1000 resultados para university websites


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Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, February 18, 1966


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Concert Program for The University Sinfonietta, February 15, 1966


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Concert Program for The University Symphony Orchestra, January 28, 1966


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Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, May 17, 1967


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Concert program for The University Symphony Orchestra, March 10, 1967


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Concert program for Concerto Concert with members of the University Symphony Orchestra, May 14, 1969


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Concert program for University Wind Sinfonietta and University Percussion Ensemble, Dec. 9, 1973


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Concert Program for University Chorale Talent Show February 10, 2007


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Leavis’s name is synonymous with a resolutely negative verdict on mass higher education: he went on record as saying ‘There’s no redeeming the democratic mass university’ (The Living Principle, p. 7). What relevance then does Leavis have for the majority of us involved in a system of widening participation, whether as students, researchers, teachers, managers or other stakeholders? The key to answering these questions in a productive way lies in our understanding of Leavis’s time at York. It is the work of this period that opens a dialogue between Leavis and contemporary debate on higher education. Appreciating Leavis’s later and currently more neglected work undertaken at York gives pointers to ways in which he can begin to be a meaningful presence again in relation to our thinking about the ‘democratic mass university’.


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This chapter looks into the importance of having a clear identity of a boundary spanner in determining the role of the partners in a university-industry knowledge transfer programme. It highlights issues around the relationship between the business and the graduate as the boundary spanner, where the university's level of control differs between two programmes: Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) and Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise Network (KEEN) programme. The four case studies illustrate interesting points since the university is the employer for the KTPs associate and the business is the employer for the KEEN associate, whilst successful KTP and KEEN projects rely on a full understanding of the role of the graduate within the business.


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This chapter is based on a case study of one UK university sociology department and shows how sociology knowledge can transform the lives of ‘non-traditional’ students. The research from which the case is drawn focused on four departments teaching sociology-related subjects in universities positioned differently in UK league tables. It explored the question of the relationship between university reputation, pedagogic quality and curriculum knowledge, challenging taken-for-granted judgements about ‘quality’ and in conceptualising ‘just’ university pedagogy by taking Basil Bernstein’s ideas about how ‘powerful’ knowledge is distributed in society to illuminate pedagogy and curriculum. The project took the view that ‘power’ lies in the acquisition of specific (inter)disciplinary knowledges which allows the formation of disciplinary identities by way of developing the means to think about and act in the world in specific ways. We chose to focus on sociology because (1) university sociology is taken up by all socio-economic classes in the UK and is increasingly taught in courses in which the discipline is applied to practice; (2) it is a discipline that historically pursues social and moral ambition which assists exploration of the contribution of pedagogic quality to individuals and society beyond economic goals; (3) the researchers teach and research sociology or sociology of education - an understanding of the subjects under discussion is essential to make judgements about quality. ‘Diversity’ was one of four case study universities. It ranks low in university league tables; is located in a large, multi-cultural English inner city; and, its students are likely to come from lower socio-economic and/or ethnic minority groups, as well as being the first in their families to attend university. To make a case for transformative teaching at Diversity, the chapter draws on longitudinal interviews with students, interviews with tutors, curriculum documents, recordings of teaching, examples of student work, and a survey. It establishes what we can learn from the case of sociology at Diversity, arguing that equality, quality and transformation for individuals and society are served by a university curriculum which is research led and challenging combined with pedagogical practices which give access to difficult-to-acquire and powerful knowledge.


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A Internet é um meio priviligiado de comunicação, no qual a informação não conhece fronteiras, e a sua divulgação toma uma dimensão universal. No mundo empresarial a comunicação é hoje tida, como o elemneto fulcral dos processos de negócio , em que interação com as partes interessadas, pode ser traduzida em termos do seu exposente máximo pelo website da empresa. Muita da informação hoje divulgada à sociedade pela empresa, visa o seu próprio escrutínio público, na strês dimensões (económica, ambiental e social) do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (DS). A presente investigação visou uma análise exploratória dos websites de 523 empresas que se encontravam certificadas, no fianl do ano de 2011, no âmbito dos sistemas de gestão da qualidade (ISO 9001), ambiente (ISO 14001), segurança e saúde do trabalho (OHSAS 18001). O obketo de estudo proposto visou conhecer quais os conteúdos que são frequentemente mais divulgados, e que perfil tem a empresa portuguesa de Gestão (SIG), Sustentabilidade Empresarial (SE) e Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE). O método de investigação baseou-se na técnica da Análise de Conteúdo, a qual permitiu quantificar por categoria de análise (indicador) e subcategorias de análise (itens), os conteúdos da informação divulgada no website da empresa. A visão holística sobre a dimensão dos contéudos disponibilizados no website da empresa, foir determinada (medida) com auxílio de divulgação no website das empresas, são: a Missão, a Política da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança, o Código de Ética & Conduta Empresarial, o Relatório de Sustentabilidade, o Relatório e Contas, os Indicadores & Índices Financeiros, os certificados e marcas do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), do trabalho (SGSST) e, por fim, os Projetos de Envolvimento com a Comunidade no âmbito da RSE. Em termos de perfil, as empresas portugueas de maior dimensão (volume de vendas), e as sociedades anónimas (S.A:), divulgam mais informação no website, que as outras. Não tendo sido porém, encontrada evidência estatística significativa no estudo da relação das empresas localizadas no distrito de Lisboa & Setúbal, das empresas do setor de atividade secundário (2.º), e das empresas com exposição aos media (rankings nacionais), com a maior divulgação de informação no website da empresa.


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As Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) têm influenciado de forma inequívoca o desenvolvimento das bibliotecas à escala global. Nas últimas décadas, as TIC mudaram a dinâmica das bibliotecas permitindo a sua modernização (pelo desenvolvimento da eficiência das tarefas já realizadas), favorecendo a inovação (pela utilização das tecnologias como base para o desenvolvimento de novos serviços/técnicas) e promovendo a sua transformação (ao nível do paradigma funcional, da disponibilização de conteúdos, etc.) – criando, em suma, uma nova relação com os seus públicos


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The goal of this paper is to discuss the benefits and challenges of yielding an inter-continental network of remote laboratories supported and used by both European and Latin American Institutions of Higher Education. Since remote experimentation, understood as the ability to carry out real-world experiments through a simple Web browser, is already a proven solution for the educational community as a supplement to on-site practical lab work (and in some cases, namely for distance learning courses, a replacement to that work), the purpose is not to discuss its technical, pedagogical, or economical strengths, but rather to raise and try to answer some questions about the underlying benefits and challenges of establishing a peer-to-peer network of remote labs. Ultimately, we regard such a network as a constructive mechanism to help students gain the working and social skills often valued by multinational/global companies, while also providing awareness of local cultural aspects.