975 resultados para Born globals


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La figura de l’urbanista i enginyer osonenc Ildefons Cerdà (1815-1876) ha estat objecte de controvèrsia entre els intel·lectuals de cada època. Però, públicament, no va ser fins als treballs de l’economista Fabià Estapé (1968-1971) que es va recuperar i reivindicar finalment el llegat del dissenyador de l’Eixample de Barcelona. En l’any que es commemoren els 150 anys del Pla Cerdà, aquest article té per objectiu revisar què n’ha dit la premsa d’època d’Ildefons Cerdà, usant com a base el material hemerogràfic de La Vanguardia.


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“Decidida a viure al preu que sigui” underscores contemporary writer Maria-Antònia Oliver in her prologue to Aurora Bertrana’s fourth book, El Marroc sensual i fanàtic (1936). The urge to travel, to explore the world and to slake her thirst for new experiences shaped much of the personality and the work of this Girona-born writer. Taking her own travels as a starting point, Bertrana distinguished herself in the genre of travel writing on exotic countries, which at that time underwent a significant revival in Catalonia. Bertrana’s originality lies partly in the image of the woman traveller that she consciously cultivated for herself, and partly in the way she narrates her travels. This article seeks to recover this author and make visible her singular way of presenting otherness.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoite on selvitää infocom-toimialan pk-yritysten kansainväliset kasvustrategiat. Aluksi on tarkasteltu kasvua edesauttaneita ja hidastaneita tekijöitä, jotka muodostavat pohjan kansainvälisen kasvun suunnittelulle. Näiden pohjalta on aikaisemmin esitettyihin teoriamalleihin ja yritysten kansainvälistymisen asteeseen yhdistettynä määritelty infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksten kansainväliset kasvustrategiavaihtoehdot. Tutkimuksen tarkasteluun on vaikuttanut born global-ilmiö, jonka pääpiirre on nopea kansainvälistyminen yrityksen aikaisessa kehitysvaiheessa. Työn empiirisessä osassa on havainnollistettu teoriassa käsiteltyjä kansainväliseen kasvuun liittyviä tekijöitä. Empiirisessä osassa on käytetty sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Kvantitatiivinen survey tutkimus on pohjautunut aineistoon, joka on kerätty vuosina 1999-2000 Telecom Business Research Centerissä Lappeenrannassa. Kvalitatiivisessa case-tutkimuksessa on haastateltu infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksiä. Nopeasti kehittyvän infocom-toimialan pk-yrityksille kansainvälistyminen on haaste ja tärkein menestyksen edellytys. Pk-yritysten kasvuresurssit ovat rajalliset, mutta lisääntyvän verkostoitumisen myötä on yritysten välisestä yhteistyöstä saavutettu etuja, jotka ovat mahdollistaneet kansainvälisen kasvun. Markkinoiden muutosnopeus on suuri ja siksi strategisen suunnittelun aikaväli lyhenee. Kansainvälisiä kasvustrategioita muodostettaessa yritykset joutuvat samanaikaisesti turvautumaan useampaan eri kasvustrategiaan, joiden yhdistelmänä yritysten merkittävimmäksi kasvustrategiaksi muodostuvat hybridit kasvustrategiat.


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Les persones compartim amb la resta d’ésser vius el fet de néixer, de créixer i de reproduir-nos, però, l’etapa de la mort la obviem o l’intentem amagar. Quan ens referim a les persones, parlem de l’última etapa del cicle vital anomenant-la vellesa, excloent així la mort de les etapes que formen el cicle. Punto de encuentro és un documental que parla d’aquesta etapa, de la vellesa, de com és viscuda, amb quines sensacions s’hi arriba, quin és el balanç o la reflexió que fan els avis quan ja han viscut tants anys i han acumulat tantes experiències. S’hi inclouen molts temes, la política, la soledat, la tristesa, les coses bones que té estar jubilat, com és el dia a dia d’una persona gran quan viu tota sola, els records de temps passats. Tot això ho podrem descobrir al documental a través del punt de vista i la pròpia experiència l’experiència dels protagonistes de Punto de encuentro: la Maria, el Bernabé, la Paquita i l’Albino.


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Aquest treball final de grau consisteix en una comparativa, en el període 2007-2012, entre dos grans índexs. L’IBEX 35 per les empreses espanyoles, i el CAC 40 per les empreses franceses. En el treball es presenten els índexs borsaris juntament amb les empreses que els formen. Seguidament es realitzen tot un seguit d’estudis per determinar quin índex borsari presenta una millor situació financera. Els estudis consisteixen en una anàlisi a curt termini, una anàlisi a llarg termini, l’anàlisi econòmic, l’anàlisi de l’ECPN i, com a últim, l’anàlisi de l’EFE. Finalment s’arriben a unes conclusions globals que determinaran quines empreses estan millor, les franceses o les espanyoles.


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Prof. Dr. Antonio Prevosti was born on the 15th of February, 1919, at Barcelona where he grew up and lived with his wife Maria Monclús and his family until his death. Between the years 1939 and 1942 he registered at the University of Barcelona and finished his studies there with the"University Degree in Natural Science" obtaining the extraordinary award of his promotion. Immediately afterwards he started his research about the growth rate of Barcelona school children from two very different social groups at the Anthropology Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. The obtained results were published in his Doctoral Thesis (1948). Further investigations on quantitative traits in human populations improved his knowledge of statistical analyses and provided the basis for a scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work at the Institute of Statistical and Demographical Sciences in Rome directed by Prof. C. Gini.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää Kaakkois-Suomen TE-keskuksen toiminta-ajatuksen ja vision toteutumista alueellisten yhteistyökump-paneiden (ulkoinen näkökulma) ja henkilöstön (sisäinen näkökulma) kannalta, millä lailla he ovat kokeneet voineensa vaikuttaa alueellisten toimijoiden verkostoon, ja minkälaisia rooleja on löydettävissä verkostosta. Tutkimus on kaksiosainen sisältäen kvalitatiivisen teoriaosan, ja empiiriaosan. Teoriaosassa määritellään verkostokäsite ja verkostopiirteitä. Lisäksi pohditaan motiiveja verkostoitumiseen ja tutkitaan erilaisia verkostojaotteluja. Alueellista verkostoitumista käsitellään ei-hyötyä-tavoittelevan organisaation näkökulmasta. Lisäksi käydään läpi organisaation sisäistä näkökulmaa verkostoiduttaessa sekä sitä, voiko verkostoa johtaa. Tutkimuksen empiiriaosassa teemahaastatellaan alueellisia yhteistyökumppaneita sekä henkilöstön edustajia. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että toiminta-ajatus on sisäistetty verkoston toiminnan lähtökohdaksi. Koetaan, että verkostoon voidaan vaikuttaa, mutta verkoston johtaminen on tilannekohtaista. Verkoston toimivuutta lisäävät siinä toimivien henkilöiden keskinäinen luottamus ja aktiivinen tiedonkulku. Käytännössä roolien erittely ei ole selkeätä, vaan eri roolit sekottuvat tilanteen mukaan. Vapaamuotoiset foorumit koetaan erityisen hedelmällisiksi uusia innovaatioita luotaessa ja hyvä käytäntöjä hyödynnettäessa.


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BACKGROUND: Lung clearance index (LCI), a marker of ventilation inhomogeneity, is elevated early in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, in infants with CF, LCI values are found to be normal, although structural lung abnormalities are often detectable. We hypothesized that this discrepancy is due to inadequate algorithms of the available software package. AIM: Our aim was to challenge the validity of these software algorithms. METHODS: We compared multiple breath washout (MBW) results of current software algorithms (automatic modus) to refined algorithms (manual modus) in 17 asymptomatic infants with CF, and 24 matched healthy term-born infants. The main difference between these two analysis methods lies in the calculation of the molar mass differences that the system uses to define the completion of the measurement. RESULTS: In infants with CF the refined manual modus revealed clearly elevated LCI above 9 in 8 out of 35 measurements (23%), all showing LCI values below 8.3 using the automatic modus (paired t-test comparing the means, P < 0.001). Healthy infants showed normal LCI values using both analysis methods (n = 47, paired t-test, P = 0.79). The most relevant reason for false normal LCI values in infants with CF using the automatic modus was the incorrect recognition of the end-of-test too early during the washout. CONCLUSION: We recommend the use of the manual modus for the analysis of MBW outcomes in infants in order to obtain more accurate results. This will allow appropriate use of infant lung function results for clinical and scientific purposes. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2015; 50:970-977. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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AIM: This study quantified the impact of perinatal predictors and medical centre on the outcome of very low-gestational-age neonates (VLGANs) born at <32 completed weeks in Switzerland. METHODS: Using prospectively collected data from a 10-year cohort of VLGANs, we developed logistic regression models for three different time points: delivery, NICU admission and seven days of age. The data predicted survival to discharge without severe neonatal morbidity, such as major brain injury, moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity (≥stage three) or necrotising enterocolitis (≥stage three). RESULTS: From 2002 to 2011, 6892 VLGANs were identified: 5854 (85%) of the live-born infants survived and 84% of the survivors did not have severe neonatal complications. Predictors for adverse outcome at delivery and on NICU admission were low gestational age, low birthweight, male sex, multiple birth, birth defects and lack of antenatal corticosteroids. Proven sepsis was an additional risk factor on day seven of life. The medical centre remained a statistically significant factor at all three time points after adjusting for perinatal predictors. CONCLUSION: After adjusting for perinatal factors, the survival of Swiss VLGANs without severe neonatal morbidity was strongly influenced by the medical centre that treated them.


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Extreme prematurity and pregnancy conditions leading to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affect thousands of newborns every year and increase their risk for poor higher order cognitive and social skills at school age. However, little is known about the brain structural basis of these disabilities. To compare the structural integrity of neural circuits between prematurely born controls and children born extreme preterm (EP) or with IUGR at school age, long-ranging and short-ranging connections were noninvasively mapped across cortical hemispheres by connection matrices derived from diffusion tensor tractography. Brain connectivity was modeled along fiber bundles connecting 83 brain regions by a weighted characterization of structural connectivity (SC). EP and IUGR subjects, when compared with controls, had decreased fractional anisotropy-weighted SC (FAw-SC) of cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop connections while cortico-cortical association connections showed both decreased and increased FAw-SC. FAw-SC strength of these connections was associated with poorer socio-cognitive performance in both EP and IUGR children.


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Epidemiological studies demonstrate a relationship between pathological events during foetal development and future cardiovascular risk and the term 'foetal programming of cardiovascular disease' has been coined to describe this phenomenon. The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) is growing exponentially and 2-5% of children are now born by this procedure. Emerging evidence indicates that ART represents a novel important example of foetal programming. Assisted reproductive technology may modify the cardiovascular phenotype in two ways: (i) ART involves manipulation of the early embryo which is exquisitely sensitive to environmental insults. In line with this concern, ART alters vascular and cardiac function in children and studies in mice show that ART alters the cardiovascular phenotype by epigenetic alterations related to suboptimal culture conditions. (ii) Assisted reproductive technology markedly increases the risk of foetal insults that augment cardiovascular risk in naturally conceived individuals and are expected to have similar consequences in the ART population. Given the young age of the ART population, it will take another 20-30 years before data on cardiovascular endpoints will be available. What is clear already, however, is that ART emerges as an important cardiovascular risk factor. This insight requires us to revise notions on ART's long-term safety and to engage on a debate on its future. There is an urgent need to better understand the mechanisms underpinning ART-induced alteration of the cardiovascular phenotype, improve the procedure and its long-term safety, and, while awaiting this aim, not to abandon medicine's fundamental principle of doing no harm (to future children) and use ART parsimoniously.


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This paper contains a joint ESHG/ASHG position document with recommendations regarding responsible innovation in prenatal screening with non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). By virtue of its greater accuracy and safety with respect to prenatal screening for common autosomal aneuploidies, NIPT has the potential of helping the practice better achieve its aim of facilitating autonomous reproductive choices, provided that balanced pretest information and non-directive counseling are available as part of the screening offer. Depending on the health-care setting, different scenarios for NIPT-based screening for common autosomal aneuploidies are possible. The trade-offs involved in these scenarios should be assessed in light of the aim of screening, the balance of benefits and burdens for pregnant women and their partners and considerations of cost-effectiveness and justice. With improving screening technologies and decreasing costs of sequencing and analysis, it will become possible in the near future to significantly expand the scope of prenatal screening beyond common autosomal aneuploidies. Commercial providers have already begun expanding their tests to include sex-chromosomal abnormalities and microdeletions. However, multiple false positives may undermine the main achievement of NIPT in the context of prenatal screening: the significant reduction of the invasive testing rate. This document argues for a cautious expansion of the scope of prenatal screening to serious congenital and childhood disorders, only following sound validation studies and a comprehensive evaluation of all relevant aspects. A further core message of this document is that in countries where prenatal screening is offered as a public health programme, governments and public health authorities should adopt an active role to ensure the responsible innovation of prenatal screening on the basis of ethical principles. Crucial elements are the quality of the screening process as a whole (including non-laboratory aspects such as information and counseling), education of professionals, systematic evaluation of all aspects of prenatal screening, development of better evaluation tools in the light of the aim of the practice, accountability to all stakeholders including children born from screened pregnancies and persons living with the conditions targeted in prenatal screening and promotion of equity of access.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: The determinants of a healthy diet have not been studied in Switzerland. This study aimed at assessing the individual and behavioural factors associated with a healthy diet in a Swiss city. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted between 2009 and 2013 (n = 4,439, 2,383 women, mean age 57.5 ± 10.3 years) in Lausanne. Food consumption was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Two Mediterranean diet scores (classic score and specific for Switzerland) and the Harvard School of Public Health alternate healthy eating index were computed. RESULTS: For all three dietary scores considered, living in couple or having a high education were associated with a healthier diet. An unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, sedentary behaviour) or a high body mass index were associated with an unhealthier diet. Participants born in Italy, Portugal and Spain had healthier diets than participants born in France or Switzerland. Women and elderly participants had healthier diets than men and young participants according to 2 scores, while no differences were found for the Swiss-specific Mediterranean score. CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, healthy eating is associated with high education, a healthy lifestyle, marital status and country of origin. The associations with gender and age depend on the dietary score considered.


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Substance use is one of our most important public health problems. Studying risk factors in a longitudinal study setting helps to identify subgroups of young people at greater risk for substance-use-related problems, and to facilitate targeted prevention efforts. The aim of this thesis was to study childhood predictors and correlates of substance-use-related outcomes among young men in a longitudinal, nationwide birth cohort study. The study population included 10% of all Finnish-speaking boys born in Finland in 1981 (n=2946, 97% of the target population). In 1989, at age eight, valid measures of psychiatric symptoms (Rutter questionnaires and Children’s Depression Inventory) were obtained from parents, teachers and the boys themselves. In 1999, at age 18, boys were reached at their obligatory military call-up (n=2348, 80% of the boys attending the study in 1989). Self-reports of substance use, psychopathology, adaptive functioning (Young Adult Self-Report), and mental health service use were obtained through questionnaires. Information about psychiatric diagnoses from the Military Register (age 18-23 years) and information about offending from the National Police Register (age 16-20 years) were collected in early adulthood (92% of the 1989sample). Boys with childhood conduct, hyperactive, and comorbid conduct-emotional problems had elevated rates of substance use and substance-use-related crime in early adulthood. Depressive symptoms predicted daily smoking, especially among boys of low-educated fathers. Emotional problems predicted lower occurrence of drunkenness-related alcohol use and smoking. Teacher reports on boys’ problem behaviour had the best predictive power for later substance use. At age 18, frequent drunkenness associated with delinquency, smoking and illicit drug use, and having friends. Occasional drunkenness associated with better psychosocial functioning in general compared to boys with frequent drunkenness or without drunkenness-related alcohol use. Illicit drug use without drug offending was not predicted by childhood psychiatric symptoms, but 22% of boys with illicit drug use had a psychiatric diagnosis in early adulthood. Drug offenders, in turn, had psychiatric problems both in childhood and in adulthood. Psychiatric disorders were common among young men with substance-use-related crime. Recidivist crime associated strongly with having a substance use disorder diagnosis according to the Military Register. At age 18, frequent drunkenness was common among boys entering mental health services, but entering substance use treatment was non-existent. According to the findings of this thesis, substance-use-related outcomes accumulate in boys having psychiatric problems both in childhood and in early adulthood. Targeted early interventions in school health care systems, particularly for boys with childhood hyperactive, conduct, and comorbid conduct-emotional problems are recommended. Psychiatric problems and risky behaviours, such as delinquency should always be assessed alongside substance use. Specialized and multidisciplinary care are required for young men who have multiple or complex needs, for instance, for young men with drug offending and recidivist crime. Integrating a substance use treatment perspective with other services where young men are encountered is emphasized.


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Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a common epilepsy syndrome with a complex etiology. Despite evidence for the participation of genetic factors, the genetic basis of TLE remains largely unknown. A role for the galanin neuropeptide in the regulation of epileptic seizures has been established in animal models more than two decades ago. However, until now there was no report of pathogenic mutations in GAL, the galanin-encoding gene, and therefore its role in human epilepsy was not established. Here, we studied a family with a pair of monozygotic twins affected by TLE and two unaffected siblings born to healthy parents. Exome sequencing revealed that both twins carried a novel de novo mutation (p.A39E) in the GAL gene. Functional analysis revealed that the p.A39E mutant showed antagonistic activity against galanin receptor 1 (GalR1)-mediated response, and decreased binding affinity and reduced agonist properties for GalR2. These findings suggest that the p.A39E mutant could impair galanin signaling in the hippocampus, leading to increased glutamatergic excitation and ultimately to TLE. In a cohort of 582 cases, we did not observe any pathogenic mutations indicating that mutations in GAL are a rare cause of TLE. The identification of a novel de novo mutation in a biologically-relevant candidate gene, coupled with functional evidence that the mutant protein disrupts galanin signaling, strongly supports GAL as the causal gene for the TLE in this family. Given the availability of galanin agonists which inhibit seizures, our findings could potentially have direct implications for the development of anti-epileptic treatment.