974 resultados para Alcohol Safety Action Project--Kansas City, Mo.


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In this paper, Isopropanol (IPA) availability during the anisotropic etching of silicon in Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) solutions was investigated. Squares of 8 to 40 m were patterned to (100) oriented silicon wafers through DWL (Direct Writing Laser) photolithography. The wet etching process was performed inside an open HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) flask with ultrasonic agitation. IPA volume and evaporation was studied in a dynamic etching process, and subsequent influence on the silicon etching was inspected. For the tested conditions, evaporation rates for water vapor and IPA were determined as approximately 0.0417 mL/min and 0.175 mL/min, respectively. Results demonstrate that IPA availability, and not concentration, plays an important role in the definition of the final structure. Transversal SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analysis demonstrates a correlation between microloading effects (as a consequence of structure spacing) and the angle formed towards the (100) plane.


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ABSTRACT Objective The use of benzodiazepines (BZD) and associated factors in the elderly of Dourados, MS, Brazil was investigated. Methods This is a cross-sectional population-based study using a multistage sampling design. Participants were 1,022 individuals aged ≥ 60 years. Measurements socioeconomic status, schooling, demographic aspects, marital status, physical activity, hospitalizations, self-rated health, use of alcohol beverages and smoking were assessed by standard questionnaire. The drugs used were obtained by checking the prescription or package and classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Index. Chi-square test, Chi-square for linear tendency, Fisher's exact test and Poisson regression were used to assess association between variables. Results The prevalence of use of BZD was 6.5% (CI95%: 5.1-8.2%). The oldest group (PR: 1.60 for 70-79 years and PR: 1.79 for ≥ 80 years), non-use of alcohol (PR: 4.14) and use of antidepressants (PR: 8.73) were the statistically associated characteristics. Conclusions The prevalence of use of BZD in the study population was low, similar to findings of more recent Brazilian studies and lower than those obtained in international studies. The prevalence of use of BZD increased with aging and use of antidepressants.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Educação Especial (área de especialização em Dificuldades de Aprendizagem Específicas)


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Urbana


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OBJECTIVE: Physical exercise helps to prevent cardiovascular disorders. Campaigns promoting exercise have taken many people to the parks of our city. The most appropriate exercise for preventing cardiovascular disorders is the aerobic modality; inappropriate exercise acutely increases cardiovascular risk, especially in individuals at higher risk. Therefore, assessing the cardiovascular risk of these individuals and their physical activities is of practical value. METHODS: In the Parque Fernando Costa, we carried out the project "Exercício e Coração" (Exercise and Heart) involving 226 individuals. Assessment of the cardiovascular risk and of the physical activity practiced by the individuals exercising at that park was performed with a questionnaire and measurement of the following parameters: blood pressure, weight, height, and waist/hip ratio. The individuals were lectured on the benefits provided by exercise and how to correctly exercise. Each participant received a customized exercise prescription. RESULTS: In regard to risk, 43% of the individuals had health problems and 7% of the healthy individuals had symptoms that could be attributed to heart disorders. High blood pressure was observed in a large amount of the population. In regard to the adequacy of the physical activity, the individuals exercised properly. The project was well accepted, because the participants not only appreciated the initiative, but also reported altering their exercise habits after taking part in the project. CONCLUSION: Data obtained in the current study point to the need to be more careful in assessing the health of individuals who exercise at parks, suggesting that city parks should have a sector designated for assessing and guiding physical activity.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitectónica)


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El presente proyecto de investigación está interesado en explorar y describir determinadas formas de sociabilidad de varones de clase media auto definidos como homosexuales entre el inicio de la última dictadura (1976) y la formación de un circuito de discos y pubs gays en la ciudad de Córdoba durante el llamado “destape alfonsinista” (1986). La investigación contempla la descripción densa de dos series de prácticas de sociabilidad. Por una parte, se analizará la sociabilidad de varones homosexuales, especialmente de un conjunto de sujetos que desempeñaban determinadas profesiones como “decoradores”, “modistos”, “cocineros”, “anticuarios” y organizadores de fiestas, contratados por las elites locales y clases medias acomodadas para diseñar sus formas de diversión durante el período. ¿Cómo estos sujetos se relacionaban con quienes no forman parte del “ambiente” homosexual y cómo gestionaban el “secreto público” de su identidad erótico-sexual en sus relaciones con las elites cordobesas? El estudio de estas formas de sociabilidad homosexual escasamente trabajadas por la literatura internacional se relacionará con un análisis de las formas de sociabilidad entre varones homosexuales y la formación de un “ambiente”. Para ello se estudiarán espacios colectivos de socialización como baños públicos, plazas, calles, fiestas privadas, bares, boliches y saunas. Los códigos de comunicación verbal y gestual utilizados en esos espacios, y la caracterización de las redes de personas que componían el “ambiente” también serán objeto de análisis. Dado el carácter inicial de esta investigación, ya que no se cuenta con estudios previos para Córdoba, proponemos la siguiente hipótesis de tipo exploratorio en relación a las formas de sociabilidad de determinados varones homosexuales: Estos sujetos habrían asegurado su reproducción social tanto como la posesión de ciertos salvoconductos para el ejercicio de su identidad sociosexual produciendo fiestas de las elites locales. A partir de erigirse en árbitros del “buen gusto” dichos sujetos habrían asegurado ciertos privilegios, entre ellos “feminizar” sus gustos y producirse como “locas”. Dada las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la recuperación democrática, los salvoconductos se hicieron cada vez menos valiosos al mismo tiempo que se formaba una identidad “gay” que, aunque buscó distanciarse del modelo negativo de “la loca”, continuó reclamando su dominio sobre el “buen gusto”. De esta manera, el cultivo experto del “buen gusto” sería parte de las prácticas que organizaban las formas de sociabilidad de varones homosexuales con sujetos heterosexuales de las elites. En relación a las formas de sociabilidad entre homosexuales proponemos que durante la dictadura, “el ambiente” se habría organizado en torno a un circuito callejero y una territorialidad de eventos privados (fiestas negras). Las diferentes performances sociales desarrolladas en tales espacios formaron parte de prácticas que desafiaron el estado de sitio impuesto. Reprimidas por la dictadura, estas prácticas no podían formar parte de un consumo cultural mercantilizado. La recuperación democrática y los cambios en las políticas del Estado con relación a los derechos y los reclamos de las minorías articulados con la expansión de un mercado gay global, habrían producido un cambio en las formas de sociabilidad homosexual. El ejercicio de esta sociabilidad supuso cada vez más el consumo de ciertas mercancías culturales asociadas con “la noche”. Así, la formación de una identidad “gay”, como opuesta al modelo “loca/chongo” dominante hasta los años ´80, aparecería fuertemente relacionada con la formación y segmentarización de un mercado del entretenimiento nocturno. Para la recolección de datos se recurrirá a entrevistas focalizadas e historias de vida de sujetos que trabajaron dando forma a las prácticas de divertimento nocturno de las elites locales y participaron en las redes de personas que componían el “ambiente”. This research project aims at exploring and describing determined forms of sociability among middle class self-identified as homossexual males betwwen the beginning of the last dictatorial period (1976) and the establishment of a network of disco and gay pubs in Cordoba, AR, during the so called “destape alfonsinista” (1986). This research will deal with the thick description of two series of sociability practices. On the one hand, it will analyze male homossexuals sociability practices themselves, barely studied in international literature, mainly those of a set of subjects whose professional careers were those of interior decorators, dressmakers, kitchen chefs, antiquarians and party promoters hired by the local elites and upper middle classes to design their forms of leisure durign that period. On the other, we will deal with the forms of sociability between male homossexuals and the the set of a social environment. This rearch will study collective spaces of socialization such as restrooms, squares, streets, private parties, pubs, discos and saunas. The communication codes in those spaces, both verbal and gestural, as well as the description of the social networks componing that enviroment will also be considered. Focused interviews with and life histories of those who worked structuring night leisure local elite practices and were part of that environment social networks will be the main techniques used in data collection.


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El informe de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2001), refiere que en un plazo de 20 años los trastornos mentales pasarán a ser la segunda causa dentro de la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial, y en la actualidad una de cada cuatro personas padece de algún trastorno mental en alguna etapa de su vida. Los estudios realizados en diversos países revelan que una proporción importante de los consultantes de la atención primaria en salud presentan algún tipo de trastornos mentales. Desde esta perspectiva, la atención primaria de la salud ofrece una oportunidad de intervenir en el manejo de los trastornos mentales de forma temprana y eficaz. En Argentina, es limitada la información acerca del registro epidemiológico en salud mental, no contando con estudios abordados desde la Atención Primaria en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo general del proyecto es estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales entre los consultantes de atención primaria por problemas de salud general. Para ello se propone: Estimar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en una muestra representativa de consultantes adultos por problemas de salud general, de centros de atención primaria de la ciudad de Córdoba, identificar y describir los tipos de trastornos mentales que presentan estos consultantes adultos de centros de atención primaria y analizar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales por sexo y edad de la población en estudio. Metodología: el estudio se realizará en consultorios de Atención Primaria de Salud distribuídos en todo el éjido de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta la representación de las 12 zonas de CPC. La muestra es probabilística, estratificada, polietápica de pacientes que consultan en el primer nivel de atención. Se entrevistarán 1200 pacientes utilizando la versión computorizada del CIDI 3.0, que proporciona diagnóstico de acuerdo a la DSM IV y la CIE-10. La confiabilidad y la validez del instrumento ha sido ampliamente documentada y la traducción de la encuesta al español fue realizada conforme a las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis efectuado será de prevalencia de Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento (TMC),asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y TCM estimados calculando las razones de disparidad (odds ratio), regresión logística a fin de ajustar los resultados por la posible interacción entre variables, análisis de la asociación de todas las variables con los TMC, análisis univariado de la asociación de cada variable con los TMC, controlando sexo y edad, se construirá un modelo de regresión logística. En todos los casos el nivel de significación será de 0,05. El equipo de trabajo, de cooperación internacional entre profesionales de la UNC y de la Universidad de Chile, y con la participación en colaboración de los profesionales dependientes de la Secretaría de Salud de la municipalidad de Córdoba, representa un avance para trabajar en los centros de salud de esta ciudad, constituyéndose en un avance, cualitativo y cuantitativo de la actividad científica en Atención Primaria en salud mental con abordaje epidemiológico. Se espera contribuir al conocimiento acerca de la prevalencia de los problemas de salud mental de esta población en la ciudad de Córdoba, proporcionando información a los funcionarios y responsables por la gestión de las áreas vinculadas a la salud mental, aportando conocimiento que promueva una temprana identificación de riesgos iniciales en salud mental y conductas de cuidado en la población como potencial de bienestar.Así mismo, se espera sistematizar una experiencia que pueda ser replicada en otros sitios geográficos. Por todo lo anterior, esta propuesta permitirá conocer por primera vez en la ciudad de Córdoba la frecuencia y características de los problemas de salud mental entre consultantes de Atención Primaria, información fundamental para el desarrollo posterior de estrategias que busquen mejorar la detección y el tratamiento de estos problemas. According to the WHO Report (2001), in 20 years, mental health disorders (MHDs) will be the world’s second most frequent cause of morbidity. Primary care offers the opportunity to handle MHDs efficiently at an early stage. In Argentina, the epidemiologic data on mental health (MH) is limited, and there are no records for Córdoba. The aim of this project is to assess the prevalence of MHDs among consultants who resort to primary health centers (PHCCs) in the city of Córdoba for common health problems, by using a representative sample of adult consultants, identifying and describing the types of MHDs evinced, and analysing prevalence by sex and age group under study. Methodology:the study will be carried out in PHCCs located in the municipal area of Córdoba, covering the 12 zones corresponding to the CPCs (municipal branch offices for each zone). A multi-stage stratified random sample of 1200 patients will be interviewed using the program CIDI 3.0 to produce a diagnostic according to DSM IV and CIE-10, a tool with proven reliability and validity.The aspects to be analysed are prevalence of mental and behavior disorders, their association with socio-demographic factors estimated by odds ratios, logistic regression for adjustment of potential interaction among variables, association with all variables, and univariate analysis for association with each variable. Significance level will be 0.05 in all cases. The international teamwork including professionals from the Universities of Córdoba, Chile and the Public Health Department of the Municipality of Córdoba constitutes a qualitative and quantitative step forward in the field of primary health care studies with an epidemiologic approach. This project aims at providing administrators in the MH area with data for the early detection of initial risks in MH and the promotion of prevention habits. This will be the first study conducted in Córdoba, and is aimed at facilitating replication in other geographical areas.


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Road safety has become an increasing concern in developed countries due to the significant amount of mortal victims and the economic losses derived. Only in 2005 these losses rose to 200.000 million euros, a significant amount - approximately the 2% of its GDP- that easily justifies any public intervention. One tool used by governments to face this challenge is the enactment of stricter policies and regulations. Since drunk driving is one of the most important concerns of public authorities on this field, several European countries decided to lower their illegal Blood Alcohol Content levels to 0.5 mg/ml during the last decade. This study evaluates for the first time the effectiveness of this transition using European panel-based data (CARE) for the period 1991-2003 using the Differences-in-Differences method in a fixed effects estimation that allows for any pattern of correlation (Cluster-Robust). My results show the existence of positive impacts on certain groups of road users and for the whole population when the policy is accompanied by some enforcement interventions. Moreover, a time lag of more than two years is found in that effectiveness. Finally, I also assert the importance of controlling for serial correlation in the evaluation of this kind of policies.


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Public authorities and road users alike are increasingly concerned by recent trends in road safety outcomes in Barcelona, which is the European city with the highest number of registered Powered Two-Wheel (PTW) vehicles per inhabitant,. In this study we explore the determinants of motorcycle and moped accident severity in a large urban area, drawing on Barcelona’s local police database (2002-2008). We apply non-parametric regression techniques to characterize PTW accidents and parametric methods to investigate the factors influencing their severity. Our results show that PTW accident victims are more vulnerable, showing greater degrees of accident severity, than other traffic victims. Speed violations and alcohol consumption provide the worst health outcomes. Demographic and environment-related risk factors, in addition to helmet use, play an important role in determining accident severity. Thus, this study furthers our understanding of the most vulnerable vehicle types, while our results have direct implications for local policy makers in their fight to reduce the severity of PTW accidents in large urban areas.


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We studied whether readiness to change predicts alcohol consumption (drinks per day) 3 months later in 267 medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use. We used 3 readiness to change measures: a 1 to 10 visual analog scale (VAS) and two factors of the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale: Perception of Problems (PP) and Taking Action (TA). Subjects with the highest level of VAS-measured readiness consumed significantly fewer drinks 3 months later [Incidence rate ratio (IRR) and 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.57 (0.36, 0.91) highest vs. lowest tertile]. Greater PP was associated with more drinking [IRR (95%CI): 1.94 (1.02, 3.68) third vs. lowest quartile]. Greater TA scores were associated with less drinking [IRR (95%CI): 0.42 (0.23, 0.78) highest vs. lowest quartile]. Perception of Problems' association with more drinking may reflect severity rather than an aspect of readiness associated with ability to change; high levels of Taking Action appear to predict less drinking. Although assessing readiness to change may have clinical utility, assessing the patient's planned actions may have more predictive value for future improvement in alcohol consumption.


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Dans certaines portions des agglomérations (poches de pauvreté de centre-ville, couronnes suburbaines dégradées, espaces périurbains sans aménité), un cumul entre des inégalités sociales (pauvreté, chômage, etc.) et environnementales (exposition au bruit, aux risques industriels, etc.) peut être observé. La persistance de ces inégalités croisées dans le temps indique une tendance de fond : la capacité d'accéder à un cadre de vie de qualité n'est pas équitablement partagée parmi les individus. Ce constat interroge : comment se créent ces inégalités ? Comment infléchir cette tendance et faire la ville plus juste ?¦Apporter des réponses à cette problématique nécessite d'identifier les facteurs de causalités qui entrent en jeu dans le système de (re)production des inégalités urbaines. Le fonctionnement des marchés foncier et immobilier, la « tyrannie des petites décisions » et les politiques publiques à incidence spatiale sont principalement impliqués. Ces dernières, agissant sur tous les éléments du système, sont placées au coeur de ce travail. On va ainsi s'intéresser précisément à la manière dont les collectivités publiques pilotent la production de la ville contemporaine, en portant l'attention sur la maîtrise publique d'ouvrage (MPO) des grands projets urbains.¦Poser la question de la justice dans la fabrique de la ville implique également de questionner les référentiels normatifs de l'action publique : à quelle conception de la justice celle-ci doit- elle obéir? Quatre perspectives (radicale, substantialiste, procédurale et intégrative) sont caractérisées, chacune se traduisant par des principes d'action différenciés. Une méthodologie hybride - empruntant à la sociologie des organisations et à l'analyse des politiques publiques - vient clore le volet théorique, proposant par un détour métaphorique d'appréhender le projet urbain comme une pièce de théâtre dont le déroulement dépend du jeu d'acteurs.¦Cette méthodologie est utilisée dans le volet empirique de la recherche, qui consiste en une analyse de la MPO d'un projet urbain en cours dans la première couronne de l'agglomération lyonnaise : le Carré de Soie. Trois grands objectifs sont poursuivis : descriptif (reconstruire le scénario), analytique (évaluer la nature de la pièce : conte de fée, tragédie ou match d'improvisation ?) et prescriptif (tirer la morale de l'histoire). La description de la MPO montre le déploiement successif de quatre stratégies de pilotage, dont les implications sur les temporalités, le contenu du projet (programmes, morphologies) et les financements publics vont être déterminantes. Sur la base de l'analyse, plusieurs recommandations peuvent être formulées - importance de l'anticipation et de l'articulation entre planification et stratégie foncière notamment - pour permettre à la sphère publique de dominer le jeu et d'assurer la production de justice par le projet urbain (réalisation puis entretien des équipements et espaces publics, financement de logements de qualité à destination d'un large éventail de populations, etc.). Plus généralement, un décalage problématique peut être souligné entre les territoires stratégiques pour le développement de l'agglomération et les capacités de portage limitées des communes concernées. Ce déficit plaide pour le renforcement des capacités d'investissement de la structure intercommunale.¦La seule logique du marché (foncier, immobilier) mène à la polarisation sociale et à la production d'inégalités urbaines. Faire la ville juste nécessite une forte volonté des collectivités publiques, laquelle doit se traduire aussi bien dans l'ambition affichée - une juste hiérarchisation des priorités dans le développement urbain - que dans son opérationnalisation - une juste maîtrise publique d'ouvrage des projets urbains.¦Inner-city neighborhoods, poor outskirts, and peri-urban spaces with no amenities usually suffer from social and environmental inequalities, such as poverty, unemployment, and exposure to noise and industrial hazards. The observed persistence of these inequalities over time points to an underlying trend - namely, that access to proper living conditions is fundamentally unequal, thus eliciting the question of how such inequalities are effected and how this trend can be reversed so as to build a more equitable city.¦Providing answers to such questions requires that the causal factors at play within the system of (re)production of urban inequalities be identified. Real estate markets, "micromotives and macrobehavior", and public policies that bear on space are mostly involved. The latter are central in that they act on all the elements of the system. This thesis therefore focuses on the way public authorities shape the production of contemporary cities, by studying the public project ownership of major urban projects.¦The study of justice within the urban fabric also implies that the normative frames of reference of public action be questioned: what conception of justice should public action refer to? This thesis examines four perspectives (radical, substantialist, procedural, and integrative) each of which results in different principles of action. This theoretical part is concluded by a hybrid methodology that draws from sociology of organizations and public policy analysis and that suggests that the urban project may be understood as a play, whose outcome hinges on the actors' acting.¦This methodology is applied to the empirical analysis of the public project ownership of an ongoing urban project in the Lyon first-ring suburbs: the Carré de Soie. Three main objectives are pursued: descriptive (reconstructing the scenario), analytical (assessing the nature of the play - fairy tale, tragedy or improvisation match), and prescriptive (drawing the moral of the story). The description of the public project ownership shows the successive deployment of four control strategies, whose implications on deadlines, project content (programs, morphologies), and public funding are significant. Building on the analysis, several recommendations can be made to allow the public sphere to control the process and ensure the urban project produces equity (most notably, anticipation and articulation of planning and real- estate strategy, as well as provision and maintenance of equipment and public spaces, funding of quality housing for a wide range of populations, etc.). More generally, a gap can be highlighted between those territories that are strategic to the development of the agglomeration and the limited resources of the municipalities involved. This deficit calls for strengthening the investment abilities of the intermunicipal structure.¦By itself, the real-estate market logic brings about social polarization and urban inequalities. Building an equitable city requires a strong will on the part of public authorities, a will that must be reflected both in the stated ambition - setting priorities of urban development equitably - and in its implementation managing urban public projects fairly.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a life-long, potentially debilitating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). MS is considered to be an immune-mediated disease, and the presence of autoreactive peripheral lymphocytes in CNS compartments is believed to be critical in the process of demyelination and tissue damage in MS. Although MS is not currently a curable disease, several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are now available, or are in development. These DMTs are all thought to primarily suppress autoimmune activity within the CNS. Each therapy has its own mechanism of action (MoA) and, as a consequence, each has a different efficacy and safety profile. Neurologists can now select therapies on a more individual, patient-tailored basis, with the aim of maximizing potential for long-term efficacy without interruptions in treatment. The MoA and clinical profile of MS therapies are important considerations when making that choice or when switching therapies due to suboptimal disease response. This article therefore reviews the known and putative immunological MoAs alongside a summary of the clinical profile of therapies approved for relapsing forms of MS, and those in late-stage development, based on published data from pivotal randomized, controlled trials.


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IPH responded to the Department for Social Development consultation on the banning of certain promotions that may encourage irresponsible and excessive drinking. The consultation relates to regulations Article 57A(2)(d) of the 1996 Licensing Order “involving the supply of unlimited amounts of intoxicating liquor for a fixed charge (including any charge for entry to the premises)” and Article 31A(2)(d) of the Registration of Clubs Order “restricting the price at which the holder of a licence or the licence holder’s servant or agent may sell on licensed premises a package containing two or more intoxicating liquor products”. IPH welcomes this consultation and supports the Department’s proposals to restrict promotions that involve the supply of unlimited amounts of intoxicating liquor for a fixed charge. IPH welcomes this tangible action linked to the renewed commitment to tackling alcohol-related harms on the island of Ireland set out in the Steering Group Report on a National Substance Strategy (Dept of Health, 2012) and in the New Strategic Direction on Alcohol and Drugs (DHSSPS, 2011). IPH considers that irresponsible alcohol promotions can contribute to this burden of physical and mental ill-health, accidental and non-accidental injury and other harms associated with excessive alcohol consumption in Northern Ireland. As previously stated in the IPH submissions on the introduction of powers to prohibit or restrict irresponsible alcohol promotions (Dec, 2010), IPH considers that the issues of promotion and price are inter-related. The effectiveness of the proposed restrictions could be reinforced by the expeditious introduction of minimum unit pricing of alcohol on an all-island basis.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland were asked to submit a paper on 'Cross-border cooperation on healthcare' for a joint meeting between the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children and the Northern Ireland Assembly Health Committee which took place in Leinster House on 1 March 2012. Key points from the submission included: o    The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is an all-island organisation which promotes cooperation between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland with the aim of improving population health on the island and tackling health inequalities. IPH work is focused on addressing the causes of ill health rather than the design and delivery of treatment services. o    North/South cooperation on health was mandated under the Belfast Agreement in 1998 in five domains, including health promotion. IPH has supported the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) in respect of the health promotion strand since inception. o    The Department of Health and Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety North-South Feasibility Study (December 2011) states that mutual benefits are most evident from cooperation in the areas of (i) anticipating trends and illnesses in a collective manner (ii) public health issues (iii) specialised services where the population or activity required to sustain the service cannot be met by either jurisdiction alone and (iv) in relation to those areas adjacent to the border. o    The European Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare will be implemented in the next few years which will have implications in relation to patients travelling for healthcare across the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland border. o    IPH is supporting the development of new public health strategies in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland which are both due for publication this year. o    There are tangible benefits from cross-border cooperation in the health sector, both in public health and in health service planning and delivery and there are many examples of successful initiatives. However, developments are not occurring in the context of an agreed plan or overall strategic context and tend to be project-based and concentrated in border counties. o    Successful cross-border cooperation requires high level support and integration into departmental policy cycles. The provision of data on an all-island basis supports cross-border cooperation as does the operation of sustainable all-island organisations which can support research, evaluations and programmes. o    In the future, cross-border cooperation in health will be more effective if developed with a strategic planning process intrinsically linked to Departmental priorities. o    North-South cooperation in the areas of alcohol, obesity, tobacco health surveys and rare diseases will be particularly beneficial.