931 resultados para sustainability, interactive media art
Open Display Networks have the potential to allow many content creators to publish their media to an open-ended set of screen displays. However, this raises the issue of how to match that content to the right displays. In this study, we aim to understand how the perceived utility of particular media sharing scenarios is affected by three independent variables, more specifically: (a) the locativeness of the content being shared; (b) how personal that content is and (c) the scope in which it is being shared. To assess these effects, we composed a set of 24 media sharing scenarios embedded with different treatments of our three independent variables. We then asked 100 participants to express their perception of the relevance of those scenarios. The results suggest a clear preference for scenarios where content is both local and directly related to the person that is publishing it. This is in stark contrast to the types of content that are commonly found in public displays, and confirms the opportunity that open displays networks may represent a new media for self-expression. This novel understanding may inform the design of new publication paradigms that will enable people to share media across the display networks.
The Amazon rainforest stretches across more than six million square kilometers and nine countries. Of the original forest area it is thought that 18 per cent has been cleared, mainly for farming purposes. In Brazil, the main drivers of deforestation are beef ranching and soya production that together occupy more than 75 per cent of newly deforested land. The situation in the Amazon illustrates a fundamental dilemma facing environmentalists around the world: how to reconcile economic development with biodiversity conservation. In this paper the representation of this dilemma in the British and Brazilian news media is assessed. The results indicate that there were far more articles referring to deforestation in the Brazilian press (816 Brazilian to 29 UK) but that many of these make no mention of what factors are responsible for deforestation. The patterns of representation of the proximate (direct) causes of Amazonian deforestation were very similar in the two countries, with soya and beef cattle ranching commanding the most press attention. The ultimate (indirect) causes of deforestation, however, are treated very differently, with the Brazilian media seemingly far more aware of the role of economic development needs than the UK press. Interestingly, the role of international demand for soya, beef, and forest products in driving deforestation was highlighted primarily in the UK press. These findings are critically discussed in the context of media influence on public understandings of Amazonian deforestation.
(Excerto) pelos media que temos acesso a informao relevante sobre o mundo. O problema da crise dos refugiados, que parece novo porque nos bateu em cheio nossa porta, no foge regra. Nesse sentido, os media so e sero imprescindveis. Temos hoje acesso a uma evidente quantidade e aparente diversidade de informaes. A Internet e as redes sociais possibilitam o acesso a um grande nmero de fontes, ainda que de valia varivel. Mas inquestionvel que a informao que nos chega procede esmagadoramente de agncias e de meios que vem o mundo a partir de determinados ngulos: do seu lugar geogrfico, que condiciona, como sabemos, a relevncia das matrias escolhidas; das fontes a que os media tm mais facilmente acesso ou daquelas que se organizam para fazer valer determinados pontos de vista e interpretaes sobre a realidade junto dos media; e, naturalmente, das estratgias e interesses dos grandes grupos mediticos que detm e controlam os media. Por exemplo, constata-se que as televises, rdios e jornais focam muito mais o problema humanitrio dos refugiados e os impactos que eles provocam em diferentes regies da Europa do que a complexa e dramtica situao da gigantesca mquina que produz refugiados que, em certos aspectos, a prpria Europa alimenta. Apesar de tudo, os media no so todos iguais. Em muitos deles, h profissionais que procuram fazer um trabalho de qualidade. E atravs das redes sociais temos, com alguma frequncia, acesso a dados que repercutem os grandes rgos de informao ou do visibilidade a vozes e vises alternativas. Porm, tudo somado, no podemos estar seguros de ter, partida, acesso a informao relevante, rigorosa e completa sobre uma matria to complexa e delicada como a que est por detrs da crise dos refugidos. Isso exige procura em fontes diversas, trabalho comparativo, anlise crtica, acompanhamento atento, debate. O Seminrio Permanente de Educao para os Media, que tem funcionado no quadro do Centro de Estudos de Comunicao e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho procura, com esta Agenda de Atividades, proporcionar algumas pistas e ferramentas para esse posicionamento crtico e esclarecido. Para isso, contou com contributos de diversos quadrantes, que corresponderam ao desafio que lhes foi lanado.
Dissertao de mestrado em Design e Marketing
Dissertao de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Telecomunicaes e Informtica
Sabedores da realidade tecnolgica que envolve as crianas, sentimos necessidade de conhecer aprofundadamente como que as crianas aprendem, ou seja, como estruturam e desenvolvem o seu pensamento, nesta relao com as tecnologias e atravs da programao. A presente investigao revela-se inovadora, quer no contexto em que vai ser implementado, quer nos objetivos da prpria investigao. Pretendemos consolidar conhecimento sobre as teorias de aprendizagem, atravs da introduo da programao de forma ldica e criativa nas atividades no jardim de infncia. Compreender como as crianas reagem na utilizao das tecnologias e da programao revela-se importante para conhecer o seu comportamento, o seu estilo de aprendizagem e permitir aos profissionais de educao antecipar ou no esta integrao, nos seus contextos educativos. Conhecer como todo este processo de aprendizagem vivenciado pelas crianas ir permitir avaliar quais os benefcios e riscos da utilizao das tecnologias e da aprendizagem da programao em idade pr-escolar.
Relatrio e lio completa apresentados como requisito para Provas de Agregao, no Ramo de Cincias da Comunicao, rea de conhecimento de Sociologia da Informao, ao abrigo do Decreto-Lei n 239/2007 de 19 de Junho.
Ser que existe congruncia entre o nvel de conhecimento sobre as alteraes climticas, as percepes de risco, o nvel de preocupao e as intenes comportamentais para mitigar as alteraes climticas? E ser que o consumo de informao mediatizada influencia significativamente o conhecimento e o envolvimento afectivo com a questo das alteraes climticas? Os resultados de um questionrio com uma amostra portuguesa mostram um nvel de conhecimento moderado, e preocupao e percepo de risco elevadas, que influenciam parcialmente o comportamento face s alteraes climticas. Os media so a fonte principal de informao sobre as alteraes climticas e as prticas de uso das fontes de informao tm um impacto significativo em algumas dimenses do envolvimento pessoal com a questo Preocupao e, em menor grau, conhecimento das causas, aces de mitigao e intenes comportamentais. Contudo, o grau de utilizao das fontes de informao parece ter pouco impacto nas percepes de risco e na valncia afectiva das imagens associadas s alteraes climticas.
A regulao dos media tem ganho relevo nas agendas nacionais e internacionais mas nem sempre a utilizao corrente do conceito consistente, correndo o risco de significar tudo e nada em simultneo. Independentemente do intenso e profcuo debate concetual que o tema suscita na comunidade acadmica, julgamos pertinente o estudo das estruturas de regulao meditica que operam no terreno da Unio Europeia. Este trabalho reflete sobre as entidades de regulao meditica que atuam na defesa do interesse pblico, ainda que existam as mais diversas modalidades de enunciao e de defesa desse interesse pelos vrios estados, e decorre de um esforo de investigao coletivo, enquadrado no projeto Regulao dos Media em Portugal: O Caso da ERC, que agregou elementos sobre os organismos reguladores dos media na Europa.
[Excerto] ln this chapter we discuss recent developments and challenges in European media and communication policy, focusing on the period following the 2008 global financial crisis. We are especially interested in the implications of the financial crisis and its political repercussions nationally (austerity measures and cuts to public services, growing anti-politics sentiments and widespread dissatisfaction with free-market capitalism and representative democracy) for media and communication policy, understood here in a broad sense, so as to include ali electronic communications, such as the Internet, mobile communications, social media etc. Our overarching concern is with the implications of developments in media and communication policy for the democratic functions of the media in Europe (...).
In this work, we present a 3D web-based interactive tool for numerical modeling and simulation approach to breast reduction surgery simulation, to assist surgeons in planning all aspects related to breast reduction surgery before the actual procedure takes place, thereby avoiding unnecessary risks. In particular, it allows the modeling of the initial breast geometry, the definition of all aspects related to the surgery and the visualization of the post-surgery breast shape in a realistic environment.
Radical cyclization continues to be a central methodology for the preparation of natural products containing heterocyclic rings. Hence, some electrochemical results obtained by cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis in the study of electroreductive intramolecular cyclization of ethyl (2S, 3R)-2-bromo-3-propargyloxy-3-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy) propanoate (1a), 2-bromo-3-allyloxy-3-(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)propanoate (1b), 2-bromo-[1-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)propyl]benzene (1c) and [1-bromo-2-methoxy-2-(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)ethyl]benzene (1d) promoted by (1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane)nickel(I), [Ni(tmc)]+, electrogenerated at glassy carbon cathodes in ethanol and ethanol:water mixtures containing tetraalkylammonium salts, are presented. During controlled-potential electrolyses of solutions containing [Ni(tmc)]2+ and bromoalkoxylated compounds (1) catalytic reduction of the latter proceeds via one-electron cleavage of the carbonbromine bond to form a radical intermediate that undergoes cyclization to afford the substituted tetrahydrofurans.
We investigated the reductive intramolecular cyclization of bromopropargyl ethers derivatives, catalyzed by electrogenerated (1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraaza-cyclotetradecane)nickel(I), [Ni(tmc)]+ as the catalysts in N,N,N-trimethyl-N-(2- hydroxyethyl)ammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide,[N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2] and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C2mim][NTf2] by cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis. The results show that the reaction leads to the formation of the expected cyclic compounds, which are important intermediates in the synthesis of natural products with possible biological activities.
As the worldwide growth of social media usage and institutionalization by organizations rise worldwide little is known about the degree of professionalization that has occurred. By comparing data between two asynchronous countries this research project offers insights into its strategic usage as well as discovering an interesting dynamic between activity and professionalization.