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Nortriterpenoids, sphenadilactone C (1) and sphenasin A (2), together with four known lignans (3-6), were isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra sphenanthera. Their structures were elucidated by extensive analysis of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic


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Artemia is a small crustacean that adapted to live in brine water and has been seen in different brine water sources in Iran. Considering the importance of genetic studies manifest inter population differences in species, to estimate genetic structure, detect difference at molecular level and separate different Artemia populations of Iran, also study of phylogenic relationships among them, samples of Artemia were collected from nine region: Urmia lake in West Azerbaijan, Shoor and Inche-Borun lakes in Golestan, Hoze-Soltan and Namak lakes in Qom, Maharloo and Bakhteghan lakes in Fars, Nough pool in Kerman and Mighan pool in Markazi and DNA extracted by phenol-chloroform method. Primers designed on a ribosomal fragment (16s rRNA) of mt DNA sequence and PCR was done. Digestion of the 1566 bp segment PCR product by 10 restriction endonuclease (Alu I, EcoR I, Eco47 I, Hae III, Hind III, Hinf I, Mbo I, Msp I, Rsa I, TaqI) showed 25 different haplotypes: 9 in Urmia, 4 in Shoor and Inche- Borun, 1 in Namak and Hoze-Soltan, 3 in Mighan, 1 in Bakhtegan Maharlo, 3 in Maharloo and 4 in Nough. Measurement of haplotype and nucleotide diversity intra population and nucleotide diversity and divergence inter populations and evolutionary distance between haplotypes showed a high diversity in mitochondrial genome of Artemia in studied regions whose results are similar to those explained for highly geographic expansion organism. In addition, results showed considerable heterogeneity between different populations and there are enough evidences in haplotypic level for separation of studied samples and division of Iranian Artemia to seven populations including Urmia, Shoor and Inche-Borun, Hoze-Soltan and Namak, Maharloo, Bakhteghan, Nough and Mighan. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA data set resulted strict consensus and neighbor joining distance trees, demonstrated that all samples were monophyletic and parthenogenetic form derivation from bisexual populations and genetically high resemblance to those of A. urmiana. Study of 270 specimens from different region showed the genus Artemia in Iran clustered into three clades including: 1- Shoor, Inche-Burun, Hoze-Soltan, Namak, Bakhtegan and Maharloo 2- Nough and Mighan 3- Urmia. Totally, obtained results indicated to ability of used techniques for study of inter species diversity, population structure, reveal of phylogenic relationship and dividing of different populations of Artemia in Iran.


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Sea cucumbers belong to phylum Echinodermata, order Holothuroidea are an abundant and diverse group of Invertebrates, with over 1400 species occuring from the intertidal to the deepest oceanic trenches. Sea cucumbers are important components of the food chain in temperate and coral reef ecosystems and they play an important role as deposite feeders and suspension feeders. Rapid decline in populations may have serious consequences for the survival of other species that are part of the same complex food web,as the eggs, larve and juveniles constitute an important food source for the other marine species including crustaceans, fish and mollusks. In addition sea cucumbers are often called the earthworms of the sea, because they are responsible for the extensive shifting and mixing of the substrate, and recycling of detrital matter. Sea cucumbers consume and grind sediment and organic material into finer particles , turning over the top layers of sediment in lagoons , reefs and other habitats and allowing the penetration of oxygen. While the taxonomy of the holothurian families is generally well known , the distinction of similar species is difficult. There are relatively few holothurian taxonomist.Most sea cucumber species can be identified by Holothurin taxonomists by using the calcareous skeletal ossicles found in the body wall. In this study , at first a sea cucumber from Kish island in Persian gulf has recognized. Individuals collected from west and east extend far away into north and south of coral reefs by diving. I have checked them morphologically and anatomically.Then with key to the orders of the Holothuroidea, They belong to the Aspidochirotida with key to the families of Aspidochirotida, they were in Stichopodidae families and with key to the genus of Stchopodidae, they were Stichopus. Then ossicles were extracted at National Museum of Natural History, by Dr David Pawson. The ossicles were measured on a transect across a slide prepared from the mid-dorsal region of each specimen.The one we have in the shallow waters of Kish island, is Stichopus hermanni, a massive holothurian, body broad, considerably flattened ventraly ,the dorsal side slightly arched and the lateral sides almost vertical; body wall fairy thick and soft ; mouth subterminal; anus central; tentacles usually 20 in number of length and leaf shaped. Numerous ossicles consisting of table with large discs having usually 7 to 15 peripheral holes, but often irregular or incomplete and spire of moderate height ending in a group of spinelets, rosettes of variable development, and c-shaped rods. Color (exept papillae)partly remained after preservation in alcohol which is found at the depth of 4 to 8 meters, on coral reef. Furthermore, the sexual reproductive cycle was described using standard methods. Gonads were removed and transferred to Bouin's fixative for four weeks and then processed according to standard embedding technique. To prevent the loss of tubule contents during embedding, the tubule sections, were cut well beyond the segment selected for sectioning. For each individual, six sections, each section with 5µm diameter by microtome were cut from tubules. These sections were first placed on gelatin coated slides (the gelatin was heated to 42°c) and then transferred to the oven at 37°c for one hour. This technique usually prevents the fragil tubules from breaking and the loss of gametes. The slides were stained with Eosin and Hematoxylin, and good resolution of the various cell types achieved.A second series of slides was stained with the Periodic Acid Schiff(PAS) to identify polysaccharides(glycogen). Monthly sampling was occurred.The sexual reproductive cycle was defined through the combined use of these criteria: Monthly percentages of the gonad stages for each sex, the monthly gonad index (GI) , given as the ratio of the wet gonad weight (G) to the dray weight (DW)and the monthly percentage of individuals that undetermined sex. The gonad consists of two tufts of tubules on which saccules develop. Gonadal development was classified into five stages: post spawning, recovery, growth, advanced growth, and mature stage that were adapted from the earlier studies of holothurians. Histological preparations showed that the sex of larger individuals could be identified by the presence of oogonia and young oocytes in females, and spermatogonic stages in males.The mean diameter of the tubules and gonadal mass follow annual cycles, increasing from late winter through spring, and dropping abruptly after spawning in the summer. Gametogenesis is generally a prolongate process and begins in March. By summer the ovarian tubules contain oocytes with diameter of 120-240 pm and the testicular tubules contain an abundance of spermatozoa (diameter 5-6 gm ).Following spawning the predominant activity within the spent tubules is phagocytosis of the residual gamets.The active phase of gametogenesis (March to July), coincides with an increasing photoperiod regim, and an accelerated gametogenesis occurs in July when temperature is high. Throughout the year, the gonad of Stichopus hermanni is larger in males than in females, and this is due to the number of tubules in the testis rather than to tubules length or diameter.


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Piezocomposites that can operate at frequencies above 30 MHz without spurious modes are required in order to develop sufficiently sensitive high frequency arrays for high resolution imaging. However, scaling down of conventional piezocomposite fabrication techniques becomes increasingly difficult as dimensions decrease with increasing frequency. The approach presented here is to use micro-moulded 1-3 piezocomposites and a distribution of piezoelectric segment size and separation. Innovative approaches to composite pattern design, based on a randomized spatial distribution, are presented. Micro-moulding techniques are shown to be suitable for fabricating composites with dimensions required for high frequency composites. Randomized piezocomposite patterns are modeled and are shown to suppress spurious modes.


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Among several others, the on-site inspection process is mainly concerned with finding the right design and specifications information needed to inspect each newly constructed segment or element. While inspecting steel erection, for example, inspectors need to locate the right drawings for each member and the corresponding specifications sections that describe the allowable deviations in placement among others. These information seeking tasks are highly monotonous, time consuming and often erroneous, due to the high similarity of drawings and constructed elements and the abundance of information involved which can confuse the inspector. To address this problem, this paper presents the first steps of research that is investigating the requirements of an automated computer vision-based approach to automatically identify “as-built” information and use it to retrieve “as-designed” project information for field construction, inspection, and maintenance tasks. Under this approach, a visual pattern recognition model was developed that aims to allow automatic identification of construction entities and materials visible in the camera’s field of view at a given time and location, and automatic retrieval of relevant design and specifications information.


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Among several others, the on-site inspection process is mainly concerned with finding the right design and specifications information needed to inspect each newly constructed segment or element. While inspecting steel erection, for example, inspectors need to locate the right drawings for each member and the corresponding specifications sections that describe the allowable deviations in placement among others. These information seeking tasks are highly monotonous, time consuming and often erroneous, due to the high similarity of drawings and constructed elements and the abundance of information involved which can confuse the inspector. To address this problem, this paper presents the first steps of research that is investigating the requirements of an automated computer vision-based approach to automatically identify “as-built” information and use it to retrieve “as-designed” project information for field construction, inspection, and maintenance tasks. Under this approach, a visual pattern recognition model was developed that aims to allow automatic identification of construction entities and materials visible in the camera’s field of view at a given time and location, and automatic retrieval of relevant design and specifications information.


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This paper is aimed at enabling the confident use of existing model test facilities for ultra deepwater application without having to compromise on the widely accepted range of scales currently used by the floating production industry. Passive line truncation has traditionally been the preferred method of creating an equivalent numerical model at reduced depth; however, these techniques tend to suffer in capturing accurately line dynamic response and so reproducing peak tensions. In an attempt to improve credibility of model test data the proposed truncation procedure sets up the truncated model, based on line dynamic response rather than quasi-static system stiffness. The upper sections of each line are modeled in detail, capturing the wave action zone and all coupling effects with the vessel. These terminate to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. Stages 1 & 2 are used to derive a water depth truncation ratio. Here vibration decay of transverse elastic waves is assessed and it is found that below a certain length criterion, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven, hence with respect to these motions the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the local line properties and vibration frequency. Stage 3 endeavors to match the individual line stiffness between the full depth and truncated models. In deepwater it is likely that taut polyester moorings will be used which are predominantly straight and have high axial stiffness that provides the principal restoring force to static and low frequency vessel motions. Consequently, it means that the natural frequencies of axial vibrations are above the typical wave frequency range allowing for a quasi-static solution. In cases of exceptionally large wave frequency vessel motions, localized curvature at the chain seabed segment and tangential skin drag on the polyester rope can increase dynamic peak tensions considerably. The focus of this paper is to develop an efficient scheme based on analytic formulation, for replicating these forces at the truncation. The paper will close with an example case study of a single mooring under extreme conditions that replicates exactly the static and dynamic characteristics of the full depth line. Copyright © 2012 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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Visual recognition problems often involve classification of myriads of pixels, across scales, to locate objects of interest in an image or to segment images according to object classes. The requirement for high speed and accuracy makes the problems very challenging and has motivated studies on efficient classification algorithms. A novel multi-classifier boosting algorithm is proposed to tackle the multimodal problems by simultaneously clustering samples and boosting classifiers in Section 2. The method is extended into an online version for object tracking in Section 3. Section 4 presents a tree-structured classifier, called Super tree, to further speed up the classification time of a standard boosting classifier. The proposed methods are demonstrated for object detection, tracking and segmentation tasks. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A 3-D model of a superconducting staggered array undulator has been built, which could serve as a powerful tool to solve electromagnetic problems and to realize field optimization of such design. Given the limitation of 2-D simulation for irregular shapes and complex geometries, 3-D models are more desirable for a comprehensive investigation. An optimization method for the undulator peak field is proposed; up to 32% enhancement can be achieved by introducing major segment bulks. Some improvements of the undulator design are obtained by careful analyzing of the simulation results. © 2002-2011 IEEE.


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Natural sounds are structured on many time-scales. A typical segment of speech, for example, contains features that span four orders of magnitude: Sentences ($\sim1$s); phonemes ($\sim10$−$1$ s); glottal pulses ($\sim 10$−$2$s); and formants ($\sim 10$−$3$s). The auditory system uses information from each of these time-scales to solve complicated tasks such as auditory scene analysis [1]. One route toward understanding how auditory processing accomplishes this analysis is to build neuroscience-inspired algorithms which solve similar tasks and to compare the properties of these algorithms with properties of auditory processing. There is however a discord: Current machine-audition algorithms largely concentrate on the shorter time-scale structures in sounds, and the longer structures are ignored. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is a difficult technical problem to construct an algorithm that utilises both sorts of information. Secondly, it is computationally demanding to simultaneously process data both at high resolution (to extract short temporal information) and for long duration (to extract long temporal information). The contribution of this work is to develop a new statistical model for natural sounds that captures structure across a wide range of time-scales, and to provide efficient learning and inference algorithms. We demonstrate the success of this approach on a missing data task.


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To reduce the surgical trauma to the patient, minimally invasive surgery is gaining considerable importance since the eighties. More recently, robot assisted minimally invasive surgery was introduced to enhance the surgeon's performance in these procedures. This resulted in an intensive research on the design, fabrication and control of surgical robots over the last decades. A new development in the field of surgical tool manipulators is presented in this article: a flexible manipulator with distributed degrees of freedom powered by microhydraulic actuators. The tool consists of successive flexible segments, each with two bending degrees of freedom. To actuate these compliant segments, dedicated fluidic actuators are incorporated, together with compact hydraulic valves which control the actuator motion. Especially the development of microvalves for this application was challenging, and are the main focus of this paper. The valves distribute the hydraulic power from one common high pressure supply to a series of artificial muscle actuators. Tests show that the angular stroke of the each segment of this medical instrument is 90°. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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The structural and compositional characteristics of heterointerfaces of Au-catalyzed GaAs/InAs and InAs/GaAs axial nanowire heterostructures were comprehensively investigated by transmission electron microscopy. It has been found that the GaAs/InAs interface is not sharp and contains an InGaAs transition segment, and in contrast, the InAs/GaAs interface is atomically sharp. This difference in the nature of heterointerfaces can be attributed to the difference in the affinity of the group III elements with the catalyst material. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Inflatable aerodynamic decelerators present potential advantages for planetary entry in missions of robotic and human exploration. The design of these structures face many engineering challenges, including complex deformable geometries, anisotropic material response, and coupled shockturbulence interactions. In this paper, we describe a comprehensive computational fluid-structure interaction study of an inflation cycle of a tension cone decelerator in supersonic flow and compare the simulations with earlier published experimental results. The aeroshell design and flow conditions closely match recent experiments conducted at Mach 2.5. The structural model is a 16-sided polygonal tension cone with seams between each segment. The computational model utilizes adaptive mesh refinement, large-eddy simulation, and shell mechanics with self-contact modeling to represent the flow and structure interaction. This study focuses on the dynamics of the structure as the inflation pressure varies gradually, and the behavior of forces experienced by the flexible and rigid (the payload capsule) structures. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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From July 2003 to June 2005, investigations of rotifer temporal and spatial distributions were carried out in a bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir, Xiangxi Bay, which is the downstream segment of the Xiangxi River and the nearest bay to the Three Gorges Reservoir dam in Hubei Province, China. Thirteen sampling sites were selected. The results revealed a high species diversity, with 76 species, and 14 dominant species; i.e., Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis, Keratella valga, Synchaeta tremula, Synchaeta stylata, Trichocerca lophoessa, Trichocerca pusilla, Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus forficula forficula, Ascomorpha ovalis, Conochilus unicornis, Ploesoma truncatum and Anuraeopsis fissa. After the first year of the reservoir impoundment, the rotifer community was dominated by ten species; one year later it was dominated by eight species. The community in 2003/2004 was dissimilar to that in 2004/2005, which resulted from the succession of the dominant species. The rotifer community exhibited a patchy distribution, with significant heterogeneity observed along the longitudinal axis. All rotifer communities could be divided into three groups, corresponding to the riverine, the transition and the lacustrine zone, respectively.


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Cetaceans produce sound signals frequently. Usually, acoustic localization of cetaceans was made by cable hydrophone arrays and multichannel recording systems. In this study, a simple and relatively inexpensive towed acoustic system consisting of two miniature stereo acoustic data-loggers is described for localization and tracking of finless porpoises in a mobile survey. Among 204 porpoises detected acoustically, 34 individuals (similar to 17%) were localized, and 4 of the 34 localized individuals were tracked. The accuracy of the localization is considered to be fairly high, as the upper bounds of relative distance errors were less than 41% within 173 m. With the location information, source levels of finless porpoise clicks were estimated to range from 180 to 209 dB re 1 mu Pa pp at 1 m with an average of 197 dB (N=34), which is over 20 dB higher than that estimated previously from animals in enclosed waters. For the four tracked porpoises, two-dimensional swimming trajectories relative to the moving survey boat, absolute swimming speed, and absolute heading direction are deduced by assuming the animal movements are straight and at constant speed in the segment between two consecutive locations.