950 resultados para Co- operation and ownership
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George C. Flint and Co., Upholsterers and Furniture Manufacturers of New York regarding items such as mantle glass, cornices and fabrics. They have enclosed a handwritten price list with this letter (4 pages, handwritten), Sept. 13, 1876.
Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of dimethylglyoxime and N,N-ethylenebis(7-methylsalicylideneamine) have been synthesized in situ in Y zeolite by the reaction of ion-exchanged metal ions with the flexible ligand molecules that had diffused into the cavities. The hybrid materials obtained have been characterized by elemental analysis, SEM, XRD, surface area, pore volume, magnetic moment, FTIR, UV-Vis and EPR techniques. Analysis of data indicates the formation of complexes in the pores without affecting the zeolite framework structure, the absence of any extraneous species and the geometry of encapsulated complexes. The catalytic activities for hydrogen peroxide decomposition and oxidation of benzyl alcohol and ethylbenzene of zeolite complexes are reported. Zeolite Cu(II) complexes were found to be more active than the corresponding Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes for oxidation reactions. The catalytic properties of the complexes are influenced by their geometry and by the steric environment of the active sites. Zeolite complexes are stable enough to be reused and are suitable to be utilized as partial oxidation catalysts.
Magnetism and magnetic materials have been playing a lead role in improving the quality of life. They are increasingly being used in a wide variety of applications ranging from compasses to modern technological devices. Metallic glasses occupy an important position among magnetic materials. They assume importance both from a scientific and an application point of view since they represent an amorphous form of condensed matter with significant deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium. Metallic glasses having good soft magnetic properties are widely used in tape recorder heads, cores of high-power transformers and metallic shields. Superconducting metallic glasses are being used to produce high magnetic fields and magnetic levitation effect. Upon heat treatment, they undergo structural relaxation leading to subtle rearrangements of constituent atoms. This leads to densification of amorphous phase and subsequent nanocrystallisation. The short-range structural relaxation phenomenon gives rise to significant variations in physical, mechanical and magnetic properties. Magnetic amorphous alloys of Co-Fe exhibit excellent soft magnetic properties which make them promising candidates for applications as transformer cores, sensors, and actuators. With the advent of microminiaturization and nanotechnology, thin film forms of these alloys are sought after for soft under layers for perpendicular recording media. The thin film forms of these alloys can also be used for fabrication of magnetic micro electro mechanical systems (magnetic MEMS). In bulk, they are drawn in the form of ribbons, often by melt spinning. The main constituents of these alloys are Co, Fe, Ni, Si, Mo and B. Mo acts as the grain growth inhibitor and Si and B facilitate the amorphous nature in the alloy structure. The ferromagnetic phases such as Co-Fe and Fe-Ni in the alloy composition determine the soft magnetic properties. The grain correlation length, a measure of the grain size, often determines the soft magnetic properties of these alloys. Amorphous alloys could be restructured in to their nanocrystalline counterparts by different techniques. The structure of nanocrystalline material consists of nanosized ferromagnetic crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix. When the amorphous phase is ferromagnetic, they facilitate exchange coupling between nanocrystallites. This exchange coupling results in the vanishing of magnetocrystalline anisotropy which improves the soft magnetic properties. From a fundamental perspective, exchange correlation length and grain size are the deciding factors that determine the magnetic properties of these nanocrystalline materials. In thin films, surfaces and interfaces predominantly decides the bulk property and hence tailoring the surface roughness and morphology of the film could result in modified magnetic properties. Surface modifications can be achieved by thermal annealing at various temperatures. Ion irradiation is an alternative tool to modify the surface/structural properties. The surface evolution of a thin film under swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation is an outcome of different competing mechanism. It could be sputtering induced by SHI followed by surface roughening process and the material transport induced smoothening process. The impingement of ions with different fluence on the alloy is bound to produce systematic microstructural changes and this could effectively be used for tailoring magnetic parameters namely coercivity, saturation magnetization, magnetic permeability and remanence of these materials. Swift heavy ion irradiation is a novel and an ingenious tool for surface modification which eventually will lead to changes in the bulk as well as surface magnetic property. SHI has been widely used as a method for the creation of latent tracks in thin films. The bombardment of SHI modifies the surfaces or interfaces or creates defects, which induces strain in the film. These changes will have profound influence on the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetisation of the specimen. Thus inducing structural and morphological changes by thermal annealing and swift heavy ion irradiation, which in turn induce changes in the magnetic properties of these alloys, is one of the motivation of this study. Multiferroic and magneto-electrics is a class of functional materials with wide application potential and are of great interest to material scientists and engineers. Magnetoelectric materials combine both magnetic as well as ferroelectric properties in a single specimen. The dielectric properties of such materials can be controlled by the application of an external magnetic field and the magnetic properties by an electric field. Composites with magnetic and piezo/ferroelectric individual phases are found to have strong magnetoelectric (ME) response at room temperature and hence are preferred to single phasic multiferroic materials. Currently research in this class of materials is towards optimization of the ME coupling by tailoring the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive properties of the two individual components of ME composites. The magnetoelectric coupling constant (MECC) (_ ME) is the parameter that decides the extent of interdependence of magnetic and electric response of the composite structure. Extensive investigates have been carried out in bulk composites possessing on giant ME coupling. These materials are fabricated by either gluing the individual components to each other or mixing the magnetic material to a piezoelectric matrix. The most extensively investigated material combinations are Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) or Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate (PMNPT) as the piezoelectric, and Terfenol-D as the magnetostrictive phase and the coupling is measured in different configurations like transverse, longitudinal and inplane longitudinal. Fabrication of a lead free multiferroic composite with a strong ME response is the need of the hour from a device application point of view. The multilayer structure is expected to be far superior to bulk composites in terms of ME coupling since the piezoelectric (PE) layer can easily be poled electrically to enhance the piezoelectricity and hence the ME effect. The giant magnetostriction reported in the Co-Fe thin films makes it an ideal candidate for the ferromagnetic component and BaTiO3 which is a well known ferroelectric material with improved piezoelectric properties as the ferroelectric component. The multilayer structure of BaTiO3- CoFe- BaTiO3 is an ideal system to understand the underlying fundamental physics behind the ME coupling mechanism. Giant magnetoelectric coupling coefficient is anticipated for these multilayer structures of BaTiO3-CoFe-BaTiO3. This makes it an ideal candidate for cantilever applications in magnetic MEMS/NEMS devices. SrTiO3 is an incipient ferroelectric material which is paraelectric up to 0K in its pure unstressed form. Recently few studies showed that ferroelectricity can be induced by application of stress or by chemical / isotopic substitution. The search for room temperature magnetoelectric coupling in SrTiO3-CoFe-SrTiO3 multilayer structures is of fundamental interest. Yet another motivation of the present work is to fabricate multilayer structures consisting of CoFe/ BaTiO3 and CoFe/ SrTiO3 for possible giant ME coupling coefficient (MECC) values. These are lead free and hence promising candidates for MEMS applications. The elucidation of mechanism for the giant MECC also will be the part of the objective of this investigation.
Este trabajo recopila literatura académica relevante sobre estrategias de entrada y metodologías para la toma de decisión sobre la contratación de servicios de Outsourcing para el caso de empresas que planean expandirse hacia mercados extranjeros. La manera en que una empresa planifica su entrada a un mercado extranjero, y realiza la consideración y evaluación de información relevante y el diseño de la estrategia, determina el éxito o no de la misma. De otro lado, las metodologías consideradas se concentran en el nivel estratégico de la pirámide organizacional. Se parte de métodos simples para llegar a aquellos basados en la Teoría de Decisión Multicriterio, tanto individuales como híbridos. Finalmente, se presenta la Dinámica de Sistemas como herramienta valiosa en el proceso, por cuanto puede combinarse con métodos multicriterio.
We examine for the first time the association of different measures of ownership and control, and separation ratios with firm’s value and performance for 108 non-financial firms that traded their stock during the period 1998 to 2002. We found that large blockholders exert a positive influence upon firm’s valuation and performance, which validates the positive monitoring approach of large shareholders, but also found that this relation is not monotone implying that when separation of control and ownership tends to increase, a negative effect is exerted on firm’s valuation. Furthermore, we report first estimates of a survey of corporate governance practices conducted in 2004 for 43 Colombian non-financial companies. The index’s scores suggest that implementation of good governance in Colombian firms has been slow and poor as measured by the average of the Index that is below half the maximum attainable value. Regrettably, we did not find any support to recent theories that predict a positive association between good governance practices, measured by the CGI, and performance. At most there exists a positive relationship for sub-index but the results were not statistically significant in general.
This paper discusses the fenestration operation and its effect on hearing.
Previously published data on the vibrational fundamentals and overtones of the carbonyl stretching modes of Ni(CO)4 and Co(CO)3NO are reinterpreted using the recent model of Mills and Robiette, including Darling-Dennison resonances and local mode effects. The harmonic wavenumber θm and anharmonicity constant xm associated with the carbonyl and nitrosyl stretching modes are derived, and the 13C and 18O isotopic shifts are discussed in relation to the harmonic and anharmonic force field.
The co-adsorption of CO and O on the unreconstructed (1 x 1) phase of Ir {100} was examined by low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD). When CO is adsorbed at 188 K onto the Ir{100} surface precovered with 0.5 ML O, a mixed c(4 x 2)-(2O + CO) overlayer is formed. All CO is oxidised upon heating and desorbs as CO2 in three distinct stages at 230 K, 330 K and 430 K in a 2:1:2 ratio. The excess oxygen left on the surface after all CO has reacted forms an overlayer with a LEED pattern with p(2 x 10) periodicity. This overlayer consists of stripes with a local p(2 x 1)-O arrangement of oxygen atoms separated by stripes of uncovered It. When CO is adsorbed at 300 K onto the surface precovered with 0.5 ML O an apparent (2 x 2) LEED pattern is observed. LEED IV analysis reveals that this pattern is a superposition of diffraction patterns from islands of c(2 x 2)-CO and p(2 x 1)-O structures on the surface. Heating this co-adsorbed overlayer leads to the desorption of CO, in two stages at 330 K and 430 K; the excess CO (0.1 ML) desorbs at 590 K. LEED IV structural analysis of the mixed c(4 x 2) O and CO overlayer shows that both the CO molecules and the O atoms occupy bridge sites. The O atoms show significant lateral displacements of 0.14 angstrom away from the CO molecules; the C-O bond is slightly expanded with respect to the gas phase (1.19 angstrom); the modifications of the Ir substrate with respect to the bulk-terminated surface are very small. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Virtual Reality (VR) has been used in a variety of forms to assist in the treatment of a wide range of psychological illness. VR can also fulfil the need that psychologists have for safe environments in which to conduct experiments. Currently the main barrier against using this technology is the complexity in developing applications. This paper presents two different co-operative psychological applications which have been developed using a single framework. These applications require different levels of co-operation between the users and clients, ranging from full psychologist involvement to their minimal intervention. This paper will also discuss our approach to developing these different environments and our experiences to date in utilising these environments.
DFT and TD-DFT calculations (ADF program) were performed in order to analyze the electronic structure of the [M-3(CO)(12)] clusters (M = Ru, Os) and interpret their electronic spectra. The highest occupied molecular orbitals are M-M bonding (sigma) involving different M-M bonds, both for Ru and Os. They participate in low-energy excitation processes and their depopulation should weaken M-M bonds in general. While the LUMO is M-NI and M-CO anti-bonding (sigma*), the next, higher-lying empty orbitals have a main contribution from CO (pi*) and either a small (Ru) or an almost negligible one (Os) from the metal atoms. The main difference between the two clusters comes from the different nature of these low-energy unoccupied orbitals that have a larger metal contribution in the case of ruthenium. The photochemical reactivity of the two clusters is reexamined and compared to earlier interpretations.
Electrochemical and photochemical properties of the tetrahedral cluster [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] were studied in order to prove whether the previously established thermal conversion of this cluster into the hydrogenated derivative [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] also occurs by means of redox or photochemical activation. Two-electron reduction of [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] results in the loss of CO and concomitant formation of the dianion [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-). The latter reduction product is stable in CH2Cl2 at low temperatures but becomes partly protonated above 283 K into the anion [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(2)(CO)(12)](-) by traces of water. The dianion [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-) is also the product of the electrochemical reduction of [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] accompanied by the loss of H-2. Stepwise deprotonation of [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] with Et4NOH yields [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(2)(CO)(12)](-) and [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-). Reverse protonation of the anionic clusters can be achieved, e. g., with trifluoromethylsulfonic acid. Thus, the electrochemical conversion of [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] into [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] is feasible, demanding separate two-electron reduction and protonation steps. Irradiation into the visible absorption band of [Ru3Ir(mu3-H)(CO)(13)] in hexane does not induce any significant photochemical conversion. Irradiation of this cluster in the presence of CO with lambda(irr) > 340 nm, however, triggers its efficient photofragmentation into reactive unsaturated ruthenium and iridium carbonyl fragments. These fragments are either stabilised by dissolved CO or undergo reclusterification to give homonuclear clusters. Most importantly, in H-2-saturated hexane, [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] converts selectively into the [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] photoproduct. This conversion is particularly efficient at lambda(irr) > 340 nm.
Stepwise electrochemical reduction of the complex fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] (tmbp = 4,4',5,5'-tetramethyl-2,2'-biphosphinine) produces the dimer [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2) and the five-coordinate anion [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-). All three members of the redox series have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystallographic data provide valuable insight into the localization of the added electrons on the (carbonyl)manganese and tmbp centers. In particular, the formulation of the two-electron-reduced anion as [Mn-0(CO)(3)(tmbp(-))](-) also agrees with the analysis of its IR nu(CO) wavenumbers and with the results of density functional theoretical (DFT) MO calculations on this compound. The strongly delocalized pi-bonding in the anion stabilizes its five-coordinate geometry and results in the appearance of several mixed Mn-to-tmbp charge-transfer/IL(tmbp) transitions in the near-UV-vis spectral region. A thorough voltammetric and UV-vis/IR spectroelectrochemical study of the reduction path provided evidence for a direct formation of [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) via a two-electron ECE mechanism involving the [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](.) radical transient. At ambient temperature [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) reacts rapidly with nonreduced fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] to produce [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2). Comparison with the analogous 2,2'-bipyridine complexes has revealed striking similarity in the bonding properties and reactivity, despite the stronger pi-acceptor character of the tmbp ligand.
[Cu2(μO2CCH3)4(H2O)2], [CuCO3·Cu(OH)2], [CoSO4·7H2O], [Co((+)-tartrate)], and [FeSO4·7H2O] react with excess racemic (±)- 1,1′-binaphthyl-2,2′-diyl hydrogen phosphate {(±)-PhosH} to give mononuclear CuII, CoII and FeII products. The cobalt product, [Co(CH3OH)4(H2O)2]((+)-Phos)((−)-Phos) ·2CH3OH·H2O (7), has been identified by X-ray diffraction. The high-spin, octahedral CoII atom is ligated by four equatorial methanol molecules and two axial water molecules. A (+)- and a (−)-Phos− ion are associated with each molecule of the complex but are not coordinated to the metal centre. For the other CoII, CuII and FeII samples of similar formulation to (7) it is also thought that the Phos− ions are not bonded directly to the metal. When some of the CuII and CoII samples are heated under high vacuum there is evidence that the Phos− ions are coordinated directly to the metals in the products.
The clusters [Fe3(CO)11(RCN)] (1: R = Me, C3H5, C6H5, or C6H4-2-Me) have been prepared at low temperature from [Fe3(CO)12] and RCN in the presence of Me3NO. Compounds 1 react essentially quantitatively with a wide range of two-electron donors, L, (viz.: CO, PPh3, P(OMe)3, PPh2H, PPh2Me, PF3, CyNC (Cy = cyclohexyl), P(OEt)3, SbPh3, PBu3, AsPh3, or SnR2 (R = CH(SiMe3)2)) to give [Fe3(CO)11L] (2). In some cases (2), on treatment with Me3NO and then L′ (L′ = a second two-electron donor) yields [Fe3(CO)10LL′] in high yield. The crystal and molecular structures of 1 (L = NCC6H4Me-2) have been determined by a full single crystal structure analysis, and shown to have an axial nitrile coordinated at the unique iron atom, with two CO groups bridging the other two metal atoms.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical assessment of legal and regulatory impediments to effective governance of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in Kazakhstan. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study develops propositions from the PPP literature and then tests them against findings from in-depth interviews. Interviewees have been selected by a purposeful sampling from PPP projects in Kazakhstan as well as from national and regional PPP centres. Findings – The identified barriers to effective PPP management include irregularities in the PPP legal framework, such as lack of legal definition of a PPP and controversy with the government guarantee’s legal status for its long-term payments to partnerships; bureaucratic tariff setting for partnership services; non-existent opportunity for private asset ownership; and excessive government regulation of PPP workers’ wage rates. Practical implications – The partners’ opposing perspectives on a number of PPP issues show that management needs to identify and carefully reconcile stakeholder values in a partnership in order to achieve more effective PPP governance. Practitioners, particularly those in the public agencies, have to be concerned with ways to reduce the government overregulation of the private operators, which is likely to result in greater PPP flexibility in management and, ultimately, higher efficiency in delivering the public services. Originality/value – By elucidating multiple examples of overregulation and PPPs’ inefficiency, the paper demonstrates that the government dominance in PPP management is conceptually inappropriate. Instead, the government should adopt the concept of co-production and manage its relations with the private sector partner in a collaborative fashion.