973 resultados para drought


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A resistência à seca foi estudada em quatro cultivares de trigo, dois de porte baixo: Anahuac e IAC-24 e dois de porte alto, BH-1146 e IAC-23, em dois tratamentos de irrigação: I- vasos constantemente molhados por capilaridade; II- vasos irrigados quando o potencial de água do solo atingisse, aproximadamente, -1,5 MPa. O potencial de água e o teor relativo de água das folhas foram mais elevados no tratamento precondicionado ao estresse, em relação ao irrigado por capilaridade, em todos os cultivares sob as mesmas condições de umidade do solo em ambos os estádios considerados: desenvolvimento vegetativo e reprodutivo. Embora os estômatos das plantas do tratamento submetido ao estresse permanecessem abertos a potenciais de água mais negativos que naqueles em que as plantas recebiam água constantemente, não foi possível separar genótipos mais ou menos resistentes à seca, utilizando-se a difusividade ao vapor d'água dos estômatos acoplada ao teor relativo de água e ao potencial de água das folhas.


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O artigo aborda as teorias dos Hazards e dos Desastres. Nos últimos anos estas duas tradições teóricas têm recebido novos impulsos pela renovação de seus marcos de referência conceitual. Construídas em torno de uma longa tradição de pesquisa empírica, estas teorias explicam os impactos provocados por fenômenos como enchentes, terremotos, tornados e epidemias mediante a integração analítica das dimensões natural e social. Neste sentido, seu estudo pode fornecer subsídios para a interpretação destes problemas no Brasil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A number of amphibians and reptiles have cyclic behavior, becoming inactive with the coming of the dry season. In South America this pattern of activity is common, particularly in savannah-like vegetation. During the dry season amphibians burrow into the mud or soil, and either form a cocoon or increase the osmotic concentration of body fluids to reduce evaporative water loss. Some phyllomedusid tree frogs coat their body surface with skin secretion and excrete uric acid to minimize water loss. Reptiles also retreat into shelter deep enough to avoid temperature fluctuation during estivation or reduce metabolic response to temperature. Reduction of temperature sensitivity of the metabolism seems to be a strategy common to estivating amphibians and reptiles. Despite seasonal change of the environment, some species of reptiles are active all year round.


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A good cover crop should have a vigorous early development and a high potential for nutrient uptake that can be made available to the next crop. In tropical areas with relatively dry winters drought tolerance is also very important. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the early development and nutrition of six species used as cover crops as affected by sub-superficial compaction of the soil. The plants (oats, pigeon pea, pearl millet, black mucuna, grain sorghum, and blue lupin) were grown in pots filled with soil subjected to different subsurface compaction levels (bulk densities of 1.12, 1.16, and 1.60 mg m(-3)) for 39 days. The pots had an internal diameter of 10 cm and were 33.5 cm deep. Grasses were more sensitive to soil compaction than leguminous plants during the initial development. Irrespective of compaction rates, pearl millet and grain sorghum were more efficient in recycling nutrients. These two species proved to be more appropriate as cover crops in tropical regions with dry winters, especially if planted shortly before spring.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is one of the oldest cultivated crops, but currently it represents only 0.15% of the vegetable oil produced in the world. Castor oil is of continuing importance to the global specialty chemical industry because it is the only commercial source of a hydroxylated fatty acid. Castor also has tremendous future potential as an industrial oilseed crop because of its high seed oil content (more than 480 g kg(-1)), unique fatty acid composition (900 g kg(-1) of ricinoleic acid), potentially high oil yields (1250-2500 L ha(-1)), and ability to be grown under drought and saline conditions. The scientific literature on castor has been generated by a relatively small global community of researchers over the past century. Much of this work was published in dozens of languages in journals that are not easily accessible to the scientific community. This review was conducted to provide a compilation of the most relevant historic research information and define the tremendous future potential of castor. The article was prepared by a group of 22 scientists from 16 institutions and eight countries. Topics discussed in this review include: (i) germplasm, genetics, breeding, biotic stresses, genome sequencing, and biotechnology; (ii) agronomic production practices, diseases, and abiotic stresses; (iii) management and reduction of toxins for the use of castor meal as both an animal feed and an organic fertilizer; (iv) future industrial uses of castor including renewable fuels; (v) world production, consumption, and prices; and (vi) potential and challenges for increased castor production.


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The leaf infrastructure of five Xyris species were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and histochemical methods. All studied leaves show some features in epidermis and mesophyll, which were of considerable adaptative significance to drought stress. Such features included the occurrence of a pectic layer on the stomatal guard cells and the presence of a nehvork ofpectic compounds in the cuticle. Pectic compunds were also in abundance in lamellated walls of the mesophyll cells and on the inner surface of the sclerified cell walls of the vascular bundle sheaths. There were also specialized chlorenchymatous peg cells in the mesophyll and drops of phenolic compounds inside the epidermal cells.


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Coffea canephora plants (clone INCAPER-99) were submitted to low N (LN) or high N (HN) applications and two watering regimes (daily irrigation and irrigation every 5 days for a month). Although water potential was not altered significantly by N, HN plants showed higher relative water content than did LN plants under water deficit. Only HN plants exhibited some ability for osmotic adjustment. Plants from both N treatments increased their cell wall rigidity under drought, with a more pronounced augmentation in HN plants. In well-watered plants, carbon assimilation rate increased with increasing N while stomatal conductance did not respond to N supply. Under drought conditions, carbon assimilation decreased by 68-80% compared to well-watered plants, whereas stomatal conductance and transpiration rate declined by 35% irrespective of the N applications. Stable carbon isotope analysis, combined with leaf gas exchange measurements, indicated that regardless of the watering treatments, N increased the long-term water use efficiency through changes in carbon assimilation with little or no effect on stomatal behaviour.


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Monthly samples were taken from April 1992 to March 1993 of fish assemblages present in six permanent lagoons and four ponds, fragmented from them during the drought period and during the terminal phases of desiccation, to evaluate changes in their diversity, abundance and dominance. Their relationships with hydrological and environment conditions were examined. A total of 63 fish species were identified. Species composition and abiotic factors were heterogeneous among the different water bodies. The proportion of piscivores and oxygen concentration were the determining factors for structuring the assemblages. The impact of piscivory upon fish diversity was neutral at the beginning and negative at the end of the dry season. In the terminal phase of desiccation, diversity was higher in ponds that contained a moderate proportion of piscivores than in these containing a higher proportion.


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Cases of bovine demodicosis caused by Demodex bovis were reported in a Sindhi herd from December 1989 to January 1992. Both localized and generalized forms were diagnosed. This is the first report of the generalized form in Brazil. In the first two years, demodicosis was diagnosed only in cattle < 2 years old, whereas animals of all ages were positive in the last two years. Prevalence varied from 20.4% (11/54) to 53.1% (26/49) and 13.2% (12/91) to 14.8% (9/61) for cattle < 2 years old and > 2 years old, respectively. Clinical signs varied from a few small nodules to a thickened skin with soft large nodules in the localized and generalized forms, respectively. Main microscopic features of the nodules in the generalized form consisted of acanthosis with hyperqueratosis, chronic sebaceous adenitis, subcutaneous muscular necrosis, focal cellular degeneration of the epidermis basal layer and presence of large number of mites inside the lumen of dilated hair follicles. In addition, a chronic perifoliculitis was observed, characterized by lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate which also contained macrophages and neutrophils. It is suggested that poor nutrition and stress due to prolonged drought probably contributed to the increase of susceptibility of the herd to mite infestation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)