959 resultados para Co-Management
Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência de um curso de formação da Política Nacional de Humanização voltado para gestores e trabalhadores da atenção básica de um município no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O curso visou a formação de apoiadores institucionais capazes de fomentar rede no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), promover mudanças e consolidação nos modos de atenção e de gestão dos serviços. Como referencial metodológico, buscou-se um modo de "formação-intervenção" que fosse baseado em práticas concretas de intervenção dos trabalhadores nos processos de trabalho em saúde. O curso envolveu quarenta participantes, gestores e trabalhadores de nível médio e superior, ligados à atenção básica, oriundos da Estratégia de Saúde da Família e de Unidades de Saúde. Como resultados destacam-se ações de co-gestão no formato de reuniões com os usuários para o compartilhamento de decisões relativas ao serviço; implementação de acolhimento, com intervenções que garantam o acesso do usuário ao serviço; e de clínica ampliada, com discussões em equipe dos casos clínicos; e ações no campo da saúde do trabalhador, como efeito das discussões dos processos de trabalho nas equipes multiprofissionais.
O descarte ou reutilização da água produzida da indústria do petróleo é difícil por causa dos impactos ambientais causados devido à presença de alta salinidade e componentes tóxicos, ou pelo risco de obstrução nas colunas de produção devido à formação de incrustações que causam redução na produção de petróleo e enormes perdas no processo de extração. Assim, o conhecimento da composição química da água produzida é muito importante. O método proposto por este trabalho visa a determinação de elementos traço (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se e V) em amostras de água produzida de petróleo por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES) utilizando a digestão ácida assistida por micro-ondas para o preparo das amostras (15 g de amostra e 2 mL de HNO3 concentrado). A curva analítica construída em HNO3 2% v v-1 foi adotada para o método após verificar que não é necessário o uso de salinidade para equiparação de matriz. Para o elemento Ni, não há necessidade do uso de padrão interno, para os elementos Co, Cr, Fe, Mn e V os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando Sc como padrão interno. Para o elemento Se é recomendado o uso de Y como padrão interno. Os limites de detecção obtidos foram Co 0,67, Cr 1,2, Fe 2,3, Mn 0,49, Ni 1,9, Se 3,7 e V 5,5 μg L-1; e os limites de quantificação foram Co 2,2, Cr 4,0, Fe 7,7, Mn 1,6, Ni 6,5, Se 12,4 e V 18,3 μg L-1. A exatidão do procedimento foi verificada através de testes de recuperação em dois níveis de concentração (40 e 80 μg L-1) e análise dos materiais certificados de referência de água estuarina SLEW-2 e de água do mar NASS-5. Bons valores de recuperação foram obtidos e não houve diferença significativa (95% de confiança) entre os resultados obtidos e os valores certificados dos materiais de referência.
A combinação da agricultura de precisão e do Sistema Integrado de Recomendação Foliar (DRIS) possibilita monitorar espacialmente o balanço nutricional dos cafezais para fornecer recomendações de adubação mais equilibradas e mais ajustadas economicamente. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial do estado nutricional do cafeeiro conilon, utilizando o Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN) e sua relação com a produtividade. A produtividade das plantas em cada ponto amostral foi determinada e construiu-se o seu mapa considerando a variabilidade espacial; determinou-se o Índice de Equilíbrio Nutricional (IBN) das plantas em cada ponto amostral e construiu-se o seu mapa; e utilizou-se a análise de componentes principais (ACP) para estimar o IBN do cafeeiro por cokrigagem. Os dados do cafeeiro conilon foram coletados em fazenda experimental, no município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim-ES. O IBN do cafeeiro e a sua produtividade foram analisados por meio de geoestatística, com base nos modelos e parâmetros dos semivariogramas, utilizando o método de interpolação krigagem ordinária para estimar valores para locais não amostrados. O índice de Balanço Nutricional da lavoura do cafeeiro conilon apresentou dependência espacial, porém não apresentou correlação linear e nem espacial com a produtividade. A lavoura em estudo se encontra em desequilíbrio nutricional, sendo que entre os macronutrientes, o Potássio foi o que apresentou maior desequilíbrio na área, entre os micronutrientes, o Zinco e o Ferro foram os que apresentaram menores concentrações nas folhas. A confecção dos mapas possibilitou a distinção de regiões com maior e menor desequilíbrio nutricional e produtividade, o que possibilita adotar o manejo de forma diferenciada e localizada. A análise multivariada baseada em componentes principais fornece componentes com alta correlação com as variáveis originais P, Ca, Zn , Cu, K e B. A cokrigagem utilizando as componentes principais permite estimar o IBN e a produtividade da área.
O acesso ao seio frontal usando a técnica do retalho osteoplástico está indicada em lesões que não podem ser abordadas pela via endonasal. O aprendizado da técnica pode ser realizado em cães, mas a delimitação do seio do cão, de forma como se faz no homem, não é facilmente realizável. OBJETIVO: Apresentar um método de localização e delimitação do seio frontal do cão que permita reproduzir a técnica osteoplástica. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Técnica cirúrgica em animal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Em cães traçaram-se duas linhas retas, uma delas ao longo da linha média da região frontal, outra passando pela pupila, inclinada 45º em direção à linha anterior. No ponto de intersecção, mede-se um ou um centímetro e meio para frente e um centímetro para trás. A partir destas medidas desenha-se um retângulo incompleto que delineia os limites aproximados do seio frontal. RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi realizado 12 vezes com a participação de médicos residentes. O seio frontal foi aberto facilmente em todos os animais, reproduzindo a técnica osteoplástica sem erros de localização do seio. CONCLUSÃO: O método de localização e de limitação do seio frontal do cão mostrou-se útil no ensino da técnica osteoplástica de acesso por ser reproduzível de forma realística.
O artigo discute o processo decisório europeu a partir de um mapeamento do sistema de co-decisão adotado pelo triângulo institucional da União Européia (UE). Na primeira parte, há uma explicação acerca do funcionamento do sistema decisório europeu, privilegiando as instituições que definem as regras do jogo e a forma como a tomada de decisão é praticada; na segunda parte, são expostos os dados coletados sobre a aplicabilidade da co-decisão durante os anos de 1999 a 2006, cruzando os principais temas e a sua freqüência por fase de decisão.
La presente comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar la complementariedad y la posibilidad de integración entre las herramientas de gestión Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI), Activity Based Costing (ABC) y Activity Based management (ABM). Para la realización del estudio empírico hemos recurrido a los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario postal a 591 organizaciones públicas (ayuntamientos, hospitales, empresas municipales y empresas intermunicipales) y 549 organizaciones privadas (grandes empresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas) portuguesas, con una tasa de respuesta total del 31,3%. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, contrariamente al registrado en las organizaciones públicas, observamos que un número significativo de organizaciones privadas ya utilizaba los sistemas ABC/ABM antes del CMI y que los han integrado (total o parcialmente) o esperan integrar en el CMI.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyse the development of environmental management practices by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach: The data were collected by sending a postal questionnaire. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental management practices an index of environmental management practices (EMPI) was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of 16 environmental management practices have been implemented by the entities included in the sample. Four variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices by local entities, namely type of entity, size, proactive environmental strategy and Local Agenda 21 Findings: Results indicate the degree of development of environmental management practices in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, entity size, the adoption of proactive environmental strategies and the implementation of Local Agenda 21 are explaining factors of the degree of development of such practices. Originality/value: This study adds to the international research on environmental management in public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of environmental management practices by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach – The data were collected by sending a postal questionnaire. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental management practices, an index of environmental management practices (EMPI) was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of 16 environmental management practices have been implemented by the entities included in the sample. In total, four variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices by local entities: type of entity; size; proactive environmental strategy; and Local Agenda 21. Findings – Results indicate the degree of development of environmental management practices in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, entity size, the adoption of proactive environmental strategies and the implementation of Local Agenda 21 are explaining factors of the degree of development of such practices. Originality/value – The paper adds to the international research on environmental management in the public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
The purpose of this study is to characterize how Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) view the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) certification process, after receiving the Quality Management System (QMS) certification. References were based on the ISO 9001 standard for a QMS and OHSAS 18001 for OHSMS. The method used to evaluate the implemented systems, was by form of questionnaire. Those questioned had to have a certified quality management system, an implemented OHSMS and be a SME. The questionnaire was sent to 300 SMEs; 46 responses were received and validated. Of them, only 12 SMEs had the OHSMS certificate according to OHSAS 18001. Within those 12 companies that participated: 7 SMEs are from the industrial sector; 3 belong to the electricity/telecommunications sector and 2 SMEs are from the trade/services activity sector. The size of the sample was small, but corresponds to Portuguese reality. Moreover, 34 SMEs did not have the OHSMS certificate. The questionnaire requested the main reasons for SMEs to opt for non-certification and it was related with high costs, while the main reasons to certificate were, among others, needed to eliminate or minimize risks to workers. The main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, improved working conditions, ensuring compliance with legislation and better internal communication about risks and hazards. Also presented are the main difficulties in achieving an OHSMS certification including high certification costs, difficulties motivating personnel, difficulties in changing the company’s culture and increased bureaucracy.
Management systems standards (MSSs) have developed in an unprecedented manner in the last few years. These MSS cover a wide array of different disciplines, aims and activities of organisations. Also, organisations are populated with an enormous diversity of independent management systems (MSs). An integrated management system (IMS) tends to integrate some or all components of the business. Maximising their integration in one coherent and efficient MS is increasingly a strategic priority and constitutes an opportunity for businesses to be more competitive and consequently, promote its sustainable success. Those organisations that are quicker and more efficient in their integration and continuous improvement will have a competitive advantage in obtaining sustainable value in our global and competitive business world. Several scholars have proposed various theoretical approaches regarding the integration of management sub-systems, leading to the conclusion that there is no common practice for all organisations as they encompass different characteristics. One other author shows that several tangible and intangible gains for organisations, as well as to their internal and external stakeholders, are achieved with the integration of the individual standardised MSs. The purpose of this work was to conceive a model, Flexible, Integrator and Lean for IMSs, according to ISO 9001 for quality; ISO 14001 for environment and OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety (IMS–QES), that can be adapted and progressively assimilate other MSs, such as, SA 8000/ISO 26000 for social accountability, ISO 31000 for risk management and ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management, among others. The IMS–QES model was designed in the real environment of an industrial Portuguese small and medium enterprise, that over the years has been adopting, gradually, in whole or in part, individual MSSs. The developed model is based on a preliminary investigation conducted through a questionnaire. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. Among the main findings of the survey we highlight: the creation of added value for the business through the elimination of several organisational wastes; the integrated management of the sustainability components; the elimination of conflicts between independent MS; dialogue with the main stakeholders and commitment to their ongoing satisfaction and increased contribution to the company’s competitiveness; and greater valorisation and motivation of employees as a result of the expansion of their skill base, actions and responsibilities, with their consequent empowerment. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) constitute the support, in a perspective of business excellence, to the follow up of the organisation’s progress towards the vision and achievement of the defined objectives in the context of each component of the IMS model. The conceived model had many phases and the one presented in this work is the last required for the integration of quality, environment, safety and others individual standardised MSs. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritised the conception of an IMS–QES model, to be implemented at the company where the investigation was conducted, but also a generic model of an IMS, which may be more flexible, integrator and lean as possible, potentiating the efficiency, added value both in the present and, fundamentally, for future.
The purpose of this study was to characterize the situation of Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) concerning the certification of their Quality Management Systems (QMS), Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS), in their individually form, to identify benefits, drawbacks and difficulties associated with the certification process and to characterize the level of integration that has been achieved. This research was based on a survey carried out by the research team; it was administered to 46 Portuguese SMEs. Our sample comprised 20 firms (43%) from the Trade/Services activity sector, 17 (37%) from the Industrial sector, 5 (11%) from the Electricity/Telecommunications sector and 4 (9%) from the Construction area. All SMEs surveyed were certified according to the ISO 9001 (100%), a quarter of firms were certified according to the ISO 14001 (26.1%) and a few certified by OHSAS 18001 (15.2%). We undertook a multivariate cluster analysis, which enabled grouping variables into homogeneous groups or one or more common characteristics of the SMEs participating in the study. Results show that the main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, among others, an improvement of both their internal organization and external image. We also present the main difficulties in achieving certification. Overall, 7 of the Portuguese SMEs examined indicated that the main benefits of the IMS implementation management included costs reduction, increased employee training and easier compliance of legislation. The respective drawbacks and difficulties are also presented. Finally, we presented the main integrated items in the certified Portuguese SMEs we examined.
The use of cover crops is important for the agricultural crop and soil management in order to improve the system and, consequently, to increase yield. Therefore, the present study analyzed the effect of crop residues of black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) (BO) and a cocktail (CO) of BO, forage turnip (Raphanus sativus L.) (FT) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) (V) on the emergence speed index (ESI), seedling emergence speed (SES) plant height and soybean yield in different intervals between cover crop desiccation with glyphosate 480 (3 L ha-1) and BRS 232 cultivar sowing. Plots of 5 x 2.5 m with 1 m of border received four treatments with BO cover crops and four with CO as well as a control for each cover crop, at random, with five replications. The plots were desiccated in intervals of 1, 10, 20 and 30 days before soybean seeding. The harvest was manual while yield was adjusted to 13% of moisture content. The experimental design was completely randomized with splitplots and means compared by the Scott and Knott test at 5% of significance. The results showed that CO of cover crops can be recommended for soybean to obtain a more vigorous seedling emergence, from 10 days after cover crop desiccation.
The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.
Performance measurement of police services is complicated by ambiguous and complex goal- and objectives-setting, and by the difficulties of measuring outputs. This article looks at the organizational and management changes being made in Portuguese police forces. The authors fill a gap in the literature on performance measurement in Portugal by taking a national approach to the study of how law enforcement agencies are introducing new management accounting changes. The article therefore widens the debate on performance measurement and performance improvements in law enforcement.
The socioeconomic importance of sugar cane in Brazil is unquestionable because it is the raw material for the production of ethanol and sugar. The accurate spatial intervention in the management of the crop, resulting zones of soil management, increases productivity as well as its agricultural yields. The spatial and Person's correlations between sugarcane attributes and physico-chemical attributes of a Typic Tropustalf were studied in the growing season of 2009, in Suzanápolis, State of São Paulo, Brazil (20°28'10'' S lat.; 50°49'20'' W long.), in order to obtain the one that best correlates with agricultural productivity. Thus, the geostatistical grid with 120 sampling points was installed to soil and data collection in a plot of 14.6 ha with second crop sugarcane. Due to their substantial and excellent linear and spatial correlations with the productivity of the sugarcane, the population of plants and the organic matter content of the soil, by evidencing substantial correlations, linear and spatial, with the productivity of sugarcane, were indicators of management zones strongly attached to such productivity.