987 resultados para Bouchardon, Edme, 1698-1762.


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[ES]Si en España se cometieron delitos contra la Humanidad durante la Guerra Civil, y luego en el Franquismo, fue gracias a la aportación teórica de Vallejo Nágera. Sus investigaciones eugenésicas fueron financiadas y alentadas por el Gobierno de Franco. Sus teorías sustentaron la comisión de atroces delitos que repugnan a la conciencia de la Humanidad. De manera organizada y sistemática, miles de bebés y niños fueron sustraídos y separados de sus familias, todas en el bando de los vencidos de la Guerra. Fueron entregados a la red asistencial del Estado y a familias adeptas al Régimen. Hoy tales hechos constituirían un delito de lesa humanidad. Al tiempo de su comisión, su calificación jurídica es más compleja.


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Nell’ambito dell’ingegneria dei tessuti, la possibilità di rigenerazione del miocardio post-infartuale è un argomento “caldo”, che suscita grandi speranze ma solleva altrettanto grandi interrogativi - sostenuti dal sussistere di dubbi di base sulle scelte operative praticabili. Esiste tuttavia concordanza nel considerare fondamentale l’utilizzo di un “supporto” che possa mantenere nella sede peri-infartuale le cellule competenti. Infatti, la semplice iniezione di cellule staminali per via endovenosa o direttamente nell’area infartuata non si è dimostrata particolarmente efficace, soprattutto a causa della cospicua perdita cellulare che si verifica rapidamente dopo il trapianto. Ci si orienta quindi verso la strategia di seminare cellule in grado di transdifferenziare in senso muscolare cardiaco su un materiale biocompatibile in vitro e di impiantare successivamente il costrutto ottenuto in vivo dove ci si attende il riassorbimento del biomateriale e l’integrazione delle cellule. Tuttavia, mentre in altri settori della medicina - quali ortopedia e dermatologia - l’impiego di pseudotessuti ingegnerizzati ha già permesso di conseguire ottimi risultati nella rigenerazione di tessuti danneggiati, allo stato attuale, i progressi ottenuti nell’ambito della rigenerazione del miocardio infartuato appaiono ancora aneddotici e distanti dall’ottenere protocolli condivisi per l’impiego in clinica. Il lavoro presentato in questa ricerca, condotto grazie alla sinergia di competenze interdisciplinari negli ambiti chimico, biologico e dell’ingegneria biomedica meccanica ed elettronica, è uno studio di fattibilità di una metodica standardizzata in grado di indirizzare cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSCs) indifferenziate verso l’acquisizione in vitro di caratteri fenotipici confrontabili con quelli delle cellule muscolari cardiache attraverso il paradigma della coltura dinamica in bioreattore. Il prototipo di bioreattore impiegato, in quanto sviluppato originalmente nel corso di questa attività di ricerca, presenta rispetto ad altri strumenti descritti l’innovazione e il vantaggio di non richiedere l’utilizzo di un incubatore, in quanto esso stesso permette di coltivare cellule al suo interno in condizioni controllate di temperatura, pH e concentrazione di CO2. La sua flessibilità operativa consente di impostare e controllare da personal computer leggi di moto di qualsiasi forma anche con cicliche molto veloci. Infine, la presenza di estensimetri in grado di misurare finemente la variazione di tensione esercitata sulla matrice polimerica utilizzata, posta in trazione tra due afferraggi, permette di applicare nel tempo una forza di stiramento costante, ottenendo deformazioni controllate e risultati riproducibili in termini di modificazioni cellulari. Il superamento delle problematiche sorte durante la fase di messa a punto del sistema, che deve essere ritenuto parte integrante del lavoro di sviluppo condotto, ha permesso di studiare l’adattamento di MSCs allo stiramento ciclico, mostrando che questo effettivamente determina alcune differenze fenotipiche rispetto al controllo statico. Inoltre le cellule hanno acquistato una disposizione orientata lungo l’asse longitudinale delle fibre, dato questo particolarmente importante se si considera la disposizione ordinata delle cellule del miocardio, le quali costituiscono un vero e proprio sincizio, indispensabile per una diffusione sincrona dell’impulso elettrico di contrazione. La creazione di uno pseudotessuto cardiaco ottimale richiederà ovviamente ulteriore lavoro, ma la metodica qui presentata si propone al tempo stesso come uno strumento di studio e come una strategia operativa per un approccio innovativo e standardizzabile alla medicina rigenerativa del miocardio.


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The H+/ATP ratio in the catalysis of ATP synthase has generally been considered a fixed parameter. However, Melandri and coworkers have recently shown that, in the ATP synthase of the photosynthetic bacterium Rb.capsulatus, this ratio can significantly decrease during ATP hydrolysis when the concentration of either ADP or Pi is maintained at a low level (Turina et al., 2004). The present work has dealt with the ATP synthase of E.coli, looking for evidence of this phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling in this organism as well. First of all, we have shown that the DCCD-sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity of E.coli internal membranes was strongly inhibited by ADP and Pi, with a half-maximal effect in the submicromolar range for ADP and at 140 µM for Pi. In contrast to this monotonic inhibition, however, the proton pumping activity of the enzyme, as estimated under the same conditions by the fluorescence quenching of the ΔpH-sensitive probe ACMA, showed a clearly biphasic progression, both for Pi, increasing from 0 up to approximately 200 µM, and for ADP, increasing from 0 up to a few µM. We have interpreted these results as indicating that the occupancy of ADP and Pi binding sites shifts the enzyme from a partially uncoupled state to a fully coupled state, and we expect that the ADP- and Pi-modulated intrinsic uncoupling is likely to be a general feature of prokaryotic ATP synthases. Moreover, the biphasicity of the proton pumping data suggested that two Pi binding sites are involved. In order to verify whether the same behaviour could be observed in the isolated enzyme, we have purified the ATP synthase of E.coli and reconstituted it into liposomes. Similarly as observed in the internal membrane preparation, in the isolated and reconstituted enzyme it was possible to observe inhibition of the hydrolytic activity by ADP and Pi (with half-maximal effects at few µM for ADP and at 400 µM for Pi) with a concomitant stimulation of proton pumping. Both the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and the stimulation of proton pumping as a function of Pi were lost upon ADP removal by an ADP trap. These data have made it possible to conclude that the results obtained in E.coli internal membranes are not due to the artefactual interference of enzymatic activities other than the ones of the ATP synthase. In addition, data obtained with liposomes have allowed a calibration of the ACMA signal by ΔpH transitions of known extent, leading to a quantitative evaluation of the proton pumping data. Finally, we have focused our efforts on searching for a possible structural candidate involved in the phenomenon of intrinsic uncoupling. The ε-subunit of the ATP-synthase is known as an endogenous inhibitor of the hydrolysis activity of the complex and appears to undergo drastic conformational changes between a non-inhibitory form (down-state) and an inhibitory form (up-state)(Rodgers & Wilce, 2000; Gibbons et al., 2000). In addition, the results of Cipriano & Dunn (2006) indicated that the C-terminal domain of this subunit played an important role in the coupling mechanism of the pump, and those of Capaldi et al. (2001), Suzuki et al. (2003) were consistent with the down-state showing a higher hydrolysis-to-synthesis ratio than the up-state. Therefore, we decided to search for modulation of pumping efficiency in a C-terminally truncated ε mutant. A low copy number expression vector has been built, carrying an extra copy of uncC, with the aim of generating an ε-overexpressing E.coli strain in which normal levels of assembly of the mutated ATP-synthase complex would be promoted. We have then compared the ATP hydrolysis and the proton pumping activity in membranes prepared from these ε-overexpressing E.coli strains, which carried either the WT ε subunit or the ε88-stop truncated form. Both strains yielded well energized membranes. Noticeably, they showed a marked difference in the inhibition of hydrolysis by Pi, this effect being largely lost in the truncated mutant. However, pre-incubation of the mutated enzyme with ADP at low nanomolar concentrations (apparent Kd = 0.7nM) restored the hydrolysis inhibition, together with the modulation of intrinsic uncoupling by Pi, indicating that, contrary to wild-type, during membrane preparation the truncated mutant had lost the ADP bound at this high-affinity site, evidently due to a lower affinity (and/or higher release) for ADP of the mutant relative to wild type. Therefore, one of the effects of the C-terminal domain of ε appears to be to modulate the affinity of at least one of the binding sites for ADP. The lack of this domain does not appear so much to influence the modulability of coupling efficiency, but instead the extent of this modulation. At higher preincubated ADP concentrations (apparent Kd = 117nM), the only observed effects were inhibition of both hydrolysis and synthesis, providing a direct proof that two ADP-binding sites on the enzyme are involved in the inhibition of hydrolysis, of which only the one at higher affinity also modulates the coupling efficiency.


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L’argomento affrontato nel presente lavoro di tesi dal titolo “Come tradurre il metadiscorso letterario. Esempi di scrittura femminile nell’Ottocento austriaco” è la versione interlinguistica di testi saggistici afferenti all’ambito del metadiscorso letterario. Nello specifico, non vengono analizzati testi di critica e/o metodologia ma scritti funzionali, di forte carattere pragmatico, che pur tuttavia rientrano tra le testimonianze di alta caratura letteraria, perché dovuti ad autrici che hanno fatto dell’espressione estetica la propria finalità primaria. I materiali scelti per l’analisi linguistico-testuale, compresi in un arco temporale tra la fine del Settecento e la metà dell’Ottocento, sono realizzati da donne che hanno operato in ambito teatrale facendo dell’attività di scrittura lo strumento della propria emancipazione intellettuale ed economica. La necessità di trovare una via alla pubblicazione le ha indotte a strategie di scrittura connotate da particolari stilemi e artifici retorici atti a favorire l’accettazione e la diffusione delle proposte editoriali di cui questi “paratesti” costituivano il momento giustificante. Il “lavoro di penna” è un’esperienza che viene ad assumere molteplici contorni, non privi di ricadute al momento della scelta delle strategie traduttive. Dal punto di vista formale, le testimonianze si collocano in una zona di modalità espressiva contigua alla testimonianza autobiografica. Il periodo storico e l’area di provenienza delle autrici hanno reso necessario un approccio capace di incrociare il piano diacronico con la dimensione diatopica, rendendo conto delle componenti diamesiche di una scrittura che nasce dal teatro per il teatro e ad esso e ai suoi frequentatori deve rapportarsi. Il modello traduttologico applicato ricava le sue linee fondamentali dalle riflessioni della linguistica testuale e dall’approccio integrato/multidisciplinare della “prototipologia dinamica”.


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In this thesis, we present our work about some generalisations of ideas, techniques and physical interpretations typical for integrable models to one of the most outstanding advances in theoretical physics of nowadays: the AdS/CFT correspondences. We have undertaken the problem of testing this conjectured duality under various points of view, but with a clear starting point - the integrability - and with a clear ambitious task in mind: to study the finite-size effects in the energy spectrum of certain string solutions on a side and in the anomalous dimensions of the gauge theory on the other. Of course, the final desire woul be the exact comparison between these two faces of the gauge/string duality. In few words, the original part of this work consists in application of well known integrability technologies, in large parte borrowed by the study of relativistic (1+1)-dimensional integrable quantum field theories, to the highly non-relativisic and much complicated case of the thoeries involved in the recent conjectures of AdS5/CFT4 and AdS4/CFT3 corrspondences. In details, exploiting the spin chain nature of the dilatation operator of N = 4 Super-Yang-Mills theory, we concentrated our attention on one of the most important sector, namely the SL(2) sector - which is also very intersting for the QCD understanding - by formulating a new type of nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) based on a previously guessed asymptotic Bethe Ansatz. The solutions of this Bethe Ansatz are characterised by the length L of the correspondent spin chain and by the number s of its excitations. A NLIE allows one, at least in principle, to make analytical and numerical calculations for arbitrary values of these parameters. The results have been rather exciting. In the important regime of high Lorentz spin, the NLIE clarifies how it reduces to a linear integral equations which governs the subleading order in s, o(s0). This also holds in the regime with L ! 1, L/ ln s finite (long operators case). This region of parameters has been particularly investigated in literature especially because of an intriguing limit into the O(6) sigma model defined on the string side. One of the most powerful methods to keep under control the finite-size spectrum of an integrable relativistic theory is the so called thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz (TBA). We proposed a highly non-trivial generalisation of this technique to the non-relativistic case of AdS5/CFT4 and made the first steps in order to determine its full spectrum - of energies for the AdS side, of anomalous dimensions for the CFT one - at any values of the coupling constant and of the size. At the leading order in the size parameter, the calculation of the finite-size corrections is much simpler and does not necessitate the TBA. It consists in deriving for a nonrelativistc case a method, invented for the first time by L¨uscher to compute the finite-size effects on the mass spectrum of relativisic theories. So, we have formulated a new version of this approach to adapt it to the case of recently found classical string solutions on AdS4 × CP3, inside the new conjecture of an AdS4/CFT3 correspondence. Our results in part confirm the string and algebraic curve calculations, in part are completely new and then could be better understood by the rapidly evolving developments of this extremely exciting research field.


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Amadou Hampaté Bâ legte mit „Das seltsame Schicksal des Wangrin“ einen vielstimmigen Roman vor, dessen Ästhetik entscheidend von der Einarbeitung und Inszenierung von Mündlicher Literatur bestimmt ist. In meinem Aufsatz gehe ich zum einen der Frage nach, inwieweit es Bâ unternimmt, den sinnlichen Reichtum Mündlicher Literatur, also entsprechende Sounds, Gestik, Mimik, Proxemik, musikalische Begleitung, in den einen graphischen Kommunikationskanal, in Schrift zu überführen, und zum anderen, inwiefern er die sprachlichen Anteile Mündlicher Literatur in das Romanganze hineinwebt, inwiefern er Verbindungen zwischen den Oraturen und den im Roman aufgerufenen sozialen Situationen herstellt. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht ein bestimmter Vortrag. Der Romanheld Wangrin lässt sich vor dem Haus der Mutter der von ihm umworbenen Rammaye Bira durch seinen Griot preisen, wirbt solcherart um die junge Frau. Herman Meyers Konzept der epischen Integration aufgreifend, lege ich dar, inwiefern diese eine Performanzsituation mit anderen Stellen, an denen im Roman Mündliche Literatur inszeniert wird, korrespondiert, um dadurch zu generelleren Aussagen über die Verfahrensweise Bâ’s hinsichtlich der Aufnahme von Mündlicher Literatur zu gelangen. Am Anfang des Aufsatzes fasse ich Charakteristika Mündlicher Literatur zusammen und problematisiere deren Überführung in den schriftlichen Modus.


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We investigate a recently proposed model for decision learning in a population of spiking neurons where synaptic plasticity is modulated by a population signal in addition to reward feedback. For the basic model, binary population decision making based on spike/no-spike coding, a detailed computational analysis is given about how learning performance depends on population size and task complexity. Next, we extend the basic model to n-ary decision making and show that it can also be used in conjunction with other population codes such as rate or even latency coding.


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Infliximab (IFX) can be immunogenic for humans and lead to the formation of antibodies against IFX (anti-IFX Ab), which could induce acquired IFX resistance.


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Misclassification of the electrocardiogram (ECG) contributes to treatment errors in patients with acute coronary syndrome. We hypothesized that cardiology ECG review could reduce these errors.


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A laboratory experiment using nanoindentation to demonstrate the indentation size effect is described. This laboratory introduces students to sophisticated instrumentation at low cost and low risk and utilizes recent research in the materials community as its foundation. The motivation, learning objectives, experimental details, data, and data analysis are presented. This experiment is intended for use in an upper-division materials science elective at the university level and has been successfully used in laboratory courses for senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students at Stanford University and Santa Clara University.


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Telomere length measurement has been proposed as a promising tool to estimate the age of individuals in natural populations. We used real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to measure relative telomere length in four tissues (brain, kidney, liver and muscle) of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in different groups based upon body length an otolith age estimate. We observed a high level of inter-individual differences in the measurements of relative telomere length in hakes of similar age and body length groups. The results of qPCR analysis showed a great variability in all measures and a lack of repeatability and reproducibility with significant statistical differences in the results of the different assays. The paper discusses the technical reasons for the variability in qPCR obtained in this work and by other authors.


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To assess pain and swelling in the first 7 days after periapical surgery and their relationship with the agent used for bleeding control.