981 resultados para Cultural criticism


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Cross-cultural education is thought to develop critical consciousness of how unequal distributions of power and privilege affect people’s health. Learners in different sociopolitical settings can join together in developing critical consciousness – awareness of power and privilege dynamics in society – by means of communication technology. The aim of this research was to define strengths and limitations of existing cross-cultural discussions in generating critical consciousness. The setting was the FAIMER international fellowship program for mid-career interdisciplinary health faculty, whose goal is to foster global advancement of health professions education. Fellows take part in participant-led, online, written, task-focused discussions on topics like professionalism, community health, and leadership. We reflexively identified text that brought sociopolitical topics into the online environment during the years 2011 and 2012 and used a discourse analysis toolset to make our content analysis relevant to critical consciousness. While references to participants’ cultures and backgrounds were infrequent, narratives of political-, gender-, religion-, and other culture-related topics did emerge. When participants gave accounts of their experiences and exchanged cross-cultural stories, they were more likely to develop ad hoc networks to support one another in facing those issues than explore issues relating to the development of critical consciousness. We suggest that cross-cultural discussions need to be facilitated actively to transform learners’ frames of reference, create critical consciousness, and develop cultural competence. Further research is needed into how to provide a safe environment for such learning and provide faculty development for the skills needed to facilitate these exchanges.


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This article offers a history of the working practices of the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. Based on extensive interviews with former members and on research into a new archive of the Centre, housed in the Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham, it argues that cultural studies as practised in the 1970s was always a heterogeneous subject. The CCCS was heavily influenced by the events of 1968 when it tried to develop a new type of radical and collaborative research and teaching agenda. Despite Stuart Hall's efforts to impose a focused link between politics and academic practice, the agenda soon gave way to a series of diverse and fruitful initiatives associated with the ‘sub-groups’ model of research.


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Reflecting developments in the broader penological realm, accounts have been advanced over the last number of decades about a ‘punitive turn’ in the youth justice systems of Western democracies. Against the background of this work, this project seeks to identify convergent and divergent trends in the youth justice systems of England, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as well as the rationalities and discourses animating these. The results lend support to research emphasising the continued salience of national, regional and local factors on penal outcomes but also suggest the need to steer an analytical path somewhere between nomothetic (convergent) and idiographic (divergent) accounts.


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Of all the rituals of ancient Rome none was more spectacular than the triumph. Scholarly attention has long been devoted to the origins and circumstances of this ritual, but lately the role of the triumph in moral discourse has also come into focus. Emperors could gain great military prestige from celebrating a triumphus, yet this prestige could (posthumously) be undermined by hostile historians and biographers who used descriptions of triumphal processions to cast unpopular emperors in a negative light. Discussing in particular the ‘bad triumphs’ of Nero, Elagabalus, and Gallienus, but also considering many other cases, this article explores how triumphal descriptions could be employed as literary weapons. Ancient authors did not hesitate to emphasize, distort, or invent certain aspects of the ritual to suit their purposes. In fact, the triumphal idiom proved such a powerful tool for the delegitimation of emperors that it was even employed to situations which did not constitute triumphal celebrations at all. Hence the cultural elite sought to control the meaning of the ritual and to establish whether emperors counted as benign rulers or tyrants.


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Os autores abordam a temática do turismo cultural numa perspectiva antropológica, visando a sustentabilidade de práticas tradicionais articuladas com o processo dinÂmico da inovação e da mudança.


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Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em educação pré-escolar e em ensino do 1.º ciclo do ensino básico


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Hace algunos años estuve reuniendo datos genealógicos bajo la g¡ría de Eladio Jiukám, el apu o líder de una comunidad Aguaruna en el Alto Río Mayo del Peru. Empezamos a discutir el concepto de patáa, palabra aguaruna usualmente traducida como "familia". Eladio insistió en que patóa incluye no sólo a todos los residentes de su comunidad, sino virtualmente a todos los Aguarunas del valle (aproximadamente 1100 personas), hasta abarcar aldeas tan lejanas como aquellas que están a cinco días de viaje a pie. A pesar de que no todas las personas en la comunidad de Eladio comparten su amplia perspectiva sobre lo que constituye una "familia", sus comentarios demuestran un hecho importante: Eladio y los demás miembros de esta aislada, y aparentemente autónoma comunidad, piensan en sí mismos como si estuvieran vinculados estrechamente con las demás comunidades de la región.


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Portugal não foi exceção à globalização do mundo e hoje é procurado por povos de toda a parte. A diferença cultural destes povos/minorias reflete-se nas escolas a partir do 1.° Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB). No enquadramento teórico de vários autores sobre educação inter/ multicultural para as minorias, abordámos questões sobre a "Sociedade Inter/ Multicultural, Escola Multicultural”, a "Educação Multicultural", e a "Autonomia da escola e gestão do Currículo”. Focalizámos o estudo na "Escola e Minorias étnicas”, na relação da escola com, "estereótipos, preconceitos e atitudes” na sua inter ação com a comunidade e estudámos o caso concreto da escola e a etnia cigana. No estudo empírico, através de um questionário, recolhemos a opinião dos docentes de seis concelhos do distrito de Évora de Escolas do 1.° CEB, sobre as ”Práticas Educativas Desejáveis" e “Existentes” nas escolas em relação a estes alunos. Os resultados obtidos levam-nos a concluir que as práticas educativas existentes não respeitam totalmente a cultura dos alunos de minorias/ciganos mas que existe uma sensibilização para práticas educativas que transformem a escola numa escola multicultural. /ABSTRACT - School and Student's Cultural Diversity Portugal was not exception to the world's globalization and today is looked by peoples (ethnic minorities) of all different places. The cultural difference of these peoples/minorities reflects in the schools since 1.st degree (1. ° Ciclo do Ensino Básico). In the theoretical part of several authors on inter/multicultural education for the minorities, we approached questions on the "Inter/Multicultural Society,” Multicultural School", "School and multicultural education", the "School’s autonomy, curriculum management and multicultural education". We focused the study on the "gypsies" (ethnic minority) approaching questions of´Minority ethnic and school” and "School, Preconceptions and Stereotypes". In the empirical study, through a questionnaire, we collected the opinion of the professors of 1.st degree, from six councils (concelhos) of Évora's district, on "Desirable Educative Practice" and "the Existing ones" in the schools in relation to these pupils. The gotten results take us to conclude that the existing educative practice do not totally respect the culture of the pupils of minorities/gypsies but that exists a sensibilization for educative practice that transform the school into a multicultural school.


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Partindo do objeto de estudo: a gestão do currículo para a diversidade cultural é nossa intenção compreender a forma como o discurso do multiculturalismo se encontra presente nos principais documentos definidores de uma política de escola e na postura desta e dos professores, através das decisões e práticas adotadas perante uma realidade diversificada, na presença de culturas de imigrantes. A construção do saber e a análise que fazemos da forma como o currículo é gerido, seguiram um percurso assente num quadro teórico nos campos curricular e da educação intercultural, bem como nas opções metodológicas em que o estudo assenta, e às quais recorremos para a realização da componente empírica. Nesta, analisamos a forma como as escolas-alvo de estudo e os professores respondem à presença dos alunos imigrantes através das representações dos próprios alunos, seus professores e responsáveis pelas escolas; ou seja, analisamos a forma como é gerido o currículo para a diversidade cultural. /ABSTRACT - Taking the subject under study: curricular management for cultural diversity, as our starting point, our aim is to gain an understanding of the nature of multiculturalism as portrayed in the main documents that define school policy as well as in the position taken both by the school and the teachers, in the light of the decisions and practices adopted in the presence of a culturally diverse reality, immigrant cultures. The construction of a body of knowledge and the assessment we make of how the curriculum is managed, has been based on a theoretical framework in the areas of intercultural curricula and education, as well as on the choice of methodology for the study used in carrying out the empirical component In the latter, We have analysed the way in which the schools and the teachers under study responded to the presence of immigrant pupils, seen in the descriptions given by the pupils themselves, their teachers and those responsible for the schools, that is to say, we have analysed the way in which the curriculum for cultural diversity has been managed.


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O turismo cultural tem múltiplas facetas e varia entre as diferentes regiões geográficas. Hoje, os turistas culturais desejam conhecer e compreender os lugares que visitam, particularmente, o património material e imaterial de uma região ou país. O desenvolvimento do turismo cultural tem atraído a atenção de vários investigadores, especialmente, do campo da Sociologia, da Antropologia, da Geografia e do Turismo que procuram analisá-lo na vertente da oferta e da procura. Por outro lado, tem existido muito debate académico sobre o que realmente é o turismo cultural e quem são os turistas culturais. Uma das complexidades em definir o turismo cultural está na diversidade da cultura que os turistas consomem. Palavras-