1000 resultados para Chinese letters.


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We study the electronic energy levels and probability distribution of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs system in the presence of a vertically applied electric field. This field is found to increase the splitting between the symmetric and antisymmetric levels for the same angular momentum. The field along the direction from one disc to another affects the electronic energy levels similarly as that in the opposite direction because the two discs are identical. It is obvious from our calculation that the probability of finding an electron in one disc becomes larger when the field points from this disc to the other one.


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We report a new type of photonic memory cell based on a semiconductor quantum dot (QD)-quantum well (QW) hybrid structure, in which photo-generated excitons can be decomposed into separated electrons and holes, and stored in QW and QDs respectively. Storage and retrieval of photonic signals are verified by time-resolved photoluminescence experiments. A storage time in excess of 100ms has been obtained at a temperature of 10 K while the switching speed reaches the order of ten megahertz.


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We study the oscillator strengths of the optical transitions of the vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs. The oscillator strengths change evidently when the two quantum discs are far apart from each other. A vertically applied electric held affects the oscillator strengths severely, while the oscillator strengths change slowly as the radius of one disc increases. We also studied the excitonic energy of the system, including the Coulomb interaction. The excitonic energy increases with the increasing radius of one disc, but decreases as a vertically applied electric field increases.


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We study the two samples of AIInGaN, i.e., 1-mum GaN grown at 1030degreesC on the buffer and followed by a 0.6-mum-thick epilayer of AIInGaN under the low pressure of 76 Torr and the AIInGaN layer deposited directly on the buffer layer without the high-temperature GaN layer, by temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and picosecond time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy. The TRPL signals of both the samples were fitted well as a stretched exponential decay at all temperatures, indicating significant disorder in the material. We attribute the disorder to nanoscale quantum dots or discs of high indium concentration. Temperature dependence of dispersive exponent beta shows that the stretched exponential decay of the two samples comes from different mechanisms. The different depths of the localization potential account for the difference, which is illustrated by the results of temperature dependence of radiative recombination lifetime and PL peak energy.


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Zn1-xCdxO crystal thin films with different compositions were prepared on silicon and sapphire substrates by the dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the Zn1-xCdxO films are of completely (002)-preferred orientation for x less than or equal to 0.6. For x = 0.8, the Elm is a mixture of ZnO hexagonal wurtzite crystals and CdO cubic crystals. For pure CdO, it is highly (200) preferential-oriented. Photoluminescence spectrum measurement shows that the Zn1-xCdxO (x = 0.2) thin film has a redshift of 0.14 eV from that of ZnO reported previously.


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Coherent transport through a quantum dot embedded in one arm of a double-slit-like Aharonov-Bohm (AB) ring is studied using the Green's function approach. We obtain experimental observations such as continuous phase shift along a single resonance peak and sharp inter-resonance phase drop. The AB oscillations of the differential conductance of the whole device are calculated by using the nonequilibrium Keldysh formalism. It is shown that the oscillating conductance has a continuous bias-voltage-dependent phase shift and is asymmetric in both linear and nonlinear response regimes.


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.


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The storage of photoexcited electron-hole pairs is experimentally carried out and theoretically realized by transferring electrons in both real and k spaces through resonant Gamma - X in an AlAs/GaAs heterostructure. This is proven by the peculiar capacitance jump and hysteresis in the measured capacitance-voltage curves. Our structure may be used as a photonic memory cell with a long storage time and a fast retrieval of photons as well.


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We present a novel contactless and nondestructive method called the surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) method for characterizing semiconductor materials and devices. The SEBIV method is based on the detection of the surface potential induced by electron beams of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The core part of the SEBIV detection set-up is a circular metal detector placed above the sample surface. The capacitance between the circular detector and whole surface of the sample is estimated to be about 0.64 pf It is large enough for the detection of the induced surface potential. The irradiation mode of electron beam (e-beam) influences the signal generation. When the e-beam irradiates on the surface of semiconductors continuously, a differential signal is obtained. The real distribution of surface potentials can be obtained when a pulsed e-beam with a fixed frequency is used for irradiation and a lock-in amplifier is employed for detection. The polarity of induced potential depends on the structure of potential barriers and surface states of samples. The contrast of SEBIV images in SEM changes with irradiation time and e-beam intensity.


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Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum wells grown on a GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy are measured in a range of temperatures and excitation power densities. The energy position of the dominant PL peak shows an anomalous S-shape temperature dependence instead of the Varshni relation. By careful inspection, especially for the PL under lower excitation power density, two near bandedge peaks are well identified. These are assigned to carriers localized in nitrogen-induced bound states and interband excitonic recombinations, respectively. It is suggested that the temperature-induced switch of such two luminescence peaks in relative intensity causes a significant mechanism responsible for the S-shape shift observed in GaInNAs. A quantitative model based on the thermal depopulation of carriers is used to explain the temperature dependence of the PL peak related to N-induced bound states.


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Contactless: electroreflectance has been employed at room temperature to study the Fermi level pinning at undoped-n(+) GaAs surfaces covered by 1.6 and 1.8 monolayer (ML) InAs quantum dots (QDs). It is shown that the 1.8 ML InAs QD moves the Fermi level at GaAs surface to the valence band maximum by about 70 meV compared to bare GaAs, whereas 1.6 ML InAs on GaAs does not modify the Fermi level, It is confirmed that the modification of the 1.8 ML InAs deposition on the Fermi level at GaAs surface is due to the QDs, which are surrounded by some oxidized InAs facets, rather than the wetting layer.


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Considering that the coupling among the heavy-hole exciton, light-hole exciton and the cavity photon can form bipolaritons in a quantum semiconductor microcavity, we calculate the group velocities of the cavity polaritons at different incident angles using the coupling model of three harmonic oscillators. The result indicates that the group velocities of the low and middle branches of the cavity polaritons have extrema, but the group velocities of the high branch increase with the increasing incident angle.


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Nanocomposite films consisting of nanosized Ag particles embedded in partially oxidized amorphous Si-containing matrices were prepared by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering deposition. We studied the influence of ambient atmosphere during the preparation and heat-treatment of Ag/SiOx (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 2) nanocompositefilm on its optical absorption properties. We found that the plasmon resonance absorption peak shifts to shorter wavelengths with the increasing oxygen content in the SiOx matrix. The analysis indicates that the potential barrier between Ag nanoparticles and SiOx matrix increases with the increasing x value, which will induce the surface resonance state to shift to higher energy. The electrons in the vicinity of the Fermi level of Ag nanoparticles must absorb more energy to be transferred to the surface resonance state with the increasing x value. It was also found that the plasmon resonance absorption peaks of the samples annealed in different ambient atmospheres are located at about the same position. This is because the oxidation surface layer is dense enough to prevent the oxygen from penetrating into the sample to oxidize the silicon in the inner layer.


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The eigenmode characteristics for equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) semiconductor microlasers are analysed by the finite-difference time-domain technique and the Pade approximation. The random Gaussian correlation function and sinusoidal function are used to model the side roughness of the ETR. The numerical results show that the roughness can cause the split of the degenerative modes, but the confined modes can still have a high quality factor. For the ETR with a 3 mum side length and the sinusoidal fluctuation, we can have a quality factor of 800 for the fundamental mode in the wavelength of 1500 nm, as the amplitude of roughness is 75 mn.


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We have used the transverse correlated properties of the entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, which is pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser, to perform Young's interference experiment. Unlike the case of a continuous wave laser pump, a broadband pulse laser pump can submerge an interference pattern. In order to obtain a high visibility interference pattern, we used a lens with a tunable focal length and two interference filters to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser. It is proven that the process of two-photon direct interference is a post-selection process.