the seminal work of Coase (1937) indicated as the trigger for one theoretical evolution, with emphasis on governance structures, which led to a modern theory of incomplete contracts. The Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Agency Theory arise within this evolution, being widely used in studies related to the theme. Empirically, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has established itself as a suitable tool for analysis of efficiency. Although TCE argues that specific assets must be internalized, recent studies outside the mainstream of theory show that, often, firms may decide, for various reasons, hire them on the market. Researches on transaction costs face with the unavailability of information and methodological difficulties in measuring their critical variables. There`s still the need for further methodological deepening. The theoretical framework includes classic works of TCE and Agency Theory, but also more recent works, outside the mainstream of TCE, which warn about the existence of strategies in use of specific assets that aren`t necessarily aligned with the classical ideas of TCE. The Brazilian oil industry is the focus of this thesis, that aimed to evaluate the efficiency of contracts involving high specificity service outsourced by Petrobras. In order to this, we made the categorization of outsourced services in terms of specificity, as well the description of services with higher specificity. Then, we verified the existence of relationship between the specificity of services and a number of variables, being found divergent results than those that are preached by the mainstream of TCE. Then, we designed a DEA model to analyze the efficiency in the use of onshore drilling rigs, identified among the services of highest specificity. The next step was the application of the model to evaluate the performance of drilling rigs contracts. Finally, we verified the existence of relationship between the efficiency of contracts and a number of variables, being found, again, results not consistent with the theory mainstream. Regarding to analyze of efficiency of drilling rigs contracts, the model developed is compatible with what is found in academic productions in efficiency of drilling rigs. The results on efficiency show a wide range of scores, with efficiencies ranging from 31.79% to 100%, being low the sample efficiency average. There is consonance between the model results and the practices adopted by Petrobras. The results strengthen the DEA as an important tool in studies of efficiency with possibility to use for analysis other types of contracts. In terms of theoretical findings, the results reinforce the arguments that there are situations in which the strategies of the organizations, in terms of use of assets and services of high specificity, do not necessarily follow what is recommended by the mainstream of TCE