959 resultados para geometric average
We present a theoretical method for a direct evaluation of the average error exponent in Gallager error-correcting codes using methods of statistical physics. Results for the binary symmetric channel(BSC)are presented for codes of both finite and infinite connectivity.
We present a theoretical method for a direct evaluation of the average and reliability error exponents in low-density parity-check error-correcting codes using methods of statistical physics. Results for the binary symmetric channel are presented for codes of both finite and infinite connectivity.
Traditional approaches to calculate total factor productivity change through Malmquist indexes rely on distance functions. In this paper we show that the use of distance functions as a means to calculate total factor productivity change may introduce some bias in the analysis, and therefore we propose a procedure that calculates total factor productivity change through observed values only. Our total factor productivity change is then decomposed into efficiency change, technological change, and a residual effect. This decomposition makes use of a non-oriented measure in order to avoid problems associated with the traditional use of radial oriented measures, especially when variable returns to scale technologies are to be compared.
Traditional approaches to calculate total factor productivity (TFP) change through Malmquist indexes rely on distance functions. In this paper we show that the use of distance functions as a means to calculate TFP change may introduce some bias in the analysis, and therefore we propose a procedure that calculates TFP change through observed values only. Our total TFP change is then decomposed into efficiency change, technological change, and a residual effect. This decomposition makes use of a non-oriented measure in order to avoid problems associated with the traditional use of radial oriented measures, especially when variable returns to scale technologies are to be compared. The proposed approach is applied in this paper to a sample of Portuguese bank branches.
Most object-based approaches to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have concentrated on the representation of geometric properties of objects in terms of fixed geometry. In our road traffic marking application domain we have a requirement to represent the static locations of the road markings but also enforce the associated regulations, which are typically geometric in nature. For example a give way line of a pedestrian crossing in the UK must be within 1100-3000 mm of the edge of the crossing pattern. In previous studies of the application of spatial rules (often called 'business logic') in GIS emphasis has been placed on the representation of topological constraints and data integrity checks. There is very little GIS literature that describes models for geometric rules, although there are some examples in the Computer Aided Design (CAD) literature. This paper introduces some of the ideas from so called variational CAD models to the GIS application domain, and extends these using a Geography Markup Language (GML) based representation. In our application we have an additional requirement; the geometric rules are often changed and vary from country to country so should be represented in a flexible manner. In this paper we describe an elegant solution to the representation of geometric rules, such as requiring lines to be offset from other objects. The method uses a feature-property model embraced in GML 3.1 and extends the possible relationships in feature collections to permit the application of parameterized geometric constraints to sub features. We show the parametric rule model we have developed and discuss the advantage of using simple parametric expressions in the rule base. We discuss the possibilities and limitations of our approach and relate our data model to GML 3.1. © 2006 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
As systems for computer-aided-design and production of mechanical parts have developed, there has arisen a need for techniques for the comprehensive description of the desired part, including its 3-D shape. The creation and manipulation of shapes is generally known as geometric modelling. It is desirable that links be established between geometric modellers and machining programs. Currently, unbounded APT and some bounded geometry systems are being widely used in manufacturing industry for machining operations such as: milling, drilling, boring and turning, applied mainly to engineering parts. APT systems, however, are presently only linked to wire-frame drafting systems. The combination of a geometric modeller and APT will provide a powerful manufacturing system for industry from the initial design right through part manufacture using NC machines. This thesis describes a recently developed interface (ROMAPT) between a bounded geometry modeller (ROMULUS) and an unbounded NC processor (APT). A new set of theoretical functions and practical algorithms for the computer aided manufacturing of 3D solid geometric model has been investigated. This work has led to the development of a sophisticated computer program, ROMAPT, which provides a new link between CAD (in form of a goemetric modeller ROMULUS) and CAM (in form of the APT NC system). ROMAPT has been used to machine some engineering prototypes successfully both in soft foam material and aluminium. It has been demonstrated above that the theory and algorithms developed by the author for the development of computer aided manufacturing of 3D solid modelling are both valid and applicable. ROMAPT allows the full potential of a solid geometric modeller (ROMULUS) to be further exploited for NC applications without requiring major investment in new NC processor. ROMAPT supports output in APT-AC, APT4 and the CAM-I SSRI NC languages.
Many of the applications of geometric modelling are concerned with the computation of well-defined properties of the model. The applications which have received less attention are those which address questions to which there is no unique answer. This thesis describes such an application: the automatic production of a dimensioned engineering drawing. One distinctive feature of this operation is the requirement for sophisticated decision-making algorithms at each stage in the processing of the geometric model. Hence, the thesis is focussed upon the design, development and implementation of such algorithms. Various techniques for geometric modelling are briefly examined and then details are given of the modelling package that was developed for this project, The principles of orthographic projection and dimensioning are treated and some published work on the theory of dimensioning is examined. A new theoretical approach to dimensioning is presented and discussed. The existing body of knowledge on decision-making is sampled and the author then shows how methods which were originally developed for management decisions may be adapted to serve the purposes of this project. The remainder of the thesis is devoted to reports on the development of decision-making algorithms for orthographic view selection, sectioning and crosshatching, the preparation of orthographic views with essential hidden detail, and two approaches to the actual insertion of dimension lines and text. The thesis concludes that the theories of decision-making can be applied to work of this kind. It may be possible to generate computer solutions that are closer to the optimum than some man-made dimensioning schemes. Further work on important details is required before a commercially acceptable package could be produced.
Conventional methods of form-roll design and manufacture for Cold Roll-Forming of thin-walled metal sections have been entirely manual, time consuming and prone to errors, resulting in inefficiency and high production costs. With the use of computers, lead time can be significantly improved, particularly for those aspects involving routine but tedious human decisions and actions. This thesis describes the development of computer aided tools for producing form-roll designs for NC manufacture in the CAD/CAM environment. The work was undertaken to modernise the existing activity of a company manufacturing thin-walled sections. The investigated areas of the activity, including the design and drafting of the finished section, the flower patterns, the 10 to 1 templates, and the rolls complete with pinch-difference surfaces, side-rolls and extension-contours, have been successfully computerised by software development . Data generated by the developed software can be further processed for roll manufacturing using NC lathes. The software has been specially designed for portability to facilitate its implementation on different computers. The Opening-Radii method of forming was introduced as a subsitute to the conventional method for better forming. Most of the essential aspects in roll design have been successfully incorporated in the software. With computerisation, extensive standardisation in existing roll design practices and the use of more reliable and scientifically-based methods have been achieved. Satisfactory and beneficial results have also been obtained by the company in using the software through a terminal linked to the University by a GPO line. Both lead time and productivity in roll design and manufacture have been significantly improved. It is therefore concluded that computerisation in the design of form-rolls for automation by software development is viable. The work also demonstrated the promising nature of the CAD/CAM approach.
To carry out stability and voltage regulation studies on more electric aircraft systems in which there is a preponderance of multi-pulse, rectifier-fed motor-drive equipment, average dynamic models of the rectifier converters are required. Existing methods are difficult to apply to anything other than single converters with a low pulse number. Therefore an efficient, compact method for deriving the approximate, linear, average model of 6- and 12-pulse rectifiers, based on the assumption of a small duration of the overlap angle is presented. The models are validated against detailed simulations and laboratory prototypes.
The standard reference clinical score quantifying average Parkinson's disease (PD) symptom severity is the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). At present, UPDRS is determined by the subjective clinical evaluation of the patient's ability to adequately cope with a range of tasks. In this study, we extend recent findings that UPDRS can be objectively assessed to clinically useful accuracy using simple, self-administered speech tests, without requiring the patient's physical presence in the clinic. We apply a wide range of known speech signal processing algorithms to a large database (approx. 6000 recordings from 42 PD patients, recruited to a six-month, multi-centre trial) and propose a number of novel, nonlinear signal processing algorithms which reveal pathological characteristics in PD more accurately than existing approaches. Robust feature selection algorithms select the optimal subset of these algorithms, which is fed into non-parametric regression and classification algorithms, mapping the signal processing algorithm outputs to UPDRS. We demonstrate rapid, accurate replication of the UPDRS assessment with clinically useful accuracy (about 2 UPDRS points difference from the clinicians' estimates, p < 0.001). This study supports the viability of frequent, remote, cost-effective, objective, accurate UPDRS telemonitoring based on self-administered speech tests. This technology could facilitate large-scale clinical trials into novel PD treatments.
How speech is separated perceptually from other speech remains poorly understood. In a series of experiments, perceptual organisation was probed by presenting three-formant (F1+F2+F3) analogues of target sentences dichotically, together with a competitor for F2 (F2C), or for F2+F3, which listeners must reject to optimise recognition. To control for energetic masking, the competitor was always presented in the opposite ear to the corresponding target formant(s). Sine-wave speech was used initially, and different versions of F2C were derived from F2 using separate manipulations of its amplitude and frequency contours. F2Cs with time-varying frequency contours were highly effective competitors, whatever their amplitude characteristics, whereas constant-frequency F2Cs were ineffective. Subsequent studies used synthetic-formant speech to explore the effects of manipulating the rate and depth of formant-frequency change in the competitor. Competitor efficacy was not tuned to the rate of formant-frequency variation in the target sentences; rather, the reduction in intelligibility increased with competitor rate relative to the rate for the target sentences. Therefore, differences in speech rate may not be a useful cue for separating the speech of concurrent talkers. Effects of competitors whose depth of formant-frequency variation was scaled by a range of factors were explored using competitors derived either by inverting the frequency contour of F2 about its geometric mean (plausibly speech-like pattern) or by using a regular and arbitrary frequency contour (triangle wave, not plausibly speech-like) matched to the average rate and depth of variation for the inverted F2C. Competitor efficacy depended on the overall depth of frequency variation, not depth relative to that for the other formants. Furthermore, the triangle-wave competitors were as effective as their more speech-like counterparts. Overall, the results suggest that formant-frequency variation is critical for the across-frequency grouping of formants but that this grouping does not depend on speech-specific constraints.
We show that the variation in dispersion managed soliton energy that occurs as the amplifier position varies within the dispersion map, for a fixed map strength, can be interpreted using the concept of effective average dispersion. Using this concept we physically explain why the location of the amplifier can produce a greater or lesser energy enhancement factor than the lossless model. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
How speech is separated perceptually from other speech remains poorly understood. Recent research indicates that the ability of an extraneous formant to impair intelligibility depends on the variation of its frequency contour. This study explored the effects of manipulating the depth and pattern of that variation. Three formants (F1+F2+F3) constituting synthetic analogues of natural sentences were distributed across the 2 ears, together with a competitor for F2 (F2C) that listeners must reject to optimize recognition (left = F1+F2C; right = F2+F3). The frequency contours of F1 − F3 were each scaled to 50% of their natural depth, with little effect on intelligibility. Competitors were created either by inverting the frequency contour of F2 about its geometric mean (a plausibly speech-like pattern) or using a regular and arbitrary frequency contour (triangle wave, not plausibly speech-like) matched to the average rate and depth of variation for the inverted F2C. Adding a competitor typically reduced intelligibility; this reduction depended on the depth of F2C variation, being greatest for 100%-depth, intermediate for 50%-depth, and least for 0%-depth (constant) F2Cs. This suggests that competitor impact depends on overall depth of frequency variation, not depth relative to that for the target formants. The absence of tuning (i.e., no minimum in intelligibility for the 50% case) suggests that the ability to reject an extraneous formant does not depend on similarity in the depth of formant-frequency variation. Furthermore, triangle-wave competitors were as effective as their more speech-like counterparts, suggesting that the selection of formants from the ensemble also does not depend on speech-specific constraints.
Background: Prescribing magnification is typically based on distance or near visual acuity. this presumes a constant minimum angle of visual resolution with working distance and therefore enlargement of an object moved to a shorter working distance (relative distance enlargement). this study examines this premise in a visually impaired population. methods: distance letter visual acuity was measured prospectively for 380 low vision patients (distance visual acuity between 0.3 and 2.1 logmar) over the age of 57 years, along with near word visual acuity at an appropriate distance for near lens additions from +4 d to +20 D. demographic information, the disease causing low vision, contrast sensitivity, visual field and psychological status were also recorded. results: distance letter acuity was significantly related to (r = 0.84) but on average 0.1 ± 0.2 logmar better (1 ± 2 lines on a logmar chart) than near word acuity at 25 cm with a +4 d lens addition. in 39. 8 per cent of patients, near word acuity was more than 0.1 logmar worse than distance letter acuity. in 11.0 per cent of subjects, near visual acuity was more than 0.1 logmar better than distance letter acuity. the group with near word acuity worse than distance letter acuity also had lower contrast sensitivity. the group with near word acuity better than distance letter acuity was less likely to have age-Related macular degeneration. smaller print size could be read by reducing working distance (achieved by using higher near lens additions) in 86. 1 per cent, although not by as much as predicted by geometric progression in 14. 5 per cent. discussion: although distance letter and near word acuity are highly related, they are on average 1 logmar line different and this varies significantly between individuals. near word acuity did not increase linearly with relative distance enlargement in approximately one in seven visually impaired, suggesting that the measurement of visual resolution over a range of working distances will assist appropriate prescribing of magnification aids.