999 resultados para Aprendizagem em contexto de trabalho
The discussion about explanation in knowledge has been made for decades. Through this course, we present different ways of understanding about what is to explain the history: the primitive ethnographic description, the chronicler, the positivist construction of a historical science and historiography of the second half of twentieth century. Nowadays this discussion needs to be continued both in the general framework of scientific practice as within educational institutions as cognitive - linguistic ability. The focus of our research is by the second approach, which is the explanation as cognitive - linguistic ability. The formation of skills, among them, the explaining one, has been studied by the authors as: (NÚÑEZ 2012; JORBA et al, 2000; SANMARTÍ and IZQUIERDO 2000). This research had as general purpose: to study the processes of formation of the ability to explain social revolution in history classes in high school, by teachers opinion and by content as this theme among history books, in order to support the continuing education of history teachers for high school. Th e qualitative based research used instruments of data collection and analysis protocol for the books prepared for this study, and interviews with teachers. For this, the techniques of content analysis and discourse referenced in Bardin and Orlandi , respec tively were used. At first, the instruments for data collection were developed and validated, while in the second, the data were collected, organized and analyzed. From the answers to the questions of the study results shows that: a) in the analyzed books - do not express the work with the definition of Social Revolution, considering the processes for the formation of this definition, the predominant type of explanation has characteristics of multicausality; proposals for teaching are characterized as eclec tic; b) while teachers speech - it is important the students know the definition of Social Revolution, the ability to explain is more linked to didactic explanation in the classroom than the explanation through epistemological sense. These results indicate that the formation of the ability to explain Social Revolution based in Cultural History approach, are not expressed in the analyzed books, but they can serve as an important resource for this purpose. The discourse of teachers has a potential pointing to the possibility of teaching organization and learning process, based on training or upgrading the explanation skill from the theory of stepwise formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin. For this purpose, the research constitutes a contri bution to support the continued education of history teachers in high school.
Music and music education are present in the daily lives of people in different ways and in multiple contexts. In this study, we highlight the musical training in the orchestral context aiming to understand how learning music happens in the Symphony Orches tra of the Universidade Federal do Ri o Grande do Norte – OSUFRN. To achieve this goal, we identified all the activities, structure and functioning in OSUFRN; we have observed the development of activities of the group by checking the interactions among the participants of the orchestra and the different ways to learn music in that orchestral context. The research is based on discussions about collective musical practice, instrumen tal training in music education, the process of learning and the relationship between young people and music in the context of collective musical practice learning. Qualitative approach and case study were used as methodological procedures. Data collection was established by means of on - site observations, accompanying of the activities, rehearsals and performances of group and semi - structured interviews with the conductor and some participants with more time in the orchestra. We have also used photographs a nd footage that helped us in the procedure collection and construction of data. The analysis and interpretation of these data were enforced by Content Analysis featuring. It reveals the musical learning, through learning instances perceived in rehearsals, concerts, in living with the conductor and between musicians, teachers, employees and guest musicians, individually in travel and exchanges with other orchestral groups. In this way the activities developed by the group enable a comprehensive musical educa tion that guides to acquire autonomy in their learning and preparing them for future careers.
The instrumental teaching in Brazil has been more widely studied by music education in the last years, becoming a significative scientific investigation field. This work is focusing on analysis of the instrument teaching reality, considering more specifically the guitar teaching. In a timely manner, approaches the reality of the guitar teaching from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN), considering specific instrument courses in this institution. Thus, the present work was guided by the aim of understanding conceptions, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives that constitute the teaching and learning of the guitar at UFRN. To reach this main aim, we sought to verify, in general: 1) the theoretical, methodological and content perspectives that underlie guitar formation in the music courses of the UFRN; 2) the functions and the aims of the guitar disciplines in the Courses; 3) the profile of the guitar disciplines' professors; 4) the demands of the subjects directly involved in these proposals of musical education; and, 5) the conceptions about formation practices and teaching methodologies that characterize the docent action. In accordance with the aims, the methodological guidance was based on the qualitative paradigm. Thus, data collection procedures involved were: bibliographical and documentary research and interviews with three professors who taught in guitar disciplines during the semester of 2014.1 on the mentioned courses. Then, these data were systematically organized and analyzed in line with the research characteristics presented here. The results of the research evidenced the concepts, contents and didactic and methodological perspectives in the context of teaching and learning guitar in the studied empirical field. In this context, we perceive a relation between the demands of teaching and learning tool in the study field and the ones evidenced in the literature. The results demonstrated that the professors’ professional tragetory is associated with their influences from the initial musical formation and their guitar learning since they related conceptions that reflected aspects formation, sometimes converging sometimes divergente. The contentes, methodologies and general aspects are made based on parameters that demonstrate alignment with the perspectives of guitar teaching and learning in the contemporary world to the instrumental player formation. Thus, the study gave a broader diagnosis about the guitar teaching reality, demonstrating the diferences and the singularities between the Technical Course and the Course of Bachelor in Music at UFRN. Thereby, this study provides importante contribution to music education, mainly, through its reflections about the guitar pedagogy.
Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.
Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.
The present research sought to comprehend what is the development perspective of a collective work of educational robotics with high school students. The work started from the development activities Mathematics Sub Project of PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching Scholarship) in a school network from the state of Minas Gerais. The production process of data of this research was done through the follow up of high school students that participated in workshops robotics at the mentioned public school and were selected to continue the project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU). Subsequently, these students were involved in activities related to Robotics championships, elapsed through different spaces in public and private schools of basic education, University and Non-Governmental Organization. The data at the research were registered by photos, videos, field notes, documents produced by the participants and arising from internet like the social media Facebook, questionnaires and, mainly, interviews. At the analysis process of data the followed axes were constituted: Movement Learning Network with Robotics; The Different Roles at the Robotics Events and Experiences in Engineering and Technology. By this axes we understand what is the trajectory of the constitution process of a learning network in educational robotics that we find in expansion and consolidation. In this network the research participants performed different roles which left imprints responsible for their transformation. As a more evident imprint, we detected the robot construction and programming, which as for as they moved their studies forward, they developed the subject autonomy, collaboration, sharing and technological authorship.
O presente relatório, referente à Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, apresentase dividido em duas partes principais. Na primeira parte apresenta-se uma reflexão crítica e fundamentada sobre todo o percurso ao longo deste Mestrado, com base nas principais experiências vividas nos diversos contextos em que foi realizada a Prática Pedagógica no 1.º e no 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Na segunda parte do relatório apresenta-se a investigação realizada em contexto da Prática Pedagógica em 1.º CEB, numa turma do 3.º ano de escolaridade, na qual se privilegiava o esforço e resultados individuais em detrimento do trabalho cooperativo. Face às dificuldades de relacionamento interpessoal existentes entre os alunos, à falta de autonomia e de responsabilidade pelas aprendizagens e tarefas a desempenhar, promovi a implementação da metodologia de trabalho em grupos cooperativos em contexto de sala de aula. Através da utilização desta metodologia, procurei compreender que dificuldades apresentam os alunos quando trabalham em grupos cooperativos, bem como as aprendizagens sociais que esta metodologia promove. Do mesmo modo, procurei perceber que dificuldades enfrenta o professor na promoção e dinamização do trabalho cooperativo, bem como as estratégias que, de facto, contribuem para o fomento da cooperação nos grupos. Os resultados finais do estudo evidenciaram que, para a amostra selecionada, o trabalho cooperativo favoreceu de forma positiva a aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências sociais cooperativas e o relacionamento interpessoal entre os alunos da turma. Do mesmo modo, verificou-se melhorias no grau de autonomia e responsabilidade dos alunos durante a realização das tarefas propostas.
A questão formulada à qual procuro responder é “Qual o contributo da expressão dramática para o desenvolvimento de competências relacionais dos alunos, no decorrer do trabalho de grupo?” Este Relatório de mestrado é constituído por duas partes, sendo que a primeira se refere à dimensão reflexiva da minha prática pedagógica em contexto de creche, jardim-de-infância e 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, com turmas de 2º e 4º ano de escolaridade. Na segunda parte, apresenta-se a componente investigativa, no seu enquadramento teórico, metodologia de investigação, apresentação e discussão de resultados e Conclusões. O presente estudo de investigação foi realizado durante o ano letivo 2013/2014, no início da Prática Pedagógica II em 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com uma turma de 4º ano de escolaridade. Nele tentei perceber como através da expressão dramática podemos contribuir para a estimulação e motivação na aprendizagem, através da cooperação, interação e desenvolvimento social dos participantes no trabalho de grupo. Neste sentido assumi o papel de professora investigadora e ao longo de quatro intervenções foram sendo implementadas diversas experiências com jogos exploratórios e dramáticos, as quais fui observando, analisando e recolhendo dados de forma a conseguir realizar esta investigação. Os resultados evidenciam que a expressão dramática estimula e auxilia o desenvolvimento das competências sociais (cooperação e de interação) na criança, no decorrer do grupo de trabalho.
Este texto resulta de um estudo que objetivou investigar a Educaçao Física Escolar como campo de aprendizagem social: possibilidades e contradiçoes. Para sua consecuçao identificamos como necessário compreender a funçao social da Educaçao Física, tendo como esteio a categoria Aprendizagem Social discutida na obra de Bracht (1992), e compreender o que os professores de Educaçao Física pensam e propoem em torno da Aprendizagem Social no contexto de sua prática pedagógica. Para tal, realizamos uma entrevista em profundidade. Inferimos por meio da fala do professor entrevistado a dificuldade de transformaçao no processo educativo, limitando o seu trabalho pedagógico ao modelo estabelecido de escola e educaçao. Contudo, dentro das limitaçoes impostas, a atuaçao do professor condiz com o que Bracht (1992) denomina de Aprendizagem Social, pois o mesmo leva a cultura local dos estudantes para dentro do âmbito escolar e efetua debates sobre estas. Para além, nao negligencia os esportes hegemônicos, mas elabora uma problematizaçao sobre esses, para que os estudantes tenham vivências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de sua totalidade enquanto cidadaos críticos
Este trabalho procura discutir a Educaçao Física como tema ou disciplina na Educaçao Infantil. Julgamos importante situar a Educaçao Física dentro do processo histórico para situarmos nossa compreensao e postura teórica acerca dos conhecimentos tratados nesta componente curricular. Numa breve discussao procuramos trazer luz para a compreensao sobre a criança e o desenvolvimento infantil. Além disso, apontamos para a necessidade da mediaçao do tema ou disciplina tendo em vista a preocupaçao com o conhecimento e a estimulaçao da criatividade no trato da cultura corporal. Para finalizar apresentamos um exemplo concreto de aula já realizada sendo uma possibilidade de conteúdo tendo em vista, a apropriaçao do conhecimento, a socializaçao e aprendizagem dos alunos
Este texto resulta de um estudo que objetivou investigar a Educaçao Física Escolar como campo de aprendizagem social: possibilidades e contradiçoes. Para sua consecuçao identificamos como necessário compreender a funçao social da Educaçao Física, tendo como esteio a categoria Aprendizagem Social discutida na obra de Bracht (1992), e compreender o que os professores de Educaçao Física pensam e propoem em torno da Aprendizagem Social no contexto de sua prática pedagógica. Para tal, realizamos uma entrevista em profundidade. Inferimos por meio da fala do professor entrevistado a dificuldade de transformaçao no processo educativo, limitando o seu trabalho pedagógico ao modelo estabelecido de escola e educaçao. Contudo, dentro das limitaçoes impostas, a atuaçao do professor condiz com o que Bracht (1992) denomina de Aprendizagem Social, pois o mesmo leva a cultura local dos estudantes para dentro do âmbito escolar e efetua debates sobre estas. Para além, nao negligencia os esportes hegemônicos, mas elabora uma problematizaçao sobre esses, para que os estudantes tenham vivências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de sua totalidade enquanto cidadaos críticos
Este trabalho procura discutir a Educaçao Física como tema ou disciplina na Educaçao Infantil. Julgamos importante situar a Educaçao Física dentro do processo histórico para situarmos nossa compreensao e postura teórica acerca dos conhecimentos tratados nesta componente curricular. Numa breve discussao procuramos trazer luz para a compreensao sobre a criança e o desenvolvimento infantil. Além disso, apontamos para a necessidade da mediaçao do tema ou disciplina tendo em vista a preocupaçao com o conhecimento e a estimulaçao da criatividade no trato da cultura corporal. Para finalizar apresentamos um exemplo concreto de aula já realizada sendo uma possibilidade de conteúdo tendo em vista, a apropriaçao do conhecimento, a socializaçao e aprendizagem dos alunos
Este texto resulta de um estudo que objetivou investigar a Educaçao Física Escolar como campo de aprendizagem social: possibilidades e contradiçoes. Para sua consecuçao identificamos como necessário compreender a funçao social da Educaçao Física, tendo como esteio a categoria Aprendizagem Social discutida na obra de Bracht (1992), e compreender o que os professores de Educaçao Física pensam e propoem em torno da Aprendizagem Social no contexto de sua prática pedagógica. Para tal, realizamos uma entrevista em profundidade. Inferimos por meio da fala do professor entrevistado a dificuldade de transformaçao no processo educativo, limitando o seu trabalho pedagógico ao modelo estabelecido de escola e educaçao. Contudo, dentro das limitaçoes impostas, a atuaçao do professor condiz com o que Bracht (1992) denomina de Aprendizagem Social, pois o mesmo leva a cultura local dos estudantes para dentro do âmbito escolar e efetua debates sobre estas. Para além, nao negligencia os esportes hegemônicos, mas elabora uma problematizaçao sobre esses, para que os estudantes tenham vivências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de sua totalidade enquanto cidadaos críticos