999 resultados para Atividades científicas e tecnológicas
O processamento térmico de materiais cerâmicos via energia de microondas, no estágio atual, vem ganhando cada dia mais importância, tendo em vista suas inúmeras aplicações, como por exemplo: aplicação de microondas na área de processamento mineral (aquecimento de minérios antes da moagem, secagem, redução carbotérmica de óxidos minerais, lixiviação, fusão, pré-tratamento de minérios e concentrados de ouro refratário, regeneração de carvão, etc. de acordo com Kigman & Rowson, 1998). Em virtude de uma série de vantagens em potencial, frente aos métodos convencionais de aquecimento, como redução no tempo de processamento; economia de energia; diminuição do diâmetro médio das partículas e melhoramento nas propriedades tecnológicas em geral, esta tecnologia vem se destacando. Neste contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho, é desenvolver uma pesquisa visando identificar e caracterizar novas opções de matérias-primas cerâmicas como argilas, feldspatos e caulins que sejam eficazes para definir a formulação de uma ou mais massas para produção de componentes de cerâmica estrutural com propriedades físicas, mecânicas e estéticas adequadas após passarem por sinterização convencional e por energia de microondas destacando as vantagens desta última. Além dos requisitos técnicos e de processo, as formulações apresentadas deverão atender às expectativas de preço e de logística de fornecimento. No estudo foram conformados corpos-de-prova por extrusão e prensagem, sinterizados em fornos microondas e convencional, sob ciclos de queima mais rápidos que os atualmente praticados. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas e analisadas, utilizando as técnicas de fluorescência por raios X (FRX), difração por raios X (DRX), análise térmica diferencial (DTA), análise térmica gravimétrica (DTG), análise granulométrica (AG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), absorção d agua (AA), massa especifica aparente (MEA), porosidade aparente (PA), retração linear (RL) e tensão de ruptura e flexão (TRF). Os resultados obtidos indicaram que as propriedades tecnológicas de Absorção de água (AA) e Tensão de Ruptura e flexão (TRF), proposto no trabalho foram adquiridos com sucesso e estão bem além do limite exigido pelas especificações das normas da ABNT NBR 15.270/05 e 15.310/09
Extractivism mineral is considered an activity highly degrading, due to the large volume of material that he moves in the form of ore and residues. The vast majority of mining companies do not show any technology or economically viable application that will allow the recycling of mineral residue, these being launched in areas receiving located the "open skies" degrade the environment. In Rio Grande do Norte to the production of ceramic red restricts their activities to the production of products such as: solid bricks, ceramic blocks, tiles, among others. Seeking to unite experiences and technical information that favor sustainable development, with important benefits to the construction sector and civil society in general, the present work studies the incorporation of the residue of scheelite in ceramic matrix kaolinitic, coming from the municipality of Boa Saúde - RN, in percentage of 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30% 40% and 50 %, by evaluating its microstructure, physical properties and formulation. The raw materials were characterized through the trials of X ray fluorescence, Diffraction of X rays, Differential Thermal Analysis and Termogravimetric Analysis. The samples were formed and fired at temperatures of 850o, 900o, 1000o, 1050o, 1100o, 1150o and 1200 oC, with isotherm of 1 hour and heating rate of 10 oC/min. Assays were performed technological of loss to fire, Water Absorption, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density, Mass Loss in Fire and Bending Resistance; in addition to the Scanning Electron Microscopy, analyzing their physical and mechanical properties. The use of residue of scheelite in ceramic mass kaolinitic provided a final product with technological properties that meet the technical standards for the production of bricks and roofing tiles, with the percentage of 20% of waste that showed the best results
The production of waste from urban and industrial activities is one of the factors of environmental contamination and has aroused attention of the scientific community, in the sense of its reuse. On the other hand, the city of Salvador/Ba, with approximately 262 channels, responsible for storm water runoff, produces every year, by the intervention of cleaning and clearing channels, a significant volume of sediments (dredged mud), and thus an appropriate methodology for their final destination. This study aims to assess the influence of incorporation of these tailings in arrays of clay for production of interlocked block ceramic, also known as ceramic paver. All the raw materials from the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS) were characterized by x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (TG and TDA), particle size analysis and dilatometry. With the use of statistical experimental planning technique, ternary diagram was defined in the study region and the analyzed formulations. The specimens were prepared with dimensions of 60x20x5mm³, by uniaxial pressing of 30 MPa and after sintering at temperatures of 900°, 1000º and 1100ºC the technological properties were evaluated: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent specifies mass, flexural rupture and module. For the uniaxial compression strength used cylindrical probe body with Ø 50 mm. The standard mass (MP) was prepared with 90% by weight of clay and 10% by weight of Channel sediment (SCP), not being verified significant variations in the properties of the final product. With the incorporation of 10% by weight of manganese residue (PFM) and 10% by weight of the Ceramic waste (RCB) in the mass default, in addition to adjusting the plasticity due to less waste clay content, provided increased linear firing shrinkage, due the significant concentration of K2O, forming liquid phase at low temperature, contributing to decreased porosity and mechanical resistance, being 92,5 MPa maximum compressive strength verified. After extract test leachate and soluble, the piece containing 10% of the PFM, was classified as non-hazardous and inert material according to NBR10004/04 ABNT. The results showed the feasibility on using waste, SCP, RCB and PFM clay mass, at temperatures above 900ºC, paver ceramic production, according to the specifications of the technical standards, so that to exceed the 10% of the PFM, it becomes imperative to conduct studies of environmental impacts
Toxoplasmosis, a benign disease in normal healthy individuals, can have serious effects in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. It is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (Tg), an obligatory intracellular protozoan. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against this parasite is very restricted. Thus, there is an ongoing search for novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. A promising alternative is a rational approach using medicinal plants. This study aimed to standardize methodologies for assessing the toxicological, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-Toxoplasma effects of Estragole and Thymol compounds isolated from species of plants (Lippia sidoides and Croton zenhtneri) commonly used in the Cariri region of Ceara State, Brazil. First we evaluated in vivo toxicity and conducted a pathological analysis of mice livers. In vivo antiinflammatory activity was assessed using air pouch and paw edema methods. Cytotoxicity assays were performed and antiproliferative, antioxidant and nitric oxide production analyzed. Anti-Toxoplasma activity was evaluated in a congenital experimental model with varying stages of maternal infection using the ME-49 strain and a non- congenital model by using ME-49 and RH strains. The results suggest low to moderate toxicity for both compounds. Thymol was more toxic in vivo and in vitro, having greater pathological repercussion than Estragole. The compounds were inactive for antiproliferative activity. Thymol showed better antioxidant activity, while Estragole stimulated nitric oxide production in macrophages. Both showed significant antiinflammatory activity. In non-congenital Tg infection, both compounds were active only against the ME49 strain. In congenital infection, Estragole (oral route) improved the newborn weight of infected mothers compared with untreated controls. Subcutaneous administration of the two compounds increased the weight of offspring born to infected mothers compared with untreated controls. We concluded that Estragole and Thymol exhibit important biological and anti-Toxoplasma activities. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of action of these compounds and other possible activities not investigated in the present study
Seaweeds are organisms known to exhibit a variety of biomolecules with pharmacological properties. The coast of Rio Grande do Norte has over 100 species of seaweeds, most of them not yet explored for their pharmacological potential. Sugars and phenolic compounds are the most studied of these being assigned a range of biological properties, such as anticoagulant , antiinflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities. In this work, we obtained methanolic extracts from thirteen seaweeds of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Dictyota cervicornis; Dictiopterys delicatula; Dictyota menstruallis; D. mertensis; Sargassum filipendula; Spatoglossum schröederi; Acanthophora specifera; Botryocladia occidentalis; Caulerpa cupresoides; C. racemosa; C. prolifera; C. sertularioides e Codium isthmocladum). They were evaluated as anticoagulant and antioxidant drugs, as well as antiproliferative drugs against the tumor cell line HeLa. None of the methanolic extracts showed anticoagulant activity, but when they were evaluated as antioxidant drugs all of extracts showed antioxidant activity in all tests performed (total antioxidant capacity, sequestration of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, ferric chelation and reductase activity), especially the algae D. mentrualis, D. cilliolata and C. prolifera, who had the greatest potential to donate electrons.In addition, the ability of iron ions chelation appears as the main antioxidant mechanism of the methanolic extracts of these seaweeds mainly for the extract of the C. racemosa seaweed, which reached almost 100% activity. In the MTT assay, all extracts showed inhibitory activity at different levels againts HeLa cells. Moreover, D. cilliolata (MEDC) and D. menstrualis (MEDM) extracts showed specific activity to this cell line, not inhibiting the viability of 3T3 normal cell line, so they were chosen for detailing the antiproliferative mechanism of action. Using flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and in vitro assays we demonstrated that MEDC and MEDM induced apoptosis in HeLa cells by activation of caspases 3 and 9 and yet, MEDC induces cell cycle arrest in S phase. Together, these results showed that the methanolic extracts of brown seaweed D. menstrualis and D. cilliolata may contain agents with potential use in combatting cells from human uterine adenocarcinoma. This study also points to the need for more in-depth research on phytochemical and biological context to enable the purification of biologically active products of these extracts
The acidic galactan (AG) was obtained by extraction and proteolysis by acetone precipitation of the eggs of the mollusc Pomacea lineata. Its structure was elucidated by a combination of chemical analysis, the intrinsic viscosity and NMR spectroscopy 1D and 2D. Biological aspects of AG were evaluated by in vivo testing of healing and peritonitis induced (anti-inflammatory activity) and in vitro assays of cytotoxicity (MTT). This polymer showed a simple structure without the presence of sulfate and uronic acids in its structure. Its intrinsic viscosity and relative were evaluated at 0.44 ± 0.05 and 1.744± 0.07 dl.g-1. Spectroscopy showed that the AG has a constitution composed predominantly of β-D-galactosis, and β-D-glucosamine-NAcetil that comes in a smaller proportion in chain. The character of this acidic polysaccharide is given by the presence of pyruvate in the molecule, forming a cyclic acetal of six states, located in β-D-galactosis. The involvement of AG in the healing process was evaluated and the histological analysis revealed that there was so early in the process of healing, a great stimulation of macrophages with granuloma formation. Suggesting that AG may have promoted the advance of biological events required for tissue healing. In the trial of the GA-induced peritonitis showed dose dependent, demonstrating the anti-inflammatory effect at concentrations above 20 mg/kg, and confirming its inflammatory character and the concentration of 1mg/kg. In vitro tests used in the GA concentration of 1000 μg/mL showed proliferative activity by stimulating the growth of 3T3 cells, corroborating the findings in vivo and demonstrating the absence of cytotoxic activity
Fucana é um termo que define uma família de hetero e homopolissacarídeos que contem L-fucose em sua estrutura. Neste trabalho uma hererofucan F 2,0v da alga Dictyota menstrualis foi avaliada como agente antinociceptivo e antiinflamatório. A fucana F 2,0v inibiu a migração de leucócitos em até 100% (20.0 mg/kg) para a cavidade peritoneal após estimulo químico, porém, não alterou a expressão das interleucinas IL-1β, IL-6 e de TNF-α. Com relação a sensação dolorosa a F 2,0v (20.0 mg/kg) possui atividade antinociceptiva periférica com potência semelhante à dipirona. Por outro lado não apresentou efeito no teste da placa quente. Análises de microscopia confocal e citometria de fluxo mostram que a F 2,0v se liga a superfície dos leucócitos. O conjunto de resultados apresentados pela fucana F 2,0v sugerem que o mecanismo de ação está relacionado com sua capacidade de inibir a migração de leucócitos para o local da injúria tecidual. Em resumo os dados mostram que F 2,0v apresenta grande potencial como composto antinociceptivo e antiinflamatório. Estudos futuros serão realizados para caracterizar melhor o mecanismo de ação da F 2,0v
This research aimed at evaluating oral health education activities for Periodontitis carriers, emphasizing the motivation for self-care and understanding the cultural aspects involved. This was a qualitative and quantitative study. Based on the qualitative referential, 20 interviews were done, in which differences between scientific and popular explicative models of the health-illness process were verified, besides the increased knowledge and motivation in relation to the use of preventive measures and also the fails in the understanding of the chronic character of periodontitis, enhancing frustration and guilty feelings in the patients. Two groups were structured: intervention and control. The intervention group was submitted to clinical attendance and education activities, while the control group undergone the traditional clinical attendance only. The sample consisted of 51 participants of intervention group and 47 of control group. Structured interviews were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the treatment in order to evaluate the knowledge and motivation for self-care in both groups. For comparison between the previous and post moments in both groups, there were applied McNemar tests with a probability of p < 0.05. In intervention group there was an increase in knowledge related to the name, the causes and related factors of the disease (p < 0.05). In control group there wasn t a rise in the understanding of the diseases chronic character, unlike in intervention group. However, in what concerns self-care, a greatest frequency in medium and high scores was observed in both groups. By this study, it is conclude that there is a common sense knowledge about the importance of preventive techniques and poor oral health as causing periodontitis; clinical interventions for bearers of chronic Periodontitis do not add values to the patients, regarding the illness, its causes and its chronic character; popular beliefs stay in their imagination, and the patients have a increased motivational capacity for self-care
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between free time for leisure and body composition of students in the crucial ninth year. (N = 228) of towns in the Midwest catarinense. We used the Adolescent Behavior Questionnaire of Santa Catarina (COMPAC) to assess lifestyle, considering that Active schoolchildren during the week, accumulated 300 or more minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Were used the time to 2 hours or more / day to determine the time of excessive use of TV and computer video game. To analyze body composition were used two criteria: the Body Mass Index (BMI) and sum of skinfolds (EDC). It was observed a proportion of 67.3% of girls and 68.7% of boys assets and more than 98% of students were using excessive TV time, computer and video game. In the classification by EDC, most of the boys showed great or low levels of body composition, while more than half of girls were classified at higher levels. As for BMI, most boys and girls had not overweight. Significant difference in the comparison of total minutes per week of MVPA reported between the groups, the second criterion of EDC and BMI for girls but not for BMI in boys. It is concluded that students with higher accumulation in minutes of MVPA showed better body composition indicators, but no significant difference was found when compared active groups with inactive, according to criteria used.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O consumo culinário de raízes de mandioca é bastante generalizado em todo o mundo, sendo essa raiz amplamente utilizada na forma cozida, assada, frita ou integrando pratos mais complexos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir metodologia, avaliar o tempo de cozimento e algumas características associadas a este processo em 26 cultivares de mandiocas. Avaliaram-se os seguintes parâmetros avaliados foram cor da entrecasca; cor da polpa; dificuldade de soltar a entrecasca; dificuldade de palitar; porcentagem de água absorvida/perdida em relação ao peso dos toletes durante o processo de cozimento; cor dos toletes cozidos; formações de pontuações brancas no interior do tolete; formação de gel em volta dos toletes e tempo de cozimento observado para cozimento de 13 palitos. Ao final da avaliação concluiu-se que as melhores cultivares para utilização como mandioca de mesa foram a SRT-1105 (Mico), Milagrosa RG, Mantiqueira, IAC 522-30, IAC 576-70, sendo a última a que apresentou melhor resultado no teste de cozimento.
The aim of this study was to establish the profile of the pharmacist technician responsible for community pharmacies in the city of Natal/RN, featuring personal elements, perceived their role and place of pharmaceutical care, levels of job satisfaction, type and quality of services provided in human and structural framework. To that end, we made an exploratory cross-sectional study applying a questionnaire containing open and closed questions, which was applied to pharmaceutical technicians responsible for community pharmacies in Natal/RN, from September 2010 to September 2011. The sample was established by calculating the simple random sample, with a confidence level of 95% and a significance level of 0.05. To evaluate the satisfaction level of the activities performed by pharmacists in community pharmacies was used Simple Satisfaction Scale (Likert, 1935). To assess the attitudes and perceptions of pharmacists in relation to aspects of pharmaceutical care, we used the Model Attitude toward the object (Fishbein, Ajzen, 1975). The answers were converted into data were analyzed statistically using Epi Info 3.5.2 The results showed that the strengths and weaknesses in relation to the profile of the pharmacist and their activities in community pharmacies in Natal/RN are not different in other cities in the country . The most important aspects were: 51% (n = 90) of the establishments visited, the pharmacist was absent; 46% (n = 80) did not have postgraduate and of those who are or have completed 33% (n = 51) are in the area of Clinical Analysis; 56% (n = 98) 08h for day work and 64% (n = 111) claim that this load influence its performance; 83% (n = 146) receive as salary, the floor pharmacist regarding the state of Rio Grande do Norte; 44% (n = 76) are unhappy about the salary, which is the main difficulty cited; 78% (n = 136) say they are always sought by users and the receptivity of these considered good (52%, n = 91). The activities of higher satisfaction are those related to pharmaceutical care and lower the administrative. As regards attitudes and perceptions, the score was more negative to the question 'if the pharmacist feels working as a team with the doctor', in which 59% (n = 103) responded 'never'. 49% (n = 86) reported being "able" to take questions from users and 39% (n = 68) are 'dissatisfied' with respect to the structure of the practice of pharmacy to pharmaceutical care. Action is needed on the obstacles to the exercise of the pharmacist in the solution and minimize the negative and positive stimulus to
The extraction, chemical and structural characterization of a wide variety of compounds derived from plants has been a major source of bioactive molecules. Several proteases have been isolated in the plant kingdom, with numerous pharmacological and biotechnological applications. Among the proteases isolated from plants, are the fibrinogenolytic, with relevant application in the treatment of disorders in the coagulation cascade, in addition to potential use as a tool in clinical laboratories. In this study, in addition to evaluating the effects of the protein extract of Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur (Euphorbiaceae) in the coagulation cascade also investigates the presence of antimicrobial activity and characterizes the proteolytic activity detected in this extract, aiming to determine their potential pharmacological and biotechnological application. In this way, crude protein extracts obtained from the leaves of C. urens in Tris-HCl 0.05M, NaCl 0.15M, pH 7.5, were precipitated in different concentrations of acetone, and assessed for the presence of proteolytic activity in azocaseína and fibrinogen. The most active fraction (F1.0) in these tests was chosen for assessment of biological activity and biochemical characterization. The Aα chain and Bβ of fibrinogen were completely cleaved at a concentration of 0.18 μg/μL of protein fraction in 4 minutes. Fibrinogenolytic activity presented total inhibition in the presence of E-64 and partial in the presence of EDTA. The fraction demonstrated coagulant activity in plasm and reduced the APTT, demonstrating acting on the factors coagulation of the intrinsic pathway and common, not exerting effects on the PT. Fibrinolytic activity on plasma clot was detected only in SDS-PAGE in high concentrations of fraction, and there were no defibrinating. Although several proteases isolated from plants and venomous animals are classically toxic, the fraction F1.0 of C. urens not expressed hemorrhagic nor hemolytic activities. Fraction F1.0 also showed no antimicrobial activity. In proteolytic activity on the azocasein, the optimal pH was 5.0 and optimum temperature of 60ºC. The enzyme activity has been shown to be sensitive to the presence of salts tested, with inhibition for all compounds. The surfactant triton did not influence the enzyme activity, but the tween-20 and SDS inhibited the activity. In the presence of reducing agents increase in enzyme activity occurred, a typical feature of enzymes belonging to the class of cysteine proteases. Several bands with proteolytic activity were detected in zymogram, in the region of high-molecular-weight, which were inhibited by E-64. In this study, we found that C. urens presents in its constitution cysteine proteases with fibrinogenolytic and procoagulant activity, which may be isolated, with potential application in treatment of bleeding disorders, thrombolytic and clinical laboratory
Spondias mombin is a fruitful species dispersed in tropical regions of America, Africa and Asia. In Brazil, the species can be found mainly in the northern and northeastern regions. Scarce chemical and pharmacological studies have been reported for S. mombin and until this moment studies about chemical markers were not developed. In this context, the aims of this study were to characterize the chemical markers from S. mombin leaves and evaluate their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative potentials. The chemical profile of the hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves analyzed by HPLC-DAD, through a validated method, allowed the identification and quantification of ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid. This extract showed anti-inflammatory potential in acute peritonitis model induced by carrageenan. The hydroethanolic extract from S. mombin leaves was subjected to a liquid-liquid partition with the solvents: n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Regarding the anti-inflammatory potential of the fractions obtained they were active; however, ethyl acetate fraction at 200 mg/kg showed highlighted results. The compounds ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid also inhibited the leukocyte migration to the site of inflammation at 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg. The hydroethanolic extract, fractions and the chemical markers showed significant antioxidant potential when evaluated in different assays: DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging, Superoxide Radical Scavenging, Hydroxyl Radicals Scavenging and Reducing Power. Taken together our results showed that hydroethanolic extract of S. mombin leaves has ellagic acid and chlorogenic acid as bioactive markers and it demonstrated antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties besides no cytotoxicity against 3T3 cells. It enables us to suggest S. mombin as an important species to develop herbal drugs