927 resultados para sale of goods


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The intensified flows of goods, services, peoples and ideas across borders intrinsic to globalization have had numerous and multi-faceted effects. Those affecting culture have been perhaps the most controversial, as it is more often than not difficult to identify the spill-overs across economic and non-economic areas and across borders, as it is equally hard to qualify the effects of these spill-overs as positive or negative. The debate also tends to be politically and even emotionally charged, which has so far not proven advantageous to establishing a genuine dialogue, nor to finding solutions. This contention and the divergent interests of major players in the international community have been reflected in the institutions and rules of global law. It is the objective of this chapter to explore this institutional architecture, in particular its main (and opposing) constituent fora of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Educational Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The chapter traces the evolution of these institutions and their interaction over time, as well as the underlying objectives, demands and strategies of the key proponents in the trade versus culture discourse, which ultimately shaped the existent law and policy. The chapter concludes with an appraisal of the present state of affairs situating the discussion into the contemporary global governance landscape.


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The Assyrian capitals are not only known for their magnificent temples and palaces, but also for their monumental city walls. The most impressive and at the same time most delicate features of all the town defenses were the city gates. As they interrupted the line of defense, they were al-ways a vulnerable spot of every system of fortifications. However, the walled cities’ economic needs demanded these gateways to be built, in order to ensure the steady flow of goods and pro-visions. Apart from that, they also had a significant ideological meaning, which is emphasized by many cuneiform texts. During the excavations of the Assyrian capitals of Ashur, Dūr Šarrūkīn, and Nineveh, a fairly large number of Assyrian city gates were brought to light. By re-examining the archaeological reports and employing remote sensing, many details of these structures can still be revealed. The paper aims at illuminating the different considerations that went into constructing these gates, as well as the development Assyrian city gates underwent and what may have influenced this process.


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This paper outlines a process for teaching long-run neutrality of money, drawing an analogy between equity markets and the money market. The key points in the discussion include the following: (1) What is the price of money? (2) Why does the long-run demand for money trace out a rectangular hyperbola? (3) Why does the slow adjustment of goods and service prices to changes in the stock of money lead to a different short-run demand for money? and (4) Why does a successful currency reform generate similar short-run movements in the price of money as movements in equity share prices after a change in the supply of shares? I have used this approach successfully for over 30 years at all levels, wherever I need to discuss the money market in a macroeconomic model.


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Isolated Shaker communal farms stressed self-sufficiency as an ideal but carefully chose which goods to buy and sell in external markets and which to produce and consume themselves. We use records of hog slaughter weights to investigate the extent to which the Shakers incorporated market-based price information in determining production levels of a consumption good which they did not sell in external markets: pork. Granger causality tests indicate that Shaker pork production decisions were influenced as hypothesized, strongly by corn prices and weakly by pork prices. We infer that attention to opportunity costs of goods that they produced and consumed themselves was a likely factor aiding the longevity of Shaker communal societies.


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Methods of tax collection employed by modern governments seem dull when compared to the rich variety observed in history. Whereas most governments today typically use salaried agents to collect taxes, various other types of contractual relationships have been observed in history, including sharing arrangements which divide the tax revenue between the government and collectors at fixed proportions, negotiated payment schemes based on the tax base, and sale of the revenue to a collector in exchange for a lump-sum payment determined at auction. We propose an economic theory of tax collection that can coherently explain the temporal and spatial variation in contractual forms. We begin by offering a simple classification of tax collection schemes observed in history. We then develop a general economic model of tax collection that specifies the cost and benefits of alternative schemes and identifies the conditions under which a government would choose one contractual form over another in maximizing the net revenue. Finally, we use the conclusions of the model to explain some of the well-known patterns of tax collection observed in history and how choices varied over time and space.


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Harris County, which includes Houston, Texas, is an endemic and epidemic area for two viruses transmitted by arthropods (arboviruses). These viruses are maintained in cycles involving mosquitoes and wild birds, and transmission to humans is accidental. The majority of human infections is asymptomatic or may result in a flu-like syndrome. However, some infections can result in meningitis or encephalitis. These neuroinvasive infections may cause death, and those who survive may experience serious neurological complications requiring costly and lengthy medical care. The most important arboviruses in terms of morbidity are St. Louis encephalitis (SLEV) and West Nile (WNV) viruses. In fact, Harris County reports more SLEV encephalitis cases than any other county in the U.S. Most arboviral human cases occur from July through September, when mosquitoes are most active. Those at risk for encephalitis and death are the elderly and those with a history of hypertension or immunosuppresion. There is no specific treatment and no human vaccines are commercially available in the U.S. The approach for control of arboviruses in Harris County during epidemics is multidisciplinary and executed by several agencies. It includes surveillance, vector control, and educational messages for the population. Prevention of outbreaks consists of elimination of the vector and its breeding grounds, and practicing personal protective measures to prevent exposure to mosquitoes. ^ Current findings indicate that mosquito-borne viruses other than SLEV and WNV could pose an additional threat for the population. Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) activity has been detected in dogs and sentinel chickens in Houston and surrounding areas. Several serotypes of dengue virus have caused recent outbreaks in south Texas, and some locally-acquired cases have been detected in Houston. Since the clinical presentation of all arboviruses that cause encephalitis is very similar, and current surveillance is focused on detecting SLEV and WNV, there is a possibility that other arboviruses could be present in the area but are not being detected. Additionally, Harris County's ample annual rainfall and flooding problems, warm weather, multiple mosquito species, local and migrating birds that are susceptible to arboviral infection, and a constant flow of goods and travelers from many parts of the world could favor the emergence or re-emergence of other arboviruses. ^ The aims of this project were to determine if other arboviruses were circulating in the county, to assess the knowledge and attitudes about mosquito-borne viruses in a sample of the population, and to conduct an analysis of the initial WNV epidemic in Harris County. Through the retrospective analysis of clinical specimens collected during the 2002-2005 epidemic seasons, serologic evidence of dengue infection was detected suggesting the possibility that this virus may be co-circulating with SLEV and WNV. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness about arboviruses but not a consistent use of protective measures to avoid mosquitoes. The third component for this project included a retrospective review and geographical analysis of the 2002 WNV epidemic. ^ Overall, this study documented valuable information about the dengue virus, a potentially emerging arbovirus in Texas, revealed the need for more educational preventative programs, reinforced the value of mosquito and avian surveillance, and indicated the importance of continuing to investigate the factors that contribute to the development of outbreaks. ^


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The research project is an extension of the economic theory to the health care field and health care research projects evaluating the influence of demand and supply variables upon medical care inflation. The research tests a model linking the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population, its community case mix, and technology, the prices of goods and services other than medical care, the way its medical services are delivered and the health care resources available to its population to different utilization patterns which, consequently, lead to variations in health care prices among metropolitan areas. The research considers the relationship of changes in community characteristics and resources and medical care inflation.^ The rapidly increasing costs of medical care have been of great concern to the general public, medical profession, and political bodies. Research and analysis of the main factors responsible for the rate of increase of medical care prices is necessary in order to devise appropriate solutions to cope with the problem. An understanding of the community characteristics and resources-medical care costs relationships in the metropolitan areas potentially offers guidance in individual plan and national policy development.^ The research considers 145 factors measuring community milieu (demographic, social, educational, economic, illness level, prices of goods and services other than medical care, hospital supply, physicians resources and techological factors). Through bivariate correlation analysis, the number of variables was reduced to a set of 1 to 4 variables for each cost equation. Two approaches were identified to track inflation in the health care industry. One approach measures costs of production which accounts for price and volume increases. The other approach measures price increases. One general and four specific measures were developed to represent each of the major approaches. The general measure considers the increase on medical care prices as a whole and the specific measures deal with hospital costs and physician's fees. The relationships among changes in community characteristics and resources and health care inflation were analyzed using bivariate correlation and regression analysis methods. It has been concluded that changes in community characteristics and resources are predictive of hospital costs and physician's fees inflation, but are not predictive of increases in medical care prices. These findings provide guidance in the formulation of public policy which could alter the trend of medical care inflation and in the allocation of limited Federal funds.^


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El sector del vino experimenta, en las últimas décadas, un vertiginoso proceso de cambio y nuevas dinámicas, que están afectando el desempeño y estrategias de las empresas del sector: internacionalización creciente, caída de los mercados internos de los países tradicionalmente productores, entrada de capital exógeno, etc. La pericia que muestre la organización para adecuarse a la nueva situación se reflejará en la rentabilidad, indicador básico para juzgar la eficiencia en la gestión empresarial. En este estudio, a partir de una muestra representativa de empresas de Castilla-La Mancha, región española con la mayor dimensión vinícola mundial, se ha planteado un modelo econométrico novedoso integrado por variables de desempeño, definidas con la técnica de componentes principales. De los resultados obtenidos se infiere que la rentabilidad de las empresas proviene de: a) su estructura societaria (mayor si son empresas capitalistas que sociedades cooperativas), b) de su tamaño (mejor desempeño a mayor tamaño, aprovechando economías de escala), y c) estructura financiera (mayor rentabilidad si en la composición de la misma priman los recursos propios y liquidez). Por el contrario, la falta de financiación permanente para hacer frente al activo fijo y una dinámica comercial más orientada hacia las ventas de vino a granel a bajo precio, reducen significativamente los ratios de rentabilidad.


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Los ecosistemas proveen de servicios ambientales necesarios para la satisfacción de las necesidades tanto materiales, como no materiales de los seres humanos. Aportan al crecimiento económico y también a otros aspectos intangibles, que hacen al bienestar humano. Este flujo de bienes y servicios es vital para la economía. Los ecosistemas rurales, satisfacen las necesidades humanas y generan bienestar, incidiendo directamente sobre calidad de vida de las personas. En Argentina, existen conflictos sociales, económicos y ecológicos estrechamente relacionados. Por ello, no es correcto separar la sociedad de la naturaleza y tratar los problemas como si existieran escindidos. Por este motivo se recurre a la valoración de los ecosistemas y del medio ambiente, como instrumento preventivo ante posibles amenazas que vienen alterando el funcionamiento y la estructura de los ecosistemas rurales, por medio de estrategias y políticas sostenidas para el tratamiento y corrección de esta situación. Mendoza es considerada actualmente en un lugar destacado a nivel turístico. Teniendo en cuenta los caminos del vino y la Fiesta Nacional de la Vendimia. Actividades distintivas de la identidad provincial y de sus pobladores. En la última década, el departamento de Maipú ha sufrido una notoria pérdida de tierras agrícolas que se destinaron a la urbanización. Los problemas típicos de la ciudad ya han alcanzado a las zonas rurales. La inseguridad alcanzada, es un claro ejemplo de ésta situación. La elección del territorio de estudio, surgió al analizar el avance urbano en los censos 2001 y 2010, en zonas agrícolas representativas de Mendoza. Se observó que el departamento de Maipú obtuvo un incremento poblacional del 93%. Siendo el mismo, el departamento del Gran Mendoza, con mayor crecimiento de la última década. Además se tuvo en cuenta que Maipú es uno de los departamentos más importantes en el aspecto agrícola de la provincia, conocido como la cuna del vino y del olivo. Se toma como referencia la opinión de habitantes de un departamento que ha sufrido este cambio más recientemente para calificar el avance urbano y pérdida de servicios ambientales en zonas agrícolas de toda la provincia de Mendoza. La presente investigación se centra en el estudio de la provisión de servicios ambientales, por parte de los ecosistemas rurales de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Se estudia la valoración social de los beneficios ambientales y sociales que la sociedad maipucina, le otorga a las zonas agrícolas de Mendoza. Se realiza a través de entrevistas enmarcadas en una técnica de Valoración Contingente en la que se obtienen resultados para el análisis de la Valoración Social de los servicios ambientales, sin llegar al análisis de una Valoración Económica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existe una preferencia de los habitantes de Maipú hacia paisajes naturales y agrícolas. Se sienten beneficiados y atraídos por la sensación de bienestar, otorgándoles valor social de existencia. Sin embrago, se percibe que están siendo afectados por problemas típicos de un paisaje urbanizado como lo son la contaminación visual, sonora y la pérdida de servicios ambientales como lo son la belleza escénica y la cultura mendocina. Los datos obtenidos de las encuestas quedan a disposición como herramienta para la toma de decisiones y para la correcta aplicación de la Ley 8051 de Ordenamiento Territorial y Uso del Suelo en Mendoza.


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By means of this paper is to critically analyze the current situation of beekeeping in the town of Tandil (Buenos Aires), from the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping 2017, approved in 2008, whose goal is aimed at that country from becoming a global market leader of value-added bee products, ensuring sustainable development in economic, environmental and social. At first briefly reviews the national bee scene, in which Argentina is known for being the third largest producer of honey, after China and the U.S., while competing with China for the first world exporter, a situation that contrasts with low domestic consumption. Then describes the strategic objectives that promotes the Plan, including: marketing, production, promotion and added value. Then we analyze the main characteristics of the honey industry in the area chosen, the town of Tandil, where the stage is characterized by a large number of small producers who are mostly engaged in the informal sale of honey for direct consumption but whose demand is low, compared to a small number of collectors, packers and exporters that dominate the international market. In general it is observed that, with few exceptions, the honey is exported in bulk, as a commodity, and its main use molasses to improve lower quality of recipient countries. Meanwhile the honey for local consumption, is usually of inferior quality because they generally are not subject to quality controls required by the circuit of export. To overcome the limitations of beekeeping above, highlights the collaborative efforts of government agencies such as the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, National University Centre of the Province of Buenos Aires. As a preliminary conclusion, it is argued that the Strategic Plan Argentina Beekeeping is still valid as a tool for development of the sector, and is also essential to encourage the development of competitive products in terms of quality and differentiation, through the development of technology and knowledge sharing to ensure growth and sustainability of beekeeping in the town of Tandil


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Este artículo se propone analizar el modo a través del cual en la empresa de cosméticos Avon se articulan explotación sexuada del trabajo con responsabilidad social empresaria, para configurar una estrategia de valorización singular. Adentrándose en los mundos de las revendedoras y las operarias de Avon -la mayor empresa multinacional dedicada a la producción y venta de cosméticos a través del sistema de "venta directa"- se indaga cómo la empresa capitaliza en su beneficio las ventajas de la utilización de fuerza de trabajo femenina. Si bien las políticas empresarias de Avon se presentan como inconexas entre sí, pueden ser leídas como una estrategia de valorización particular, pasible de ser desagregada analíticamente en dos elementos que se encuentran articulados. El primero, que denominamos explotación sexuada del trabajo, consiste en la utilización intensiva de fuerza de trabajo femenina tanto para la producción (en la fábrica) como para la comercialización de los productos (a través del sistema de venta directa). El segundo se basa en la implementación de políticas de RSE como elemento crucial de la valorización, tanto en la esfera productiva como en la esfera de la comercialización.


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El artículo analiza como la región está inserta en un proceso de internacionalización, pero ella es de dimensiones muy reducida, lo cual redunda negativamente en el mejoramiento de la calidad. La educación transfronteriza es una de las cuatro modalidades a través de las cuales se desarrolla la educación internacional. El artículo analiza las manifestaciones de esta dimensión de la internacionalización y constata la existencia de un conjunto más amplio de bienes y servicios asociados que están siendo sometidos a complejos y diversos procesos de internacionalización. A partir de allí se sostiene la hipótesis de una nueva dimensión en el intercambio internacional educativo referido a servicios de apoyo. Ello está siendo impulsado tanto por la digitalización de la enseñanza, como por la creciente terciarización de la gestión universitaria en un creciente contexto global y competitivo, lo cual muestra a su vez una más amplia articulación entre la virtualización educativa y la internacionalización de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje