994 resultados para gap size


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Background: Advances in the knowledge of renal neoplasms have demonstrated the implication of several proteases in their genesis, growth and dissemination. Glutamyl-aminopeptidase (GAP) (EC. is a zinc metallopeptidase with angiotensinase activity highly expressed in kidney tissues and its expression and activity have been associated wtih tumour development. Methods: In this prospective study, GAP spectrofluorometric activity and immunohistochemical expression were analysed in clear-cell (CCRCC), papillary (PRCC) and chromophobe (ChRCC) renal cell carcinomas, and in renal oncocytoma (RO). Data obtained in tumour tissue were compared with those from the surrounding uninvolved kidney tissue. In CCRCC, classic pathological parameters such as grade, stage and tumour size were stratified following GAP data and analyzed for 5-year survival. Results: GAP activity in both the membrane-bound and soluble fractions was sharply decreased and its immunohistochemical expression showed mild staining in the four histological types of renal tumours. Soluble and membrane-bound GAP activities correlated with tumour grade and size in CCRCCs. Conclusions: This study suggests a role for GAP in the neoplastic development of renal tumours and provides additional data for considering the activity and expression of this enzyme of interest in the diagnosis and prognosis of renal neoplasms.


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This paper analyses the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during the period 1996 and 2010. We have used dates from the Udalmap database mainly the GDP per capita. We have drawn Lorenz Curves and also we have computed Gini indexes to analyse the evolution of inequality during this period. Therefore, we have concluded that there has been an increase of the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during this period of time.


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A Mata Atlântica (MA) está entre as regiões com maior biodiversidade e mais ameaçadas do planeta. Esforços em diversas áreas do conhecimento têm sido feitos para que se tenha uma estimativa mais refinada da diversidade existente e sua organização ao longo do bioma. O crescente número de estudos que buscam reconstituir a história da diversificação da MA apontam para um cenário espacial e temporal complexo, havendo ainda uma lacuna no conhecimento dos processos em pequena escala. Vertebrados em miniatura têm se mostrado uma boa ferramenta para estudos de processos evolutivos em pequena escala. Assim, o gênero Euparkerella, endêmico de uma pequena região da MA dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e Espírito Santo (ES), foi escolhido como modelo para este estudo. No primeiro capítulo buscou-se descrever a diversidade existente dentro do gênero a partir de uma filogenia molecular. Para isso, utilizaram-se métodos bayesianos para gerar genealogias de genes e de espécies a partir de um fragmento de gene mitocondrial e quatro fragmentos de genes nucleares. Os resultados obtidos apontaram para uma grande diversidade críptica no gênero. Foram identificadas seis unidades evolutivas significativamente divergentes para o RJ: duas em Euparkerella cochranae, três em Euparkerella brasiliensis, e Euparkerella sp.. A espécie mais basal recuperada foi Euparkerella robusta, do ES, e estimou-se o início da diversificação do gênero para o final do Mioceno. O segundo capítulo descreve onze marcadores de microssatélites desenvolvidos para Euparkerella brasiliensis através do método de pirosequenciamento de nova geração 454. No terceiro capítulo estudou-se apenas uma unidade evolutiva, Euparkerella brasiliensis da área dos Três Picos/ RJ. A partir de marcadores de evolução rápida (microssatélites) e lenta (sequências de DNA) buscou-se compreender a estrutura e a dinâmica populacional desta unidade evolutiva em uma área bastante pequena (aprox. 20 km) sob influência de um gradiente ambiental altitudinal (40 m 1000 m). Foram identificadas, a partir dos microssatélites, duas subpopulações geneticamente distintas nas bordas do gradiente. O fluxo gênico se deu predominantemente das bordas para a zona de contato, onde foi observado o maior efetivo populacional. Tais resultados indicam que pequenas variações ambientais podem atuar no isolamento populacional em Euparkerella e corroboram o padrão de formas microendêmicas identificadas na filogenia. Futuros estudos devem ser feitos no sentido de buscar caracterizar morfologicamente as unidades evolutivas aqui identificadas; preencher as lacunas amostrais, especialmente no ES; e descrever os processos que atuam em pequena escala nas zonas de contato entre as unidades evolutivas e fatores limitantes a distribuição das mesmas.


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ZnO films prepared by the thermal oxidation of the ZnS films through thermal evaporation are reported. The as-deposited ZnS films have transformed to ZnO films completely at 400 degrees C. The 400-700 degrees C annealed films with a preferential c-axis (002) orientation have a hexagonal wurtzite structure. The band gap of ZnO films shifts towards longer wavelength with the increase of the annealing temperature. The relationship between the band gap energy of ZnO films and the grain size is discussed. The shift of the band gap energy can be ascribed to the quantum confinement effect in nanocrystal ZnO films. The photoluminescence spectra of ZnO films show a dominant ultraviolet emission and no deep level or trap state defect emission in the green region. It confirms the absence of interstitial zinc or oxygen vacancies in ZnO films. These results indicate that ZnO film prepared by this simple thermal oxidation method is a promising candidate for optoelectronic devices and UV laser. (c) 2005 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.


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The optical absorption edge and ultraviolet (UV) emission energy of ZnO films deposited by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering at room temperature have been investigated. With the oxygen ratio increasing, the structure of films changes from zinc and zinc oxide coexisting phase to single-phase ZnO and finally to the highly (002) orientation. Both the grain size and the stress of ZnO film vary with the oxygen partial pressure. Upon increasing the oxygen partial pressure in the growing ambient, the visible emission in the room-temperature photoluminescence spectra was suppressed without sacrificing the band-edge emission intensity in the ultraviolet region. The peaks of photoluminescence spectra were located at 3.06---3.15 eV. From optical transmittance spectra of ZnO films, the optical band gap edge was observed to shift towards shorter wavelength with the increase of oxygen partial pressure.


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Plasticine strips are rolled between cylindrical rollers to model the phenomenon of material transfer in metal rolling. Strips of thin plastic film ('clingfilm') on the plasticine strip are used to model the oxide layer that covers the surface of aluminium. The effect of gaps opening up between the clingfilm strips is investigated. It is found that the percentage area of the exposed strip giving rise to transfer of material increases with the gap width. The evidence strongly suggests that plasticine particles transferred to the rolls are able to pick off plasticine from the strip on successive passes. Larger plasticine particles are more likely to show this behaviour and consequently grow in size. The results confirm the usefulness of plasticine as a suitable material to investigate transfer layer formation in metal rolling, and help inform development of experimental procedures to study the evolution of real metal transfer layers. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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According to the parameter requirements of a graded reflectivity mirror with a Gaussian profile, the layer structure and the mask pattern are designed using a graded-thickness middle layer. The mask and the automatic mask-switchover equipment are designed considering the actual requirement of the thin films and the specific deposit facility. The uniformity of the layer thickness is analyzed. The measurement results indicate that samples prepared with this technique are basically in accordance with the design parameter. The scattering effect between the material molecules and the mask, thickness errors, and the alignment error between the mask and the substrate are the main factors that influence the deposit result. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3027595]