947 resultados para chaotic and hyperchaotic rossler systems


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This paper presents the development of a new building physics and energy supply systems simulation platform. It has been adapted from both existing commercial models and empirical works, but designed to provide expedient exhaustive simulation of all salient types of energy- and carbon-reducing retrofit options. These options may include any combination of behavioural measures, building fabric and equipment upgrades, improved HVAC control strategies, or novel low-carbon energy supply technologies. We provide a methodological description of the proposed model, followed by two illustrative case studies of the tool when used to investigate retrofit options of a mixed-use office building and primary school in the UK. It is not the intention of this paper, nor would it be feasible, to provide a complete engineering decomposition of the proposed model, describing all calculation processes in detail. Instead, this paper concentrates on presenting the particular engineering aspects of the model which steer away from conventional practise. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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This book will be of particular interest to academics, researchers, and graduate students at universities and industrial practitioners seeking to apply mobile and pervasive computing systems to improve construction industry productivity.


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Among the variety of applications for biosensors one of the exciting frontiers is to utilize those devices as post-synaptic sensing elements in chemical coupling between neurons and solid-state systems. The first necessary step to attain this challenge is to realize highly efficient detector for neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Herein, we demonstrate that the combination of floating gate configuration of ion-sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) together with diluted covalent anchoring of enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) onto device sensing area reveals a remarkable improvement of a four orders of magnitude in dose response to ACh. This high range sensitivity in addition to the benefits of peculiar microelectronic design show, that the presented hybrid provides a competent platform for assembly of artificial chemical synapse junction. Furthermore, our system exhibits clear response to eserine, a competitive inhibitor of AChE, and therefore it can be implemented as an effective sensor of pharmacological reagents, organophosphates, and nerve gases as well. © 2007 Materials Research Society.


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Cetaceans produce sound signals frequently. Usually, acoustic localization of cetaceans was made by cable hydrophone arrays and multichannel recording systems. In this study, a simple and relatively inexpensive towed acoustic system consisting of two miniature stereo acoustic data-loggers is described for localization and tracking of finless porpoises in a mobile survey. Among 204 porpoises detected acoustically, 34 individuals (similar to 17%) were localized, and 4 of the 34 localized individuals were tracked. The accuracy of the localization is considered to be fairly high, as the upper bounds of relative distance errors were less than 41% within 173 m. With the location information, source levels of finless porpoise clicks were estimated to range from 180 to 209 dB re 1 mu Pa pp at 1 m with an average of 197 dB (N=34), which is over 20 dB higher than that estimated previously from animals in enclosed waters. For the four tracked porpoises, two-dimensional swimming trajectories relative to the moving survey boat, absolute swimming speed, and absolute heading direction are deduced by assuming the animal movements are straight and at constant speed in the segment between two consecutive locations.


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A comparative study was conducted to reveal the differentiate effects of eight different filter media including gravel, zeolites, anthracite, shale, vermiculite, ceramic filter media, blast furnace steel slag and round ceramsite. The study mainly related to the eight different filter media's removal performances of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the vertical flow constructed wetland simulated system, which treating wastewater at hydraulic loading rate of 1000-2500 mm/d. The results indicated that the removal effects were closely related to the physical and chemical properties of medium materials. Anthracite-filled system had the highest removal rate for the total organic carbon (TOC), up to 70%, and the removal rates of other systems ranged from 20% to 30%. As for the five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), anthracite-filled and steel slag-filled systems had the highest removal rates, also up to 70%, as well as other systems all exceeded 50%. At the same time, for the total nitrogen (TN) and NH4(+)-N, the zeolites-filled and ceramic-filled systems had the best performances with the removal rates of more than 70%, the other way round, the removal rates of other systems were only about 20%. The distinguishable effects were also observed in removal performances of total phosphorus (TP) and total dissoluble phosphorus (TDP). The removal rates of TP and TDP in steel slag-filled systems were more than 90%, a much higher value, followed by that of the anthracite-filled system, more than 60%, but those of other systems being the less. Our study provided a potential mechanism to optimize the filter media design for the vertical flow constructed wetlands.


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Phosphorus removal performance and a possible mechanism for the phosphorus removal from an eutrophic lake water were investigated using a medium-scale integrated vertical constructed wetland (combined vertical and reverse-vertical systems) from April, 11, 2001 to September, 28, 2004. Environmental factors affecting phosphorus removal and release profiles were monitored simultaneously under hydraulic loads from 400 to 2000 mm per day. The phosphorus removal rate varied with the environmental conditions. The removal rate for acidic influent water was superior to that for alkaline influent water. The substrate in the wetland chamber acted as a buffer to regulate the pH value of the water sample. As regards the water temperature, no significant differences were observed for the removal rate of total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) between low (lower than 15 degrees C) medium (16-25 degrees C) and high temperature (higher than 26 degrees C) conditions. Under a hydraulic load of 400 mm per day, the removal rate reached over 70%, the highest value achieved in this work. In addition, the highest hydraulic load of 2000 mm/d did not result in the lowest removal rate, as had been expected. After a two-year high hydraulic load test, the removal rate decreased significantly. Phosphorous release from the substrate was examined using a spatial sampling method. Depth profiles of total phosphorus and different states of phosphorus present in the substrate were recorded. This further study demonstrated that binding of phosphorus by iron and calcium might be another major factor in the removal and release of TP and SRP in this wetland system. The distribution of the speciated phosphorus showed that the amount of phosphorus captured in the substrate of the down-flow chamber was significantly higher than that captured in the up-flow chamber, suggesting that the up-flow chamber was the main source of phosphorus release in this constructed wetland.


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As one of the most powerful tools in biomedical research, DNA sequencing not only has been improving its productivity in an exponential growth rate but also been evolving into a new layout of technological territories toward engineering and physical disciplines over the past three decades. In this technical review, we look into technical characteristics of the next-gen sequencers and provide prospective insights into their future development and applications. We envisage that some of the emerging platforms are capable of supporting the $1000 genome and $100 genome goals if given a few years for technical maturation. We also suggest that scientists from China should play an active role in this campaign that will have profound impact on both scientific research and societal healthcare systems.


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Based on a modified mean-field model, we calculate the Curie temperatures of Fe2+- and Co2+-doped diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) and their dependence on the hole concentration. We find that the Curie temperatures increase with an increase in hole concentration and the relationship T(C)proportional to p(1/3) also approximately holds for Fe2+- and Co2+-doped systems with moderate hole concentration. For either low or high hole concentrations, however, the p(1/3) law is violated due to the anomalous magnetization of the Fe2+ and Co2+ ions, and the nonparabolic nature of the hole bands. Further, the values of T-C for Fe2+- and Co2+-doped DMSs are significantly higher than those for Mn2+-doped DMSs, due to the larger exchange interaction strength.


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Processing networks are a variant of the standard linear programming network model which are especially useful for optimizing industrial energy/environment systems. Modelling advantages include an intuitive diagrammatic representation and the ability to incorporate all forms of energy and pollutants in a single integrated linear network model. Added advantages include increased speed of solution and algorithms supporting formulation. The paper explores their use in modelling the energy and pollution control systems in large industrial plants. The pollution control options in an ethylene production plant are analyzed as an example. PROFLOW, a computer tool for the formulation, analysis, and solution of processing network models, is introduced.


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A single longitudinal mode and narrow line width external cavity semiconductor laser is proposed. It is constructed with a semiconductor laser, collimator, a flame grating, and current and temperature control systems. The one facet of semiconductor laser is covered by high transmission film, and another is covered by high reflection film. The flame grating is used as light feedback element to select the mode of the semiconductor laser. The temperature of the constructed external cavity semiconductor laser is stabilized in order of 10(-3)degreesC by temperature control system. The experiments have been carried out and the results obtained-the spectral fine width of this laser is compressed to be less than 1.4MHz from its original line-width of more than 1200GHz and the output stability (including power and mode) is remarkably enhanced.


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We study systematically the average property of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions for different colliding systems and different beam energies within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended halo-nucleus density distributions, which indicates the average property of loosely inner halo nucleus structure, because the interaction potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in IQMD model depend on the density distribution. In order to study the average properties of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei we also compare the results for the halo-nuclear colliding systems with those for corresponding stable colliding systems with same mass under the same incident channel condition. We find that the effect of extended halo density distribution on the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping (momentum dissipation) are important for the different beam energies and different colliding systems. For example the extended halo density distributions increase the fragment multiplicity but decrease the nuclear stopping for all of incident channel conditions in this paper.


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Knowing that Fe is sensitive to swift heavy ion irradiations whereas Au and Al are not, the behavior of nanometric metallic multilayer systems, like [Fe(3 nm)/Au(x)](y) and [Fe(3 nm)/Al(x)](y) with x ranging between 1 and 10 mn, were studied within the inelastic thermal spike model. In addition to the usual cylindrical geometry of energy dissipation perpendicular to the ion projectile direction, the heat transport along the ion path was implemented in the electronic and atomic sub-systems. The simulations were performed using three different values of linear energy transfer corresponding to 3 MeV/u of Pb-208, Xe-132 and Kr-84 ions. For the Fe/Au system, evidence of appearance of a molten phase was found in the entire Au layer, provided the Au thickness is less than 7 nm and 3 nm for Pb and Xe ions, respectively. For the Fe/Al(x) system irradiated with Pb ions, the Al layers with a thickness less than 4 nm melt along the entire ion track. Surprisingly, the Fe layer does not melt if the Al thickness is larger than 2 nm, although the deposited energy surpasses the electronic stopping power threshold of track formation in Fe. For Kr ions melting does not occur in any of the multilayer systems.


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An optimization method based on uniform design in conjunction with genetic algorithm is described. According to the proposed method, the uniform design technique was applied to the design of starting experiments, which can reduce the number of experiments compared with traditional simultaneous methods, such as simplex. And genetic algorithm was used in optimization procedure, which can improve the rapidity of optimal procedure. The hierarchical chromatographic response function was modified to evaluate the separation equality of a chromatogram. An iterative procedure was adopted to search for the optimal condition to improve the accuracy of predicted retention and the quality of the chromatogram. The optimization procedure was tested in optimization of the chromatographic separation of 11 alkaloids in reversed-phase ion pair chromatography and satisfactory optimal result was obtained. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider numerical characterization of DNA primary sequence based on the positions of bases (a, t, c, g) and the pairs of bases X, Y in DNA (X, Y=a, t, c, g). This leads to a representation of DNA by a numerical sequence. Then, we extract a novel invariant (molecular connectivity index) from the derived numerical sequences. The suitable invariant can offer a characterization of DNA primary sequence. Finally, we provide an illustration of its utility by making a comparison between ten DNA sequences belonging to beta-globin gene in different species. The evolutionary relationships of ten species we have revealed in this contribution accord with phylogenetic tree properly.


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A novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(L-lysine) (PEG-PLA-PLL) was synthesized by acidolysis of poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(F-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine) (PEG-PLA-PZLL) obtained by the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of epsilon-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine N-carboxyanhydride (ZLys NCA) with amino-terminated PEG-PLA-NH2 as a macro-initiator, and the pendant amino groups of the lysine residues were modified with a peptide known to modulate cellular functions, Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Tyr (GRGDSY, abbreviated as RGD) in the presence of 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole (CDI). The structures of PEG-PLA-PLL/RGD and its precursors were confirmed by H-1 NMR, FT-IR, amino acid analysis and XPS analysis. The cell adhesion and cell spread on the PEG-PLA-PLL/RGD film were enhanced compared to those on pure PLA film. Therefore, the novel RGD-grafted triblock copolymer is promising for cell or tissue engineering applications. Both copolymers PEG-PLA-PZLL and PEG-PLA-PLL showed an amphiphilic nature and could self-assemble into micelles of homogeneous spherical morphology. The micelles were determined by fluorescence technique, dynamic light scattering (DLS), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and could be expected to find application in drug and gene delivery systems.