942 resultados para Apis millifera


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.


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Os antigos Egípcios acreditavam que o touro poderoso representava a personalidade do próprio faraó. O touro estava, de facto, intimamente associado ao Estado faraónico, estando presente ao nível dos regalia (cauda taurina) e significativamente nos próprios epítetos reais (ka nakht). Na mitologia egípcia, de todos os touros sagrados o que maior projecção alcançou, como deus agrário da fecundidade, da vegetação renascida e da ressurreição, foi, seguramente, o touro Ápis, associado em Mênfis aos deuses Ptah e Osíris. Na sua condição de touro ágil, vigoroso e viril, Ápis era um intermediário consistente entre o mundo dos vivos e o dos mortos, além de ser um propiciador de fertilidade e renascimento quando associado ao deus-Sol. A sua participação, literalmente ao lado do faraó, na «corrida ritual», importante cerimónia no âmbito da concepção ideológica do poder real, reforçou ainda mais a sua importância no seio do panteão egípcio.


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Sea anemones contain a variety of biologically active substances. Bunodosoma caissarum is a sea anemone from the Cnidaria phylum, found only in Brazilian coastal waters. The aim of the present work was to study the biological effects of PLA(2) isolated from the sea anemone B. caissarum on the isolated perfused kidney, the arteriolar mesenteric bed and on insulin secretion. Specimens of B. caissarum were collected from the Sao Vicente Channel on the southern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Reverse phase HPLC analysis of the crude extract of B. caissarum detected three PLA(2) proteins (named BcPLA(2)1, BCPLA(2)2 and BcPLA(2)3) found to be active in B. caissarum extracts. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of BcPLA(2)1 showed one main peak at 14.7 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of BcPLA(2)1 showed high amino acid sequence identity with PLA(2) group III protein isolated from the Mexican lizard (PA23 HELSU, HELSU, PA22 HELSU) and with the honey bee Apis mellifera (PLA(2) and 1POC_A). In addition, BcPLA(2)1 also showed significant overall homology to bee PLA(2). The enzymatic activity induced by native BCPLA(2)1 (20 mu g/well) was reduced by chemical treatment with p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB) and with morin. BcPLA(2)1 strongly induced insulin secretion in presence of high glucose concentration. In isolated kidney, the PLA(2) from B. caissarum increased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, glomerular filtration rate, and sodium, potassium and chloride levels of excretion. BcPLA(2)1, however, did not increase the perfusion pressure on the mesenteric vascular bed. In conclusion, PLA(2), a group III phospholipase isolated from the sea anemone B. caissarum, exerted effects on renal function and induced insulin secretion in conditions of high glucose concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Secretory phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)) exert proinflammatory actions through lipid mediators. These enzymes have been found to be elevated in many inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis, and atherosclerosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of harpalycin 2 (Har2), an isoflavone isolated from Harpalyce brasiliana Benth., in the enzymatic, edematogenic, and myotoxic activities of sPLA2 from Bothrops pirajai, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Apis mellifera, and Naja naja venoms. Har2 inhibits all sPLA(2) tested. PrTX-III (B. pirajai venom) was inhibited at about 58.7%, Cdt F15 (C. d. terrificus venom) at 78.8%, Apis (from bee venom) at 87.7%, and Naja (N. naja venom) at 88.1%. Edema induced by exogenous sPLA(2) administration performed in mice paws showed significant inhibition by Har2 at the initial step. In addition, Har2 also inhibited the myotoxic activity of these sPLA(2)s. In order to understand how Har2 interacts with these enzymes, docking calculations were made, indicating that the residues His48 and Asp49 in the active site of these enzymes interacted powerfully with Har2 through hydrogen bonds. These data pointed to a possible anti-inflammatory activity of Har2 through sPLA(2) inhibition.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Los modeladores geométricos más comunes en el mercado ofrecen, además de sus servicios de modelado, una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la construcción de aplicaciones o software cliente -- Estas aplicaciones aprovechan los servicios básicos del modelador para proveer tareas específicas -- Sin embargo las diferencias entre API´s de distintos modeladores imposibilita el intercambio del software cliente entre ellos -- Application Interface Specification -AIS- es una API genérica para ser usada por aplicaciones cliente de los modeladores geométricos -- Este artículo reporta la implementación de AIS sobre AutoCAD® y MicroStation® y discute aspectos importantes de dicha implementación -- Además presenta una aplicación cliente neutra que habla lenguaje AIS y por lo tanto se ejecuta transparentemente sobre los dos modeladores -- AIS se presenta como una alternativa económica para escribir aplicaciones de CAD/CAM/CG -- Futuros desarrollos incluyen la implementación de AIS para labores gráficas y/o de base de datos


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Samples of Brazilian royal jelly from Africanized Apis mellifera were analysed in order to determine the gross composition: crude moisture ranged from 67.80% to 69.40%, crude protein from 15.80% to 16.70%, crude lipid from 2.90% to 3.98% and-total sugars from 11.40% to 11.50%. The sugar fraction was investigated and revealed the presence of the following compounds identified by their retention time during HPLC analysis: ribose, fructose, glucose, sucrose, mannose, trehalose, erythritol, adonitol and mannitol.


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Malware replicates itself and produces offspring with the same characteristics but different signatures by using code obfuscation techniques. Current generation anti-virus engines employ a signature-template type detection approach where malware can easily evade existing signatures in the database. This reduces the capability of current anti-virus engines in detecting malware. In this paper, we propose a stepwise binary logistic regression-based dimensionality reduction techniques for malware detection using application program interface (API) call statistics. Finding the most significant malware feature using traditional wrapper-based approaches takes an exponential complexity of the dimension (m) of the dataset with a brute-force search strategies and order of (m-1) complexity with a backward elimination filter heuristics. The novelty of the proposed approach is that it finds the worst case computational complexity which is less than order of (m-1). The proposed approach uses multi-linear regression and the p-value of each individual API feature for selection of the most uncorrelated and significant features in order to reduce the dimensionality of the large malware data and to ensure the absence of multi-collinearity. The stepwise logistic regression approach is then employed to test the significance of the individual malware feature based on their corresponding Wald statistic and to construct the binary decision the model. When the selected most significant APIs are used in a decision rule generation systems, this approach not only reduces the tree size but also improves classification performance. Exhaustive experiments on a large malware data set show that the proposed approach clearly exceeds the existing standard decision rule, support vector machine-based template approach with complete data and provides a better statistical fitness.


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Floral morphology and biology are important characteristics for plant-pollinator interactions and may influence the behavior of these agents. This study aimed to determine which floral attributes of different melon hybrids influence this interaction and, consequently, their attractiveness in simultaneous crops. The study was conducted in the region of Petrolina, State of Pernambuco (PE)/Juazeiro, State of Bahia (BA) and Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in areas with the following melon hybrids: Yellow type, Piel de Sapo, Cantaloupe and Galia. For studies on floral morphology and biology, hermaphrodites and male flowers of each hybrid were analyzed for their size and nectar chamber size, pollen and nectar production, anthesis time and flower lifespan. Floral visitors were observed simultaneously in hybrids of three types of melon, from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the two study sites. Evaluations of the corolla diameter and flower height indicated that the hermaphrodite flowers were larger in size than male flowers in all types of melon investigated, in both study sites. As for nectar chamber, male flowers are larger in width, but smaller in height, compared to hermaphrodite flowers. Regarding the volume of nectar, differences were found between floral types for the hybrids evaluated, in the two study sites; the hermaphrodite flowers produced 2-7 times more nectar than male flowers in all studied hybrids. Observations of visits of Apis mellifera to areas with simultaneous flowering of the three types of melon demonstrated differences in the frequency of visits between hybrids, floral type and foraged resource. Flowers of the hybrids Piel de Sapo and Cantaloupe exhibited larger corolla diameter, larger dimensions of the nectar chamber and greater supply of resources for foraging, which could explain the higher number of visits of bees to their flowers in the sites studied.


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O cultivo de macieira é uma atividade dependente da polinização cruzada para frutificação e, para tanto, da ação de visitantes florais para a transferência de pólen entre cultivares compatíveis (SALOMÉ; ORTH, 2014). O sucesso da polinização depende de uma série de fatores, entre os quais a eficiência do agente polinizador. A abelha Apis mellifera é a espécie mais comumente encontrada sobre flores de macieira. No entanto, não é a única espécie a realizar o serviço de polinização nos pomares. Segundo Lourdes et al. (1996) existe uma grande diversidade de espécies nativas de abelhas no interior de pomares de macieiras, as quais participam ativamente na polinização. A ação de polinizadores nativos é vista como complementar a realizada por A. mellifera (WITTER et al., 2014), e a descoberta de espécies potenciais para este fim é uma necessidade da pesquisa. Segundo Witter et al. (2014), a preocupação com o desparecimento de polinizadores pelo mundo, gerou inúmeros questionamentos sobre a dependência de uma única espécie de polinizador na agricultura. Embora escassas as informações sobre a utilização de abelhas sem ferrão em polinização de cultivos de importância econômica, há evidências do sucesso da ação de espécies nativas na 21 polinização de algumas culturas agrícolas. Por exemplo, a utilização da abelha mandaçaia Melipona quadrifasciata na polinização de cultivos de tomates possibilitou incremento no número de frutos por planta e melhora na qualidade dos frutos (SANTOS et al., 2009). Em macieira, uma alternativa seria o uso conjunto de abelhas nativas e africanizadas em serviços de polinização. De acordo com Viana et al. (2014) a introdução de colmeias de Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides juntamente 26 com as de A. mellifera incrementou o número de sementes por fruto e a produção de frutos de macieira. Como a abelha mandaçaia Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata apresenta maior atividade externa em horários de temperaturas mais baixas e de umidades relativas altas (GUIBU; IMPERATRIZ-FONSECA, 1984), diferentes aos apresentados por A. mellifera em macieira (SANTOS et al., 2013), pode haver menor competição entres as espécies pelo recurso floral, o que pode permitir ganhos na polinização de macieiras. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a ação exclusiva da abelha mandaçaia M. quadrifasciata quadrifasciata na frutificação efetiva de macieiras cultivares Gala Baigent e Fuji Suprema.