1000 resultados para Bellevue Hospital.
L'any 1342 el rector de l'Hospital de la Seu de Girona, Pere Miquel, encarrega la redacció d'un inventari detallat dels béns d'aquesta institució, relació que s'acompanya de la valoració d'aquests per a un possible encant o subhasta pública; el seu càrrec, nomenat pel capítol catedralici, l'obliga a vetllar per la conservació d'aquests béns. És per aquest motiu que ordena aquesta escripturació davant notari i testimonis: registra el patrimoni moble i immoble de l'hospital i jura davant els Evangelis guardar- lo i mantenir-lo fins que s'esgoti el seu mandat; promet protegir aquestes possessions dels actu malorum hominum i respondre de qualsevol pèrdua. [...]
presente trabalho cuja temática é a Enfermagem e a Segurança na Administração Terapêutica debruçou-se sobre a problemática dos erros terapêuticos na prática da enfermagem e sobre a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias que garantam a segurança do utente durante a administração terapêutica. Com o elevado número de utentes que procuram os serviços de saúde e que ficam sob a responsabilidade dos enfermeiros nos hospitais, convém que se realce a importância da prestação de cuidados de enfermagem de qualidade aos utentes. A prestação de cuidados de qualidade engloba a prevenção dos erros terapêuticos e a implementação de estratégias de segurança do utente durante a administração terapêutica. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, de carácter descritivo que teve por objectivo identificar os erros terapêuticos que ocorrem com maior frequência nas enfermarias do Hospital Baptista de Sousa. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por 19 enfermeiros das enfermarias do Hospital Baptista de Sousa. Como instrumento de recolha de informações foi utilizado o inquérito por questionário aplicado aos enfermeiros das enfermarias do Hospital Baptista de Sousa. A par do questionário foi utilizado um guião de observação, que foi aplicado aos enfermeiros da enfermaria X com o intuito de observar os enfermeiros durante a preparação e administração terapêutica. Os resultados da investigação evidenciaram que os erros terapêuticos que ocorrem com maior frequência são os erros relacionados com o horário de administração terapêutica, via de administração errada e dose errada. E com o estudo comprovou-se que a ocorrência desses erros encontra-se relacionada com o não cumprimento das normas de segurança na administração terapêutica.
Objetivo: Revisar la integración de medidas preventivas dirigidas a la protecciónde los trabajadores en los protocolos clínico-asistenciales de un hospital deBarcelona.
La malaltia cardiovascular és una de les principals causes de morbimortalitat. Els factors de risc cardiovasculars són diversos. Hi ha moltes guies de prevenció clínica i escales de risc. Malgrat l’existència de guies de pràctica clínica i millor identificació dels factors de risc, persisteix l’impacte negatiu cardiovascular. L’estudi enregistra aquests esdeveniments cardiovasculars en pacients que ingressen a urgències, durant tres anys, els factors de risc, els tractaments a l’ingrés i a l’alta i l’evolució i mortalitat durant l’ingrés. Compararà la població que ens ocupa amb d’altres i els tractaments. Detectarà el seguiment de les guies i circuits de millora.
We present here the principal results of four concurrent hospital utilization reviews conducted in Switzerland in 1990 and 1991, based on an adapted Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol. The studies were performed on all the hospital days from a sample of patients admitted over a 6 month period. The level of inappropriate use ranged between 8 and 15% in terms of days and was consistently higher in medicine than in surgery. In comparison with other published studies, the low proportion of observed inappropriate days is probably due, at least partly, to differences in study design.
Objetivos: avaluar tasas de respuestas y seguridad, a las 24 semanas del inicio de tratamiento, en pacientes monoinfectados por VHC y coinfectados VIH/VHC con Telaprevir. Métodos: estudio descriptivo transversal de los pacientes mono y coinfectados (tanto “naive”, recaedores, no respondedores y respondedores parciales), tratados con Telaprevir en una Unidad de Enfermedades Infecciosas. Se recogieron los datos demográficos de cada paciente, datos analíticos, inmunológicos y virológicos así como la determinación de polimorfismo IL B28. Se recogen datos basales y a las 4, 8, 12 y 24 semanas. Resultados: un total de 43 pacientes analizados que iniciaron tratamiento con Telaprevir. Completan tratamiento hasta 12 semanas los 43, y hasta la semana 24 con Peginterferon y Rivabirina un total de 35 pacientes. Un 48% eran pacientes monoinfectados y un 51% coinfectados VIH-VHC. Un 80% eran hombres y un 20% mujeres, con una edad media de 52 años +/- 8´79. A las 12 semanas, un 76% de los pacientes monoinfectados y un 86% de los coinfectados tenían indetectable VHC, y a las 24 semanas un 86% de los monoinfectados y un 90% de los coinfectados, mantenían respuesta viral en tratamiento, sin ser estas diferencias estadísticamente significativas. De la misma forma no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las proporciones de efectos secundarios. Conclusiones: la efectividad y la seguridad del tratamiento con triple terapia que incluye Teleprevir en la infección crónica de VHC, son similares en pacientes monoinfectados y coinfectados.
Background: Public hospitals' long waiting lists make outpatient surgery in private facilities very attractive provided a standardized protocol is applied. The aim of this study was to assess this kind of innovative collaboration in abdominal surgery from a clinical and economical perspective. Methods: All consecutive patients operated on in an outpatient basis in a private facility by a public hospital abdominal surgeon and an assistant over a 5-year period (2004-2009) were included. Clinical assessment was carried out from patients' charts and satisfaction questionnaire, and economic assessment from the comparison between the surgeons' charges paid by the private facility and the surgeons' hospital salaries during the days devoted to surgery at the private facility. Results: Over the 5 years, 602 operative procedures were carried out during 190 operative days. All patients could be discharged the same day and only 1% of minor complications occurred. The patients' satisfaction was 98%. The balance between the surgeons' charges paid by the private facility and their hospital salary costs was positive by 25.8% for the senior surgeon and 12.6% for the assistant or, on average, 21.9% for both. Conclusion: Collaboration between an overloaded university hospital surgery department and a private surgical facility was successful, effective, safe, and cost-effective. It could be extended to other surgical specialities. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction: Population ageing challenges Emergency Departments (ED) with a population shift toward higher age groups. People over 65 years are heterogenous with respect to polymorbidity and functional capacity. Complex situations become more prevalent among patients aged 85+, the fastest growing segment of the elderly population (+72% between 2010 and 2030). Objectives: To identify the trend of ED admission rates for patients aged 85+ and to compare the characteristics of their ED visits with the one of patients aged 65-84. Method: Retrospective analysis of 56162 ED admissions of patients aged 65+ at the University of Lausanne Medical Center (CHUV), from 2005 to 2010. All visits of patients aged 65+ at the time of admission were considered. Analyses focus on demographic characteristics, living arrangement, hospital admission, and median Length of Stay (LOS) in the ED. Data from 2010 were examined for the degree of emergency (DE), the main reason for visiting the ED (Swiss triage scale) and readmission at 30 days. Results: Between 2005 and 2010, ED visits of patients aged 65 years and over increased from 8228 to 10390/year (with a slight decrease of women from 56% to 54%). This is an increment of +26% i.e. 5.9 patients/day more. Patients aged 85+ increased by +46% vs +20% for the 65-84. ED visits of people aged 18-64 years raised by +20%. Among patients over 65 years, the proportion of patients aged 85 and more increased from 23% in 2005 to 27% in 2010. In 2010, 85+ patients were more likely than 65-84 patients to come from a NH setting (13% vs 4%), to be hospitalised (70% vs 59%) and to stay longer in the ED (median LOS 9 hours vs 7 hours). Readmission to ED within 30 days after discharge did not differ (85+: 14% vs 65-84: 12%) (similar proportions in 2005). In 2010, the first reason for patients 85+ to visit ED was fall/injury (27% vs 18% by 65-84), whereas the main cause for patients aged 65-84 years was a cardiovascular disorder (18% vs 16% by 85+). The part of high emergency cases was similar for patients 85+ and 65-84 (42%). Conclusion: Among aged patients those aged 85 and over are the fastest growing group admitted to ED. Compared to their younger counterparts, their reason to visit ED and their pattern of health services utilization differ due to specific epidemiological conditions. ED addressing specific needs of geriatric patients would improve their care and lead to a better use of available resources.
Las exacerbaciones de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EA-EPOC) constituyen una de las principales causas de hospitalización y de asistencia a los Servicios de Urgencias, lo cual les confiere ser las responsables de una gran carga sobre el sistema sanitario. En nuestro estudio hemos evaluado el impacto de un modo asistencial alternativo (los hospitales de día de enfermedades respiratorias -HDER-) sobre la tasa de ingresos durante las EA-EPOC. Los resultados muestran que la atención en los HDER puede disminuir el número de ingresos en comparación con los Servicios de Urgencias a partir de un modelo de atención continuada y multidimensional.
OBJECTIVES: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) have been listed as AIDS-defining cancers (ADCs) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since 1993. Despite this, HIV screening is not universally mentioned in ADC treatment guidelines. We examined screening practices at a tertiary centre serving a population where HIV seroprevalence is 0.4%. METHODS: Patients with KS, ICC, NHL and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), treated at Lausanne University Hospital between January 2002 and July 2012, were studied retrospectively. HIV testing was considered part of the oncology work-up if performed between 90 days before and 90 days after the cancer diagnosis date. RESULTS: A total of 880 patients were examined: 10 with KS, 58 with ICC, 672 with NHL and 140 with HL. HIV testing rates were 100, 11, 60 and 59%, and HIV seroprevalence was 60, 1.7, 3.4 and 5%, respectively. Thirty-seven patients (4.2%) were HIV-positive, of whom eight (22%) were diagnosed at oncology work-up. All newly diagnosed patients had CD4 counts < 200 cells/μL and six (75%) had presented to a physician 12-236 weeks previously with conditions warranting HIV testing. CONCLUSIONS: In our institution, only patients with KS were universally screened. Screening rates for other cancers ranged from 11 to 60%. HIV seroprevalence was at least fourfold higher than the population average. As HIV-positive status impacts on cancer patient medical management, HIV screening should be included in oncology guidelines. Further, we recommend that opt-out screening should be adopted in all patients with ADCs and HL.
In January 2006 the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), a large university hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, became the first hospital in Switzerland to allow assisted suicide (AS) in exceptional cases within its walls. However, euthanasia is illegal. This decision has posed several ethical and practical dilemmas for the hospital's palliative care consult service. To address these, the team embarked on a formal process of open dialogue amongst its members with the goal of identifying a collective response and position. This process involved meetings every 4 to 6 weeks over the course of 10 months. An iterative process unfolded. One of the principal dilemmas relates to finding a balance between the team's position against AS and the patient's autonomy and the institution's directive. Although all team members expressed opposition to AS, there were mixed opinions as to whether or not the team members should be present during the act if requested so by patients. Some thought this could be misinterpreted as complicity in the act and could send out mixed messages to the public and other health professionals about palliative care. Others felt that the team's commitment to nonabandonment obliged them to be present even if they did not provide the drug or give any advice or assistance. The implications of nonabandonment are explored, as are several other questions such as whether or not the teams are obliged to provide detailed information on AS when requested by patients.
The aim of this master's thesis was to assess the ten- year trends and regional differences in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) within Switzerland. The thesis is composed of two articles. First, in the article "Trends in hospital management of acute myocardial infarction in Switzerland, 1998 to 2008" over 102,700 cases of AMI with corresponding management and revascularization procedures were assessed. The results showed a considerable increase in the numbers of hospital discharges for AMI, namely due to the increase of between- hospital transfers. Rates of intensive care unit admissions remained stable. All types of revascularization procedures showed an increase. In particular, overall stenting rates increased with drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. Second, in the article "The region makes the difference: disparities in management of acute myocardial infarction within Switzerland" around 25,600 cases of AMI with corresponding management were assessed for the period of 2007-2008 and according to seven Swiss regions. As reported by our results, considerable regional differences in AMI management were stated within Switzerland. Although each region showed different trends regarding revascularization interventions, Leman and Ticino contrast significantly by presenting the minimum and maximum rates in almost all assessed parameters. As a consequence these two regions differ the most from the Swiss average. The impact of the changes in trends and the regional differences in AMI management on Swiss patient's outcome and economics remains to be assessed. Purpose: To assess ten-year trends in management and outcome of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Switzerland. Methods: Swiss hospital discharge database for the 1998 to 2008 period. AMI was defined as a primary discharge diagnosis code I21 according to the CIM-10 classification of the World Health Organization. Management and revascularization procedures were assessed. Results: Overall, 102,729 hospital discharges with a diagnosis of AMI were analyzed. The number of hospital discharges increased almost three-fold from 5530 in 1998 to 13,834 in 2008, namely due to a considerable increase in between-hospital transfers (1352 in 1998, 6494 in 2008). Relative to all hospital discharges, Intensive Care Unit admission rate was 38.0% in 1998 and remained stable (36.2%) in 2008 (p for trend=0.25). Percutaneous revascularization rates increased from 6.0% to 39.9% (p for trend<0.001). Non-drug-eluting stent use increased from 1.3% to 16.6% (p for trend<0.05). Drug eluting stents appeared in 2004 and increased to 23.5% of hospital discharges in 2008 (p for trend=0.07). Coronary artery bypass graft increased from 1.0% to 3.0% (p for trend<0.001). Circulatory assistance increased from 0.2% to 1.7% (p for trend<0.001). Thrombolysis showed no significant changes, from 0.5% to 1.9% (p for trend=0.64). Most of these trends were confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Conclusion: Between 1998 and 2008 the number of hospital discharges for AMI increased considerably in Switzerland, namely due to between-hospital transfers. Overall stenting rates increased, drug-eluting stents partly replacing bare stents. The impact of these changes on outcome and economics remains to be assessed.