970 resultados para Colon, Willie, 1950-
Considering the different potential benefits of divergent fiber ingredients, the effect of 3 fiber sources on energy and macronutrient digestibility, fermentation product formation, postprandial metabolite responses, and colon histology of overweight cats (Felis catus) fed kibble diets was compared. Twenty-four healthy adult cats were assigned in a complete randomized block design to 2 groups of 12 animals, and 3 animals from each group were fed 1 of 4 of the following kibble diets: control (CO; 11.5% dietary fiber), beet pulp (BP; 26% dietary fiber), wheat bran (WB; 24% dietary fiber), and sugarcane fiber (SF; 28% dietary fiber). Digestibility was measured by the total collection of feces. After 16 d of diet adaptation and an overnight period without food, blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride postprandial responses were evaluated for 16 h after continued exposure to food. On d 20, colon biopsies of the cats were collected under general anesthesia. Fiber addition reduced food energy and nutrient digestibility. Of all the fiber sources, SF had the least dietary fiber digestibility (P < 0.05), causing the largest reduction of dietary energy digestibility (P < 0.05). The greater fermentability of BP resulted in reduced fecal DM and pH, greater fecal production [g/(cat x d); as-is], and greater fecal concentration of acetate, propionate, and lactate (P < 0.05). For most fecal variables, WB was intermediate between BP and SF, and SF was similar to the control diet except for an increased fecal DM and firmer feces production for the SF diet (P < 0.05). Postprandial evaluations indicated reduced mean glucose concentration and area under the glucose curve in cats fed the SF diet (P < 0.05). Colon mucosa thickness, crypt area, lamina propria area, goblet cell area, crypt mean size, and crypt in bifurcation did not vary among the diets. According to the fiber solubility and fermentation rates, fiber sources can induce different physiological responses in cats, reduce energy digestibility, and favor glucose metabolism (SF), or improve gut health (BP).
Background: Soybean oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which are associated with higher incidence and more severe cases of inflammatory bowel diseases. The authors evaluated whether partial replacement of soybean oil by medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) or olive oil influenced the incidence and severity of experimental ulcerative colitis by using different parenteral lipid emulsions (LEs). Methods: Wistar rats (n = 40) were randomized to receive parenteral infusion of the following LE: 100% soybean oil (SO), 50% MCT mixed with 50% soybean oil (MCT/SO), 80% olive oil mixed with 20% soybean oil (OO/SO), or saline (CC). After 72 hours of infusion, acetic acid experimental colitis was induced. After 24 hours, colon histology and cytokine expression were analyzed. Results: SO was not significantly associated with overall tissue damage. MCT/SO was not associated with necrosis (P < .005), whereas OO/SO had higher frequencies of ulcer and necrosis (P < .005). SO was associated with increased expression of interferon-gamma (P = .005) and OO/SO with increased interleukin (IL)-6 and decreased tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression (P < .05). MCT/SO appeared to decrease IL-1 (P < .05) and increase IL-4 (P < .001) expression. Conclusions: Parenteral SO with high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids was not associated with greater tissue damage in experimental colitis. SO partial replacement with MCT/SO decreased the frequency of histological necrosis and favorably modulated cytokine expression in the colon; however, replacement with OO/SO had unfavorable effects. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012; 36: 442-448)
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common tumour type in both sexes combined in Western countries. Although screening programmes including the implementation of faecal occult blood test and colonoscopy might be able to reduce mortality by removing precursor lesions and by making diagnosis at an earlier stage, the burden of disease and mortality is still high. Improvement of diagnostic and treatment options increased staging accuracy, functional outcome for early stages as well as survival. Although high quality surgery is still the mainstay of curative treatment, the management of CRC must be a multi-modal approach performed by an experienced multi-disciplinary expert team. Optimal choice of the individual treatment modality according to disease localization and extent, tumour biology and patient factors is able to maintain quality of life, enables long-term survival and even cure in selected patients by a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. Treatment decisions must be based on the available evidence, which has been the basis for this consensus conference-based guideline delivering a clear proposal for diagnostic and treatment measures in each stage of rectal and colon cancer and the individual clinical situations. This ESMO guideline is recommended to be used as the basis for treatment and management decisions.
Background: Bevacizumab improves the efficacy of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer. Our aim was to assess the use of bevacizumab in combination with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of patients with resected stage III or high-risk stage II colon carcinoma. Methods: Patients from 330 centres in 34 countries were enrolled into this phase 3, open-label randomised trial. Patients with curatively resected stage III or high-risk stage II colon carcinoma were randomly assigned (1: 1: 1) to receive FOLFOX4 (oxaliplatin 85 mg/m(2), leucovorin 200 mg/m(2), and fluorouracil 400 mg/m(2) bolus plus 600 mg/m(2) 22-h continuous infusion on day 1; leucovorin 200 mg/m(2) plus fluorouracil 400 mg/m(2) bolus plus 600 mg/m(2) 22-h continuous infusion on day 2) every 2 weeks for 12 cycles; bevacizumab 5 mg/kg plus FOLFOX4 (every 2 weeks for 12 cycles) followed by bevacizumab monotherapy 7.5 mg/kg every 3 weeks (eight cycles over 24 weeks); or bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg plus XELOX (oxaliplatin 130 mg/m(2) on day 1 every 2 weeks plus oral capecitabine 1000 mg/m(2) twice daily on days 1-15) every 3 weeks for eight cycles followed by bevacizumab monotherapy 7.5 mg/kg every 3 weeks (eight cycles over 24 weeks). Block randomisation was done with a central interactive computerised system, stratified by geographic region and disease stage. Surgery with curative intent occurred 4-8 weeks before randomisation. The primary endpoint was disease-free survival, analysed for all randomised patients with stage III disease. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00112918. Findings: Of the total intention-to-treat population (n=3451), 2867 patients had stage III disease, of whom 955 were randomly assigned to receive FOLFOX4, 960 to receive bevacizumab-FOLFOX4, and 952 to receive bevacizumab-XELOX. After a median follow-up of 48 months (range 0-66 months), 237 patients (25%) in the FOLFOX4 group, 280 (29%) in the bevacizumab-FOLFOX4 group, and 253 (27%) in the bevacizumab-XELOX group had relapsed, developed a new colon cancer, or died. The disease-free survival hazard ratio for bevacizumab-FOLFOX4 versus FOLFOX4 was 1.17 (95% CI 0.98-1.39; p=0.07), and for bevacizumab-XELOX versus FOLFOX4 was 1.07 (0.90-1.28; p=0.44). After a minimum follow-up of 60 months, the overall survival hazard ratio for bevacizumab-FOLFOX4 versus FOLFOX4 was 1.27 (1.03-1.57; p=0.02), and for bevacizumab-XELOX versus FOLFOX4 was 1.15 (0.93-1.42; p=0.21). The 573 patients with high-risk stage II cancer were included in the safety analysis. The most common grade 3-5 adverse events were neutropenia (FOLFOX4: 477 [42%] of 1126 patients, bevacizumab-FOLFOX4: 416 [36%] of 1145 patients, and bevacizumab-XELOX: 74 [7%] of 1135 patients), diarrhoea (110 [10%], 135 [12%], and 181 [16%], respectively), and hypertension (12 [1%], 122 [11%], and 116 [10%], respectively). Serious adverse events were more common in the bevacizumab groups (bevacizumab-FOLFOX4: 297 [26%]; bevacizumab-XELOX: 284 [25%]) than in the FOLFOX4 group (226 [20%]). Treatment-related deaths were reported in one patient receiving FOLFOX4, two receiving bevacizumab-FOLFOX4, and five receiving bevacizumab-XELOX. Interpretation: Bevacizumab does not prolong disease-free survival when added to adjuvant chemotherapy in resected stage III colon cancer. Overall survival data suggest a potential detrimental effect with bevacizumab plus oxaliplatin-based adjuvant therapy in these patients. On the basis of these and other data, we do not recommend the use of bevacizumab in the adjuvant treatment of patients with curatively resected stage III colon cancer.
Background Natural antioxidants present in common foods and beverages have drawn great attention to cancer prevention due to its health benefits, remarkable lack of toxicity and side effects. Copaifera langsdorffii, known as “copaiba”, “capaiva”, or “pau-de-óleo“, belongs to the Leguminosae family and occurs in fields and grasslands in the northern and northeastern parts of Brazil. Biological studies of Copaifera corroborate its widespread use by the population. This paper describes the effects of C. langsdorffii leaves hydroalcoholic extract on the 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH)-induced DNA damage and aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of male Wistar rats. Methods The hydroalcoholic extract of C. langsdorffii was administered to rats by gavage at daily doses of 20, 40 and 80 mg/kg body weight. To evaluate DNA damage by the comet assay, animals received the C. langsdorffii extract for seven days and a single subcutaneous injection (sc) of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) at a dose of 40 mg/kg on day 7. Animals were sacrificed 4 h after injection of DMH, to assess DNA damage. For the ACF assay, animals were acclimatized for one week (week 1) and then treated with the C. langsdorffii extract five times a week for four weeks (weeks 2 to 5). The rats received sc injections of DMH (40 mg/kg) on days 2 and 5 of weeks 2 and 3, to induce ACF. Animals were euthanized at week 5; i.e., four weeks after the first DMH treatment. Results Animals treated with different doses of the C. langsdorffii extract combined with DMH had significantly lower frequency of DNA damage as compared with the positive control (animals treated with DMH only). The percentage of reduction in the frequency of DNA damage ranged from 14.30% to 38.8%. The groups treated with 40 and 80 mg/kg C. langsdorffii extract during and after DMH treatment presented significantly lower numbers of ACF and aberrant crypts compared with the control. Conclusion The C. langsdorffii extract significantly reduced the extent of DNA damage and ACF induced by DMH, suggesting that the extract has a protective effect against colon carcinogenesis.
CONTEXT: Failure of a colorectal anastomosis represents a life-threatening complication of colorectal surgery. Splenic flexure mobilization may contribute to reduce the occurrence of anastomotic complications due to technical flaws. There are no published reports measuring the impact of splenic flexure mobilization on the length of mobilized colon viable to construct a safe colorectal anastomosis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of two techniques for splenic flexure mobilization on colon lengthening during open left-sided colon surgery using a cadaver model. DESIGN: Anatomical dissections for left colectomy and colorectal anastomosis at the sacral promontory level were conducted in 20 fresh cadavers by the same team of four surgeons. The effect of partial and full splenic flexure mobilization on the extent of mobilized left colon segment was determined. SETTING: University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tertiary medical institution and university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A team of four surgeons operated on 20 fresh cadavers. RESULTS: The length of resected left colon enabling a tension-free colorectal anastomosis at the level of sacral promontory achieved without mobilizing the splenic flexure was 46.3 (35-81) cm. After partial mobilization of the splenic flexure, an additionally mobilized colon segment measuring 10.7 (2-30) cm was obtained. After full mobilization of the distal transverse colon, a mean 28.3 (10-65) cm segment was achieved. CONCLUSION: Splenic flexure mobilization techniques are associated to effective left colon lengthening for colorectal anastomosis. This result may contribute to decision-making during rectal surgery and low colorectal and coloanal anastomosis.
Ter acesso à água fluoretada é um reconhecido fator de proteção contra a cárie dentária. No Brasil, a fluoretação da água de abastecimento público tornou-se obrigatória por lei em 1974, seguindo-se a esta regulamentação acentuada expansão da cobertura, sobretudo nas regiões de maior desenvolvimento socioeconômico. A ampliação dessa cobertura em todo o país é uma das prioridades da política nacional de saúde bucal. Neste artigo, sistematizam-se informações sobre a implantação e expansão da fluoretação no Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1956 a 2009, utilizando-se dados secundários obtidos em relatórios técnicos, documentos oficiais e no sistema SISAGUA. Em 2009, a cobertura se estendia por 546 (84,7%) dos 645 municípios paulistas, chegando a 85,1% da população total e a 93,5% da população com acesso à rede de distribuição de água. Tais resultados indicam que a medida está consolidada como parte da política estadual de saúde. No entanto, persiste o desafio de implantar e manter a fluoretação em 99 municípios, beneficiando cerca de 6,2 milhões de habitantes excluídos do benefício.
Neste artigo, propõe-se uma análise dos artigos sobre o ensino secundário, publicados na Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos (RBEP) ao longo dos anos de 1950. Investigam-se as críticas feitas por seus colaboradores à organização dada pela Lei Orgânica do Ensino Secundário (1942) a ramo do ensino médio, assim como as principais propostas de reforma, visando a torná-lo mais ativo, mais prático e mais popular. O objetivo principal é investigar que novo padrão de ensino secundário se projetava da combinação dos argumentos, como ideal para o ensino secundário brasileiro nos anos 1950. Tais necessidades se justificavam pela ideia de que o mundo vinha sendo regido por "novos imperativos" culturais, que a escola brasileira deveria adotar a fim de fomentar o desenvolvimento do país.
Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, dá-se a implantação, a expansão e a estruturação do sistema público de ensino paulista republicano. A criação de uma rede de escolas impulsiona a organização da carreira docente pela necessidade de formação de professores capazes de tornar tal expansão mais eficiente. Nesse período, foi estabelecido um conjunto de leis que normatizavam o exercício da profissão, fazendo dos professores funcionários do Estado. Ao lado da organização do sistema educativo, portanto, foi-se organizando também a profissão docente. Objetiva-se, aqui, problematizar a carreira e o trabalho docente em São Paulo a partir da experiência e da trajetória da professora paulista Botyra Camorim, tomando seu itinerário como representativo, pois a identidade de uma classe, de uma profissão, não pode ser considerada evidente independentemente das trajetórias dos membros que a compõem. Nesse movimento, acompanhar os fios de tal itinerário particular, inserido em meadas de relações, permitiu perceber a multiplicidade das experiências docentes, a pluralidade dos contextos de referência e as tensões que configuram limites e possibilidades ao fazer cotidiano. O confronto de fontes primárias - autobiografias, romances e contos escritos por Botyra Camorim - com a legislação, textos de educadores e pesquisas evidenciou que não se deve perseguir apenas a uniformidade e a homogeneização dos professores, pois os significados atribuídos ao trabalho docente e os modos de vivenciá-lo ou executá-lo não são perenes, mas estão intimamente relacionados com as condições espaço-temporais de exercício da profissão.
O presente artigo visa apresentar o projeto pioneiro de abolição da reprovação na rede estadual paulista, elaborado no final da década de 1950 e implantado no início de 1960, em caráter experimental, no Grupo Experimental da Lapa, escola que funcionava como unidade oficial de pesquisas da Secretaria da Educação. Apesar de inaugural, tal experiência raramente comparece em publicações sobre o tema, havendo poucos registros a seu respeito. Para tanto, o artigo esboça, a princípio, um breve contexto histórico do debate em torno da então chamada promoção automática, que se inicia no Brasil em 1918, no contexto da Primeira República, e ganha força, sobretudo, na década de 1950, no período desenvolvimentista. Em seguida, o texto aborda elementos constitutivos do projeto realizado no Grupo Experimental da Lapa, justificando a pertinência e a atualidade da promoção automática, bem como delineia sua formatação, em especial no que diz respeito à organização das classes, ao currículo, à avaliação e ao papel docente. Posto isso, são revelados trechos de depoimentos dados por educadores envolvidos na construção do referido projeto, os quais revelam suas potencialidades e contradições. Também são apresentados documentos raros sobre o tema publicados no contexto dessa experiência pioneira. Ao final, são tecidas considerações sobre a experiência em questão, a qual, apesar de pouco divulgada, possui enorme importância histórica. Espera-se, com este artigo, contribuir para a construção da escola pública de qualidade, principalmente considerando a crescente implantação da política de ciclos nas redes públicas educacionais brasileiras.
[ES] Conocer las características de la migración canaria de principios del siglo XX resulta fundamental para la actual sociedad isleña: en primer lugar porque su influencia, ya sea en la esfera económica, social o ideológica, ha sido determinante para la configuración de nuestra actual sociedad; en segundo lugar, porque nos ayuda a entender un poco mejor un fenómeno que ahora ha revertido su tradicional tendencia: Canarias es tierra de inmigrantes. Este artículo supone un acercamiento al ámbito económico de ese fenómeno con especial incidencia en las remesas.