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This study evaluated the adequacy of the micro-theory of client operations to explain meaning construction during Life Design Counseling. Four adolescents were interviewed about their second counseling session. Their recollections were stimulated through the replay of counseling videotapes. The resulting transcribed interviews were qualitatively analyzed. Results confirmed a sequence of client operations evolving from the symbolic representation of experience and reflexive self-examination towards making new realizations and revisioning self. Moreover, clients reported negative and positive session moments evidencing that clients' attention and activity during the session was not restricted to meaning construction operations. Practical implications for life design counseling are derived from the results and discussed.
This paper extends the symmetric/constrained fuzzy powerflow models by including the potential correlations between nodal injections. Therefore, the extension of the model allows the specification of fuzzy generation and load values and of potential correlations between nodal injections. The enhanced version of the symmetric/constrained fuzzy powerflow model is applied to the 30-bus IEEE test system. The results prove the importance of the inclusion of data correlations in the analysis of transmission system adequacy.
In restructured power systems, generation and commercialization activities became market activities, while transmission and distribution activities continue as regulated monopolies. As a result, the adequacy of transmission network should be evaluated independent of generation system. After introducing the constrained fuzzy power flow (CFPF) as a suitable tool to quantify the adequacy of transmission network to satisfy 'reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity' (as stated, for instance, at European Directive 2009/72/EC), the aim is now showing how this approach can be used in conjunction with probabilistic criteria in security analysis. In classical security analysis models of power systems are considered the composite system (generation plus transmission). The state of system components is usually modeled with probabilities and loads (and generation) are modeled by crisp numbers, probability distributions or fuzzy numbers. In the case of CFPF the component’s failure of the transmission network have been investigated. In this framework, probabilistic methods are used for failures modeling of the transmission system components and possibility models are used to deal with 'reasonable demands'. The enhanced version of the CFPF model is applied to an illustrative case.
In this paper, the IEEE 14 bus test system is used in order to perform adequacy assessment of a transmission system when large scale integration of electric vehicles is considered at distribution levels. In this framework, the symmetric/constr ained fuzzy power flow (SFPF/CFPF) was proposed. The SFPF/CFPF models are suitable to quantify the adequacy of transmission network to satisfy “reasonable demands for the transmission of electricity” as defined, for instance, in the European Directive 2009/72/EC. In this framework, electric vehicles of different types will be treated as fuzzy loads configuring part of the “reasonable demands”. With this study, it is also intended to show how to evaluate the amount of EVs that can be safely accommodated to the grid meeting a certain adequacy level.
O objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi estabelecer um roteiro tecnológico para aplicação das tecnologias de “Captação, Utilização e Sequestração de Carbono - CCUS” em Portugal. Para o efeito procedeu-se à identificação da origem das maiores fontes emissoras estacionárias industriais de CO2, adotando como critério o valor mínimo de 1×105 ton CO2/ano e limitado apenas ao território continental. Com base na informação recolhida e referente aos dados oficiais mais recentes (ano de 2013), estimou-se que o volume de emissões industriais de CO2 possível de captar em Portugal, corresponde a cerca de 47 % do valor global das emissões industriais, sendo oriundo de três setores de atividade industrial: produção de cimento, de pasta de papel e centrais termoelétricas a carvão. A maioria das grandes fontes emissoras industriais localiza-se no litoral do país, concentrando-se entre Aveiro e Sines. Pelas condicionantes geográficas do país e, sobretudo pela vantagem de já existir uma rede de gasodutos para o transporte de gás natural, com as respetivas infraestruturas de apoio associadas, admitiu-se que o cenário mais favorável para o transporte do CO2 captado será a criação de um sistema de transporte por gasoduto específico para o CO2. Como critério de compatibilização da proximidade das fontes emissoras de CO2 com potenciais locais para o armazenamento geológico das correntes captadas, adotou-se a distância máxima de 100 km, considerada adequada perante a dimensão do território nacional e as características do tecido industrial nacional. Efetuou-se a revisão das tecnologias de captação de CO2 disponíveis, quer comercialmente, quer em níveis avançados de demonstração e procedeu-se à análise exploratória da adequação desses diferentes métodos de captação a cada um dos setores de atividade industrial previamente identificados com emissões de CO2 suscetíveis de serem captadas. Na perspetiva da melhor integração dos processos, esta análise preliminar tomou em consideração as características das misturas gasosas, assim como o contexto industrial correspondente e o processo produtivo que lhe dá origem. As possibilidades de utilização industrial do CO2 sujeito à captação no país foram tratadas neste trabalho de forma genérica dado que a identificação de oportunidades reais para a utilização de correntes de CO2 captadas exige uma análise de compatibilização das necessidades efetivas de utilização de CO2 por parte de potenciais utilizadores industriais que carece da caracterização prévia das propriedades dessas correntes. Este é um tipo de análise muito específico que pressupõe o interesse mútuo de diferentes intervenientes: agentes emissores de CO2, operadores de transporte e, principalmente, potenciais utilizadores de CO2 como: matéria-prima para a síntese de compostos, solvente de extração supercrítica na indústria alimentar ou farmacêutica, agente corretor de pH em tratamento de efluentes, biofixação por fotossíntese, ou outra das aplicações possíveis identificadas para o CO2 captado. A última etapa deste estudo consistiu na avaliação das possibilidades de armazenamento geológico do CO2 captado e envolveu a identificação, nas bacias sedimentares nacionais, de formações geológicas com características reconhecidas como sendo boas indicações para o armazenamento de CO2 de forma permanente e em segurança. Seguiu-se a metodologia preconizada por organizações internacionais aplicando à situação nacional, critérios de seleção e de segurança que se encontram reconhecidamente definidos. A adequação para o armazenamento de CO2 das formações geológicas pré-selecionadas terá que ser comprovada por estudos adicionais que complementem os dados já existentes sobre as características geológicas destas formações e, mais importante ainda, por testes laboratoriais e ensaios de injeção de CO2 que possam fornecer informação concreta para estimar a capacidade de sequestração e de retenção de CO2 nestas formações e estabelecer os modelos geológicos armazenamento que permitam identificar e estimar, de forma concreta e objetiva, os riscos associados à injeção e armazenamento de CO2.
This paper explores the role of information and communication technologies in managing risk and early discharge patients, and suggests innovative actions in the area of E-Health services. Treatments of chronic illnesses, or treatments of special needs such as cardiovascular diseases, are conducted in long-stay hospitals, and in some cases, in the homes of patients with a follow-up from primary care centre. The evolution of this model is following a clear trend: trying to reduce the time and the number of visits by patients to health centres and derive tasks, so far as possible, toward outpatient care. Also the number of Early Discharge Patients (EDP) is growing, thus permiting a saving in the resources of the care center. The adequacy of agent and mobile technologies is assessed in light of the particular requirements of health care applications. A software system architecture is outlined and discussed. The major contributions are: first, the conceptualization of multiple mobile and desktop devices as part of a single distributed computing system where software agents are being executed and interact from their remote locations. Second, the use of distributed decision making in multiagent systems, as a means to integrate remote evidence and knowledge obtained from data that is being collected and/or processed by distributed devices. The system will be applied to patients with cardiovascular or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) as well as to ambulatory surgery patients. The proposed system will allow to transmit the patient's location and some information about his/her illness to the hospital or care centre
The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the influence of the physical fitness of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) provider on the performance of and physiologic response to CPR. To this end, comparisons were made of sedentary and physically active subjects in terms of CPR performance and physiologic variables. Two study groups were established: group P (n = 14), composed of sedentary, professional CPR rescuers (mean [± SD]; age, 34 ± 6 years; V̇O2max, 32.5 ± 5.5 mL/kg/min), and group Ex (n = 14), composed of physically active, nonexperienced subjects (age, 34 ± 6 years; V̇O2max, 44.5 ± 8.5 mL/kg/min). Each subject was required to perform an 18-min CPR session, which involved manual external cardiac compressions (ECCs) on an electronic teaching mannequin following accepted standard CPR guidelines. Subjects' gas exchange parameters and heart rates (HRs) were monitored throughout the trial. Variables indicating the adequacy of the ECCs (ECC depth and the percentage of incorrect compressions and hand placements) also were determined. Overall CPR performance was similar in both groups. The indicators of ECC adequacy fell within accepted limits (ie, an ECC depth between 38 and 51 mm). However, fatigue prevented four subjects from group P from completing the trial. In contrast, the physiologic responses to CPR differed between groups. The indicators of the intensity of effort during the trial, such as HR or percentage of maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) were higher in group P subjects than group Ex subjects, respectively (HRs at the end of the trial, 139 ± 22 vs 115 ± 17 beats/min, p < 0.01; percentage of V̇O2max after 12 min of CPR, 46.7 ± 9.7% vs 37.2 ± 10.4%, p < 0,05). These results suggest that a certain level of physical fitness may be beneficial to CPR providers to ensure the adequacy of chest compressions performed during relatively long periods of cardiac arrest.
Los canales pluviales han cobrado vital importancia para el manejo ambiental de las ciudades, al hacer parte del sistema hídrico, brindar servicios ambientales y facilitar el drenaje de las aguas lluvias, principalmente. Sin embargo, se quiere trascender la visión ingenieril de ser estructuras encargadas exclusivamente del transporte de aguas lluvias. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las políticas y las acciones implementadas en el manejo de estos canales en Bogotá desde el 2000 hasta el 2014, para revisar las intervenciones realizadas con la finalidad de proponer alternativas que además permitan cumplir con lo ordenado en la sentencia del Consejo de Estado, sobre la recuperación del Río Bogotá. El resultado de este estudio evidenció que aunque no se han llevado a cabo las acciones críticas de adecuación de los canales se ha avanzado en el fortalecimiento institucional y la coordinación inter sectorial para el desarrollo de acciones de gestión integrales. Al final se plantea algunas acciones para el manejo de los canales entre las que se destacan (i) ser integrales y en coordinación con programas ambientales, de espacio público y de gestión del riesgo; (ii) ser coherentes con los nuevos sistemas de gestión de las aguas urbanas; y (iii) fomentar la apropiación ciudadana de los elementos hídricos.
• Introducción: El síndrome de abstinencia (SA) es el conjunto de síntomas y signos que se producen al suspender bruscamente la administración de un fármaco una vez se haya establecido dependencia física. • Objetivos: Caracterizar los pacientes que presentan SA secundario a opiodes (OP) y/o benzodiacepinas(BZ) durante la hospitalización en las unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio (CIC) y Hospital del Niño de Panamá (HDN) del 1 de abril al 30 de septiembre del 2016. • Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo. Incluimos 189 pacientes en la CIC y 144 pacientes en el HDN. Se utilizó la escala SOPHIA para el diagnóstico de SA, las escalas COMFORT para evaluar la sedación en pacientes ventilados no relajados y la escala FLACC para evaluar la analgesia. Se utilizó software StataV12® para el análisis estadístico. • Resultados: se reportó una incidencia global de SA de 6.1/100 días personas. La incidencia acumulada de SA fue de 56.08% y 29.86% para la CIC y el HDN respectivamente. En la CIC el 69.81% de los pacientes que requirieron infusión de OP y BZ desarrollaron SA. Se reportó una dosis acumulada de fentanyl de 530.34 ± 276.49 mcg/kg. Con respecto al HDN, de los pacientes que recibieron opioides y benzodiacepinas el 53.49 % desarrollaron SA. • Conclusión: El SA secundario a opioides y/o benzodiacepinas es frecuente en nuestras unidades con una incidencia variable, es mayor la presentación del SA al usar ambos fármacos, mayores dosis acumuladas y más días de infusión continua.
This study evaluates the adequacy of the micro-theory of client operations to explain meaning construction in Life Design Counseling. Four adolescents were interviewed on their second counseling session. Their recollections were stimulated through the replay of counseling videotapes and the resulting transcribed interviews were qualitatively analyzed. Results confirmed a sequence of client operations evolving from the symbolic representation of experience and reflexive self-examination towards making new realizations and revisioning self. Moreover, clients reported negative and positive session moments evidencing that clients’ attention and activity during the session was not restricted to meaning construction operations. Practical implications for life design counseling are derived from the results and discussed.
Mark-recapture tagging and acoustic telemetry were used to study the movements of Diplodus sargus within the Pessegueiro Island no-take Marine Protected Area (MPA), (Portugal) and assess its size adequacy for this species' protection against fishing activities. Therefore, 894 Diplodus sargus were captured and marked with conventional plastic t-bar tags. At the same time, 19 D. sargus were tagged with acoustic transmitters and monitored by 20 automatic acoustic receivers inside the no-take MPA for 60 days. Recapture rate of conventionally tagged specimens was 3.47%, most occurring during subsequent marking campaigns. One individual however was recaptured by recreational fishermen near Faro (ca. 250 km from the tagging location) 6 months after release. Furthermore, three specimens were recaptured in October 2013 near releasing site, one year after being tagged. Regarding acoustic telemetry, 18 specimens were detected by the receivers during most of the study period. To analyse no-take MPA use, the study site was divided into five areas reflecting habitat characteristics, three of which were frequently used by the tagged fish: Exterior, Interior Protected and Interior Exposed areas. Information on no-take protected area use was also analysed according to diel and tidal patterns. Preferred passageways and permanence areas were identified and high site fidelity was confirmed. The interaction between tide and time of day influenced space use patterns, with higher and more variable movements during daytime and neap tides. This no-take MPA proved to be an important refuge and feeding area for this species, encompassing most of the home ranges of tagged specimens. Therefore, it is likely that this no-take MPA is of adequate size to protect D. sargus against fishing activities, thus contributing to its sustainable management in the region.