999 resultados para radiation mechanisms


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Tässä työssä käydään lyhyesti läpi sähkökaapeleiden haurastumisilmiöt säteilyn ja lämmön osalta, näiden yhteisvaikutus kaapelimateriaaleihin sekä yleisimpien ydinvoimalaitoksilla käytettävien kaapeleiden ominaisuuksia. Työssä esitellään myös kaapeleiden kelpoistukseen käytettäviä menetelmiä sekä maailmalla tehtyjä tutkimuksia.


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Avhandlingen undersöker den Afrikanska Unionens freds- och säkerhetsråd och dess roll i framhävandet och upprätthållandet av fred, säkerhet och stabilitet i Afrika. Detta freds- och säkerhetsråd etablerades formellt 2004 och opererar under den Afrikanska Unionen (AU) som å sin sida upprättades 2002. Den Afrikanska Unionens freds- och säkerhetsråds roll i framhävandet av fred, säkerhet och stabilitet gör rådet till en hörnsten inom ramen för konfliktförebyggande och -hantering, samt konfliktlösning på den afrikanska kontinenten. Den Afrikanska Unionens freds- och säkerhetsråd spelar också en högst viktig roll i implementeringen av ansvaret att beskydda civilbefolkningen i konfliktsituationer. För uppfyllandet av sitt mandat att framhäva och upprätthålla fred, säkerhet och stabilitet i Afrika krävs det att freds- och säkerhetsrådet samarbetar med andra institutioner och mekanismer som handhar internationella och regionala freds- och säkerhetsärenden. Avhandlingen analyserar tre dimensioner av denna typ av relationer som freds- och säkerhetsrådet bör etablera med dessa organ och mekanismer för att kunna utföra sitt mandat effektivt. Först analyseras relationen mellan Afrikanska Unionens freds- och säkerhetsråd och Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråd som också beskrivs i artikel 17 (1) i protokollet som förde till etablerandet av AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd. Analysen understryker FN:s säkerhetsråd som det organ som bär det primära ansvaret i förhållande till fred och säkerhet, medan AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd fungerar som en kompletterande komponent i sin roll som ett regionalt organ. Avhandlingen fortsätter med att analysera förhållandet mellan AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och andra organ inom AU, samt andra relevanta institutioner som framgår av artikel 10, 18 (1), 19 och 20 i protokollet för rådets etablerande. Avhandlingen diskuterar i detalj hur samarbetet mellan AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och dessa institutioner och organ kunde förstärkas till fördel för effektivt framhävande och upprätthållande av fred och säkerhet i Afrika. Slutligen analyserar avhandlingen samarbetet mellan AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och sub-regionala mekanismer etablerade under regionala ekonomiska gemenskaper som beskrivs i artikel 16 i protokollet för etablerandet av rådet. Avhandlingen diskuterar i detalj rollen för de sub-regionala mekanismerna i den afrikanska freds- och säkerhetsarkitekturen. Avhandlingen diskuterar vidare förhållandet mellan de sub-regionala mekanismerna och den afrikanska stand-by styrkan ASF och förutsättningarna för detta arrangemang att bemöta afrikanska konflikter. Avhandlingen fokuserar också på en harmoniserings- och samarbetsprocess i förhållande till de sub-regionala mekanismerna, de regionala ekonomiska gemenskaperna och den Afrikanska Unionens freds- och säkerhetsråd. Kort sagt beskriver avhandlingen hur förhållandet mellan AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och de ovan nämnda organ och mekanismer har en faktisk och potentiell möjlighet att effektivt bidra till fred, säkerhet och stabilitet i Afrika. Avhandlingen identifierar utmaningarna kring att göra detta till ett fungerande förhållande samtidigt som den genererar både generella och specifika rekommendationer om hur dessa utmaningar bäst kan bemötas. Några av dessa utmaningar utgörs av följande aspekter: konflikten mellan AU:s och FN:s reglemang i bemötandet av freds- och säkerhetsutmaningar; de olika metoderna i FN och AU vid implementeringen av principen av universell jurisdiktion; konflikten mellan de olika mandaten som AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och FN:s säkerhetsråd har i förhållande till implementeringen av principen om intervention; och konflikten mellan lagarna och metoderna i förhållande till AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och de regionala mekanismerna. En av de huvudsakliga rekommendationerna i avhandlingen i bemötandet av de ovan nämnda utmaningarna är att harmonisera de olika systemen för att försäkra att det föreligger ett samordnat bemötande av konflikter i Afrika. Efter att ha identifierat luckorna i AU:s freds- och säkerhetsprotokoll med speciell fokus på förhållandet mellan rådet och de relevanta organen och mekanismerna rekommenderar avhandlingen ett antal tillägg och modifieringar till instrumentet ifråga för att effektivera, stärka och upprätthålla detta förhållande. Avhandlingen föreslår att dessa tillägg och modifieringar skulle företas under 2014 då detta år markerar 10 år efter att AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd etablerades. Idén bakom detta företagandet ligger i att 10 år torde vara en tillfredställande tidsperiod för att mäta hur freds- och säkerhetsrådet har fungerat och hur dess förhållande med de relevanta institutionerna och mekanismerna kunde förbättras. Avhandlingen representerar den bredaste och nyaste studien inom ramen för artikel 16, 17, 18, 19 och 20 i protokollet för AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd och introducerar ett innovativt bemötande av utmaningar till fred, säkerhet och stabilitet på den afrikanska kontinenten. Avhandlingen bidrar till teorin och praxisen i AU:s freds- och säkerhetsråd vilket kan vara av intresse för både forskare och praktiker i folkrätt såväl som i internationella freds- och säkerhetsstudier, speciellt i Afrika.


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Breast cancer that has metastasized to bone is currently an incurable disease, causing significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this thesis work was to elucidate molecular mechanisms of bone metastasis and thereby gain insights into novel therapeutic approaches. First, we found that L‐serine biosynthesis genes, phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH), phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (PSAT1) and phosphoserine phosphatase (PSPH), were up‐regulated in highly bone metastatic MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells as compared with the parental breast cancer cell line. Knockdown of serine biosynthesis inhibited proliferation of MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells, and L‐serine was essential for the formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. Clinical data demonstrated that high expression of PHGDH and PSAT1 was associated with decreased relapse‐free and overall survival and with features typical of poor outcome in breast cancer. Second, RNA interference screening pointed out heparan sulfate 6‐O‐sulfotransferase 2 (HS6ST2) as a critical gene for transforming growth factor β (TGF‐β)‐induced interleukin 11 (IL‐11) production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Exogenous heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans heparin and K5‐NSOS also inhibited TGF‐β‐induced IL‐11 production in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells. Furthermore, K5‐NSOS decreased osteolytic lesion area and tumor burden in bone in mice. Third, we discovered that the microRNAs miR‐204, ‐211 and ‐379 inhibited IL‐11 expression in MDA‐MB‐231(SA) cells through direct targeting of the IL‐11 mRNA. MiR‐379 also inhibited Smad‐mediated signaling. Gene expression profiling of miR‐204 and ‐379 transfected cells indicated that these microRNAs down‐regulate several bone metastasis‐relevant genes, including prostaglandin‐endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2). Taken together, this study identified three potential treatment strategies for bone metastatic breast cancer: inhibition of serine biosynthesis, heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans and restoration of miR‐204/‐211/‐379.


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It was evaluated the annual evolution of global, direct and diffuse components of incident solar radiation on tilted surfaces to 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85º, facing north, in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The radiometric fractions were obtained for each component of the radiation in the aforementioned surfaces, through the ratio with the global and top of the atmosphere radiations. Seasonality was evaluated based on monthly averages of daily values. The measures occurred between 04/1998 and 07/2001 at 22.85º; 08/2001 and 02/2003 at 12.85º; and from 03/2003 to 12/2007 at 32.85º, with concomitant measures in the horizontal surface (reference). The levels of global and direct radiation on tilted surfaces were lower in summer and higher in the equinoxes when compared with the horizontal. The diffuse radiation on tilted surfaces was lower in most months, with losses of up to 65%. A trend of increasing differences occurred between horizontal and tilted surfaces with the increase of the angle in all the components and fractions of incident radiation. The annual evolution of rainfall and cloud cover ratio directly affected the atmospheric transmissivity of direct and diffuse components in the region.


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With this study, the objective was to estimate the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and to correlate it with the dry matter (MMSPA) of the emerald zoysia (Zoysia japonica Steud.) on surfaces with different expositions and slopes. The research was conducted at the Experimental Watershed of the Agricultural Engineering Department, School of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of São Paulo State University (FCAV/UNESP), Brazil, where the surfaces (H, 10 N, 30 N, 50 N, 10 S, 30 S, 50 S, 10 L, 30 L, 50 L, 10 O, 30 O and 50 O) were used. To obtain the global solar radiation, it was installed an automated weather station where the PAR (dependent variable) was obtained by the equation y = a + bx, and the global radiation was independent. To compare means of MMSPA, it was used the Tukey test at 5% probability, and to assess the relation PAR/MMSPA, the simple linear correlation coefficient. The result showed that the accumulation of these effects in the PAR increases with North exposure and decreases with the South, and exposure to 50N is most suitable for slopes, not having correlation between the PAR and the MMSPA for the surfaces evaluated for the study period.


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It was compared the performance of the metering mechanism of corn seeds (Zea mays) in direct seeding in an area of ​​200 ha, a property in Piraí do Sul, State of Paraná - PR, in Brazil. It was seeded 4 maize hybrids, 50 ha of each, with seeds of different sieves. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design (RBD), with 3 treatments and 9 repetitions for each corn hybrid. The treatments were the pneumatic seed of metering mechanisms, horizontal perforated disc with and without ramp®. The plots were 40 m² and were distributed at the early, middle and late sowing. The variables analyzed in each corn hybrid were initial population, faulty spacing, multiple spacing, acceptable spacing, and yield components. As there were no significant differences in the variables, it was concluded that the quality of seeding with different systems of distribution was similar in the different sieves of distributed corn seeds.


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The net radiation (Rn) represents the main source of energy for physical and chemical processes that occur in the surface-atmosphere interface, and it is used for air and soil heating, water transfer, in the form of vapor from the surface to the atmosphere, and for the metabolism of plants, especially photosynthesis. If there is no record of net radiation in certain areas, the use of information is important to help determine it. Among them we can highlight those provided by remote sensing. In this context, this work aims to estimate the net radiation, with the use of products of MODIS sensor, in the sub-basins of Entre Ribeiros creek and Preto River, located between the Brazilian states of Goiás and Minas Gerais. The SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land) was used to obtain the Rn in four different days in the period of July to October, 2007. The Rn results obtained were consistent with others cited in the literature and are important because the orbital information can help determine the Rn in areas where there are not automatic weather stations to record the net radiation.


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The climate variability between the growth and harvesting of sugar cane is very important because it directly affects yield. The MODIS sensor has characteristics like spatial and temporal resolution that can be applied to monitoring of vegetative vigor variability in the land surface and then, temporal profiles generation. Agro meteorological data from ECMWF model are free and easy to access and have a good representation of reality. In this study, we used the period between sugar cane growth and harvest in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from temporal profiles selecting of NDVI behavior. For each period the precipitation, evapotranspiration, global radiation, length (days) and degree-days were accumulated. The periods were presented in a map format on MODIS spatial resolution of 250 meters. The results showed the spatial variability of climate variables and the relationship to the reality presented by official data.


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Radiation balance is the fraction of incident solar radiation upon earth surface which is available to be used in several natural processes, such as biological metabolism, water loss by vegetated surfaces, variation of temperature in farming systems and organic decomposition. The present study aimed to assess and validate the performance of two estimation models for Rn in Ponta Grossa city, Paraná State, Brazil. To this end, during the period of 04/01/2008 to 04/30/2011, from radiometric data collected by an automatic weather station set at the Experimental Station, of the State University of Ponta Grossa. We performed a linear regression study by confrontation between measurements made through radiometric balance and Rn estimates obtained from Brunt classical method, and the proposed method. Both models showed excellent performance and were confirmed by the statistical parameters applied. However, the alternative method has the advantage of requiring only global solar radiation values, temperature, and relative humidity.


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Vegetation cover on soil acts positively in maintaining temperature and soil moisture, yet, it has been imposing specific operational conditions on seeders. The objective of this study was to evaluate performance of different mechanisms regarding straw mobilization, employed in a no-till seeder. The experimental area was conducted on clayey soil under no-tillage with a large quantity of sorghum residue. The experiment was established in a randomized block design, as the treatments consisted of a combination of two mechanisms at front of the furrow opener composed of cutting disc and row cleaners, and three mechanisms behind the seed furrower, covering discs prototype model M1, Spider and commercial model, with the combination of cutting disc and Spider model not being evaluated. We assessed the coverage permanence on soil index, vegetation mass on surface and inside the line. The treatment containing the row cleaner mechanism efficiently removed straw from the surface of sowing line as well as the return one acted on straw replacement. It was identified that use of the cutting disc at the front of seeder contributed to the increase of straw installation inside the line, three times more than in the row cleaner system when operating individually. Covering mechanism with row cleaners reduced straw inside the line and kept line covering similar to treatment of cutting disc operating alone.


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The challenges of knowledge sharing after cross-border acquisitions are widely recognised. The study took a new view to the subject by applying a two-level framework provided by the knowledge governance approach. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of organizational mechanisms on the conditions of individuals for knowledge sharing in post-acquisition integration context. Qualitative research methods were used in this case study. Individual interviews were performed within an international firm after a recent cross-border acquisition. The results showed that integrators, the rotation of the personnel from the acquiring firm and visits and meetings enhance the conditions at the individual level for knowledge sharing after the acquisition. Respectively, strategic change, matrix structure and foreign HRM practices challenge the conditions at the individual level for knowledge sharing in the early post-acquisition integration phase. The findings are supported by the prior research on knowledge management in acquisitions. In particular, the study enlightens how organizational level actions influence the conditions of individuals for knowledge sharing. The study suggests that organizations should adjust organizational mechanisms to support the conditions of individuals, in order to promote knowledge sharing in the early phase of the integration.


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This thesis focuses on integration in project business, i.e. how projectbased companies organize their product and process structures when they deliver industrial solutions to their customers. The customers that invest in these solutions run their businesses in different geographical, political and economical environments, which should be acknowledged by the supplier when providing solutions comprising of larger and more complex scopes than previously supplied to these customers. This means that the suppliers are increasing their supply range by taking over some of the activities in the value chain that have traditionally been handled by the customer. In order to be able to provide the functioning solutions, including more engineering hours, technical equipment and a wider project network, a change is needed in the mindset in order to be able to carry out and take the required responsibility that these new approaches bring. For the supplier it is important to be able to integrate technical products, systems and services, but the supplier also needs to have the capabilities to integrate the cross-functional organizations and departments in the project network, the knowledge and information between and within these organizations and departments, along with inputs from the customer into the product and process structures during the lifecycle of the project under development. Hence, the main objective of this thesis is to explore the challenges of integration that industrial projects meet, and based on that, to suggest a concept of how to manage integration in project business by making use of integration mechanisms. Integration is considered the essential process for accomplishing an industrial project, whereas the accomplishment of the industrial project is considered to be the result of the integration. The thesis consists of an extended summary and four papers, that are based on three studies in which integration mechanisms for value creation in industrial project networks and the management of integration in project business have been explored. The research is based on an inductive approach where in particular the design, commissioning and operations functions of industrial projects have been studied, addressing entire project life-cycles. The studies have been conducted in the shipbuilding and power generation industries where the scopes of supply consist of stand-alone equipment, equipment and engineering, and turnkey solutions. These industrial solutions include demanding efforts in engineering and organization. Addressing the calls for more studies on the evolving value chains of integrated solutions, mechanisms for inter- and intra-organizational integration and subsequent value creation in project networks have been explored. The research results in thirteen integration mechanisms and a typology for integration is proposed. Managing integration consists of integrating the project network (the supplier and the sub-suppliers) and the customer (the customer’s business purpose, operations environment and the end-user) into the project by making use of integration mechanisms. The findings bring new insight into research on industrial project business by proposing integration of technology and engineering related elements with elements related to customer oriented business performance in contemporary project environments. Thirteen mechanisms for combining products and the processes needed to deliver projects are described and categorized according to the impact that they have on the management of knowledge and information. These mechanisms directly relate to the performance of the supplier, and consequently to the functioning of the solution that the project provides. This thesis offers ways to promote integration of knowledge and information during the lifecycle of industrial projects, enhancing the development towards innovative solutions in project business.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the lesions diagnosed in victims of falls, comparing them with those diagnosed in other mechanisms of blunt trauma.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study of trauma protocol charts (prospectively collected) from 2008 to 2010, including victims of trauma over 13 years of age admitted to the emergency room. The severity of injuries was stratified by the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS). Variables were compared between the group of victims of falls from height (Group 1) and the other victims of blunt trauma (Group 2). We used the Student t, chi-square and Fisher tests for comparison between groups, considering the value of p <0.05 as significant.RESULTS: The series comprised 4,532 cases of blunt trauma, of which 555 (12.2%) were victims of falls from height. Severe lesions (AISe"3) were observed in the extremities (17.5%), in the cephalic segment (8.4%), chest (5.5%) and the abdomen (2.9%). Victims of Group 1 had significantly higher mean age, AIS in extremities / pelvis, AIS in the thoracic segment and ISS (p <0.05). The group 1 had significantly (p <0.05) higher incidence of tracheal intubation on admission, pneumothorax, hemothorax, rib fractures, chest drainage, spinal trauma, pelvic fractures, complex pelvic fractures and fractures to the upper limbs.CONCLUSION: Victims of fall from height had greater anatomic injury severity, greater frequency and severity of lesions in the thoracic segment and extremities.


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OBJECTIVE:to identify predictors of death in blunt trauma patients sustaining pelvic fractures and, posteriorly, compare them to a previously reported series from the same center.METHOD: Retrospective analysis of trauma registry data, including blunt trauma patients older than 14 y.o. sustaining pelvic fractures admitted from 2008 to 2010. Patients were assigned into group 1 (dead) or 2 (survivors). We used Student's t, qui square and Fisher's tests for statistical analysis, considering p<0.05 as significant. Posteriorly, we compared predictors of death between both periods.RESULTS: Seventy-nine cases were included. Mean RTS, ISS and TRISS were, respectively, 6.44 + 2.22, 28.0 + 15.2 e 0.74 + 0.33. Nineteen patients died (24,0%). Main cause of death was hemorrhage (42,1%). Group 1 was characterized by (p<0.05) lower systolic blood pressure and Glasgow coma scale means on admission, higher heart rate, head AIS, extremity AIS and ISS means, as well as, higher frequency of severe head injuries and complex pelvic fractures. Comparing both periods, we notice that the anatomic and physiologic severity of injury increased (RTS and ISS means). Furthermore, there was a decrease in the impact of associated thoracic and abdominal injuries on the prognosis and an association of lethality with the presence of complex pelvic fractures.CONCLUSION: There were significant changes in the predictors of death between these two periods. The impact of thoracic and abdominal associated injures decreased while the importance of severe retroperitoneal hemorrhage increased. There was also an increase in trauma severity, which accounted for high lethality.


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ABSTRACTObjective:to compare the frequency and the severity of diagnosed injuries between pedestrians struck by motor vehicles and victims of other blunt trauma mechanisms.Methods:retrospective analysis of data from the Trauma Registry, including adult blunt trauma patients admitted from 2008 to 2010. We reviewed the mechanism of trauma, vital signs on admission and the injuries identified. Severity stratification was carried using RTS, AIS-90, ISS e TRISS. Patients were assigned into group A (pedestrians struck by motor vehicle) or B (victims of other mechanisms of blunt trauma). Variables were compared between groups. We considered p<0.05 as significant.Results:a total of 5785 cases were included, and 1217 (21,0%) of which were in group A. Pedestrians struck by vehicles presented (p<0.05) higher mean age, mean heart rate upon admission, mean ISS and mean AIS in head, thorax, abdomen and extremities, as well as lower mean Glasgow coma scale, arterial blood pressure upon admission, RTS and TRISS. They also had a higher frequency of epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas, subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain swelling, cerebral contusions, costal fractures, pneumothorax, flail chest, pulmonary contusions, as well as pelvic, superior limbs and inferior limbs fractures.Conclusion:pedestrian struck by vehicles sustained intracranial, thoracic, abdominal and extremity injuries more frequently than victims of other blunt trauma mechanism as a group. They also presented worse physiologic and anatomic severity of the trauma.