961 resultados para 3-methylene-2,6-dione
The prehistoric cemetery of Barshalder is located along the main road on the boundary between Grötlingbo and Fide parishes, near the southern end of the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The ceme-tery was used from c. AD 1-1100. The level of publication in Swedish archaeology of the first millennium AD is low compared to, for instance, the British and German examples. Gotland’s rich Iron Age cemeteries have long been intensively excavated, but few have received monographic treatment. This publication is intended to begin filling this gap and to raise the empirical level of the field. It also aims to make explicit and test the often somewhat intuitively conceived re-sults of much previous research. The analyses deal mainly with the Migration (AD 375–540), Vendel (AD 520–790) and Late Viking (AD 1000–1150) Periods. The following lines of inquiry have been prioritised. 1. Landscape history, i.e. placing the cemetery in a landscape-historical context. (Vol. 1, section 2.2.6) 2. Migration Period typochronology, i.e. the study of change in the grave goods. (Vol. 2, chapter 2) 3. Social roles: gender, age and status. (Vol. 2, chapter 3) 4. Religious identity in the 11th century, i.e. the study of religious indicators in mortuary cus-toms and grave goods, with particular emphasis on the relationship between Scandinavian paganism and Christianity. (Vol. 2, chapter 4) Barshalder is found to have functioned as a central cemetery for the surrounding area, located on pe-ripheral land far away from contemporary settle-ment, yet placed on a main road along the coast for maximum visibility and possibly near a harbour. Computer supported correspondence analysis and seriation are used to study the gender attributes among the grave goods and the chronology of the burials. New methodology is developed to distin-guish gender-neutral attributes from transgressed gender attributes. Sub-gender grouping due to age and status is explored. An independent modern chronology system with rigorous type definitions is established for the Migration Period of Gotland. Recently published chronology systems for the Vendel and Viking Periods are critically reviewed, tested and modified to produce more solid models. Social stratification is studied through burial wealth with a quantitative method, and the results are tested through juxtaposition with several other data types. The Late Viking Period graves of the late 10th and 11th centuries are studied in relation to the contemporary Christian graves at the churchyards. They are found to be symbolically soft-spoken and unobtrusive, with all pagan attributes kept apart from the body in a space between the feet of the deceased and the end of the over-long inhumation trench. A small number of pagan reactionary graves with more forceful symbolism are however also identified. The distribution of different 11th cen-tury cemetery types across the island is used to in-terpret the period’s confessional geography, the scale of social organisation and the degree of alle-giance to western and eastern Christianity. 11th century society on Gotland is found to have been characterised by religious tolerance, by an absence of central organisation and by slow piecemeal Christianisation.
[EN]A new methodology for wind field simulation or forecasting over complex terrain is introduced. The idea is to use wind measurements or predictions of the HARMONIE mesoscale model as the input data for an adaptive finite element mass consistent wind model. The method has been recently implemented in the freely-available Wind3D code. A description of the HARMONIE Non-Hydrostatic Dynamics can be found in. HARMONIE provides wind prediction with a maximum resolution about 1 Km that is refined by the finite element model in a local scale (about a few meters). An interface between both models is implemented such that the initial wind field approximation is obtained by a suitable interpolation of the HARMONIE results…
Untersuchungen zur stereokontrollierten Synthese von 3-Mercaptolysinderivaten: 3-Mercaptolysin und Peptide mit einer 3-Mercaptolysin-Einheit sind als Liganden für Nukleardiagnostika in der Kontrastmittelforschung von großem Interesse. Für das Screening Gewebe-selektiver Diagnostika sollten Mercaptolysinderivate, die sich für den Einbau in Peptide eignen, stereokontrolliert aufgebaut werden. Als Grundlage wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine sehr effiziente Synthese von Methoxymethyl-(4-oxo-butyl)-carbaminsäure-tert-butylester aus Pent-4-en-1-ol entwickelt. Nach Olefinierung des Aldehyds konnten Auxiliar-substituierte 6-Amino-hexensäure-derivate in guten Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Diese bildeten die Startmaterialien für auxiliargesteuerte Aziridinierungen mit anschließender Ringöffnung durch Schwefel-Nukleophile. Zudem wurden Azidierungen an Auxiliar-bewehrten Substraten, Michael-Additionen von Schwefel-Nukleophilen an Dehydroaminosäuren und viele weitere Reaktionen untersucht. Es galt dabei auf patentrechtlich geschützte Reaktionen zu verzichten, weil die Produkte ggf. in großem Maßstab kommerziell genutzt werden sollen. Dabei konnten alle vier stereoisomeren 2-Acetylamino-6-(tert-butoxycarbonyl-methoxymethyl-amino)-3-(4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl)-hexansäurementhylester in guter Ausbeute synthetisiert werden. Nach Herstellung größerer Mengen der entsprechenden am Schwefelatom ungeschützten N-Fmoc-Aminosäurederivate sollen alle vier Stereoisomere in Peptide eingebaut und auf ihre Eignung als Liganden in Nukleardiagnostika untersucht werden. Untersuchungen zur Synthese neuartiger Ansa-Steroide: Über die Synthese von Ansa-Seco-Steroiden mittels eine Kaskade von intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktion und anschließender Retro-Diels-Alder-Reaktion an 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden wurde erstmals 1986 von E. Winterfeldt et al. berichtet. Die damit eröffnete Möglichkeit eines völlig neuen Zugangs zu pharmakologisch interessanten Makrolid-Substraten konnte aber bislang nicht effektiv genutzt werden, weil insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Diels-Alder-Reaktion erhebliche präparative Probleme auftraten: Brauchbare Reaktivität nur bei sehr wenigen Dienophilen, Regioselektivitätsprobleme, etc. Hier galt es zu untersuchen, inwiefern sich diese Probleme durch die intramolekulare Reaktionsführung der Cycloaddition unterdrücken lassen können. Für die intramolekulare Diels-Alder-Reaktion zwischen der 5,7-Dien-Einheit des Steroids und einer an das Substrat gebundenen Dienophil-Einheit ist die Möglichkeit einer günstigen Anordnung der beiden Reaktanden-Gruppen entscheidend. Dafür wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur alpha-konfigurierten Anbindung eines Dienophils in die 3-Position an 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden durchgeführt: Mitsunobu-Reaktionen, Oxidations-Reduktions-Sequenzen, Oxidations-Ketalisierungs-Sequenzen, etc. Hierbei wurden zahlreiche neue Steroide synthetisiert. Es gelang jedoch nicht, 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroide mit axial in Position 3 eingebundenen Dienophilen in präparativ nutzbaren Mengen zu synthetisieren. Bei der Untersuchung intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktionen zwischen Ergosterol und Brommaleinsäureanhydrid wurde vorzugsweise die Bildung der Addukte des 7,8,14,15-Tetradehydroisomers des Ergosterols beobachtet.
In this thesis, I report on a comprehensive study about the photo-physical properties both in solution and in solid-state of a new thiophene based material (2,2’-(2,2’-bithiophene-5,5’-diyl)bis(5-butyl-5H-thieno[2,3-c]pyrrole-4,6)-dione (T4DIM) which shows an ambipolar semiconducting behavior together with electroluminescence in single-layer OLET device architecture[14
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die erste β-1,3-Glucanase aus Delftia beschrieben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Enzym unter anderem gegen das nur schwer zu hydrolysierende Exopolysaccharid aus Pediococcus parvulus wirkte. rnrnIm Einzelnen wurde zunächst das Exopolysaccharid aus Pediococcus parvulus B399 aus einem eigens zusammengestellten β-Glucan-Synthesemedium (Medium M) isoliert und gereinigt. Anschließend erfolgte eine umfassende Charakterisierung des Biopolymers. Hierzu gehörten neben der sauren Hydrolyse zur Bestimmung der Monomerzusammensetzung des Polymers, auch spektroskopische Methoden, darunter 1H und 13C-NMR. Mithilfe der NMR-Spektroskopie konnte die Struktur des Exopolysaccharids aus Pediococcus parvulus B399 bestimmt werden. Es handelte sich hierbei ebenfalls um ein β-1,3(1,2)-Glucan, wie es bereits für Pediococcus parvulus 2.6 beschrieben wurde. Darüber hinaus wurde erstmals ein ATR-FTIR-Spektrum für ein Exopolysaccharid aus Pediokokken gezeigt. Über GPC-Messungen konnte auch die molekulare Größe des β-1,3(1,2)-Glucans aus Pediococcus parvulus B399 bestimmt werden. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass sich das Exopolysaccharid bei Anzucht in Medium M aus einer hochmolekularen Fraktion (5*106 g/mol) und vier niedermolekularen Fraktionen (347; 818; 10048 und 20836 g/mol) zusammensetzte. Neben der strukturellen Charakterisierung, wurde das Exopolysaccharid auch rheologisch untersucht. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, dass es sich durch seine schwach gelbildenen Eigenschaften auch zum Einsatz in der Lebensmittelindustrie als Stabilisator, Fettersatzmittel oder ähnliches eignen würde. Die erwähnte gelbildende Netzwerkstruktur konnte für das Exopolysaccharid aus Pediococcus parvulus B399 auch erstmals im AFM bestätigt werden. rnEin weiterer Teil der Arbeit umfasste ein breites Screeningverfahren nach einem geeigneten Organismus, der das Exopolysaccharid aus Pediococcus parvulus B399 effektiv hydrolysieren sollte. Aus einer Anreicherungskultur des Termitendarms (Wenzel et al., 2002), konnte Delftia sp. MV01 isoliert werden. Dieser Organismus produzierte bei Wachstum in β glucanhaltigem Medium (Exopolysaccharid aus Pediococcus parvulus B399, sowie weitere kommerziell erhältliche β-1,3-Glucane) eine Glucanase, die in folgenden Schritten konventionell gereinigt und charakterisiert wurde.
Es wurde untersucht, wie sich das Substitutionsmuster organischer Peroxyradikale (RO2) auf die Ratenkonstante k1 und die Verzweigungsverhältnisse α, β und γ der Reaktionen von RO2 mit HO2 auswirkt. Die Effekte der Deuterierung von HO2 wurden ebenfalls studiert. Für zwei RO2 wurde zusätzlich das UV-Absorptionsspektrum bestimmt.rnrn αrnRO2 + HO2 → RO + OH + O2 R1arnrn βrn → RO2H + O2 R1brnrn γrn → ROH + O3 R1crnrnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein neues Experiment aufgebaut. Für die direkte und zeitaufgelöste Messung der OH-Konzentration wurde das Verfahren der Laser-induzierten Fluoreszenz angewendet. Die Radikalerzeugung erfolgte mittels gepulster Laserphotolyse, wodurch unerwünschte Nebenreaktionen weitgehend unterdrückt werden konnten. Mittels transienter Absorptionsspektroskopie konnten die Menge der photolytisch erzeugten Radikale bestimmt und die Ozonbildung über R1c quantifiziert werden. Für die Auswertung wurden kinetische Modelle numerisch an die Messdaten angepasst. Um die experimentellen Unsicherheiten abzuschätzen, wurde ein Monte-Carlo-Ansatz gewählt.rnrnk1 und α reagieren sehr empfindlich auf Veränderungen des RO2-Substitutionsmusters. Während sich eine OH-Bildung für das unsubstituierte C2H5O2 (EtP) mit α EtP ≤ 5 % nicht nachweisen lässt, stellt R1a bei den α-Oxo-substituierten H3CC(O)O2 (AcP) und HOCH2C(O)O2 (HAP) mit α AcP = (63 ± 11) % bzw. α HAP = (69 ± 12) % den Hauptkanal dar. Wie die mit α HEP = (10 ± 4) % geringfügige OH-Bildung bei HOC2H4O2 (HEP) zeigt, nimmt die OH-Gruppe in β-Stellung weniger Einfluss auf den Wert von α als die Oxogruppe in α-Stellung. Bei der Erzeugung α-Oxo-substituierter RO2 kann ebenfalls OH entstehen (R+O2→RO2/OH). Die Druckabhängigkeit dieser OH-Quelle wurde mit einem innovativen Ansatz bestimmt. Mit γ AcP = (15+5-6) % bzw. γ HAP = (10+2-3) % lässt sich für die Reaktionen der α-Oxo-substituierten RO2 eine erhebliche Ozonbildung nachweisen. Durch die Einführung der α-Oxogruppe steigt k1 jeweils um 1,3 • 10-11 cm3s-1 an, der Effekt der β-Hydroxygruppe ist halb so groß (k1 AcP = (2,0 ± 0,4) • 10-11 cm3s-1, k1 HAP = (2,6 ± 0,4) • 10-11 cm3s-1). Das Verzweigungsverhältnis α steigt weiter, wenn das HO2 deuteriert wird (α AcP,iso = (80 ± 14) %, k1 AcP,iso = (2,1 ± 0,4) • 10-11 cm3s-1). Vergleiche mit älteren Studien zeigen, dass die OH-Bildung über R1a bislang deutlich unterschätzt worden ist. Die möglichen Ursachen für die Unterschiede zwischen den Studien werden ebenso diskutiert wie die Hintergründe der beobachteten Substituenteneffekte.
Carcinoids are slow-growing neuroendocrine tumors that, in the lung, can be subclassified as typical (TC) or atypical (AC). To identify genetic alterations that improve the prediction of prognosis, we investigated 34 carcinoid tumors of the lung (18 TCs, 15 ACs, and 1 unclassified) by using array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) on 3700 genomic bacterial artificial chromosome arrays (resolution ?1 Mb). When comparing ACs with TCs, the data revealed: i) a significant difference in the average number of chromosome arms altered (9.6 versus 4.2, respectively; P = 0.036), with one subgroup of five ACs having more than 15 chromosome arms altered; ii) chromosomal changes in 30% of ACs or more with additions at 9q (?1 Mb) and losses at 1p, 2q, 10q, and 11q; and iii) 11q deletions in 8 of 15 ACs versus 1 of 18 TCs (P = 0.004), which was confirmed via fluorescence in situ hybridization. The four critical regions of interest in 45% ACs or more comprised 11q14.1, 11q22.1-q22.3, 11q22.3-q23.2, and 11q24.2-q25, all telomeric of MEN1 at 11q13. Results were correlated with patient clinical data and long-term follow-up. Thus, there is a strong association of 11q22.3-q25 loss with poorer prognosis, alone or in combination with absence of 9q34.11 alterations (P = 0.0022 and P = 0.00026, respectively).
The malaria parasite Plasmodium depends on the tight control of cysteine-protease activity throughout its life cycle. Recently, the characterization of a new class of potent inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) secreted by Plasmodium has been reported. Here, the recombinant production, purification and crystallization of the inhibitory C-terminal domain of ICP from P. berghei in complex with the P. falciparum haemoglobinase falcipain-2 is described. The 1:1 complex was crystallized in space group P4(3), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 71.15, c = 120.09 A. A complete diffraction data set was collected to a resolution of 2.6 A.
Purpose: The objective of this review was to systematically screen the literature for data related to the survival and complication rates observed with dental or implant double crown abutments and removable prostheses under functional loading for at least 3 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the dental literature from January 1966 to December 2009 was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) as well as by an extensive hand search to investigate the clinical outcomes of double crown reconstructions. Results: From the total of 2412 titles retrieved from the search, 65 were selected for full-text review. Subsequently, 17 papers were included for data extraction. An estimation of the cumulative survival and complication rates was not feasible due to the lack of detailed information. Tooth survival rates for telescopic abutment teeth ranged from 82.5% to 96.5% after an observation period of 3.4 to 6 years, and for tooth-supported double crown retained dentures from 66.7% to 98.6% after an observation period of 6 to 10 years. The survival rates of implants were between 97.9% and 100% and for telescopic-retained removable dental prostheses with two mandibular implants, 100% after 3.0 and 10.4 years. The major biological complications affecting the tooth abutments were gingival inflammation, periodontal disease, and caries. The most frequent technical complications were loss of cementation and loss of facings. Conclusions: The main findings of this review are: (I) double crown tooth abutments and dentures demonstrated a wide range of survival rates. (II) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures demonstrated a favorable long-term prognosis. (III) A greater need for prosthetic maintenance is required for both tooth-supported and implant-supported reconstructions. (IV) Future areas of research would involve designing appropriate longitudinal studies for comparisons of survival and complication rates of different reconstruction designs.
BACKGROUND: Reference values for quantitative electromyography (QEMG) in neck muscles of Royal Dutch Sport horses are lacking. OBJECTIVE: Determine normative data on quantitative motor unit action potential (QMUP) analysis of serratus ventralis cervicis (SV) and brachiocephalicus (BC) muscle. ANIMALS: Seven adult normal horses (mean age 9.5 standard deviation [SD] +/- 2.3 years, mean height 1.64 SD +/- 4.5 cm, and mean rectal temperature 37.6 SD +/- 0.3 degrees C). METHODS: An observational study on QMUP analysis in 6 segments of each muscle was performed with commercial electromyography equipment. Measurements were made according to formerly published methods. Natural logarithm transformed data were tested with ANOVA and posthoc testing according to Bonferroni. RESULTS: Mean duration, amplitude, phases, turns, area, and size index (SI) did not differ significantly among the 6 segments in each muscle. Mean amplitude, number of phases, and SI were significantly (P < .002) higher in SV than BC, 520 versus 448 muV, 3.0 versus 2.8 muV, and 0.48 versus 0.30 muV, respectively. In SV 95% confidence intervals (CI) for amplitude, duration, number of phases, turns, polyphasia area, and SI were 488-551 muV, 4.3-4.6 ms, 2.9-3.0, 2.4-2.6, 7-12%, 382-448, and 0.26-0.70, respectively; in BC this was 412-483 muV, 4.3-4.7 ms, 2.7-2.8, 2.4-2.6, 4-7%, 393-469, and 0.27-0.34, respectively. Maximal voluntary activity expressed by turns/second did not differ significantly between SV and BC with a 95% CI of 132-173 and 137-198, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The establishment of normative data makes objective QEMG of paraspinal muscles in horses suspected of cervical neurogenic disorders possible. Differences between muscles should be taken into account.
BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to determine whether use of the direct renin inhibitor aliskiren would reduce cardiovascular and renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, or both. METHODS: In a double-blind fashion, we randomly assigned 8561 patients to aliskiren (300 mg daily) or placebo as an adjunct to an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or an angiotensin-receptor blocker. The primary end point was a composite of the time to cardiovascular death or a first occurrence of cardiac arrest with resuscitation; nonfatal myocardial infarction; nonfatal stroke; unplanned hospitalization for heart failure; end-stage renal disease, death attributable to kidney failure, or the need for renal-replacement therapy with no dialysis or transplantation available or initiated; or doubling of the baseline serum creatinine level. RESULTS: The trial was stopped prematurely after the second interim efficacy analysis. After a median follow-up of 32.9 months, the primary end point had occurred in 783 patients (18.3%) assigned to aliskiren as compared with 732 (17.1%) assigned to placebo (hazard ratio, 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.98 to 1.20; P=0.12). Effects on secondary renal end points were similar. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were lower with aliskiren (between-group differences, 1.3 and 0.6 mm Hg, respectively) and the mean reduction in the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio was greater (between-group difference, 14 percentage points; 95% CI, 11 to 17). The proportion of patients with hyperkalemia (serum potassium level, ≥6 mmol per liter) was significantly higher in the aliskiren group than in the placebo group (11.2% vs. 7.2%), as was the proportion with reported hypotension (12.1% vs. 8.3%) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). CONCLUSIONS: The addition of aliskiren to standard therapy with renin-angiotensin system blockade in patients with type 2 diabetes who are at high risk for cardiovascular and renal events is not supported by these data and may even be harmful. (Funded by Novartis; ALTITUDE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00549757.).
Considerable unexplained intersubject variability in the debrisoquine metabolic ratio (urinary debrisoquine/4-hydroxydebrisoquine) exists within individual CYP2D6 genotypes. We speculated that debrisoquine was converted to as yet undisclosed metabolites. Thirteen healthy young volunteers, nine CYP2D6*1 homozygotes [extensive metabolizers (EMs)] and four CYP2D6*4 homozygotes [poor metabolizers (PMs)] took 12.8 mg of debrisoquine hemisulfate by mouth and collected 0- to 8- and 8- to 24-h urines, which were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) before and after treatment with beta-glucuronidase. Authentic 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine was synthesized and characterized by GCMS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and (1)H NMR. 3,4-Dehydrodebrisoquine is a novel metabolite of debrisoquine excreted variably in 0- to 24-h urine, both in EMs (3.1-27.6% of dose) and PMs (0-2.1% of dose). This metabolite is produced from 4-hydroxydebrisoquine in vitro by human and rat liver microsomes. A previously unstudied CYP2D6*1 homozygote was administered 10.2 mg of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine orally and also excreted 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine. EMs excreted 6-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-4.8%) and 8-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-1.3%), but these phenolic metabolites were not detected in PM urine. Debrisoquine and 4-hydroxydebrisoquine glucuronides were excreted in a highly genotype-dependent manner. A microsomal activity that probably does not involve cytochrome P450 participates in the further metabolism of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine, which we speculate may also lead to the formation of 1- and 3-hydroxydebrisoquine and their ring-opened products. In conclusion, this study suggests that the traditional metabolic ratio is not a true measure of the debrisoquine 4-hydroxylation capacity of an individual and thus may, in part, explain the wide intragenotype variation in metabolic ratio.
The spatial segregation of the plasma membrane plays a prominent role in distinguishing and sorting a large number of signals a cell receives simultaneously. The plasma membrane comprises regions known as lipid rafts, which serve as signal-transduction hubs and platforms for sorting membrane-associated proteins. Ca(2+)-binding proteins of the annexin family have been ascribed a role in the regulation of raft dynamics. Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored 5'-nucleotidase is an extracellular, raft-associated enzyme responsible for conversion of extracellular ATP into adenosine. Our results point to a regulation of ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity by Ca(2+)-dependent, annexin-mediated stabilization of membrane rafts.
BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons may be at increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus because of viral coinfection and adverse effects of treatment. METHODS: We studied associations of new-onset diabetes mellitus with hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus coinfections and antiretroviral therapy in participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, using Poisson regression. RESULTS: A total of 123 of 6513 persons experienced diabetes mellitus during 27,798 person-years of follow-up (PYFU), resulting in an incidence of 4.4 cases per 1000 PYFU (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.7-5.3 cases per 1000 PYFU). An increased incidence rate ratio (IRR) was found for male subjects (IRR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.5-4.2), older age (IRR for subjects >60 years old, 4.3; 95% CI, 2.3-8.2), black (IRR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-4.0) and Asian (IRR, 4.9; 95% CI, 2.2-10.9) ethnicity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disease stage C (IRR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.04-2.4), and obesity (IRR, 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1-7.0), but results for hepatitis C virus infection or active hepatitis B virus infection were inconclusive. Strong associations were found for current treatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 2.22; 95% CI, 1.11-4.45), nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus protease inhibitors (IRR, 2.48; 95% CI, 1.42-4.31), and nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus protease inhibitors and nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 3.25; 95% CI, 1.59-6.67) but were not found for treatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors plus nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (IRR, 1.47; 95% CI, 0.77-2.82). CONCLUSIONS: In addition to traditional risk factors, current treatment with protease inhibitor- and nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-containing regimens was associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our study did not find a significant association between viral hepatitis infection and risk of incident diabetes.
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), an endogenous intermediate of glycolysis, protects the brain against ischemia-reperfusion injury. The mechanisms of FBP protection after cerebral ischemia are not well understood. The current study was undertaken to determine whether FBP protects primary neurons against hypoxia and oxidative stress by preserving reduced glutathione (GSH). Cultures of pure cortical neurons were subjected to oxygen deprivation, a donor of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals (3-morpholinosydnonimine), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis (L-buthionine-sulfoximine) or glutathione reductase (1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea) in the presence or absence of FBP (3.5 mM). Neuronal viability was determined using an 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide assay. FBP protected neurons against hypoxia-reoxygenation and oxidative stress under conditions of compromised GSH metabolism. The efficacy of FBP depended on duration of hypoxia and was associated with higher intracellular GSH concentration, an effect partly mediated via increased glutathione reductase activity.