990 resultados para chromosome mapping


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The What-and-Where filter forms part of a neural network architecture for spatial mapping, object recognition, and image understanding. The Where fllter responds to an image figure that has been separated from its background. It generates a spatial map whose cell activations simultaneously represent the position, orientation, ancl size of all tbe figures in a scene (where they are). This spatial map may he used to direct spatially localized attention to these image features. A multiscale array of oriented detectors, followed by competitve and interpolative interactions between position, orientation, and size scales, is used to define the Where filter. This analysis discloses several issues that need to be dealt with by a spatial mapping system that is based upon oriented filters, such as the role of cliff filters with and without normalization, the double peak problem of maximum orientation across size scale, and the different self-similar interpolation properties across orientation than across size scale. Several computationally efficient Where filters are proposed. The Where filter rnay be used for parallel transformation of multiple image figures into invariant representations that are insensitive to the figures' original position, orientation, and size. These invariant figural representations form part of a system devoted to attentive object learning and recognition (what it is). Unlike some alternative models where serial search for a target occurs, a What and Where representation can he used to rapidly search in parallel for a desired target in a scene. Such a representation can also be used to learn multidimensional representations of objects and their spatial relationships for purposes of image understanding. The What-and-Where filter is inspired by neurobiological data showing that a Where processing stream in the cerebral cortex is used for attentive spatial localization and orientation, whereas a What processing stream is used for attentive object learning and recognition.


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Instrumental music education is provided as an extra-curricular activity on a fee-paying basis by a small number of Education and Training Boards, formerly Vocational Education Committees (ETB/VECs) through specialist instrumental Music Services. Although all citizens’ taxes fund the public music provision, participation in instrumental music during school-going years is predominantly accessed by middle class families. A series of semistructured interviews sought to access the perceptions and beliefs of instrumental music education practitioners (N=14) in seven publicly-funded music services in Ireland. Canonical dispositions were interrogated and emergent themes were coded and analysed in a process of Grounded theory. The study draws on Foucault’s conception of discourse as a lens with which to map professional practices, and utilises Bourdieu’s analysis of the reproduction of social advantage to examine cultural assumptions, which may serve to privilege middle-class cultural choice to the exclusion of other social groups. Study findings show that within the Music Services, aesthetic and pedagogic discourses of the 19th century Conservatory system exert a hegemonic influence over policy and practice. An enduring ‘examination culture’ located within the Western art music tradition determines pedagogy, musical genre, and assessment procedures. Ideologies of musical taste and value reinforce the more tangible boundaries of fee-payment and restricted availability as barriers to access. Practitioners are aware of a status duality whereby instrumental teachers working as visiting specialists in primary schools experience a conflict between specialist and generalist educational aims. Nevertheless, study participants consistently advocated siting the point of access to instrumental music education in the primary schools as the most equitable means of access to instrumental music education. This study addresses a ‘knowledge gap’ in the sociology of music education in Ireland. It provides a framework for rethinking instrumental music education as equitable in-school musical participation. The conclusions of the study suggest starting-points for further educational research and may provide key ‘prompts’ for curriculum planning.


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We studied the cells from three selected patients with Ph-chromosome-negative chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) by Southern blotting, polymerase chain reaction, and in situ hybridization of informative probes to metaphase chromosomes. All three patients had rearrangement of M-BCR sequences in the BCR gene and expression of one or other of the mRNA species characteristic of Ph-positive CML. Leukemic metaphases studied after trypsin-Giemsa banding were indistinguishable from normal. The ABL probe localized both to chromosome 9 and 22 in each case. A probe containing 3' M-BCR sequences localized only to chromosome 22, and not to chromosome 9 as would be expected in Ph-positive CML. Two new probes that recognize different polymorphic regions distal to the ABL gene on chromosome 9 in normal subjects localized exclusively to chromosome 9 in two patients and to both chromosomes 9 and 22 in one patient. These results show that Ph-negative CML with BCR rearrangement is associated with insertion of a variable quantity of chromosome 9 derived material into chromosome 22q11; there is no evidence for reciprocal translocation of material from chromosome 22 to chromosome 9.


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The highly polymorphic fourth component of human complement (C4) is usually encoded by two genes, C4A and C4B, adjacent to the 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) genes and is also remarkable by the high frequency of the null alleles, C4A*Q0 and C4B*Q0. Complete C4 deficiency is exceptional because this condition appears only in homozygotes for the very rare double-null haplotype C4AQ0,BQ0. This condition in most cases gives rise to systemic lupus erythematosus and an increased susceptibility to infections. The molecular basis for complete C4 deficiency has not yet been established. Therefore we studied the DNA of three previously described C4 deficient patients belonging to unrelated families by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using C4 and 21-OH probes. These studies revealed a deletion of the C4B and 21-OHA genes in two patients and no deletion at all in the third patient. Therefore, complete C4 deficiency as a result of homozygosity for the C4AQ0, BQ0 haplotype is not a consequence of a deletion of the C4 genes. The molecular basis of this genetic abnormality is certainly very complex and may vary also from one case to another.


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We report the observation with the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) related to a terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) detected by RHESSI on 26 July 2008. The LMA data explicitly show the TGF was produced during the initial development of a compact intracloud (IC) lightning flash between a negative charge region centered at about 8.5 km above sea level (-22C temperature level) a higher positive region centered at 13 km, both confined to the convective core of an isolated storm in close proximity to the RHESSI footprint. After the occurrence of an LMA source with a high peak power (26 kW), the initial lightning evolution caused an unusually large IC current moment that became detectable 2 ms after the first LMA source and increased for another 2 ms, during which the burst of gamma-rays was produced. This slowly building current moment was most likely associated with the upward leader progression, which produced an uncommonly large IC charge moment change (+90 Ckm) in 3 ms while being punctuated by a sequence of fast discharge. These observations suggest that the leader development may be involved in the TGF production. Copyright © 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.


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Recent genomic analyses suggest the importance of combinatorial regulation by broadly expressed transcription factors rather than expression domains characterized by highly specific factors.


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We present a novel strategy that uses high-throughput methods of isolating and mapping C. elegans mutants susceptible to pathogen infection. We show that C. elegans mutants that exhibit an enhanced pathogen accumulation (epa) phenotype can be rapidly identified and isolated using a sorting system that allows automation of the analysis, sorting, and dispensing of C. elegans by measuring fluorescent bacteria inside the animals. Furthermore, we validate the use of Amplifluor as a new single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping technique in C. elegans. We show that a set of 9 SNPs allows the linkage of C. elegans mutants to a 5-8 megabase sub-chromosomal region.


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Pharmacologic, biochemical, and genetic analyses have demonstrated the existence of multiple alpha 2-adrenergic receptor (alpha 2AR) subtypes. We have cloned a human alpha 2AR by using the polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotide primers homologous to conserved regions of the previously cloned alpha 2ARs, the genes for which are located on human chromosomes 4 (C4) and 10 (C10). The deduced amino acid sequence encodes a protein of 450 amino acids whose putative topology is similar to that of the family of guanine nucleotide-binding protein-coupled receptors, but whose structure most closely resembles that of the alpha 2ARs. Competition curve analysis of the binding properties of the receptor expressed in COS-7 cells with a variety of adrenergic ligands demonstrates a unique alpha 2AR pharmacology. Hybridization with somatic cell hybrids shows that the gene for this receptor is located on chromosome 2. Northern blot analysis of various rat tissues shows expression in liver and kidney. The unique pharmacology and tissue localization of this receptor suggest that this is an alpha 2AR subtype not previously identified by classical pharmacological or ligand binding approaches.


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Vocal learning is a critical behavioral substrate for spoken human language. It is a rare trait found in three distantly related groups of birds-songbirds, hummingbirds, and parrots. These avian groups have remarkably similar systems of cerebral vocal nuclei for the control of learned vocalizations that are not found in their more closely related vocal non-learning relatives. These findings led to the hypothesis that brain pathways for vocal learning in different groups evolved independently from a common ancestor but under pre-existing constraints. Here, we suggest one constraint, a pre-existing system for movement control. Using behavioral molecular mapping, we discovered that in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds, all cerebral vocal learning nuclei are adjacent to discrete brain areas active during limb and body movements. Similar to the relationships between vocal nuclei activation and singing, activation in the adjacent areas correlated with the amount of movement performed and was independent of auditory and visual input. These same movement-associated brain areas were also present in female songbirds that do not learn vocalizations and have atrophied cerebral vocal nuclei, and in ring doves that are vocal non-learners and do not have cerebral vocal nuclei. A compilation of previous neural tracing experiments in songbirds suggests that the movement-associated areas are connected in a network that is in parallel with the adjacent vocal learning system. This study is the first global mapping that we are aware for movement-associated areas of the avian cerebrum and it indicates that brain systems that control vocal learning in distantly related birds are directly adjacent to brain systems involved in movement control. Based upon these findings, we propose a motor theory for the origin of vocal learning, this being that the brain areas specialized for vocal learning in vocal learners evolved as a specialization of a pre-existing motor pathway that controls movement.


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The short arms of the ten acrocentric human chromosomes share several repetitive DNAs, including ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA). The rDNA arrays correspond to nucleolar organizing regions that coalesce each cell cycle to form the nucleolus. Telomere disruption by expressing a mutant version of telomere binding protein TRF2 (dnTRF2) causes non-random acrocentric fusions, as well as large-scale nucleolar defects. The mechanisms responsible for acrocentric chromosome sensitivity to dysfunctional telomeres are unclear. In this study, we show that TRF2 normally associates with the nucleolus and rDNA. However, when telomeres are crippled by dnTRF2 or RNAi knockdown of TRF2, gross nucleolar and chromosomal changes occur. We used the controllable dnTRF2 system to precisely dissect the timing and progression of nucleolar and chromosomal instability induced by telomere dysfunction, demonstrating that nucleolar changes precede the DNA damage and morphological changes that occur at acrocentric short arms. The rDNA repeat arrays on the short arms decondense, and are coated by RNA polymerase I transcription binding factor UBF, physically linking acrocentrics to one another as they become fusogenic. These results highlight the importance of telomere function in nucleolar stability and structural integrity of acrocentric chromosomes, particularly the rDNA arrays. Telomeric stress is widely accepted to cause DNA damage at chromosome ends, but our findings suggest that it also disrupts chromosome structure beyond the telomere region, specifically within the rDNA arrays located on acrocentric chromosomes. These results have relevance for Robertsonian translocation formation in humans and mechanisms by which acrocentric-acrocentric fusions are promoted by DNA damage and repair.


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The growing exposure to chemicals in our environment and the increasing concern over their impact on health have elevated the need for new methods for surveying the detrimental effects of these compounds. Today's gold standard for assessing the effects of toxicants on the brain is based on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained histology, sometimes accompanied by special stains or immunohistochemistry for neural processes and myelin. This approach is time-consuming and is usually limited to a fraction of the total brain volume. We demonstrate that magnetic resonance histology (MRH) can be used for quantitatively assessing the effects of central nervous system toxicants in rat models. We show that subtle and sparse changes to brain structure can be detected using magnetic resonance histology, and correspond to some of the locations in which lesions are found by traditional pathological examination. We report for the first time diffusion tensor image-based detection of changes in white matter regions, including fimbria and corpus callosum, in the brains of rats exposed to 8 mg/kg and 12 mg/kg trimethyltin. Besides detecting brain-wide changes, magnetic resonance histology provides a quantitative assessment of dose-dependent effects. These effects can be found in different magnetic resonance contrast mechanisms, providing multivariate biomarkers for the same spatial location. In this study, deformation-based morphometry detected areas where previous studies have detected cell loss, while voxel-wise analyses of diffusion tensor parameters revealed microstructural changes due to such things as cellular swelling, apoptosis, and inflammation. Magnetic resonance histology brings a valuable addition to pathology with the ability to generate brain-wide quantitative parametric maps for markers of toxic insults in the rodent brain.


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Practice can improve performance on visual search tasks; the neural mechanisms underlying such improvements, however, are not clear. Response time typically shortens with practice, but which components of the stimulus-response processing chain facilitate this behavioral change? Improved search performance could result from enhancements in various cognitive processing stages, including (1) sensory processing, (2) attentional allocation, (3) target discrimination, (4) motor-response preparation, and/or (5) response execution. We measured event-related potentials (ERPs) as human participants completed a five-day visual-search protocol in which they reported the orientation of a color popout target within an array of ellipses. We assessed changes in behavioral performance and in ERP components associated with various stages of processing. After practice, response time decreased in all participants (while accuracy remained consistent), and electrophysiological measures revealed modulation of several ERP components. First, amplitudes of the early sensory-evoked N1 component at 150 ms increased bilaterally, indicating enhanced visual sensory processing of the array. Second, the negative-polarity posterior-contralateral component (N2pc, 170-250 ms) was earlier and larger, demonstrating enhanced attentional orienting. Third, the amplitude of the sustained posterior contralateral negativity component (SPCN, 300-400 ms) decreased, indicating facilitated target discrimination. Finally, faster motor-response preparation and execution were observed after practice, as indicated by latency changes in both the stimulus-locked and response-locked lateralized readiness potentials (LRPs). These electrophysiological results delineate the functional plasticity in key mechanisms underlying visual search with high temporal resolution and illustrate how practice influences various cognitive and neural processing stages leading to enhanced behavioral performance.


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The ability to quickly detect and respond to visual stimuli in the environment is critical to many human activities. While such perceptual and visual-motor skills are important in a myriad of contexts, considerable variability exists between individuals in these abilities. To better understand the sources of this variability, we assessed perceptual and visual-motor skills in a large sample of 230 healthy individuals via the Nike SPARQ Sensory Station, and compared variability in their behavioral performance to demographic, state, sleep and consumption characteristics. Dimension reduction and regression analyses indicated three underlying factors: Visual-Motor Control, Visual Sensitivity, and Eye Quickness, which accounted for roughly half of the overall population variance in performance on this battery. Inter-individual variability in Visual-Motor Control was correlated with gender and circadian patters such that performance on this factor was better for males and for those who had been awake for a longer period of time before assessment. The current findings indicate that abilities involving coordinated hand movements in response to stimuli are subject to greater individual variability, while visual sensitivity and occulomotor control are largely stable across individuals.


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Cognitive neuroscience, as a discipline, links the biological systems studied by neuroscience to the processing constructs studied by psychology. By mapping these relations throughout the literature of cognitive neuroscience, we visualize the semantic structure of the discipline and point to directions for future research that will advance its integrative goal. For this purpose, network text analyses were applied to an exhaustive corpus of abstracts collected from five major journals over a 30-month period, including every study that used fMRI to investigate psychological processes. From this, we generate network maps that illustrate the relationships among psychological and anatomical terms, along with centrality statistics that guide inferences about network structure. Three terms--prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex--dominate the network structure with their high frequency in the literature and the density of their connections with other neuroanatomical terms. From network statistics, we identify terms that are understudied compared with their importance in the network (e.g., insula and thalamus), are underspecified in the language of the discipline (e.g., terms associated with executive function), or are imperfectly integrated with other concepts (e.g., subdisciplines like decision neuroscience that are disconnected from the main network). Taking these results as the basis for prescriptive recommendations, we conclude that semantic analyses provide useful guidance for cognitive neuroscience as a discipline, both by illustrating systematic biases in the conduct and presentation of research and by identifying directions that may be most productive for future research.