978 resultados para opinions
Vehicle crashes rank among the leading causes of death in the United States. In 2006, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety “made a long- term commitment to address the safety culture of the United States, as it relates to traffic safety, by launching a sustained research and educational outreach initiative.” An initiative to produce a culture of safety in Iowa includes the Iowa Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan (CHSP). The Iowa CHSP “engages diverse safety stakeholders and charts the course for the state, bringing to bear sound science and the power of shared community values to change the culture and achieve a standard of safer travel for our citizens.” Despite the state’s ongoing efforts toward highway safety, an average of 445 deaths and thousands of injuries occur on Iowa’s public roads each year. As such, a need exists to revisit the concept of safety culture from a diverse, multi-disciplinary perspective in an effort to improve traffic safety. This study summarizes the best practices and effective laws in improving safety culture in the United States and abroad. Additionally, this study solicited the opinions of experts in public health, education, law enforcement, public policy, social psychology, safety advocacy, and traffic safety engineering in a bid to assess the traffic safety culture initiatives in Iowa. Recommendations for improving traffic safety culture are offered in line with the top five Iowa CHSP safety policy strategies, which are young drivers, occupant protection, motorcycle safety, traffic safety enforcement and traffic safety improvement program, as well as the eight safety program strategies outlined in the CHSP. As a result of this study, eleven high-level goals were developed, each with specific actions to support its success. The goals are: improve emergency medical services response, toughen law enforcement and prosecution, increase safety belt use, reduce speeding-related crashes, reduce alcohol-related crashes, improve commercial vehicle safety, improve motorcycle safety, improve young driver education, improve older driver safety, strengthen teenage licensing process, and reduce distracted driving.
Aquest treball recull les necessitats per la reintegració que presenten els delinqüents sexuals a les presons catalanes i com es poden abordar aquestes mitjançant un model que ha donat bons resultats a altres països: Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA a partir d'ara). L'objectiu és conèixer com funcionen els Cercles de Suport i Responsabilitat i quins són els requisits necessaris per adaptar aquest model als serveis penitenciaris de Catalunya. Amb aquesta finalitat s'ha fet una anàlisi quantitativa dels principals trets de la població penitenciària catalana, s'ha revisat la bibliografia sobre el model CoSA i s'ha fet observació de camp en la seva aplicació al Regne Unit. També s'ha comptat amb les opinions d'experts i professionals de Catalunya i s'han fet entrevistes a una petita mostra de delinqüents sexuals en règim de semillibertat. Tot i que a Catalunya hi ha programes a les presons per potenciar la rehabilitació dels delinqüents sexuals, la investigació destaca l’important paper del suport social i del manteniment dels canvis del tractament en el medi comunitari com elements clau per la reducció de la reincidència. El model Cercles optimitza l'efecte d'aquests processos i alhora ofereix un model de supervisió que concilia l'objectiu de protecció pública amb la reintegració del delinqüent. De l'estudi de la població penitenciària es conclou que hi ha una part d'interns que es podrien beneficiar d'aquest programa i que el reconeixen com una font important de suport davant les importants dificultats que troben en el procés de retorn a la llibertat. Es proposa un programa CerclesCat adaptat a la realitat del sistema penitenciari català i es descriu el procés d'implementació.
Este trabajo recoge las necesidades para la reintegración que presentan los delincuentes sexuales de las prisiones catalanas y cómo se pueden abordar éstas mediante un modelo que ha dado buenos resultados en otros países: Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA a partir de ahora). El objetivo es conocer cómo funcionan los Círculos de Apoyo y Responsabilidad y cuáles son los requisitos necesarios para adaptar este modelo a los servicios penitenciarios de Cataluña. Con este fin se ha hecho un análisis cuantitativo de los principales rasgos de la población penitenciaria catalana, se ha revisado la bibliografía sobre el modelo CoSA y se ha hecho observación de campo en su aplicación en el Reino Unido. También se ha contado con las opiniones de expertos y profesionales de Cataluña y se han realizado entrevistas a una pequeña muestra de delincuentes sexuales en régimen de semilibertad. Aunque en Cataluña hay programas en las prisiones para potenciar la rehabilitación de los delincuentes sexuales, la investigación destaca el importante papel del apoyo social y del mantenimiento de los cambios del tratamiento en el medio comunitario como elementos clave para la reducción de la reincidencia. El modelo de Círculos optimiza el efecto de estos procesos, y muestra un modelo de supervisión que concilia el objetivo de protección pública con la reintegración del delincuente. Del estudio de la población penitenciaria se concluye que hay una parte de internos que podrían beneficiarse de este programa y que lo reconocen como una fuente importante de apoyo ante las importantes dificultades que encuentran en el proceso de retorno a la libertad. Se propone un programa CerclesCat adaptado a la realidad del sistema penitenciario catalán y se describe el proceso de implementación.
Aging Watch is provided in the spirit of information and education. The opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Department or its programs. The Department shall not be liable for any damages that may result from errors or omissions in information distributed in this publication. Aging Watch will be published regularly during the legislative session and monthly in the interim by the Iowa Department on Aging. “Aging Watch.” The Department is providing this update to better inform you about policy affecting older Iowans. In addition to policy updates from the statehouse and the nation’s capitol, you’ll learn about Department programs and changes affecting the landscape. As you’ll learn reading this and future editions, big changes are coming for the Iowa Aging Network. Over the next year the Department will be reducing the number of local Area Agencies on Aging, as required by legislative action. Not surprisingly, this is a major change for everyone.
BACKGROUND: Chronic disease management has been implemented for some time in several countries to tackle the increasing burden of chronic diseases. While Switzerland faces the same challenge, such initiatives have only emerged recently in this country. The aim of this study is to assess their feasibility, in terms of barriers, facilitators and incentives to participation. METHODS: To meet our aim, we used qualitative methods involving the collection of opinions of various healthcare stakeholders, by means of 5 focus groups and 33 individual interviews. All the data were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was then performed and five levels were determined to categorize the data: political, financial, organisational/ structural, professionals and patients. RESULTS: Our results show that, at each level, stakeholders share common opinions towards the feasibility of chronic disease management in Switzerland. They mainly mention barriers linked to the federalist political organization as well as to financing such programs. They also envision difficulties to motivate both patients and healthcare professionals to participate. Nevertheless, their favourable attitudes towards chronic disease management as well as the fact that they are convinced that Switzerland possesses all the resources (financial, structural and human) to develop such programs constitute important facilitators. The implementation of quality and financial incentives could also foster the participation of the actors. CONCLUSIONS: Even if healthcare stakeholders do not have the same role and interest regarding chronic diseases, they express similar opinions on the development of chronic disease management in Switzerland. Their overall positive attitude shows that it could be further implemented if political, financial and organisational barriers are overcome and if incentives are found to face the scepticism and non-motivation of some stakeholders.
BACKGROUND: Home hospital is advocated in many western countries in spite of limited evidence of its economic advantage over usual hospital care. Heart failure and community-acquired pneumonia are two medical conditions which are frequently targeted by home hospital programs. While recent trials were devoted to comparisons of safety and costs, the acceptance of home hospital for patients with these conditions remains poorly described. OBJECTIVE: To document the medical eligibility and final transfer decision to home hospital for patients hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of heart failure or community-acquired pneumonia. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of patients admitted to the medical ward of acute care hospitals, up to the final decision concerning their transfer. SETTING: Medical departments of one university hospital and two regional teaching Swiss hospitals. PATIENTS: All patients admitted over a 9 month period to the three settings with a primary diagnosis of heart failure (n= 301) or pneumonia (n=441). MEASUREMENTS: Presence of permanent exclusion criteria on admission; final decision of (in)eligibility based on medical criteria; final decision regarding the transfer, taking into account the opinions of the family physician, the patient and informal caregivers. RESULTS: While 27.9% of heart failure and 37.6% of pneumonia patients were considered to be eligible from a medical point of view, the program acceptance by family physicians, patients and informal caregivers was low and a transfer to home hospital was ultimately chosen for just 3.8% of heart failure and 9.6% of pneumonia patients. There were no major differences between the three settings. CONCLUSIONS: In the case of these two conditions, the potential economic advantage of home hospital over usual inpatient care is compromised by the low proportion of patients ultimately transferred.
Summary: Why so few men apply to study veterinary medicine? : opinions of applicants to the faculty and final-year male high-school students
A partir d'un questionnement sur les données relatives au concept linguistique de langue «littéraire», concept central d'une théorie scientifique prospère en Union soviétique à partir des années 1960 jusqu'aujourd'hui, je cherche à proposer des explications qui pourraient rendre compte de l'ensemble des données analysées dans ma thèse. Mes conclusions se présentent sous trois angles : épistémologique (genèse et évolution du concept), historique et sociologique.Du point de vue de sa genèse, la théorie des langues «littéraire» mélange plusieurs sources: elle «greffe» l'apport des historiens de la langue comme A.A. Saxmatov (1864-1920) sur une longue réflexion, menée dès le XVIIIe s., l'époque de M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765), sur ce qui est la langue de la civilisation russe. Le terme de langue «littéraire» russe est passé des littéraires aux linguistes pour tomber chez les sociolinguistes soviétiques (L. Krysin, E. Zemskaja) avec à chaque passage un contenu différent sans que pour autant ces différences soient explicitées de façon satisfaisante. Comparée aux définitions antérieures de la langue «littéraire», celle de la période des années 1960-90 est nettement plus prescriptive et renvoie à un usage réel qui serait supérieur à tous les autres et engloberait tout l'espace russophone en vertu de ses prétendues propriétés systémiques, jamais démontrées par les chercheurs.Les écueils de la théorie des langues «littéraires» et sa vitalité trouvent des explications si l'on prend en compte l'historicité des phénomènes. En replaçant les textes de linguistes dans un contexte anthropologique (historique, politique, institutionnel) plus large, je propose un récit des événements et des influences différent de récits canoniques présentés dans les ouvrages soviétiques. Je situe dans les années 1930 une mise en place de l'édifice du concept de langue «littéraire» à venir, inauguré dans les travaux de L.P. Jakubinskij (1892-1945) et V.M. Zirmunskij (1891-1971), où sous la désignation de «langue nationale» est décrite dans les grandes lignes 1e. concept de langue «littéraire» de la linguistique soviétique à venir.L'étude du contexte historique et l'examen de la validité de la théorie des langues «littéraire» m'ont amenée à formuler l'hypothèse qu'il existe une représentation sociale de la langue «littéraire» contenant plusieurs éléments du concept linguistique du même nom et partagée par des groupes sociaux plus larges que celui de professionnels du langage. J'ai entrepris d'établir les contours de cette représentation en appliquant les procédés proposés dans les travaux en psychologie sociale sur les représentations. D'après mon analyse, la représentation de la langue «littéraire» est plutôt stable. Du point de vue de sa formation et de son fonctionnement, c'est une représentation du type idéologique. Du point de vue de son organisation, elle présente plusieurs similitudes avec les représentations de la nation, qui se manifestent par l'adhésion des sujets à un héritage, supposé commun, de valeurs dont la langue fait partie et où elle est investie d'une forte charge identitaire. Cette valeur de la langue «littéraire» nationale est soutenue par l'État, l'enseignement, des institutions de régulation et les spécialistes du langage.Ainsi, une étude historique d'une théorie linguistique particulière présente un autre intérêt que celui de dresser un récit cohérent des événements et des influences, à savoir d'approcher à travers un corpus de textes de linguistes le domaine d'opinions des locuteurs sur leur usage langagier.
The Iowa Militiaman is an unofficial publication authorized under the provisions of AR 360-81. It is published by the 135th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa 50131, and is printed four times annually. The news and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Adjutant General of Iowa, or the Department of the Army.
Th e Warrior Ready is an offi cial publication authorized under the provisions of AR 360-1. It is published electronically by the Iowa National Guard State Public Aff airs Offi ce on a monthly basis. News and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Adjutant General of Iowa, the National Guard, or the Department of Defense.
Th e Warrior Ready is an offi cial publication authorized under the provisions of AR 360-1. It is published electronically by the Iowa National Guard State Public Aff airs Offi ce on a monthly basis. News and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Adjutant General of Iowa, the National Guard, or the Department of Defense.
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
CJJP takes a look at the forecast of inmates population in the state of Iowa in a ten year period. Information was produced by Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning. This report was made possible partially through funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and its program for State Statistical Analysis Centers. Points of view or opinions expressed in this report are those of the Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP), and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The Engineering Research Institute at Iowa State University studied the organization and procedures for highway planning by all levels of government and the coordination among various state agencies and local governments in Iowa. Study information was derived from interviews, questionnaires, and a review of the literature. Representatives from state transportation or highway organizations in all states responded to questionnaires. Additionally, selected upper and intermediate level personnel from highway organizations in seven other states were interviewed and a visit was made to one state transportation department. Within Iowa, employees were interviewed in the Highway Commission, Office for Planning and Programming, Development Commission, Commerce Commission, Conservation Commission, and Highway Patrol. Nearly 600 officials of local governments in Iowa contributed factual data and opinions through questionnaires and interviews. Private citizens and consultants also provided input to the investigation through their responses to questionnaires. Twelve recommendations to improve highway planning in Iowa were formulated as a result of this study.
A questionnaire assessing the satisfaction of children with their hospital stay has been developed and tested with 136 children (aged 6-12 years) at 2 Swiss hospital sites. Three out of 4 children were satisfied overall with their hospital stay. Their relationships with the professional medical staff, explanations they received, games they played, and environment, all received positive evaluations. The most critical points were pain, fear, and the absence of relatives. Ninety percent of the children appreciated that their opinions were sought. These results reinforce the importance of having questionnaires available for the children to consider their opinions to enhance the quality of care.