1000 resultados para 189-1172D


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Objective: The main objective of the study is to identify practical and cultural factors influencing the mental health of mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and to compare it with a sample of Swiss mothers in the same conditions. Method: Thirty-six mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Benin and 40 mothers of children with an orofacial cleft in Switzerland were interviewed about practical and emotional aspects concerning their child and their own lives. Then, they completed the Perinatal Postraumatic Stress Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Results: Mothers in Benin had significantly higher posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms compared with mothers in Switzerland. Depression symptoms were higher in Beninese mothers coming from urban areas, in Beninese mothers with few or no other children, and in Beninese mothers whose child was operated on at a more advanced age. Discussion: This study stressed the importance of cultural differences in perceptions of orofacial clefts in order to provide appropriate care to patients and their families. In particular, wide campaigns of information should help parents to understand the cleft origin and the medical staff in small dispensaries to provide adequate support and care. This may diminish anxiety concerning the child's short- and long-term prognosis. Creation of a Beninese parental support group for children with clefts and their families could be another way to provide information and support where multidisciplinary care is not available.


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O objetivo foi validar o Fatigue Pictogram para uso no Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em quatro ambulatórios de oncologia de São Paulo (SP) e na Escola de Enfermagem da USP. A amostra de conveniência envolveu 584 pacientes com câncer, 184 acompanhantes e 189 estudantes de graduação enfermagem, que responderam ao Pictograma de Fadiga, ao Inventário de Depressão de Beck (IDB) e Escala de Karnofsky (KPS). Foram feitos testes de validade e confiabilidade. O Teste-reteste mostrou que o instrumento tem boa estabilidade. O primeiro item do Pictograma de Fadiga discriminou estudantes de cuidadores de pacientes, mas não pacientes de cuidadores. O segundo item discriminou todos os grupos. Observou-se adequada validade convergente (fadiga e depressão) e divergente (fadiga e Karnofsky). O Pictograma de Fadiga é válido, confiável e fácil de usar para avaliar fadiga em câncer, mas necessita ajustes para uso em pessoas saudáveis.


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BACKGROUND: HIV treatment recommendations are updated as clinical trials are published. Whether recommendations drive clinicians to change antiretroviral therapy in well-controlled patients is unexplored. METHODS: We selected patients with undetectable viral loads (VLs) on nonrecommended regimens containing double-boosted protease inhibitors (DBPIs), triple-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), or didanosine (ddI) plus stavudine (d4T) at publication of the 2006 International AIDS Society recommendations. We compared demographic and clinical characteristics with those of control patients with undetectable VL not on these regimens and examined clinical outcome and reasons for treatment modification. RESULTS: At inclusion, 104 patients were in the DBPI group, 436 in the triple-NRTI group, and 19 in the ddI/d4T group. By 2010, 28 (29%), 204 (52%), and 1 (5%) patient were still on DBPIs, triple-NRTIs, and ddI plus d4T, respectively. 'Physician decision,' excluding toxicity/virological failure, drove 30% of treatment changes. Predictors of recommendation nonobservance included female sex [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.69, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1 to 7.26; P = 0.01] for DPBIs, and undetectable VL (aOR 3.53, 95% CI 1.6 to 7.8; P = 0.002) and lack of cardiovascular events (aOR 2.93, 95% CI 1.23 to 6.97; P = 0.02) for triple-NRTIs. All patients on DBPIs with documented diabetes or a cardiovascular event changed treatment. Recommendation observance resulted in lower cholesterol values in the DBPI group (P = 0.06), and more patients having undetectable VL (P = 0.02) in the triple-NRTI group. CONCLUSION: The physician's decision is the main factor driving change from nonrecommended to recommended regimens, whereas virological suppression is associated with not switching. Positive clinical outcomes observed postswitch underline the importance of observing recommendations, even in well-controlled patients.


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A fadiga entre os estudantes pode prejudicar a aprendizagem. Avaliou-se a fadiga de graduandos de enfermagem e as relações com o ano de graduação, a participação em atividades extracurriculares, com quem o aluno reside, com a depressão e o índice de massa corporal (IMC). Participaram 189 (60,2%) estudantes da EEUSP, sendo 96,2% de mulheres com idade média de 21,6 anos, 80,9% residiam com os pais, 43,9% realizavam atividades extracurriculares, 24,8% tinham IMC alterado e 22,2% apresentaram disforia ou depressão (Inventário de Depressão de Beck). A fadiga foi moderada/ intensa para 83,5% dos estudantes (Escala de Fadiga de Piper Revisada e Pictograma de Fadiga) e 59,8% relataram prejuízo moderado/intenso nas atividades habituais. A fadiga apresentou correlação positiva com ano de graduação, com o IMC e a depressão (p<0,001). A atividade acadêmica foi a principal causa de fadiga, enquanto o sono e o lazer foram as estratégias mais utilizadas para seu manejo. A fadiga foi significativa e intensa, todavia observou-se descompasso entre freqüência, magnitude e impacto da fadiga nas atividades da vida diária.


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A detailed geochemical analysis was performed on the upper part of the Maiolica Formation in the Breggia (southern Switzerland) and Capriolo sections (northern Italy). The analysed sediments consist of well-bedded, partly siliceous, pelagic carbonate, which lodges numerous thin, dark and organic-rich layers. Stable-isotope, phosphorus, organic-carbon and a suite of redox-sensitive trace-element contents (RSTE: Mo, U, Co, V and As) were measured. The RSTE pattern and C-org:P-tot ratios indicate that most organic-rich layers were deposited under dysaerobic rather than anaerobic conditions and that latter conditions were likely restricted to short intervals in the latest Hauterivian, the early Barremian and the pre-Selli early Aptian. Correlations are both possible with organic-rich intervals in central Italy (the Gorgo a Cerbara section) and the Boreal Lower Saxony Basin, as well as with the facies and drowning pattern in the Helvetic segment of the northern Tethyan carbonate platform. Our data and correlations suggest that the latest Hauterivian witnessed the progressive installation of dysaerobic conditions in the Tethys, which went along with the onset in sediment condensation, phosphogenesis and platform drowning on the northern Tethyan margin, and which culminated in the Faraoni anoxic episode. This episode is followed by further episodes of dysaerobic conditions in the Tethys and the Lower Saxony Basin, which became more frequent and progressively stronger in the late early Barremian. Platform drowning persisted and did not halt before the latest early Barremian. The late Barremian witnessed diminishing frequencies and intensities in dysaerobic conditions, which went along with the progressive installation of the Urgonian carbonate platform. Near the Barremian-Aptian boundary, the increasing density in dysaerobic episodes in the Tethyan and Lower Saxony Basins is paralleled by a change towards heterozoan carbonate production on the northern Tethyan shelf. The following return to more oxygenated conditions is correlated with the second phase of Urgonian platform growth and the period immediately preceding and corresponding to the Selli anoxic episode is characterised by renewed platform drowning and the change to heterozoan carbonate production. Changes towards more humid climate conditions were the likely cause for the repetitive installation of dys- to anaerobic conditions in the Tethyan and Boreal basins and the accompanying changes in the evolution of the carbonate platform towards heterozoan carbonate-producing ecosystems and platform drowning.


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Este estudo teve como principais objetivos levantar os diferentes tipos de desperdício, suas causas e sugestões para eliminá-los, segundo a opinião de profissionais de enfermagem e médicos atuantes em unidades de Clínica Médica, Clínica Cirúrgica, Pediatria, Alojamento Conjunto e Berçário; e estimar o custo da principal fonte de desperdício nessas unidades. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa realizado no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída por 189 profissionais de enfermagem e médicos. O desperdício relacionado aos materiais (36%) foi o mais apontado por todas as categorias profissionais seguido pelo desperdício de estrutura física (27%). Os materiais desperdiçados mais citados foram os medicamentos, pacotes de curativo, papel sulfite e dispositivos de infusão. O custo do desperdício anual com materiais nas unidades estudadas pode girar em torno de R$ 479.262,86.


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We designed a trap system to isolate different amino acid sequences which could target proteins to the cell surface via GPI anchor transfer. This selection procedure is based on the insertion of various sequences which regenerate a functional GPI anchor signal sequence and therefore provoke re-expression at the surface of a reporter molecule. Using this trap for cell surface targeting sequences, we could show the importance of the defined elements essential for GPI anchor addition. Such a system could be used for an exhaustive analysis of the carboxyl terminus structural requirements for GPI membrane anchoring.


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The human TPTE (Transmembrane Phosphatase with TEnsin homology) gene family encodes a PTEN-related tyrosine phosphatase with four potential transmembrane domains. Chromosomal mapping revealed multiple copies of the TPTE gene on chromosomes 13, 15, 21, 22 and Y. Human chromosomes 13 and 21 copies encode two functional proteins, TPIP (TPTE and PTEN homologous Inositol lipid Phosphatase) and TPTE, respectively, whereas only one copy of the gene exists in the mouse genome. In the present study, we show that TPTE and TPIP proteins are expressed in secondary spermatocytes and/or prespermatids. In addition, we report the existence of several novel alternatively spliced isoforms of these two proteins with variable number of transmembrane domains. The latter has no influence on the subcellular localization of these different peptides as shown by co-immunofluorescence experiments. Finally, we identify another expressed TPTE copy, mapping to human chromosome 22, whose transcription appears to be under the control of the LTR of human endogenous retrovirus RTVL-H3.


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Agnes (184). - Ascla (205). - Babillus (206 v). - Balthildis regina (243 v). - Concordius (20). -Emerentiana (204). - Felix, 19 kl. febr. (105). - Firminus (101). - Fructuosus etc. (189). - Furseus (114). - Genovefa (21 v). - Hilarius (92). - Julianus et Bas. (67). - Leucus, Tyrsus et Galenicus (227). -Lutianus (62). - Macra (59). - Marcellus papa (107 v). - Martina (7 v). - Nicolaus (258 v). - Patroclus (190 v). - Paula (213 v). - Policarpus (209 v). - Quintinus (34 v). - Remigius (98). - Rigobertus (36 v). - Sabinianus (239 v). - Saturninus, Davitus etc. (142). - Sebastianus (154 v). - Speusipphus El. et Mel. (132 v). - Sulpitius (138 v). - Symeon (49 v). - Theogenius (32). - Timotheus (202 v). - Vincentius (194).


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Com o virar do século a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) decidiu que era propício e muito simbólico dar um novo impulso à própria Organização e comprometeu-se a combater a pobreza e as doenças que vitimam milhões de crianças em todo o mundo, a maioria das quais com menos de cinco anos, devido a causas totalmente evitáveis como a malária, a diarreia e a pneumonia. Assim, a 8 de Setembro de 2000, 189 Estados membros das ONU adoptaram os “Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio” (ODM) surgidos da Declaração do Milénio. Foram definidos oito objectivos — cada um deles, um compromisso específico para inverter a propagação da pobreza e das doenças — que são suportados por um Plano de Acção com 18 metas quantificáveis para combater a pobreza, a fome, a doença, o analfabetismo, a discriminação contra a mulher e a degradação ambiental. Muitas das metas dos ODM reflectem um nível de ambição modesto em termos de desenvolvimento humano que os países da ONU se comprometeram a atingir até 2015. Os Objectivos representam igualmente uma parceria entre países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento tendo em vista criar um clima a nível nacional e mundial conducente ao desenvolvimento e à eliminação da pobreza. Essa parceria atribui responsabilidades muito claras aos países ricos em termos de prestação de mais ajuda; estabelecimento de regras comerciais mais justas; e alívio significativo da dívida dos países em desenvolvimento. Por seu turno os países em desenvolvimento comprometem-se a vencer o desafio que os ODM colocam. Cabo Verde aceitou o desafio lançado pela ONU para implementar um conjunto de acções estratégicas para que até o ano 2015 um conjunto de objectivos e metas seja realizado. Essa assumpção impõe a integração das metas e indicadores ODM nas políticas públicas nacionais.