994 resultados para veterinary training simulator
This paper examines rhythmic training of hearing impaired children and the relationship between a child’s rhythmical development and his/her speech, short-term memory, sound perception, and physical movement.
This paper discusses a pilot study and the use of repair strategies to aid in communication with the hearing impaired.
This paper examines the auditory training procedures used at Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper contains a manual for training advocates of assistive listening devices.
This paper examines the effectiveness of a phonological awareness program for hearing impaired children.
An electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) system was used to provide a participant with congenital hearing loss visual biofeedback information on speech production. Five normally hearing listeners reported a change in their perception of the speech sound /æ/ in the various conditions of the study.
This study evaluates the progress of children with cochlear implants on the Speech Perception Instructional Curriculum and Evaluation (SPICE) auditory training protocol.
This paper discusses social training skills for deaf children.
This paper discusses a study to determine whether training employing in the tracking procedure would prove beneficial to profoundly hearing-impaired children in comprehension of spoken language.
This paper reviews a study of an eleven year old profoundly deaf child and the use of a oscilloscope in speech therapy.