970 resultados para opinions bioethics councils


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Aquest treball realitza una projecció del que serà el futur a curt termini del mitjà publicitari d’exterior. S’estudia amb profunditat l’entorn socioeconòmic present del mitjà, així com es realitza un recull de les opinions dels professionals del sector mitjançant entrevistes i enquestes. Aquestes dades s’entrellacen amb un anàlisis dels nous models de publicitat exterior, recopilant multitud d’exemples. Així es demostra com la relació consumidor-mitjà passarà per la interacció a través de la creativitat i la tecnologia.


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Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en el Centre de Formation de Traducteurs-Localiseurs, Terminologue et Rédacteurs (CFTTR) de la Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne, Francia, entre los meses de abril y julio del 2006. El proyecto constituye la fase exploratoria de la tesis doctoral desarrollada en el Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en torno a la organización del trabajo en las empresas proveedoras de servicios de traducción e interpretación. Se ha recabado información y opiniones sobre la identificación de tareas desempeñadas en el ámbito laboral de quatro empresas sobre la traducción e interpretación y las tareas ajenas a la actividad traductora. Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar una gran variedad de tareas próximas a la actividad traductora pero distintas de ella. El estudio exploratorio efectuado ha contribuido a mejorar el diseño de la investigación empírica prevista para la tesis doctoral: aportó información sobre la importancia del enfoque cualitativo, las hipótesis por contrastar, la definición del colectivo, la delimitación formal de las unidades de análisis, y sobre las principales variables de estudio y su medición.


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BACKGROUND: A reorganization of healthcare systems is required to meet the challenge of the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, e.g. diabetes. In North-America and Europe, several countries have thus developed national or regional chronic disease management programs. In Switzerland, such initiatives have only emerged recently. In 2010, the canton of Vaud set up the "Diabetes Cantonal Program", within the framework of which we conducted a study designed to ascertain the opinions of both diabetic patients and healthcare professionals on the elements that could be integrated into this program, the barriers and facilitators to its development, and the incentives that could motivate these actors to participate. METHODS: We organized eight focus-groups: one with diabetic patients and one with healthcare professionals in the four sanitary areas of the canton of Vaud. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and submitted to a thematic content analysis. RESULTS: Patients and healthcare professionals were rather in favour of the implementation of a cantonal program, although patients were more cautious concerning its necessity. All participants envisioned a set of elements that could be integrated to this program. They also considered that the program could be developed more easily if it were adapted to patients' and professionals' needs and if it used existing structures and professionals. The difficulty to motivate both patients and professionals to participate was mentioned as a barrier to the development of this program however. Quality or financial incentives could therefore be created to overcome this potential problem. CONCLUSION: The identification of the elements to consider, barriers, facilitators and incentives to participate to a chronic disease management program, obtained by exploring the opinions of patients and healthcare professionals, should favour its further development and implementation.


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The danger of neck compression without restriction of the arterial flow remains unresolved in forensic medicine. There is an ongoing debate concerning life endangerment due to the cardioinhibitory reflex. The aim of this study was to determine what forensic medical experts believe and how they deal with this reflex. An anonymous electronic questionnaire was sent to 1429 forensic medical experts all over the world. We asked them about their opinion on the cardioinhibitory reflex, its role in causing death, and what their diagnostic criteria were.A total of 182 questionnaires were returned. The experts who answered were from 32 different countries. Our survey showed that 80.2% of experts believe that the cardioinhibitory reflex can theoretically cause death. In the practical application opinions diverge though. Apparently, the practical application mainly depends on the habit of the individual expert. We observed no consensus on the diagnostic criteria to be used. Given the potentially frequent use of the concept of the cardioinhibitory reflex in forensic practice and its judicial impact it would be important to reach a consensus.


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Public opinion surveys have become progressively incorporated into systems of official statistics. Surveys of the economic climate are usually qualitative because they collect opinions of businesspeople and/or experts about the long-term indicators described by a number of variables. In such cases the responses are expressed in ordinal numbers, that is, the respondents verbally report, for example, whether during a given trimester the sales or the new orders have increased, decreased or remained the same as in the previous trimester. These data allow to calculate the percent of respondents in the total population (results are extrapolated), who select every one of the three options. Data are often presented in the form of an index calculated as the difference between the percent of those who claim that a given variable has improved in value and of those who claim that it has deteriorated. As in any survey conducted on a sample the question of the measurement of the sample error of the results has to be addressed, since the error influences both the reliability of the results and the calculation of the sample size adequate for a desired confidence interval. The results presented here are based on data from the Survey of the Business Climate (Encuesta de Clima Empresarial) developed through the collaboration of the Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya) with the Chambers of Commerce (Cámaras de Comercio) of Sabadell and Terrassa.


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The approaches and opinions of economists often dominate public policy discussion. Economists have gained this privileged position partly (or perhaps mainly) because of the obvious relevance of their subject matter, but also because of the unified methodology (neo-classical economics) that the vast majority of modern economists bring to their analysis of policy problems and proposed solutions. The idea of Pareto efficiency and its potential trade-off with equity is a central idea that is understood by all economists and this common language provides the economics profession with a powerful voice in public affairs. The purpose of this paper is to review and reflect upon the way in which economists find themselves analysing and providing suggestions for social improvements and how this role has changed over roughly the last 60 years. We focus on the fundamental split in the public economics tradition between those that adhere to public finance and those that adhere to public choice. A pure public finance perspective views failures in society as failures of the market. The solutions are technical, as might be enacted by a benevolent dictator. The pure public choice view accepts (sometimes grudgingly) that markets may fail, but so, it insists, does politics. This signals institutional reforms to constrain the potential for political failure. Certain policy recommendations may be viewed as compatible with both traditions, but other policy proposals will be the opposite of that proposed within the other tradition. In recent years a political economics synthesis emerged. This accepts that institutions are very important and governments require constraints, but that some degree of benevolence on the part of policy makers should not be assumed non-existent. The implications for public policy from this approach are, however, much less clear and perhaps more piecemeal. We also discuss analyses of systematic failure, not so much on the part of markets or politicians, but by voters. Most clearly this could lead to populism and relaxing the idea that voters necessarily choose their interests. The implications for public policy are addressed. Throughout the paper we will relate the discussion to the experience of UK government policy-making.


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En aquest Informe es presenten els resultats de la recerca centrada en l’Assignatura Educació per a la Ciutadania com a nou repte per a l’Ensenyament Secundari a partir del curso 2007-2008. La seva finalitat va ser aprofundir en el concepte de ciutadania i de formació ciutadana que té la comunitat educativa de centres catalans d'Ensenyament Secundari. Analitzar de quina manera aquestes concepcions es vinculen amb les diferents modalitats de portar-les a la pràctica educativa quotidiana. És va centrar en investigar de quina manera s'articulen les actuals disposicions ministerials i del Departament d'Educació relacionades amb l’assignatura en matèria de formació per a la ciutadania amb demandes puntuals i necessitats sentides dels diferents agents educatius de centres de secundària. Es fa un repàs dels diferents debats, els quals, pretenen aportar informació rellevant per prendre decisions. A més, es presenten alguns aspectes relacionats en temes organitzatius dels Instituts d’Ensenyament Secundària com el funcionament, l’organització per l’ensenyament, la participació, entre altres, amb la finalitat de aprofundir en aquells aspectes que van determinar la manera de treballar l’assignatura. Se inclouen les veus del principals agents implicats tant de l’escola com dels serveis educatius, per exemple: alumnes, docents, equips directius, directors, personal de l’ajuntament, entre altres. En aquests sentit vam trobar diverses opinions relacionades amb l’opció de escollir unes prioritats, unes estratègies a l’hora d’aconseguir els objectius plantejats en l’assignatura al principi del curs. El debat és va centrar al voltant de quina fórmula de treball es plantejant als diferents Departaments, de com conformar un model de l’assignatura amb més autonomia en temes substantius i la forma de organitzar l’ensenyament pels estudiants. Finalment, es presenten algunes conclusions, la seva relació en funció dels objectius exposats i de l’assignatura, així com la seva relació amb les polítiques de treball a les escoles.


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En este proyecto se muestran las posibilidades de la visión estéreo para la visualización en monitores tanto de objetos simples como de grandes escenarios, así como su aplicación en juegos o en otros ámbitos como el cine, la geología e incluso la medicina. Para el desarrollo se ha usado una tarjeta con soporte 3d como la Nvidia 7600GT y una pantalla con una tasa de frecuencia alta como una ACER 19 pulgadas a 100Hz. Los resultados sobre la visualización han sido extraídos de las opiniones de un grupo de 20 personas, de diversas profesiones, no relacionadas con los gráficos por ordenador.


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Adverse selection may thwart trade between an informed seller, who knows the probability p that an item of antiquity is genuine, and an uninformed buyer, who does not know p. The buyer might not be wholly uninformed, however. Suppose he can perform a simple inspection, a test of his own: the probability that an item passes the test is g if the item is genuine, but only f < g if it is fake. Given that the buyer is no expert, his test may have little power: f may be close to g. Unfortunately, without much power, the buyer's test will not resolve the difficulty of adverse selection; gains from trade may remain unexploited. But now consider a "store", where the seller groups a number of items, perhaps all with the same quality, the same probability p of being genuine. (We show that in equilibrium the seller will choose to group items in this manner.) Now the buyer can conduct his test across a large sample, perhaps all, of a group of items in the seller's store. He can thereby assess the overall quality of these items; he can invert the aggregate of his test results to uncover the underlying p; he can form a "prior". There is thus no longer asymmetric information between seller and buyer: gains from trade can be exploited. This is our theory of retailing: by grouping items together - setting up a store - a seller is able to supply buyers with priors, as well as the items themselves. We show that the weaker the power of the buyer�s test (the closer f is to g), the greater the seller�s profit. So the seller has no incentive to assist the buyer � e.g., by performing her own tests on the items, or by cleaning them to reveal more about their true age. The paper ends with an analysis of which sellers should specialise in which qualities. We show that quality will be low in busy locations and high in expensive locations.


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Sobre la professió del publicitari es donen estereotips, tant externs com interns, que contribueixen a generar una imatge concreta del membres que la composen. Recentment, aquesta imatge es negativa i mina la reputació, el treball i el prestigi que els professionals d’aquest camp han aconseguit al llarg dels anys. Analitzar les causes d’aquesta imatge negativa a la ment de la població i contrastar-la envers opinions de valor reconegut al sector son les bases per fallar un judici just. L’objectiu que cerca aquest treball es rebatre amb arguments sòlids i contundents la manca de veracitat dels tòpics que composen aquesta imatge.


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The thesis investigates the nature of the Purist discourse in photography, with the aim of unveiling its lack of a solid theoretical foundation and its unconscious content. Purism outlines the fact that photography is a unique craft, that may not borrow ideas from painting or any other art forms. What makes the Purist discourse suspect and attracts attention to its possible circular style? The fact that the views expressed by its supporters include a frenzied edge, an unnecessary ardor, a combative tone that discloses that there’s something hidden, something that doesn’t serve the purpose of presenting an unbiased philosophical claim


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Issue addressed: Cutaneous melanoma is a significant health problem in New Zealand. Excessive sun exposure in early life increases subsequent risk. This study investigated parental opinions, understanding and practices concerning the sun protection of young children. The study aimed to identify areas where improvements in sun protection may be most needed. Methods: Parents were recruited through licensed childcare centres and kindergartens in Dunedin to take part in semi-structured focus groups. Feedback was obtained from participants in response to summary reports based on audiotapes. Results: Parents noted increased social acceptability of sun protective behaviours and child sunburn was now unacceptable. Past media campaigns were well recalled. The 'time to burn' used in media weather reports was easier to understand than the Ultra Violet Index (UVI), about which more information was wanted. Protective messages were expected to be straightforward, consistent and readily and regularly available. Local radio may provide the most timely, relevant information. There was a perceived lack of authoritative information about sunscreens and sunglasses and a shortage of acceptable protective clothing. Fuller information on sunscreen containers and greater use of UV Protection Factor (UPF) ratings for clothing and Eye Protection Factor (EPF) for sunglasses would assist. The use of shade and rescheduling of activities were scarcely mentioned. Conclusions: Parents were aware of the need for child sun protection but lacked confidence about how best to achieve this. Future health promotion programs should emphasise how optimal protection can be achieved more than why sun protection is needed. Programs should include a repertoire of strategies targeted towards individuals through the education of children and caregivers. They should also aim at achieving modifications in physical and social environments, including appropriate product design and promotion. So what?: The development of a balanced, comprehensive program with environmental components that reinforce protective behaviours has the potential to sustain sun protection among the largest number of children in the longer term.


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El grau de mortalitat de les empreses familiars en el canvi de generació es un factor clau per aturar-se i estudiar el per què i les seves causes. Una empresa a curt termini pot ser molt rentable i puntera però sense una bona estratègia per perdurar en el temps no podrà avançar o afrontar els canvis de mercat. El factor que defineix la continuïtat es el lideratge. El líder guia, renova l’estratègia, prepara els successors, és perseverant en les seves metes i segueix un model organitzacional comprès per la cultura, l’estratègia i l’estructura de l’organització. Les empreses familiars afronten nombrosos reptes. La successió és un dels principals reptes. La vocació en la continuïtat és un dels elements en els que diferencia l’empresa familiar i l’empresa no familiar. Tenen una cultura forta i un sistema de valors que és el nexe comú en la cultura de l’empresa. La voluntat de control de l’empresa en pocs membres, el retard en el procés successori, la barrera d’entrada a nous accionistes i de membres externs professionalitzats dificulta l’evolució contínua necessària. No es sol distingir la diferència entre l’empresa i l’empresa familiar, que són dues realitats molt diferents. Un consell de família tracta específicament aquestes dues realitats i promou la continuïtat i el compromís entre elles. Aquestes mesures no redueixen el paper de la família, sinó que donen prioritat als temes empresarials. Hi ha diversos models d’empresa familiar. Aquests models van evolucionant en funció del creixement de l’empresa, en el tipus de família propietària, en la seva estructura organitzativa, en mans de qui resideix la propietat i el tipus d’empresa familiar. Segons la propietat es divideix en empresa de propietat única, en el qual el fundador és l’empresari que dirigeix el negoci, el consorci de germans, en què la propietat passa als fills i solen aparèixer diferents valors, estils i opinions, i, per últim, el consorci de cosins, les següents generacions. En aquesta etapa s’arriba a una elevada complexitat de gestió. El tipus de propietat no determina el tipus d’empresa ni el seu grau de creixement però solen anar acompanyats. Amb el pas del temps els models d’empresa familiar van evolucionant de mononegoci, a diversos negocis relacionats i finalment a holding, i d’empreses de treball familiar, a direcció familiar a govern de família. És important que el consell de família tingui un protocol familiar que imposi una sèrie de regles abans establertes per consens, que promoguin la convivència, l’harmonia, la no dispersió del capital ... etc. Triar un líder és vital en la lleugeresa de preses de decisió en la gestió.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí­fic del Jovent l'any 2009. L'amor, l'etern tema en el món literari és el protagonista de la temàtica en què se centra el projecte però, des de les primeres mostres literàries fins l'actualitat són infinites les creacions aparegudes. El treball s'ha centrat en algunes que són una digna representació de l'amor literari en cada època i en diverses parts de la literatura universal. Fins aquí un plantejament que no s'alunya de cap model realitzat dins de la temàtica de la literatura comparada. Però per solucionar la manca d'un fil conductor es va crear una novel·la que és la que guia aquest treball. Així es mostra el que una persona pot extreure llegint diverses obres d'amor literari, i no només sobre teories generals, sinó també d'opinions i pròpies emocions que provoca l'experiència de lectura. De la mà d en Marco, un jove veronès, i la seva vella amiga, la bibliotecària Sophie, es guia al lector a través d'un viatge que sorgeix de les primeres mostres d'amor escrit i arriba fins als nostres dies.