981 resultados para Bacalhau salgado (Gadus morhua)


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Necropsy is a post-mortem criterious exam that helps in clinical diagnosis and consists in external and internal analysis of body cavities and organs of a corpse in order to determine the cause of death or to verify the extension and the nature of lesions caused by diseases. Considering the bonds between owners and their pets many veterinarians seems to visualize necropsy as a difficult task. This fact has gained great importance in avian Veterinary Medicine since bird owners have both love and economic bonds. Necropsy in often neglected in Veterinary Medicine although being a very important practice for the professional learning and also for reaching a reliable diagnosis of certain diseases. For this reason, this article aims to describe the procedure for performing avian cosmetic necropsy, which keeps the external characteristics of animals and increases the acceptance of owners by not disfiguring the corpse.


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The yield and chemical composition of essential oils from leaves of Ocimum selloi B. submitted to organic and mineral fertilization, obtained by hydrodistillation and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were compared. Essential oil was extracted in a Clevenger-type apparatus for 2 h 30 min and analyzed by GC-MS (Shimadzu, QP 5050-DB-5 capillary column - 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm). Carrier gas was helium (1.7 ml/min); split ratio: 1:30. Temperature program: 50°C, rising to 180°C at 5°C/min, 180°C, rising to 280°C at 10°C/min. Injector temperature: 240°C and detector temperature: 230°C. Identifications of chemical compounds were made by matching their mass spectra and Kovat's indices (IK) values with known compounds reported in the literature. An Applied Separations-apparatus (Speed SFE, model 7071, Allentown, PA, EUA) was used for SFE extractions. They were conducted at pressure 200 bar and temperature 30°C (20 min in static mode and 40 min in dynamic mode). The supercritical CO2 flow rate was (6.8±0.7)×10-5 kg-CO2/s. The essential oil collected was immersed in ethylene glycol bath (5°C). The yield of essential oils obtained by SFE was larger than hydrodistillation in both fertilization treatments (279 and 333% for organic and mineral fertilizations, respectively). There were no differences between the fertilization treatments. The amount of the volatile components showed by GC-MS chromatogram was highest in the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation than SFE. The main volatile constituents of the essential oils were trans-anethole (Hydrodistillation: organic - 52.4%; mineral - 55.0%/ SFE: Hydrodistillation - 62.8%; mineral - 66.8%) and methyl-chavicol (Hydrodistillation: organic - 37.3%; mineral - 38.3%/ SFE: organic - 8.4%; mineral - 4.3%). A reduction of methyl-chavicol relative proportion of essential oil obtained by SFE was observed. Cys-anethole, α-copaene, trans-cariofilene, germacrene-D, β-selinene, biciclogermacrene and spathulenol were expressed only in hydrodistillation. The extraction of essential oil by SFE presented larger yield of essential oil than hydrodistillation technique, presenting, however, these essential oils, different phytochemical profiles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to assess the asexual propagation of Psychotria viridis by leaf cuttings. The treatments were: A - Whole leaf cuttings, B - leaf cuttings with the top third cut off; C - with the lower third of the cuttings removed; D - with cuts on the primary vein of leaf cuttings, and E - poles with cuts on the leaf's secondary veins. The cuttings were immersed in distilled water for a period of 70 days. In all the treatments, the rooting was observed to occur in the region of the cut, or the place where the incision in the vein was. Current assay shows the feasibilities of Psychotria viridis leaf stalks and concludes that cuttings at the nerve ends highlight rooting in so far as the leaf stalks remain in permanent contact with the plant.


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This case report describes a case of a mammary invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in a female dog. Cytology revealed small cohesive clusters of cells and many scattered single large round cells with eccentric nuclei. Histologically, the neoplasm presented plasmacytoid cells with multiple, often bizarre nuclei and an invasive pattern with cells occasionally arranged in Indian files. Vascular invasion was consistently present. Tumour cells also revealed loss of E-cadherin immunoexpression and positive immunoreactivity for HER2/c-erbB2, oestrogen receptor alpha, cytokeratin 19, and Ki67 (52 %), and the tumour was characterised as a mammary invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma. This is an interesting case since this is a rare condition that is not widely recognised in dogs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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Flavonoids have been widely incorporated into cosmetic and dermatological formulations, affording benefits such as antioxidant action, improved skin tone and fewer lines and wrinkles. Brazil has a huge biodiversity, with one of the richest flora in the world, and existing studies justify the quest for greater research efforts in this area. The cajazeira (Spondias lutea L.), a plant of the Anacardiaceae family from tropical America, is widely disseminated in Brazil. This plant was chosen because of the presence of flavonoids that exhibit antioxidant activity. The purpose of this research was to develop a stable topical formulation containing Spondias lutea extract with the aim of preventing skin diseases caused by UV radiation. Hydro ethanolic extract of Spondias lutea fruit was prepared and assayed for its the flavonoids content. The antioxidant activity was estimated by DPPH and superoxide assay. The physicochemical stability and skin permeation of the cream containing 8% (w/w) of extract were assessed. The results showed that the S. lutea extract possessed antioxidant activity, and that it is possible to obtain a stable cosmetic containing the extract, which is able to penetrate the skin. Thus, it is possible to use this extract to produce an anti-aging cosmetic.


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The validation of a microbiological assay, applying agar diffusion method for determination of the active of cefuroxime in power for injection, is described. Using a strain of Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 as the test organism, cefuroxime was measured in concentrations ranging from 30.0 to 120.0 μg/mL. The method validation showed that it is linear (r = 0.9999), precise (relative standard deviation = 0.37%) and accurate (it measured the added quantities). Microbiological assay is satisfactory for quantitation of cefuroxime in powder for injection and the validity of the proposed bioassay, which is a simple and a useful alternative methodology for cefuroxime determination in routine quality control.


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Ceftriaxone sodium is a cephalosporin with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and belongs to the third generation of cephalosporins. Regarding the quality control of medicines, a validated microbiological assay for the determination of ceftriaxone sodium in powder for injectable solution has not been reported yet. This paper reports the development and validation of a simple, accurate and reproducible agar diffusion method to quantify ceftriaxone sodium in powder for injectable solution. The assay is based on the inhibitory effect of ceftriaxone sodium on the strain of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 9371 IAL 1027 used as test microorganism. The results were treated statistically by analysis of variance and were found to be linear (r = 0.999) in the selected range of 15.0-60.0 μg/mL, precise with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of repeatability intraday = 1.40%, accurate (100.46%) and robust with a RSD lower than 1.28%. The results demonstrated the validity of the proposed bioassay, which allows reliable ceftriaxone sodium quantitation in pharmaceutical samples and therefore can be used as a useful alternative methodology for the routine quality control of this medicine. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Salmonella infection is responsible for major economic losses in poultry industry. Consequently, the development of new methods for fighting such disease is desirable, such as the use of acid-lactic bacteria. However, reference values of chicks in such conditions are dissimilar to those of other species. Leucometry reference values for chicks have not been reported. The aim of this article was to evaluate and determine the leucometric values of chicks inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium or treated with Lactobacilli probiotics. In this study, 144 1-day-old birds were divided in three groups of 48 animals each (non-treated group, Salmonella Typhimurium (ST)-inoculated group, and Lactobacilli inoculated group). A total of four blood collections were made with the first one performed 3 h after inoculation with ST or treatment with Lactobacilli. Subsequent samples were obtained every 48 h for 7 days. Leucometric evaluation was performed immediately after each collection. All birds presented an initial decrease pattern in general leukocyte values, and the chicks inoculated with ST revealed lymphomonoheteropaenic leukopaenia, eosinophilia and basophilia in conjunction with convalescence after 96 h of inoculation. The animals inoculated with Lactobacilli revealed leucocytosis with monocytosis, lymphocytosis and marked eosinopaenia. We conclude that there is no efficient bone marrow response in 1-day-old chicks challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium; additionally, an immunostimulatory effect in 1-day-old chicks treated with Lactobacilli-modulated probiotics could be stated. © 2011 Springer-Verlag London Limited.


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Pomegranate (PGE) and green tea (GTGE) glycolic extracts are being employed in formulations because of their antiseptic and astringent effects. Apricot (AGE) glycolic extract possesses function cooling and antibacterial. The aim was to verify the antibacterial activity of these extracts incorporated in gel base. The antibacterial activity was verified by diffusion in agar method, using cylinder in plate. Plates containing Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538p), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC 10536) and Salmonella sp. (ATCC 19196) were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. After incubation, the results were analysed with a pachymeter, observing the bacterial growth inhibition halo diameter and the statistical significance level was determined. PGE presented activity only against P. aeruginosa; GTGE presented activity against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli; and AGE presented activity against P. aeruginosa and Salmonella sp. According to the experimental conditions, it is possible to conclude that GTGE presented the greater growth inhibition halo diameter when compared with other extracts, suggesting higher antibacterial action of this extract.


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Recent searches suggest that social skills and time management as control variables of stress. In order to analyze possible relations between these variables and stress, it was done a descriptive study with a sample of convenience. Eighty three freshmen students, both of gender, of Biology, Civil Engineering and Psychology answered the Stress Inventory (ISSL), Social Skills Inventory (IHS) and a Time Management Inventory adaptation (ADT). It is emphasized that methodology of adaptation, the pro rata system, was not based on high standards of psychometry, which can lead to change of configuration of the instrument and the data it provides. The most of participants were unde rthe media in Social Skills and 72,29% manage badly the time. The stress rate was 48,19%. It was found connection between bad time management and stress and the lack of social skills was associated to bad time management. There wasn't statistic connection between stress and social skills lack. Students in Civil Engineering had the smaller stress rate, as well as the bigger lack of a Social Skills category.


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The medium term hydropower scheduling (MTHS) problem involves an attempt to determine, for each time stage of the planning period, the amount of generation at each hydro plant which will maximize the expected future benefits throughout the planning period, while respecting plant operational constraints. Besides, it is important to emphasize that this decision-making has been done based mainly on inflow earliness knowledge. To perform the forecast of a determinate basin, it is possible to use some intelligent computational approaches. In this paper one considers the Dynamic Programming (DP) with the inflows given by their average values, thus turning the problem into a deterministic one which the solution can be obtained by deterministic DP (DDP). The performance of the DDP technique in the MTHS problem was assessed by simulation using the ensemble prediction models. Features and sensitivities of these models are discussed. © 2012 IEEE.


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Cosmetics have been used since ancient times and, recently, their consumption has increased greatly in many countries, including brazil, which is the third largest consumer market in the world. Thus, concern for the safety and efficacy of these products should be heightened, even though these products are rarely related to adverse reactions that damage the health. Brazilian law requires manufacturers to subject their products to safety testing, to assess the possible reactions that could be caused by them (irritation, sensitization, systemic effects). To this end, in general, animals have been used as the experimental model, but this practice is being increasingly controlled, so that the scientific community is looking for alternative tests that do not require experimental in vivo models. Thus, this review aims to describe the main biological assays used to assess the safety of cosmetics, as well as in vitro assays that can replace them.


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Analiza los efectos en el producto y otras variables economicas de la conmocion del petroleo en el decenio de 1970; la crisis financiera y las politicas de ajuste de la decada de 1980; y algunos cambios importantes en la estructura de la produccion agropecuaria en el periodo 1970-1985 en Ecuador.