960 resultados para check-all-that-apply (CATA)


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Although the risk of catching an infection as a result of a fish spa pedicure is likely to be very low, it cannot be completely excluded. However, there are certain things you can do to further reduce your risk of catching or spreading an infection when having one of these treatments.Choosing a salonUse your personal judgment: as with all beauty salons, if it looks unsanitary, do not go there for your treatment. If you are very concerned about the cleanliness of a salon you visit, you can report this to your local Environmental Health department, who will be able to perform an inspection of the premises.When having a treatment, a trained member of staff should perform an inspection of your feet both beforehand, to check for any broken skin / infections, and afterwards, to check for signs of bleeding. They should also ask you to wash your feet with soap and water before putting them in the tank, to make sure that any products you have used that could be harmful to the fish are washed away, and to reduce the risk of spreading any infection.Ask your therapist what other procedures the salon has in place to minimise the risk of infection. The Health Protection Agency, England has produced a set of guidelines for salons which, if followed, will ensure any potential risk of infection is kept to an absolute minimum.Before having the treatment The HPA has identified a number of health conditions or prior treatments which may mean that you should not have a fish pedicure. These are:Leg waxing or shaving in last 24 hoursAny open cuts/wounds/abrasions/broken skin on the feet or lower legsInfection on the feet (including athlete's foot, verruca)Psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis affecting the feet or lower legsDiabetes (increased risk of infection)Infection with a blood borne virus such as Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C or HIVAny immune deficiency due to illness or medicationBleeding disorders or on anticoagulant medication (e.g. heparin or warfarinMore information and advice on fish spa pedicures and the full set of guidance can be found on the Health Protection website www.hpa.org.uk


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Mouth cancer awareness week begins on the 13 - 20 November. With this in mind the Public Health Agency is urging everyone to be aware of the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer and is encouraging all smokers thinking about stopping smoking to make the decision to stop today.In Northern Ireland 195 people were diagnosed with mouth cancer in 2009. The disease causes one death every five hours in the UK and yet it is one of the least well-known cancers. Smoking and excess alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of developing mouth cancer, which can occur in or on any part of the mouth, tongue, lips, neck and throat. In its very early stages, mouth cancer can be easy to ignore. Most people with mouth cancer have no early symptoms at all, but others may have:an ulcer in the mouth or on the lip that won't heal; constant pain or soreness; red or white patches in the mouth;a lump on the lip, tongue or in the neck; bad breath; unexplained bleeding in the mouth; numbness in the mouth; loose teeth.The earlier the disease is caught, the better. Survival rates rise to 90 per cent if the cancer is treated before it has spread. Gerry Bleakney, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "Certain lifestyle choices can increase an individual's risk of developing mouth cancer. Tobacco is considered to be the main cause of mouth cancer, with three in four cases being linked to smoking. Excess alcohol consumption is also a known factor, with those who both smoke and drink excessively being up 30 times more likely to be at risk. "Mouth cancer and the treatment required can be traumatic for the patient as this may affect functions such as speech, chewing and swallowing. The positive news is that stopping smoking is associated with a rapid reduction in the risk of oral cancers. Regular trips to the dentist are also a must because half of all mouth cancer cases are detected by dentists."I would encourage everyone who is thinking about quitting to log on to our Want 2 Stop website www.want2stop.info and order a 'Quit Kit' free of charge. Alternatively contact the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008. "Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "Smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in Northern Ireland.It is a major risk factor for oral cancer, as well as coronary heart disease, strokes and other diseases of the circulatory system. Approximately 2,300 people die each year in Northern Ireland from smoking related illnesses. Quitting smoking is the single most effective step people can take to improve their long term health."A key objective of the Department's new ten-year tobacco control strategy, due to be published next month,is to prevent people from starting to smoke. Funding provided by the Department for smoking cessation services has resulted in around 650 such services being made available in Northern Ireland in a range of settings, including pharmacies, GP surgeries and community centres. These services have helped almost 80,000 smokers to set a quit date between 2008/09 and 2010/11."The Minister added: "It is also important for people to look after their oral health by regularly attending the dentist for check-ups, as any problems can be picked up and treated at an early stage."


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Obesity is a modern lifestyle epidemic that is threatening our health and well-being.This was the key message delivered by Health Minister Edwin Poots at the launch of The Framework for Preventing and Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Northern Ireland 2012-2022: 'A Fitter Future for All'.This ten year strategy will seek to improve the health and wellbeing of people throughout their entire life, from newborns to seniors.Minister Poots said: "We need to face the issue of obesity head on. It's an issue that will require commitment and action from across all sectors, including other government departments and agencies. It is therefore my intention to invest more than £7 million towards tackling the problem of obesity over the next three years."The negative impact on health caused by obesity cannot be over stated. Being obese increases the risk of developing serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers and type 2 diabetes."It is a significant challenge facing modern society and if we don't tackle it now we are storing up a multitude of problems for ourselves in the future."The Minister continued: "More and more of our children and young people are becoming overweight or obese and are putting themselves at risk of developing a range of health problems in their later years."Evidence shows that it is more likely that an obese child will become an obese adult. This in turn will lead to a greater strain on our health and social care services, with more people requiring treatment for obesity related illnesses and specialist care."The proposed framework looks to address a number of key issues, including:-increasing levels of breastfeeding;increasing knowledge and skills about food and its preparationencouraging participation in physical activity;promoting walking and cycling; making sure how we live and where we live encourages and supports healthy eating and physical activity;encouraging and supporting more community involvement with these issues; and;continuation of reformulation of processed foods.The Minister added: "In Northern Ireland 59% of adults are either overweight (36%) or obese (23%). Another worrying statistic is that 8% of children aged 2-15 years were assessed as being obese. These figures demonstrate the scale of the problem and the enormous challenge we are facing."The new framework sets challenging targets. To date we have focussed on simply trying to stop the rise in the levels of obesity, however under A Fitter Future For All we are seeking to actually reduce the level of obesity by 4% and overweight and obesity by 3% among adults. In addition, we are seeking a 3% reduction of obesity and 2% reduction of overweight and obesity among our children and young people." "Meeting these targets will require changes in our lifestyles and behaviours. Most importantly, individuals need to be given the opportunity to make decisions that will benefit their own health and wellbeing".Referring to the 'Give It A Go!' initiative, to increase awareness of the range of nutritional and physical activity initiatives in the southern area, the Minister said: "The Give It A Go! Initiative is a great example of how collaborative work can make such a positive contribution to peoples' lives by providing opportunities for learning, participation in physical activity and for social interaction."Tackling obesity and seeing positive results throughout the life course of the entire population will take time but I strongly believe that the actions set out in this framework will inspire and enable people to improve their diets and be more active."Encouraging people to consider the framework and adopt a healthier lifestyle, the Minister concluded: "Government cannot tackle obesity on its own. We can encourage and promote healthy eating and physical activity but as a society, we must take more individual responsibility for our own health outcomes."Dr Tracy Owen, Consultant in Public Health Medicine with the PHA, said: "The PHA is already working with partner organisations across many of the areas included in the framework 'A Fitter Future for All' and is addressing issues such as developing people's skills and knowledge about healthier eating along with encouraging participation in physical activity. The framework gives us the opportunity to raise awareness of this important area and strengthen action."As the Minister has mentioned, a good example of this coordinated action is the PHA supported initiative Give it a Go! which is providing people in the Southern area with the opportunity to learn about food through supermarket tours and Cook it! classes and to get active through walks, spinning classes and many other activities, all of which are free. These taster sessions are aimed at raising awareness of healthier lifestyles which will ultimately make changes in behaviour more likely."These changes, no matter how small, can help people to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight and bring big benefits to their general health. Importantly, we have developed this joint programme by working closely with our partners, particularly local councils."


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Milk produced on farms on the island of Ireland is generally acknowledged to be of very high standard. The microbiological standards demanded of milk at EU level have been consistently improving over recent years. What you may not know, however, is that these routine tests do not specifically check for E. coli, Salmonella and other potentially harmful bacteria which may be present in unpasteurised milk. There are, therefore, potential risks associated with the consumption of unpasteurised milk and farming families who frequently drink unpasteurised milk produced on the farm should be aware of the possible risks.


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Sometimes it's hard to tell when burgers and sausages are properly cooked and ready to eat. These meats can contain harmful bacteria throughout and it is important that they are cooked thoroughly to make them safe to eat. To check that a burger or sausage is properly cooked, cut into the middle with a clean knife and check that it is piping hot all the way through, there is no pink meat left and the juices run clear.


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The beef burger is a common food on both the kitchen and restaurant table since the 1800s and is one of the most common choices on fast food menus. The main reason for this is because it is tasty, easily accessible, customisable, affordable and portable. In ROI, composite foods (i.e. foods made up of more than one ingredient) are an important source of meat, especially burgers, with the majority of burgers either being fried or grilled, and many eaten from takeaway outlets. With such easy access and with limited nutritional information available to consumers at point of sale, many people may not be aware of the nutritional content of what they are consuming or of the healthier options that may be available to them. Given the diversity of products available, this survey was designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and salt content of a range of burgers from various takeaway outlets.


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All Together Active (A2A) is an innovative 12 month programme specifically developed to concentrate on overweight and obese young people (5 13 years) with opportunity to continue with physical activity after graduating from the programme. It is a structured targeted intervention for overweight children and their families, with concentrated focus on behaviour modification, healthy eating and physical activity to coincide with Change For Life and their initiatives. It offers an opportunity for families to be supported and motivated to lead a healthier lifestyle through a series of group activity and nutrition sessions that are designed to be progressive and empowering, thus giving families the knowledge and tools to sustain healthy behaviour modifications in the long term. This is all done in a fun and encouraging way designed for the child to achieve their healthy goals.


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Voltage-gated Na(+) channels (NaV channels) are specifically blocked by guanidinium toxins such as tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin (STX) with nanomolar to micromolar affinity depending on key amino acid substitutions in the outer vestibule of the channel that vary with NaV gene isoforms. All NaV channels that have been studied exhibit a use-dependent enhancement of TTX/STX affinity when the channel is stimulated with brief repetitive voltage depolarizations from a hyperpolarized starting voltage. Two models have been proposed to explain the mechanism of TTX/STX use dependence: a conformational mechanism and a trapped ion mechanism. In this study, we used selectivity filter mutations (K1237R, K1237A, and K1237H) of the rat muscle NaV1.4 channel that are known to alter ionic selectivity and Ca(2+) permeability to test the trapped ion mechanism, which attributes use-dependent enhancement of toxin affinity to electrostatic repulsion between the bound toxin and Ca(2+) or Na(+) ions trapped inside the channel vestibule in the closed state. Our results indicate that TTX/STX use dependence is not relieved by mutations that enhance Ca(2+) permeability, suggesting that ion-toxin repulsion is not the primary factor that determines use dependence. Evidence now favors the idea that TTX/STX use dependence arises from conformational coupling of the voltage sensor domain or domains with residues in the toxin-binding site that are also involved in slow inactivation.


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The North Dublin City and County Regional Drugs Task Force invites applications for this once-off funding which will be provided through four pillars by way of a grant up to €3,000 for innovative initiatives: • Prevention, Education & Awareness – to develop programmes and supports in the community which offer information and education in order to generate awareness. • Treatment & Rehabilitation – to develop additional short-term supports for those undertaking treatment for drug misuse or innovative rehabilitative supports. • Research – to undertake local research into drug misuse in North Dublin within the RDTF area. • Supply Reduction – to reduce access to all drugs, in particular those that cause most harm, among young people in neighbourhoods where misuse is most prevalent. Terms and conditions apply. To request an application pack or for more information contact 01 813 1786 orThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This report outlines the progress made during the first two years of the implementation of A Fitter Future for All. It is important to acknowledge that whilst the Framework was launched in March 2012, it took time to put in place mechanisms to oversee the co-ordination of the various delivery partners and to establish the Regional Obesity Prevention Implementation Group, and subsequent Action Plans. The implementation of the Framework has been progressing, and steps are underway for completing many of the short term outcomes within the agreed timeframes - 2012 to 2015. However, we also recognise that we need to continue to prioritise this area and we are not complacent about the challenge ahead.


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In September 2005 the Government received recommendations fromthe School Meals Review Panel (SMRP) on school lunches and on a number of wider issues concerning food in schools. In response to that report Turning the Tables the newly-established School Food Trust (SFT) was commissioned to advise Ministers on standards for food in school other than lunch.The DfES consulted widely on the recommendations of the SMRP andon a more limited basis on the advice of the SFT. Reports on the responses to each of those consultations are available at: www.dfes.gov.uk/consultations/conresults.cfm?consultationId=1319Having considered responses to those consultations and taken intoaccount the many representations the Department has received on theseissues from a range of stakeholders, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills has arrived at final decisions on the standards. These standards will apply to school lunches and other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England.


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Résumé : Une épidémie de gale sarcoptique (Sarcoptes scabiei) touche le canton de Genève depuis 1996. Nous avons étudié l'impact de cette maladie sur différents caractères comportementaux du renard roux (Vulpes vulpes) : l'écologie alimentaire, les comportements spatiaux et l'activité, ainsi que les contacts sociaux. Nous avons également évalué si la gale pouvait influencer la composition et la transmission de la communauté helminthique intestinale du renard. En effet, cette espèce est l'hôte de parasites qui sont liés à des zoonoses importantes, en particulier le ténia échinocoque du renard (Echinococcus multilocularis) pour lequel Genève est considérée comme une zone de haute endémie. Durant 5 années, des carcasses de renards ont été récoltées sur l'ensemble du canton. Nous les avons disséquées et avons conservé différents échantillons pour des analyses ultérieures. Des données sur le poids, l'âge et le statut reproductif des femelles ont ainsi pu être obtenues. Les contenus stomacaux ont été analysés pour déterminer le régime alimentaire, les intestins pour collecter des helminthes, des échantillons de sang pour faire des sérologies et des échantillons de peau pour récupérer les sarcoptes. Des renards sauvages ont également été capturés et équipés de colliers émetteurs afin de déterminer leur activité et leur utilisation de l'espace. Finalement, nous avons réalisé des affûts sur des terriers et des observations nocturnes à l'aide d'un détecteur thermique afin d'étudier les contacts sociaux. Nous avons ensuite considéré tous ces aspects pour comparer les renards galeux aux individus sains. Trois catégories de gale ont été prises en compte selon l'importance de l'infection. L'épidémie a traversé le canton en 8 ans environ et elle a provoqué une forte diminution des populations de renard. Les animaux malades étaient caractérisés par un poids réduit, ils utilisaient des domaines vitaux réduits et présentaient un rythme d'activité irrégulier. En ce qui concerne le régime alimentaire, les renards galeux avaient souvent des estomacs vides ou contenant peu d'aliments d'origine animale. Cette réduction de l'alimentation ne semble pas seulement être liée à des capacités de prédation réduite, mais également à un désintérêt face à la nourriture. Tous les changements de comportement cités étaient plus marqués chez les animaux soumis à une forte infestation. Dix taxons d'helminthes ont été identifiés dans les intestins des renards analysés. Deux d'entre eux représentent un risque de santé publique: Echinococcus multilocularis et Toxocara carvis. Pour ces helminthes, nous n'avons pas identifié de différences de prévalence entre les renards galeux et les animaux sains, mais la charge parasitaire était significativement supérieure chez les individus galeux, en particulier ceux souffrant d'une infestation importante. Ceci est probablement lié à une susceptibilité accrue des individus qui présentent une condition physique amoindrie et des défenses immunitaire affaiblies. Selon nos résultats, nous pouvons conclure que la gale induit des changements comportementaux importants et que ces changements ont une influence potentielle sur la transmission de la gale elle-même, mais également sur la transmission du reste de la communauté parasitaire de l'hôte. Les individus qui souffrent d'une infestation importante sont susceptibles de provoquer une contamination de l'environnement accrue en ce qui concerne des helminthes pouvant provoquer des zoonoses. La gale apparaît être un facteur à ne pas négliger dans le cadre de la gestion de la faune sauvage, mais également en ce qui concerne des problématiques de santé publique. Summary An epidemic outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) has struck the canton of Geneva since 1996. The impact of the disease on various behavioural traits of the main host, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), was investigated: feeding ecology, spatial behaviour and activity, and social contacts. We also evaluated if mange might have an influence on the composition and transmission of the intestinal helminth community of foxes. Indeed, this species is host of parasites with potential zoonotic importance, particularly the fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) for which Geneva is reported as endemic area. During 5 years, red fox carcasses have been collected throughout the canton. They were then dissected and various samples conserved for further analysis. Data on weight, age, and reproductive status of females were obtained. Stomach content were analysed for diet analysis, intestines to recover helminths, blood to proceed to ELISAs and skin samples to check for the presence of Sarcoptes mites. Further, wild foxes were captured and fitted with transmitters in order to determine their activity pattern and space use. Finally, we proceeded to direct observations at dens and using a thermal imaging sensor at night to gain information about social contacts. A comparison between healthy and mangy foxes was made for all these aspects. Three categories of mangy foxes were considered from moderately to severely infected. The epidemic wave crossed the canton in about 8 years and induced a significant reduction in fox densities. Mangy individuals appeared to have reduced body weights, to use more restricted home ranges and exhibited an irregular activity pattern. Regarding food, sick foxes often had empty stomachs and consumed less food items of animal origin. The reduction in food intake appeared to be linked not only to a reduced ability to hunt, but also to a reduced interest in food. The changes observed were particularly pronounced in individuals with severe infestation. Ten helminth taxa were recovered from the intestines on the analysed fox carcasses. Two of them have an importance with regard to human public health: Echinococcus multilocularis and Toxocara cams. The prevalence of these helminths did not differ between healthy and mangy foxes, however the worm burden was significantly higher in mangy foxes, particularly those with severe mange. This is probably linked to an increased susceptibility in individuals with a reduced body condition and weakened immune defences. From our observations, we can conclude that mange induces pronounced behavioural changes in the red fox, and that those changes influence the transmission risks of mange itself, but also of the rest of the parasite community of the host. Individuals with severe mange are for example likely to increase the environment contamination of free living stages of helminths with zoonotic importance. Mange appears thus to represent a factor not to be neglected for the management of wild species and for public health issues.


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La part del treball de recerca inclou un estudi que recull l'evolució de les bases de dades des del seu començament fins a l'actualitat, incloent-hi una previsió del futur de les bases de dades; finalment, com a aprofundiment, s'hi estudien les bases de dades multimèdia. D'altra banda, la part pràctica mira d'aplicar tots el coneixements adquirits durant l'estudi de recerca i durant les diferents assignatures de la carrera, i intenta obtenir una aplicació que es pugui fer servir en el món real.


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The ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project aims to identify all functional elements in the human genome sequence. The pilot phase of the Project is focused on a specified 30 megabases (approximately 1%) of the human genome sequence and is organized as an international consortium of computational and laboratory-based scientists working to develop and apply high-throughput approaches for detecting all sequence elements that confer biological function. The results of this pilot phase will guide future efforts to analyze the entire human genome.


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This leaflet is given to all men who have attended screening through the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme and been diagnosed with a small AAA.The leaflet provides: �background information on the AAA screening programme; details on what a small AAA is; information on the monitoring process to regularly check the size of the AAA;lifestyle advice that may help those men diagnosed with an AAA. �Men who have been diagnosed with a small AAA will be invited to a monitoring scan once a year, unless their AAA increases in size to a medium AAA, at which point they will be invited to a monitoring scan once every three months.