934 resultados para economic-statistical design
This dissertation is a comparative case study of regional cooperation in the field of economic development. In the 21st century global economy, proponents of regionalism have put forth fresh arguments for collective action. A regional approach to economic development activity presents a classic social dilemma: How can local officials collectively improve the economic prospects of a region, and remain autonomous to act in the best interest of the local community? This research examines the role of social capital in overcoming this social dilemma. Three (3) comparable Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) form the empirical basis of this research. The Houston MSA, the Atlanta MSA and the Miami MSA present distinct variations of regionalized economic development activity. This dissertation seeks to explain this disparity in the dependent variable. The hypothesis is that accrued social capital is crucial to obtaining economic development cooperative agreements. This qualitative research utilized secondary demographic and economic databases, survey instruments, interviews, field observations, and a review of legislative and administrative decisions to formulate a clear understanding of the factors influencing the current state of regional economic development cooperation within each region. The study concludes that the legislative and executive decisions of state government exert inordinate influence on the capacity of local officials to cooperate regionally for economic development purposes.
County jurisdictions in America are increasingly exercising self-government in the provision of public community services through the context of second order federalism. In states exercising this form of contemporary governance, county governments with “reformed” policy-making structures and professional management practices, have begun to rival or surpass municipalities in the delivery of local services with regional implications such as environmental protection (Benton 2002, 2003; Marando and Reeves, 1993). The voter referendum, a form of direct democracy, is an important component of county land preservation and environmental protection governmental policies. The recent growth and success of land preservation voter referendums nationwide reflects an increase in citizen participation in government and their desire to protect vacant land and its natural environment from threats of over-development, urbanization and sprawl, loss of open space and farmland, deterioration of ecosystems, and inadequate park and recreational amenities. The study’s design employs a sequential, mixed method. First, a quantitative approach employs the Heckman two-step model. It is fitted with variables for the non-random sample of 227 voter referendum counties and all non-voter referendum counties in the U.S. from 1988 to 2009. Second, the qualitative data collected from the in-depth investigation of three South Florida county case studies with twelve public administrator interviews is transformed for integration with the quantitative findings. The purpose of the qualitative method is to complement, explain and enrich the statistical analysis of county demographic, socio-economic, terrain, regional, governance and government, political preference, environmentalism, and referendum-specific factors. The research finds that government factors are significant in terms of the success of land preservation voter referendums; more specifically, the presence of self-government authority (home rule charter), a reformed structure (county administrator/manager or elected executive), and environmental interest groups. In addition, this study concludes that successful counties are often located coastal, exhibit population and housing growth, and have older and more educated citizens who vote democratic in presidential elections. The analysis of case study documents and public administrator interviews finds that pragmatic considerations of timing, local politics and networking of regional stakeholders are also important features of success. Further research is suggested utilizing additional public participation, local government and public administration factors.
Since 2008, there has been a decline in the economy of several European countries, including Portugal. In the literature, it is emphasized that periods of economic uncertainty propitiate the appearance of mental health problems and diminish populations’ well-being. The aim of the present study, with 729 Portuguese participants, 33.9% (n=247) males and 66.1% (n=482) females with an average age of 37 years old (M=36.99; SD=12.81), was to examine the relationship between economic hardship, financial threat, and financial well-being (i.e., economic stressors) and stress, anxiety, and depression (i.e., psychological health indicators), as well as to test the moderation effect of coping in the aforementioned relationship. To achieve these goals, a cross-sectional design was implemented and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the obtained data. Our results underline that coping affects the relationship between economic stressors and psychological health since subjects with lower coping levels are more vulnerable to economic stress factors than those with higher coping levels. The moderation effect was more evident in the relationships between economic hardship and stress, anxiety, and depression. The main implications of this study are presented, as well as its’ limitations and suggestions for future research.
Students may need explicit training in informal statistical reasoning in order to design experiments or use formal statistical tests effectively. By using scientific scandals and media misinterpretation, we can explore the need for good experimental design in an informal way. This article describes the use of a paper that reviews the measles mumps rubella vaccine and autism controversy in the UK to illustrate a number of threshold concepts underlying good study design and interpretation of scientific evidence. These include the necessity of sufficient sample size, representative and random sampling, appropriate controls and inferring causation.
This report presents results from a study of the creative economy associated with the arts, design, crafts and related activities in South Carolina. As this report will show, these creative individuals and enterprises exert a strong impact on the state’s economic base. Like other drivers of the regional economy, this creative activity revolves around a cluster, or a set of interrelated industries, that thrive in tandem. Along with manufacturing and agriculture, the creative cluster is a catalyst for state and local economic development. The report presents results from an analysis of the South Carolina creative cluster based on 2008 data. For the first time, this report provides a comprehensive summary of the creative economic footprint in South Carolina.
There is still much discussion on the most appropriate location, size and shape of marine protected areas (MPAs). These three factors were analyzed for a small coastal MPA, the Luiz Saldanha Marine Park (LSMP), for which a very limited amount of local ecological information was available when implemented in 1998. Marxan was used to provide a number of near-optimal solutions considering different levels of protection for the various conservation features and different costs. These solutions were compared with the existing no-take area of the LSMP. Information on 11 habitat types and distribution models for 3 of the most important species for the local artisanal fisheries was considered. The human activities with the highest economic and ecological impact in the study area (commercial and recreational fishing and scuba diving) were used as costs. The results show that the existing no-take area is actually located in the best area. However, the no-take area offers limited protection to vagile fish and covers a very small proportion of some of the available habitats. An increase in the conservation targets led to an increase in the number of no-take areas. The comparative framework used in this study can be applied elsewhere, providing relevant information to local stakeholders and managers in order to proceed with adaptive management. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo longitudinal en una Institución prestadora de Servicios de Salud de la ciudad de Bogotá, con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad en el manejo del dolor de la terapia con acupuntura en el tratamiento de lumbalgia. Se tomaron 150 historias clínicas de pacientes con lumbalgia atendidos de enero de 2014 a mayo de 2016, las cuales fueron sometidas a los criterios de inclusión definidos por los autores, arrojando 48 historias sometidas a la prueba de Friedman con el fin de identificar el impacto sobre el dolor del tratamiento con acupuntura en los pacientes seleccionados. Adicionalmente, bajo un muestreo aleatorio simple de distribución normal sobre las 48 historias clínicas evaluadas, se seleccionaron 25 casos a los cuales se les aplicó una encuesta no estructurada, con el fin de obtener información sobre el estado de la patología después de finalizar el tratamiento e identificar las posibles causas de deserción. Con este estudio se concluye que la terapia con acupuntura es efectiva en el manejo del dolor de pacientes con lumbalgia, y que es necesario realizar más estudios que puedan sustentar la inclusión de la terapéutica en el manejo de esta patología.
Introducción: La enfermedad respiratoria ocupacional es causada por la exposición a diferentes agentes en el trabajo. Las pruebas objetivas realizadas en sospecha de enfermedad respiratoria de origen laboral, son importantes herramientas que permiten realizar un adecuado diagnóstico, una detección precoz de la enfermedad respiratoria ocupacional, disminuye el progreso rápido de la patología, la morbilidad de los trabajadores y el impacto negativo sobre su futuro laboral. Objetivo: Caracterizar las pruebas paraclínicas de las patologías respiratorias de trabajadores, en un centro de referencia neumológico de Bucaramanga año 2014-2016. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con datos secundarios de 96 trabajadores que laboran en diferentes actividades económicas. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, laborales, ayudas imagenológicas y pruebas de función pulmonar, realizando 3 grupos de acuerdo a su patología que fueron: Asma, síndrome de disfunción reactiva de la vía aérea y neumoconiosis. En el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Resultados: De los 96 trabajadores 84.4% son hombres, las actividades económicas más frecuentes fueron la industria del petróleo y gas en un 27.1% y trabajadores en materiales de construcción en un 19.8%. En la caracterización paraclínica por grupo de patología, para asma predominó la obstrucción en la espirometría (46.9%) y los volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (95.5%), en RADS (síndrome de disfunción de vías aéreas reactivas) los volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (77%) y en las neumoconiosis para Rx de tórax (90.3%) y Tac de tórax (100%) reportaron alteraciones parenquimatosas, espirometría con obstrucción (54.8%) y volúmenes pulmonares con atrapamiento aéreo (62.5 %).Discusión y Conclusiones: Las ocupaciones de mayor riesgo para desarrollo de neumopatías de origen ocupacional fuero, , son la minería y construcción y para asma la agricultura y manufacturas. Para asma se evidenció que no hay significancia diagnóstica para estudios imagenológicos pero sí para las pruebas de función pulmonar. Para neumoconiosis el estudio imagenológico es el de mayor importancia ya que en las radiografías se presentan cambios incluso mucho antes de la afectación de la función pulmonar. Para RADS se concluyó que la realización de un test de provocación con metacolina sería el Gold estándar para el diagnóstico. Las pruebas de función respiratoria son de vital importancia para determinar la enfermedad ocupacional en trabajadores expuestos para vigilancia y detección precoz, es conveniente la realización de protocolos para la evaluación y diagnóstico de la enfermedad respiratoria de origen ocupacional. Palabras claves: Neumoconiosis, asma ocupacional, función pulmonar, radiografía de tórax, ocupación, Colombia.
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) accounts for approximately 85% of all urinary tract infections (UTIs), causing a global economic burden. E. coli is one of the pathogens mentioned in the ESKAPEE list drafted by OMS, meaning that the increasing antibiotic resistance acquired by UPEC is and will be a serious health problem in the future. Amongst the immunogenic antigens exposed on the surface of UPEC, FimH represent a potential target for vaccine development, since it is involved in the early stages of infection. As already demonstrated, immunizations with FimH elicit functional antibodies that prevent UPEC infections even though the number of doses required to elicit a strong immune response is not optimal. In this work, we aimed to stabilize FimH as a soluble recombinant antigen exploiting the donor strand complementation mechanism by generating different chimeric constructs constituted by FimH and FimG donor strand. To explore the potential of self-assembling nanoparticles to display FimH through genetic fusion, different constructs have been computationally designed and produced. In this work a structure-based design, using available crystal structures of FimH and three different NPs was performed to generate different constructs with optimized properties. Despite the different conditions tested, all the constructs designed (single antigen or chimeric NPs), resulted to be un-soluble proteins in E. coli. To overcome this issue a mammalian expression system has been tested. Soluble antigen expression was achieved for all constructs tested in the culture supernatants. Three novel chimeric NPs have been characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirming the presence of correctly assembled NPs displaying UPEC antigen. In vivo study has shown a higher immunogenicity of the E. coli antigen when displayed on NPs surface compared to the single recombinant antigen. The antibodies elicited by chimeric NPs showed a higher functionality in the inhibition of bacterial adhesion.
Due to the interest of general public and the industrial stakeholders, new challenges and demands are rising in aircraft design. The sustainability is taking its place amongst more traditional design factors, such as safety, performances and costs. Sustainability is both environmental and economic, and among the factors contributing to economic sustainability, there is also passengers' comfort. In order to win these two challenges, they must be considered in the early stages of aircraft design. In this work, the focus is on emissions generation and acoustic comfort, aiming at reducing pollution and internal noise in the preliminary design phases. These results can be achieved with both unconventional aircraft configurations and advanced materials, which also require new numerical formulations to be assessed. In this research, on one hand, the windowless configuration for a commercial aircraft is studied with traditional preliminary design methods in order to achieve a weight reduction and consequently a return in terms of emissions and costs. On the other hand, a new class of insulating materials, the acoustic metamaterials, is applied on the passenger cabin lining panels. The complex kinematic behaviour of these advanced materials is studied through the Carrera's Unified Formulation, that enhances a wide class of powerful refined shell and beam theories with a unique formulation.
Nowadays, the chemical industry has reached significant goals to produce essential components for human being. The growing competitiveness of the market caused an important acceleration in R&D activities, introducing new opportunities and procedures for the definition of process improvement and optimization. In this dynamicity, sustainability is becoming one of the key aspects for the technological progress encompassing economic, environmental protection and safety aspects. With respect to the conceptual definition of sustainability, literature reports an extensive discussion of the strategies, as well as sets of specific principles and guidelines. However, literature procedures are not completely suitable and applicable to process design activities. Therefore, the development and introduction of sustainability-oriented methodologies is a necessary step to enhance process and plant design. The definition of key drivers as support system is a focal point for early process design decisions or implementation of process modifications. In this context, three different methodologies are developed to support design activities providing criteria and guidelines in a sustainable perspective. In this framework, a set of key Performance Indicators is selected and adopted to characterize the environmental, safety, economic and energetic aspects of a reference process. The methodologies are based on heat and material balances and the level of detailed for input data are compatible with available information of the specific application. Multiple case-studies are defined to prove the effectiveness of the methodologies. The principal application is the polyolefin productive lifecycle chain with particular focus on polymerization technologies. In this context, different design phases are investigated spanning from early process feasibility study to operative and improvements assessment. This flexibility allows to apply the methodologies at any level of design, providing supporting guidelines for design activities, compare alternative solutions, monitor operating process and identify potential for improvements.
Nowadays, technological advancements have brought industry and research towards the automation of various processes. Automation brings a reduction in costs and an improvement in product quality. For this reason, companies are pushing research to investigate new technologies. The agriculture industry has always looked towards automating various processes, from product processing to storage. In the last years, the automation of harvest and cultivation phases also has become attractive, pushed by the advancement of autonomous driving. Nevertheless, ADAS systems are not enough. Merging different technologies will be the solution to obtain total automation of agriculture processes. For example, sensors that estimate products' physical and chemical properties can be used to evaluate the maturation level of fruit. Therefore, the fusion of these technologies has a key role in industrial process automation. In this dissertation, ADAS systems and sensors for precision agriculture will be both treated. Several measurement procedures for characterizing commercial 3D LiDARs will be proposed and tested to cope with the growing need for comparison tools. Axial errors and transversal errors have been investigated. Moreover, a measurement method and setup for evaluating the fog effect on 3D LiDARs will be proposed. Each presented measurement procedure has been tested. The obtained results highlight the versatility and the goodness of the proposed approaches. Regarding the precision agriculture sensors, a measurement approach for the Moisture Content and density estimation of crop directly on the field is presented. The approach regards the employment of a Near Infrared spectrometer jointly with Partial Least Square statistical analysis. The approach and the model will be described together with a first laboratory prototype used to evaluate the NIRS approach. Finally, a prototype for on the field analysis is realized and tested. The test results are promising, evidencing that the proposed approach is suitable for Moisture Content and density estimation.
Nowadays, product development in all its phases plays a fundamental role in the industrial chain. The need for a company to compete at high levels, the need to be quick in responding to market demands and therefore to be able to engineer the product quickly and with a high level of quality, has led to the need to get involved in new more advanced methods/ processes. In recent years, we are moving away from the concept of 2D-based design and production and approaching the concept of Model Based Definition. By using this approach, increasingly complex systems turn out to be easier to deal with but above all cheaper in obtaining them. Thanks to the Model Based Definition it is possible to share data in a lean and simple way to the entire engineering and production chain of the product. The great advantage of this approach is precisely the uniqueness of the information. In this specific thesis work, this approach has been exploited in the context of tolerances with the aid of CAD / CAT software. Tolerance analysis or dimensional variation analysis is a way to understand how sources of variation in part size and assembly constraints propagate between parts and assemblies and how that range affects the ability of a project to meet its requirements. It is critically important to note how tolerance directly affects the cost and performance of products. Worst Case Analysis (WCA) and Statistical analysis (RSS) are the two principal methods in DVA. The thesis aims to show the advantages of using statistical dimensional analysis by creating and examining various case studies, using PTC CREO software for CAD modeling and CETOL 6σ for tolerance analysis. Moreover, it will be provided a comparison between manual and 3D analysis, focusing the attention to the information lost in the 1D case. The results obtained allow us to highlight the need to use this approach from the early stages of the product design cycle.
Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as “3D printing”, is a recent production technique that allows the creation of three-dimensional elements by depositing multiple layers of material. This technology is widely used in various industrial sectors, such as automotive, aerospace and aviation. With AM, it is possible to produce particularly complex elements for which traditional techniques cannot be used. These technologies are not yet widespread in the civil engineering sector, which is slowly changing thanks to the advantages of AM, such as the possibility of realizing elements without geometric restrictions, with less material usage and a higher efficiency, in particular employing Wire-and-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) technology. Buildings that benefit most from AM are all those structures designed using form-finding and free-form techniques. These include gridshells, where joints are the most critical and difficult elements to design, as the overall behaviour of the structure depends on them. It must also be considered that, during the design, the engineer must try to minimize the structure's own weight. Self-weight reductions can be achieved by Topological Optimization (TO) of the joint itself, which generates complex geometries that could not be made using traditional techniques. To sum up, weight reductions through TO combined with AM allow for several potential benefits, including economic ones. In this thesis, the roof of the British Museum is considered as a case study, analysing the gridshell structure of which a joint will be chosen to be designed and manufactured, using TO and WAAM techniques. Then, the designed joint will be studied in order to understand its structural behaviour in terms of stiffness and strength. Finally, a printing test will be performed to assess the production feasibility using WAAM technology. The computational design and fabrication stages were carried out at Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany.
Although being studied only for few years, Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) will become the predominant way of producing stainless-steel elements in a near-like future. The analysis and study of such elements has yet to be defined in a proper way, but the projects regarding this subject are innovating more and more thanks to the findings discovered by the latter. This thesis is focused on an initial stage on the analysis of mechanical and geometrical properties of such stainless-steel elements produced by MX3D laboratories in Amsterdam, and to perform a calibration of the design strength values by means of Annex D of Eurocode 0, which talks about the analysis of the semi-probabilistic safety factors, hence the definition of characteristic values. Moreover, after testing the stainless-steel specimens by means of strain gauges and after obtaining mechanical and geometrical properties, a statistical analysis of such properties and an evaluation of characteristic values is performed. After this, there is to execute the calibration of design strength values of WAAM inclined bars and intersections.