987 resultados para Diffusion-weighted imaging
Objective: To measure renal tissue oxygenation in young normo-and hypertensive volunteers under conditions of salt loading and depletion using blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI). Design and Methods: Ten normotensive (NT) male volunteers (age 26.5_7.4 y) and eight non-treated, hypertensive (HT) male volunteers (age 28.8_5.7 y) were studied after one week on a high salt (HS) regimen (6g of salt/day added to their normal regimen) and again after one week of a low sodium diet (LS). On the 8th day, BOLD-MRI was performed under standard hydration conditions. Four coronal slices were selected in each kidney, and combination sequence was used to acquire T2* weighted images. The mean R2* (1/T2*) was measured to determine cortical and medullar oxygenation. Results: Baseline characteristics and their changes are shown in the table. The mean cortical R2* was not different under conditions of HS or LS (17.8_1.3 vs. 18.2_0.6 respectively in NT group, p_0.27; 17.4_0.6 vs 17.8_0.9 in HT group, p_0.16). However, the mean medullary R2* was significantly lower under LS conditions in both groups (31.3_0.6 vs 28.1_0.8 in NT group, p_0.05; 30.3_0.8 vs 27.9_1.5 in HT group, p_0.05), corresponding to higher medullary oxygenation as compared to HS conditions, without significant changes in hemoglobin or hematocrit values. The salt induced changes in medullary oxygenation were comparable in the two groups (ANOVA, p_0.1). Conclusion: Dietary sodium restriction leads to increased renal medullary oxygenation compared to high sodium intake in normo-and hypertensive subjects. This observation may in part explain the potential renal benefits of a low sodium intake.
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is useful for visualizing the localization of phospholipids on biological tissue surfaces creating great opportunities for IMS in lipidomic investigations. With advancements in IMS of lipids, there is a demand for large-scale tissue studies necessitating stable, efficient and well-defined sample handling procedures. Our work within this article shows the effects of different storage conditions on the phospholipid composition of sectioned tissues from mouse organs. We have taken serial sections from mouse brain, kidney and liver thaw mounted unto ITO-coated glass slides and stored them under various conditions later analyzing them at fixed time points. A global decrease in phospholipid signal intensity is shown to occur and to be a function of time and temperature. Contrary to the global decrease, oxidized phospholipid and lysophospholipid species are found to increase within 2 h and 24 h, respectively, when mounted sections are kept at ambient room conditions. Imaging experiments reveal that degradation products increase globally across the tissue. Degradation is shown to be inhibited by cold temperatures, with sample integrity maintained up to a week after storage in −80 °C freezer under N2 atmosphere. Overall, the results demonstrate a timeline of the effects of lipid degradation specific to sectioned tissues and provide several lipid species which can serve as markers of degradation. Importantly, the timeline demonstrates oxidative sample degradation begins appearing within the normal timescale of IMS sample preparation of lipids (i.e. 1-2 h) and that long-term degradation is global. Taken together, these results strengthen the notion that standardized procedures are required for phospholipid IMS of large sample sets, or in studies where many serial sections are prepared together but analyzed over time such as in 3-D IMS reconstruction experiments.
Black-blood fast spin-echo imaging is a powerful technique for the evaluation of cardiac anatomy. To avoid fold-over artifacts, using a sufficiently large field of view in phase-encoding direction is mandatory. The related oversampling affects scanning time and respiratory chest motion artifacts are commonly observed. The excitation of a volume that exclusively includes the heart without its surrounding structures may help to improve scan efficiency and minimize motion artifacts. Therefore, and by building on previously reported inner-volume approach, the combination of a black-blood fast spin-echo sequence with a two-dimensionally selective radiofrequency pulse is proposed for selective "local excitation" small field of view imaging of the heart. This local excitation technique has been developed, implemented, and tested in phantoms and in vivo. With this method, small field of view imaging of a user-specified region in the human thorax is feasible, scanning becomes more time efficient, motion artifacts can be minimized, and additional flexibility in the choice of imaging parameters can be exploited.
The feasibility of three-dimensional (3D) whole-heart imaging of the coronary venous (CV) system was investigated. The hypothesis that coronary magnetic resonance venography (CMRV) can be improved by using an intravascular contrast agent (CA) was tested. A simplified model of the contrast in T(2)-prepared steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging was applied to calculate optimal T(2)-preparation durations for the various deoxygenation levels expected in venous blood. Non-contrast-agent (nCA)- and CA-enhanced images were compared for the delineation of the coronary sinus (CS) and its main tributaries. A quantitative analysis of the resulting contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in both approaches was performed. Precontrast visualization of the CV system was limited by the poor CNR between large portions of the venous blood and the surrounding tissue. Postcontrast, a significant increase in CNR between the venous blood and the myocardium (Myo) resulted in a clear delineation of the target vessels. The CNR improvement was 347% (P < 0.05) for the CS, 260% (P < 0.01) for the mid cardiac vein (MCV), and 430% (P < 0.05) for the great cardiac vein (GCV). The improvement in SNR was on average 155%, but was not statistically significant for the CS and the MCV. The signal of the Myo could be significantly reduced to about 25% (P < 0.001).
A collection of spherical obstacles in the unit ball in Euclidean space is said to be avoidable for Brownian motion if there is a positive probability that Brownian motion diffusing from some point in the ball will avoid all the obstacles and reach the boundary of the ball. The centres of the spherical obstacles are generated according to a Poisson point process while the radius of an obstacle is a deterministic function. If avoidable con gurations are generated with positive probability Lundh calls this percolation di usion. An integral condition for percolation di ffusion is derived in terms of the intensity of the point process and the function that determines the radii of the obstacles.
Recently a new measure of the cooperative behavior of simultaneous time series was introduced (Carmeli et al. NeuroImage 2005). This measure called S-estimator is defined from the embedding dimension in a state space. S-estimator quantifies the amount of synchronization within a data set by comparing the actual dimensionality of the set with the expected full dimensionality of the asynchronous set. It has the advantage of being a multivariate measure over traditionally used in systems neuroscience bivariate measures of synchronization. Multivariate measures of synchronization are of particular interest for applications in the field of modern multichannel EEG research, since they easily allow mapping of local and/or regional synchronization and are compatible with other imaging techniques. We applied Sestimator to the analysis of EEG synchronization in schizophrenia patients vs. matched controls. The whole-head mapping with S-estimator revealed a specific pattern of local synchronization in schizophrenia patients. The differences in the landscape of synchronization included decreased local synchronization in the territories over occipital and midline areas and increased synchronization over temporal areas. In frontal areas, the S-estimator revealed a tendency for an asymmetry: decreased S-values over the left hemisphere were adjacent to increased values over the right hemisphere. Separate calculations showed reproducibility of this pattern across the main EEG frequency bands. The maintenance of the same synchronization landscape across EEG frequencies probably implies the structural changes in the cortical circuitry of schizophrenia patients. These changes are regionally specific and suggest that schizophrenia is a misconnectivity rather than hypo- or hyper-connectivity disorder.
This document provides general information about somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with (111)In-pentetreotide. This guideline should not be regarded as the only approach to visualise tumours expressing somatostatin receptors or as exclusive of other nuclear medicine procedures useful to obtain comparable results. The aim of this guideline is to assist nuclear medicine physicians in recommending, performing, reporting and interpreting the results of (111)In-pentetreotide scintigraphy.
The effect of copper (Cu) filtration on image quality and dose in different digital X-ray systems was investigated. Two computed radiography systems and one digital radiography detector were used. Three different polymethylmethacrylate blocks simulated the pediatric body. The effect of Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness on the entrance surface dose (ESD) and the corresponding effective doses (EDs) were measured at tube voltages of 60, 66, and 73 kV. Image quality was evaluated in a contrast-detail phantom with an automated analyzer software. Cu filters of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm thickness decreased the ESD by 25-32%, 32-39%, and 40-44%, respectively, the ranges depending on the respective tube voltages. There was no consistent decline in image quality due to increasing Cu filtration. The estimated ED of anterior-posterior (AP) chest projections was reduced by up to 23%. No relevant reduction in the ED was noted in AP radiographs of the abdomen and pelvis or in posterior-anterior radiographs of the chest. Cu filtration reduces the ESD, but generally does not reduce the effective dose. Cu filters can help protect radiosensitive superficial organs, such as the mammary glands in AP chest projections.
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Background / Purpose : Lemierre Syndrome (LS) is defined by a recent oro-pharangeal infection, the clinical presence or radiological demonstration of internal jugular vein (IJV) thrombosis and documented anaerobe germ, principally Fusobacterium necrophorum (Fn) leading to septicaemia and septic embolization. It is a rare infection described since 1900 and it nearly disappeared since the beginning of the antibiotic area. Even if it is seldom described in the literature, this infection is reappearing in the last 10 years, either because of the increase of antibiotic resistance or by modification of antibiotic prescription. The aim of this study is to describe the role of medical imaging in the diagnosis, staging and follow up of Lemierre syndrome, as well as to describe the ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of this rare disease. Patients and methods : Radiological and medical files of patients diagnosed with Lemierre syndrome in the past 6 years at CHUV hospital were analysed retrospectively. The CT scan, US, colour Doppler US (CDUS) and MRI examinations that were performed have been examined so as to define their specific imaging findings. Results IJV thrombosis was demonstrated in 2 cases by US, by CT in 6 cases and MRI in one case. Septic pulmonary emboli were detected by CT in 5 patients. Complications of the LS were depicted by MR in one case and by CT in 1 case. Conclusion : In the appropriate clinical settings, US, CT or MR evidence of IJV thrombosis and chest CT suggestive of septic emboli, should lead the physician to consider the diagnosis of LS. As a consequence, imaging allows a faster diagnosis and a more efficient treatment of this infection, which in case of insufficient therapy can lead to death.
Allocating Resources to HSS Boards: Proposed Changes to the Weighted Capitation Formula - Final Consultation Summary
Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is an emergent and innovative approach for measuring the composition, abundance and regioselectivity of molecules within an investigated area of fixed dimension. Although providing unprecedented molecular information compared with conventional MS techniques, enhancement of protein signature by IMS is still necessary and challenging. This paper demonstrates the combination of conventional organic washes with an optimized aqueous-based buffer for tissue section preparation before matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) IMS of proteins. Based on a 500 mM ammonium formate in water-acetonitrile (9:1; v/v, 0.1% trifluororacetic acid, 0.1% Triton) solution, this buffer wash has shown to significantly enhance protein signature by profiling and IMS (~fourfold) when used after organic washes (70% EtOH followed by 90% EtOH), improving the quality and number of ion images obtained from mouse kidney and a 14-day mouse fetus whole-body tissue sections, while maintaining a similar reproducibility with conventional tissue rinsing. Even if some protein losses were observed, the data mining has demonstrated that it was primarily low abundant signals and that the number of new peaks found is greater with the described procedure. The proposed buffer has thus demonstrated to be of high efficiency for tissue section preparation providing novel and complementary information for direct on-tissue MALDI analysis compared with solely conventional organic rinsing.
Purpose/Aim: To review the embryological basis of a wide spectrum of anorectal malformations (ARM), to provide anatomical schemas showing the possiblelocations of fistulas in boys and girls and to present the typical imaging findings of these complex anomalies using various imaging methods with emphasis on3T-MRI.Content Organization: 1. Embryology. 2. Imaging techniques. 3. Normal 3T-MRI pelvic anatomy. 4. Ano-rectal malformations in boys: - Classification -Anatomic schemas of location of fistulas. - Imaging studies. 5. Ano-rectal malformations in girls: - Classification - Anatomic schemas of location of fistulas. -Imaging studies. 6. Imaging of Currarino syndrome. 7. Imaging of Vacterl syndrome.Summary: ARM are a group of complex anatomical alterations characterized by an abnormal separation of genitourinary system from hindgut. The major teachingpoints of this pictorial essay are to show: - The normal anatomy of the pelvis floor and the sphincter muscle complex in 3T-MRI. - Anatomic schemas of thedifferent types of ARM in boys and girls. - Imaging findings of a wide spectrum of ARM using a multimodality approach. including colostogramm, voidingcystourethrogramm and MRI of the pelvis.