997 resultados para % of >63 µm fraction


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A high-resolution study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was performed on a ca. eight metre long sediment core from Gullmar Fjord on the west coast of Sweden. The results of 210Pb- and AMS 14C-datings show that the record includes the two warmest climatic episodes of the last 1500 years: the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and the recent warming of the 20th century. Both periods are known to be anomalously warm and associated with positive NAO winter indices. Benthic foraminiferal successions of both periods are compared in order to find faunal similarities and common denominators corresponding to past climate changes. During the MWP, Adercotryma glomerata, Cassidulina laevigata and Nonionella iridea dominated the assemblages. Judging from dominance of species sensitive to hypoxia and the highest faunal diversity for the last ca. 2400 years, the foraminiferal record of the MWP suggests an absence of severe low oxygen events. At the same time, faunas and d13C values both point to high primary productivity and/or increased input of terrestrial organic carbon into the fjord system during the Medieval Warm Period. Comparison of the MWP and recent warming revealed different trends in the faunal record. The thin-shelled foraminifer N. iridea was characteristic of the MWP, but became absent during the second half of the 20th century. The recent Skagerrak-Kattegat fauna was rare or absent during the MWP but established in Gullmar Fjord at the end of the Little Ice Age or in the early 1900s. Also, there are striking differences in the faunal diversity and absolute abundances of foraminifera between both periods. Changes in primary productivity, higher precipitation resulting in intensified land runoff, different oxygen regimes or even changes in the fjord's trophic status are discussed as possible causes of these faunal differences.


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The oceanic carbon cycle mainly comprises the production and dissolution/ preservation of carbonate particles in the water column or within the sediment. Carbon dioxide is one of the major controlling factors for the production and dissolution of carbonate. There is a steady exchange between the ocean and atmosphere in order to achieve an equilibrium of CO2; an anthropogenic rise of CO2 in the atmosphere would therefore also increase the amount of CO2 in the ocean. The increased amount of CO2 in the ocean, due to increasing CO2-emissions into the atmosphere since the industrial revolution, has been interpreted as "ocean acidification" (Caldeira and Wickett, 2003). Its alarming effects, such as dissolution and reduced CaCO3 formation, on reefs and other carbonate shell producing organisms form the topic of current discussions (Kolbert, 2006). Decreasing temperatures and increasing pressure and CO2 enhance the dissolution of carbonate particles at the sediment-water interface in the deep sea. Moreover, dissolution processes are dependent of the saturation state of the surrounding water with respect to calcite or aragonite. Significantly increased dissolution has been observed below the aragonite or calcite chemical lysocline; below the aragonite compensation depth (ACD), or calcite compensation depth (CCD), all aragonite or calcite particles, respectively, are dissolved. Aragonite, which is more prone to dissolution than calcite, features a shallower lysocline and compensation depth than calcite. In the 1980's it was suggested that significant dissolution also occurs in the water column or at the sediment-water interface above the lysocline. Unknown quantities of carbonate produced at the sea surface, would be dissolved due to this process. This would affect the calculation of the carbonate production and the entire carbonate budget of the world's ocean. Following this assumption, a number of studies have been carried out to monitor supralysoclinal dissolution at various locations: at Ceara Rise in the western equatorial Atlantic (Martin and Sayles, 1996), in the Arabian Sea (Milliman et al., 1999), in the equatorial Indian Ocean (Peterson and Prell, 1985; Schulte and Bard, 2003), and in the equatorial Pacific (Kimoto et al., 2003). Despite the evidence for supralysoclinal dissolution in some areas of the world's ocean, the question still exists whether dissolution occurs above the lysocline in the entire ocean. The first part of this thesis seeks answers to this question, based on the global budget model of Milliman et al. (1999). As study area the Bahamas and Florida Straits are most suitable because of the high production of carbonate, and because there the depth of the lysocline is the deepest worldwide. To monitor the occurrence of supralysoclinal dissolution, the preservation of aragonitic pteropod shells was determined, using the Limacina inflata Dissolution Index (LDX; Gerhardt and Henrich, 2001). Analyses of the grain-size distribution, the mineralogy, and the foraminifera assemblage revealed further aspects concerning the preservation state of the sediment. All samples located at the Bahamian platform are well preserved. In contrast, the samples from the Florida Straits show dissolution in 800 to 1000 m and below 1500 m water depth. Degradation of organic material and the subsequent release of CO2 probably causes supralysoclinal dissolution. A northward extension of the corrosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) flows through the Caribbean Sea into the Gulf of Mexico and might enhance dissolution processes at around 1000 m water depth. The second part of this study deals with the preservation of Pliocene to Holocene carbonate sediments from both the windward and leeward basins adjacent to Great Bahama Bank (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 632, 633, and 1006). Detailed census counts of the sand fraction (250-500 µm) show the general composition of the coarse grained sediment. Further methods used to examine the preservation state of carbonates include the amount of organic carbon and various dissolution indices, such as the LDX and the Fragmentation Index. Carbonate concretions (nodules) have been observed in the sand fraction. They are similar to the concretions or aggregates previously mentioned by Mullins et al. (1980a) and Droxler et al. (1988a), respectively. Nonetheless, a detailed study of such grains has not been made to date, although they form an important part of periplatform sediments. Stable isotopemeasurements of the nodules' matrix confirm previous suggestions that the nodules have formed in situ as a result of early diagenetic processes (Mullins et al., 1980a). The two cores, which are located in Exuma Sound (Sites 632 and 633), at the eastern margin of Great Bahama Bank (GBB), show an increasing amount of nodules with increasing core depth. In Pliocene sediments, the amount of nodules might rise up to 100%. In contrast, nodules only occur within glacial stages in the deeper part of the studied core interval (between 30 and 70 mbsf) at Site 1006 on the western margin of GBB. Above this level the sediment is constantly being flushed by bottom water, that might also contain corrosive AAIW, which would hinder cementation. Fine carbonate particles (<63 µm) form the matrix of the nodules and do therefore not contribute to the fine fraction. At the same time, the amount of the coarse fraction (>63 µm) increases due to the nodule formation. The formation of nodules might therefore significantly alter the grain-size distribution of the sediment. A direct comparison of the amount of nodules with the grain-size distribution shows that core intervals with high amounts of nodules are indeed coarser than the intervals with low amounts of nodules. On the other hand, an initially coarser sediment might facilitate the formation of nodules, as a high porosity and permeability enhances early diagenetic processes (Westphal et al., 1999). This suggestion was also confirmed: the glacial intervals at Site 1006 are interpreted to have already been rather coarse prior to the formation of nodules. This assumption is based on the grain-size distribution in the upper part of the core, which is not yet affected by diagenesis, but also shows coarser sediment during the glacial stages. As expected, the coarser, glacial deposits in the lower part of the core show the highest amounts of nodules. The same effect was observed at Site 632, where turbidites cause distinct coarse layers and reveal higher amounts of nodules than non-turbiditic sequences. Site 633 shows a different pattern: both the amount of nodules and the coarseness of the sediment steadily increase with increasing core depth. Based on these sedimentological findings, the following model has been developed: a grain-size pattern characterised by prominent coarse peaks (as observed at Sites 632 and 1006) is barely altered. The greatest coarsening effect due to the nodule formation will occur in those layers, which have initially been coarser than the adjacent sediment intervals. In this case, the overall trend of the grain-size pattern before and after formation of the nodules is similar to each other. Although the sediment is altered due to diagenetic processes, grain size could be used as a proxy for e.g. changes in the bottom-water current. The other case described in the model is based on a consistent initial grain-size distribution, as observed at Site 633. In this case, the nodule reflects the increasing diagenetic alteration with increasing core depth rather than the initial grain-size pattern. In the latter scenario, the overall grain-size trend is significantly changed which makes grain size unreliable as a proxy for any palaeoenvironmental changes. The results of this study contribute to the understanding of general sedimentation processes in the periplatform realm: the preservation state of surface samples shows the influence of supralysoclinal dissolution due to the degradation of organic matter and due to the presence of corrosive water masses; the composition of the sand fraction shows the alteration of the carbonate sediment due to early diagenetic processes. However, open questions are how and when the alteration processes occur and how geochemical parameters, such as the rise in alkalinity or the amount of strontium, are linked to them. These geochemical parameters might reveal more information about the depth in the sediment column, where dissolution and cementation processes occur.


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The pulsed decline and eventual extinction of 51 species of elongate, cylindrical deep-sea benthic foraminifera (Stilostomellidae, Pleurostomellidae, and some Nodosariidae) occurred at intermediate water depths (1145-2168 m, Sites 980 and 982) in the northern North Atlantic during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT, 1.2-0.6 Ma). In the early Pleistocene, prior to their disappearance, these species comprised up to 20% of the total abundance of the benthic foraminiferal assemblage at 2168 m, but up to only 2% at 1145 m. The MPT extinction of 51 species represents ?20% of the total benthic foraminiferal diversity at bathyal depths in the North Atlantic (excluding the myriad of small unilocular forms). The extinction rate during the MPT was approximately 10 species per 0.1 myr, being one or two orders of magnitude greater than normal background turnover rates of deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Comparison of the precise timings of declines and disappearances (= highest occurrences) of each species shows that they were often diachronous between the two depths. The last of these species to disappear in the North Atlantic was Pleurostomella alternans at ~0.679 and ~0.694 Ma in Sites 980 and 982, respectively, which is in good agreement with the previously documented global "Stilostomella extinction" datum within the period 0.7-0.58 Ma. Comparison with similar studies in intermediate depth waters in the Southwest Pacific Gateway indicates that ~61% of the extinct species were common to both regions, and that although the pattern of pulsed decline was similar, the precise order and timing of the extinction of individual species were mostly different on opposite sides of the world. Previous studies have indicated that this extinct group of elongate, cylindrical foraminifera lived infaunally and had their greatest abundances in poorly ventilated, lower oxygen environments. This is supported by our study where there is a strong positive correlation (r = ~+ 0.8) between the flux of the extinction group and low-oxygen/high organic input species (such as Uvigerina, Bulimina and Bolivina) during the MPT, suggesting a close relationship with lower oxygen levels and high food supply to the sea floor. The absolute abundance, flux, and number of the extinction group of species show a progressive withdrawal pattern with major decreases occurring in cold periods with high d13C values. This might be related to increasing chemical ventilation of glacial intermediate water.


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Foraminifera counts and climatic assemblages from the Tore Seamount are used to approach the glacial and interglacial changes in temperature and productivity on the Iberian Margin over the last 225 kyr. Chronostratigraphy is based on Globigerinoides ruber and Globigerina bulloides oxygen isotopes and supported by foraminifera and carbonate stadial fluctuations. Foraminifera indicate cooling from late interglacial stage 5 to the beginning of Termination I (TI). Neogloboquadnna pachyderma-s reflects cold conditions during glacial stages 4-2. In contrast, glacial stage 6 is dominated by warmer N. pachyderma-d and dutertrei and a restricted arctic assemblage. Past sea surface temperatures confirm the general cooling, reaching 4.3°C (SIMMAX.28) during stage 2. Multiple productivity proxies such as organic carbon, productivity-related foraminifera, and delta13C constrain the changes observed. A productivity increase occurs after interglacial stage 5, enhanced from late glacial stage 3 to TI Present-day satellite-detected phytoplankton plumes off Portugal would have accounted in the past glacial stages for the general productivity increase over the Tore. On top of this, welldefined peaks of organic carbon and productivity-related foraminifera correspond with Heinrich events 1-4.


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Coring during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 315, 316, and 333 recovered turbiditic sands from the forearc Kumano Basin (Site C0002), a Quaternary slope basin (Site C0018), and uplifted trench wedge (Site C0006) along the Kumano Transect of the Nankai Trough accretionary wedge offshore of southwest Japan. The compositions of the submarine turbiditic sands here are investigated in terms of bulk and heavy mineral modal compositions to identify their provenance and dispersal mechanisms, as they may reflect changes in regional tectonics during the past ca. 1.5 Myrs. The results show a marked change in the detrital signature and heavy mineral composition in the forearc and slope basin facies around 1 Ma. This sudden change is interpreted to reflect a major change in the sand provenance, rather than heavy mineral dissolution and/or diagenetic effects, in response to changing tectonics and sedimentation patterns. In the trench-slope basin, the sands older than 1 Ma were probably eroded from the exposed Cretaceous-Tertiary accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt and transported via the former course of the Tenryu submarine canyon system, which today enters the Nankai Trough northeast of the study area. In contrast, the high abundance of volcanic lithics and volcanic heavy mineral suites of the sands younger than 1 Ma points to a strong volcanic component of sediment derived from the Izu-Honshu collision zones and probably funnelled to this site through the Suruga Canyon. However, sands in the forearc basin show persistent presence of blue sodic amphiboles across the 1 Ma boundary, indicating continuous flux of sediments from the Kumano/Kinokawa River. This implies that the sands in the older turbidites were transported by transverse flow down the slope. The slope basin facies then switched to reflect longitudinal flow around 1 Ma, when the turbiditic sand tapped a volcanic provenance in the Izu-Honshu collision zone, while the sediments transported transversely became confined in the Kumano Basin. Therefore, the change in the depositional systems around 1 Ma is a manifestation of the decoupling of the sediment routing pattern from transverse to long-distance axial flow in response to forearc high uplift along the megasplay fault.


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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to investigate the phylogenetic composition of a marine Arctic sediment (Svalbard). Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells were performed as described previously from Snaidr et al. (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800 to 1,000 DAPI-stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations are given in further details. FISH resulted in the detection of a large fraction of microbes living in the top 5 cm of the sediment. Up to 65.4% ± 7.5% of total DAPI cell counts hybridized to the bacterial probe EUB338, and up to 4.9% ± 1.5% hybridized to the archaeal probe ARCH915. Besides delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (up to 16% 52) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were the most abundant group detected in this sediment, accounting for up to 12.8% of total DAPI cell counts. Furthermore, members of the order Planctomycetales accounted for up to 3.9% of total cell counts. In accordance with previous studies, these findings support the hypothesis that these bacterial groups are not simply settling with organic matter from the pelagic zone but are indigenous to the anoxic zones of marine sediments. Members of the gamma-proteobacteria also constituted a significant fraction in this sediment (6.1% ± 2.5% of total cell counts). A new probe (GAM660) specific for sequences affiliated with free-living or endosymbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was developed. A significant number of cells was detected by this probe (2.1% ± 0.7% of total DAPI cell counts), showing no clear zonation along the vertical profile. Gram-positive bacteria and the beta-proteobacteria were near the detection limit in all sediments.


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Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, and Al203, water content, the amounts of organic carbon, the ratio of 13C/12C and the 14C-activity of the organic fraction were determined with sediment depth from a 34 cm long box-core from the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea). The average sedimentation rate was 2.4 mm/yr. The upper portion of the core contained increasing amounts of 14C-inactive organic carbon, and above 3 cm depth, man-made 14C from atomic bomb tests. The concentrations of the heavy metals Cd, Pb, Zn, and Cu increase strongly towards the surface, while other metals, as Fe, Ni and Co remain almost unchanged. This phenomenon is attributed to anthropogenic influences. A comparison of the Kieler Bucht, the Bornholm and the Gotland Basins shows that today the anthropogenic addition of Zn is about 100 mg/m**2 yr in all three basins. The beginning of this excess of Zn, however, is delayed by about 20 years in, the Bornholm Basin and by about 40 years in the Gotland Basin. It is suggested that SW-NE transport of these anthropogenically mobilized metals may be related to periodic bottom water renewal in the Baltic Sea sedimentary basins.


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Periplatform ooze is an admixture of pelagic carbonate and sediment derived from neritic carbonate platforms. Compositional variations of periplatform ooze allow the rectonstruction of past sea-level changes. Periplatform ooze formed during sea-level highstands is finer grained and richer in aragonit through the elevated input of material from the flooded platform compared to periplatform ooze formed during the episodes of lowered sea level. In many cases, however, the sea floor around carbonate platforms is subjected to bottom currents which are expected to affect sediment composition, i.e. through winnowing of the fine fraction. The interaction of sea-level driven highstand shedding and current impact on the formation of periplatform ooze is influenced or even distorted by changing current activity, an integrated study using seismic, hydroacoustic and sedimentological data has been performed on periplatform ooze deposited in the Inner Sea of the Maldives. The Miocene to Pleistocene succession of drift deposits is subdivided into nine units; limits of seismostratigraphic units correspond to changes or turnarounds in grain size trends in cores recovered at ODP Site 716 and NEOMA Site 1143. For the Pleistocene it can be shown how changes in grain size occur in concert with sea-level changes and changes of the monsoonal system, which is thought to be a major driver bottom currents in the Maldives. A clear hightstand shedding pattern only appears in the data at a time of of relaxation of monsoonal strength during the last 315 ky. Results imply (1) that drift sediments provide a potential target for analyzing past changes in oceanic currents and (2) that the ooze composition bears a mixed signal of input and physical winnowing at the sea floor.


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Six sediment cores from the submarine delta of the Rud Hilla River in the northern part of the Persian Gulf consist of fine grained,homogeneous Holocene marls. The coarse (> 63 ~) fraction varies from 0.3 - 3.5 %. The cores are 2 - 4 m long and were taken in water depths of 8 - 56 m. In spite of the great similarity and homogeneity of the cored sediments, correspondence analysis (an extension of factor analysis) of the coarse fraction reveals the presence of four distinctive sedimentary facies: (1) a minerogenic facies, 10 km from the estuary; (2) an ophiuroidostracod facies near a lateral margin of the delta, 12 - 15 km from the estuary, (3) a benthic foraminiferal-molluskan facies, in the central part of the delta 20 km from the estuary, and near its seaward margin 120 km from the estuary, (4) a gastropod-epibiotic facies, in an area of relatively slow sedimentation on the border of the delta, 90 km from the estuary. A seventh core, taken near the seaward margin of the delta of the Rud Hilla River, penetrated homogeneous, aragonite-rich mud of late Pleistocene age. Correspondence analysis of the sand fraction of the Pleistocene sediments leads to the definition of two facies that can be readily compared with the facies identified in the Holocene cores.


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Understanding past changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is crucial; however, existing proxies for reconstructing past SSTs are hindered by unknown ancient seawater composition (foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O), or reflect subsurface temperatures (TEX86) or have a limited applicable temperature range (Uk'37). We examine clumped isotope (D47) thermometry to fossil coccolith-rich material as an SST proxy, as clumped isotopes are independent of original seawater composition and applicable to a wide temperature range and coccolithophores are widespread and dissolution resistant. The D47-derived temperatures from <63, <20, <10 and 2-5 µm size fractions of two equatorial Pacific late Miocene-early Pliocene sediment samples (c1; c2) range between ~18-29 {degree sign}C, with c1 temperatures consistently above c2. Removing the >63 µm fraction removes most non-mixed layer components; however, the D47-derived temperatures display an unexpected slight decreasing trend with decreasing size fraction. This unexpected trend could partly arise because larger coccoliths (5-12 µm) are removed during the size fraction separation process. The c1 and <63 µm c2 D47-derived temperatures are comparable to concurrent Uk'37 SSTs. The <20, <10 and 2-5 µm c2 D47-derived temperatures are consistently cooler than expected. The D47-Uk'37 temperature offset is probably caused by abiotic/diagenetic calcite present in the c2 2-5 µm fraction (~53% by area), which potentially precipitated at bottom water temperatures of ~6 {degree sign}C . Our results indicate that clumped isotopes on coccolith-rich sediment fractions have potential as an SST proxy, particularly in tropical regions, providing that careful investigation of the appropriate size fraction for the region and timescale is undertaken.


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The aim of this study was to assess the organic matter changes in quantity and quality, particularly of the humic fraction in the surface layer (0?20 cm), of a Typic Plinthustalf soil under different management of plant mixtures used as green manure for mango (Mangifera indica L.) crops. The plant mixtures, which were seeded between rows of mango trees, were formed by two groups of leguminous and non -leguminous plants. Prior to sowing, seeds were combined in different proportions and compositions constituting the following treatments: 100% non-leguminous species (NL); 100% leguminous species (L); 75% L and 25% NL; 50% L and 50% NL; 25% L and 75% NL; and 100% spontaneous vegetation, considered a control. The plant mixtures that grew between rows of mango trees caused changes in the chemical composition of the soil organic matter, especially for the treatments 50% L and 50% NL and 25% L and 75% NL, which increased the content of humic substances in the soil organic matter. However, the treatment 25% L and 75% NL was best at minimising loss of total organic carbon from the soil. The humic acids studied have mostly aliphatic characteristics, showing large amounts of carboxylic and nitrogen groups and indicating that most of the organic carbon was formed by humic substances, with fulvic acid dominating among the alkali soluble fractions.