947 resultados para automobiles


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Modern technologies have changed the way of presenting information in archives. This makes it possible to introduce new services, which was unimaginable a few years ago. Digitalization, security and virtual presentation of objects in the sphere of motoring by application of technologies, based on knowledge about how to create digital resources is the theme of this project. The aim of AutoKnow project is to carry out a research and create a multi- media digital archive AutoKnow and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory (EVML) with Motor Library (ML) from digital multi-media patterns from a selected group of objects in the sphere of automobile technology, presented by NMU. This makes it possible to widely apply multi-media collections in automobile engineering, teaching, research work in that sphere and serve the interests of a large number of auto-amateurs as well in Bulgaria. The research and development of АutoKnow is in the following mutually related fields: - Creation and annotation of collections of objects in the sphere of automobiles; - Creation, analysis and security of a digital archive AutoKnow; - Design and creation of Digital Motor Library; - Socially-oriented applications in education, scientific studies and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory; - Informational System for teaching and testing of knowledge in the sphere of automobiles MindCheck.


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Rapid population increase and booming economic growth have caused a significant escalation in car ownership in many cities, leading to additional or, multiple traffic problems on congested roadways. The increase of automobiles is generating a significant amount of congestion and pollution in many cities. It has become necessary to find a solution to the ever worsening traffic problems in our cities. Building more roadways is nearly impossible due to the limitations of right-of-way in cities. Studies have shown that guideway transit could provide effective transportation and could stimulate land development. The Medium-Capacity Guideway Transit (MCGT) is one of the alternatives to solve this problem. The objective of this research was to better understand the characteristics of MCGT systems, to investigate the existing MCGT systems around the world and determine the main factors behind the planning of successful systems, and to develop a MCGT planning guide. The factors utilized in this study were determined and were analyzed using Excel. A MCGT Planning Guide was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic. ^ A MCGT was defined as a transit system whose capacity can carry up to 20,000 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd). The results shown that Light Rail Transit (LRT) is favored when peak hour demand is less than 13,000 pphpd. Automated People Mover (APM) is favored when the peak hour demand is more than 18,000 pphpd. APM systems could save up to three times the waiting time cost compared to that of the LRT. If comfort and convenience are important, then using an APM does make sense. However, if cost is the critical factor, then LRT will make more sense because it is reasonable service at a reasonable price. If travel time and safety (accident/crush) costs were included in calculating life-cycle “total” costs, the capital cost advantage of LRT disappeared and APM could become very competitive. The results also included a range of cost-performance criteria for MCGT systems that help planners, engineers, and decision-makers to select the most feasible system for their respective areas. ^


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A globalização possibilitou aos países buscarem seus consumidores em qualquer parte, sendo o Brasil o quarto mercado consumidor de automóveis do mundo, e praticamente todos os fabricantes globais buscaram estar presentes neste mercado. Com os chineses, detentores do título de maiores produtores mundiais de automóveis, não seria diferente. Contudo, ao contrário do crescimento constante de sua produção mundial, viram suas vendas estagnarem em baixos níveis no Brasil nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o mau desempenho de vendas da marca Chery no Brasil, sob a óptica dos gerentes de vendas das agências de carros usados e dos ex-proprietários. Para tentar responder a esta questão, optou-se por um estudo de caráter exploratório, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e uma pesquisa qualitativa, com entrevistas abertas em profundidade com base em um roteiro preestabelecido e um recorte na cidade de São Paulo – SP. Utilizou-se também uma pesquisa secundária em meios eletrônicos, que confirmou as informações obtidas na pesquisa de campo. Conforme apresentado no trabalho, todas as marcas tiveram redução em suas vendas, porém, as marcas chinesas sofreram maiores reduções que às marcas ditas nacionais. Na pesquisa, observa-se que três fatores foram decisivos para o mau desempenho das marcas chinesas e, consequentemente, da marca Chery também. O primeiro foi o aumento do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI), o segundo foi a crise econômica que o Brasil atravessa e o terceiro foi a rejeição aos carros da Chery. Essa rejeição deveu-se a vários fatores, somados às experiências negativas que consumidores tiveram com marcas de veículos importados que deixaram o país, a imagem de que produtos chineses são cópias e ao hipotético preconceito que produtos chineses são de baixa qualidade. Portanto, ouvindo os entrevistados e por meio dos comentários sobre a marca Chery nos meios eletrônicos, pode-se deduzir que somente a crise econômica e o aumento de impostos não justificam totalmente o mau desempenho de vendas da marca Chery. Essa análise indica que os fatores de rejeição aos veículos da marca Chery tiveram participação decisiva nesta queda significativa de suas vendas no período de 2010 a 2014.


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Inscription: Verso: New York.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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Pb and Ba concentrations and Pb isotopic compositions are reported for firn core and snow pit samples from Victoria Land, Antarctica, dating from 1872 AD to 1994 AD. From variations in Pb/Ba ratios and Pb isotopic compositions, two periods of major Pb enhancements were identified, from 1891 to 1908 AD and from 1948 to 1994 AD. The earlier pollution event is attributed to Pb emissions from non-ferrous metal production and coal combustion in the Southern Hemisphere and is in excellent agreement with coincident pollution inputs reported in firn/ice cores from two other regions of Antarctica, at Coats Land and Law Dome. Using Pb isotopic systematics, it was calculated that ~50% of Pb deposited in Victoria Land in 1897 originated from anthropogenic emission sources. The more recent period of Pb enhancements, from 1948 to 1994 AD, corresponds to the introduction and widespread use of gasoline alkyl Pb additives in automobiles in the Southern Hemisphere, with anthropogenic Pb inputs averaging 60% of total Pb but with large uncertainty. Intra- and inter-annual variations in Pb concentrations and isotopic compositions were evaluated in snow pits samples corresponding to the period 1991-1994. Substantial variations in Pb/ Ba and 206Pb/207Pb ratios were detected but the absence of a regular seasonal pattern for these parameters suggests that the transport and deposition of aerosols to the Antarctic ice sheet are complex and vary from year to year.


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This paper introduces a new stochastic clustering methodology devised for the analysis of categorized or sorted data. The methodology reveals consumers' common category knowledge as well as individual differences in using this knowledge for classifying brands in a designated product class. A small study involving the categorization of 28 brands of U.S. automobiles is presented where the results of the proposed methodology are compared with those obtained from KMEANS clustering. Finally, directions for future research are discussed.


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Exhaust emissions from diesel engines are a substantial source of air pollution in this country. In recognition of this fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has issued strict new regulations due to take effect -in 1991 and 1994 that will drastically reduce the amount of some pollutants these engines will be allowed to emit. The technology is not currently available to produce diesel engines that can meet these regulations without large penalties in engine performance and efficiency. One technique that offers promise of being able to reduce emissions from both existing engines and new engines is alcohol fumigation.


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A percentagem de utilização de motociclos tem vindo a crescer relativamente à utilização de veículos automóveis. Provavelmente, este número continuará a aumentar anualmente devido a diversos fatores: a mobilidade, a flexibilidade de circulação e o menor gasto de combustível. No entanto, um dos principais problemas da condução de motociclos é o elevado risco de acidente, comparativamente com os veículos automóveis. A segurança do condutor e passageiros, quando sujeitos a um acidente, merece total atenção. Convém, pois, encontrar soluções com capacidade de prevenir ou ajudar a minimizar o número de mortalidade que possam ocorrer diariamente. Uma maior atenção às medidas de segurança rodoviária veio diminuir o número de acidentes, no entanto, quando estes acontecem, a ajuda das unidades médicas demora algum tempo a chegar. Sabe-se que nestas situações, qualquer segundo pode fazer a diferença. Este é o problema que o autor deseja resolver. Na presente dissertação, o autor pretende demonstrar como desenvolveu um sistema para motociclos com a capacidade de reconhecer um acidente, enviando um alerta (SMS) com a informação do local da ocorrência (GPS). Este sistema foi preparado para operar em locais isolados com pouco ou nenhum tráfego rodoviário. Implementou-se no referido sistema uma tecnologia sem fios e fiabilizou-se um método capaz de ser utilizado em diversos modelos de motociclos. Procedeu-se à realização de interfaces que permitem monitorizar e possibilitar o reconhecimento da informação sobre o condutor e sobre o acidente, em tempo real.


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La mondialisation de l'économie et la globalisation des marchés ont modifié la relation entre l'entreprise et le consommateur. Alors que ce dernier profite d'une réduction des prix, d'une amélioration de la qualité des produits et d'une foule d'autres avantages issus de la concurrence internationale, les entreprises doivent travailler fort pour conserver ou augmenter leurs parts de marché dans cet environnement hautement concurrentiel. Dans un tel contexte, les études sur l'influence du pays d'origine d'un produit sur la perception des consommateurs sont d'une grande utilité. Elles permettent aux gestionnaires de mieux comprendre les consommateurs dans leurs choix, d'identifier les attributs du produit qu'ils considèrent importants et d'augmenter les ventes de l'entreprise. Dans le cadre du récent accord de libre-échange entre le Canada, le Mexique et les États-Unis (ALENA), cette étude menée au Mexique permet de répondre aux besoins des entreprises qui désirent exporter dans ce pays en les renseignant sur les caractéristiques des produits qui influencent le jugement des consommateurs mexicains. Les effets du pays de conception, du pays d'assemblage et de la provenance des pièces sur la qualité perçue ainsi que sur la valeur de l'achat sont étudiés à l'aide de profils de produits présentés aux consommateurs mexicains. Les produits utilisés sont l'automobile, le magnétoscope et les chaussures. Les résultats indiquent que les consommateurs utilisent surtout le pays de conception pour évaluer la qualité ou la valeur des automobiles et la provenance des pièces pour l'évaluation des magnétoscopes. Lorsqu'il s'agit d'évaluer la valeur d'achat des chaussures, les Mexicains se basent davantage sur la garantie. On observe, entre autres, que les Mexicains préfèrent davantage les produits assemblés au Mexique que ceux provenant du Canada. Enfin, le parallèle avec les résultats d'études antérieures permet de confirmer ou d'infirmer certains résultats. Les implications de ces derniers sont discutées par la suite.


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Dans un contexte économique où globalisation des marchés et mondialisation des échanges commerciaux sont les mots d'ordre, nous assistons à une prolifération de produits hybrides ayant plus d'une origine nationale. Le made-in d'un produit n'a désormais plus de sens si on ne le scinde en deux concepts : le pays de conception où est "pensé" et conçu le produit et le pays d'assemblage où a lieu la fabrication physique du produit. Plusieurs recherches sur le made-in ont démontré que le pays de conception et le pays d'assemblage avaient effectivement une influence sur les évaluations de la qualité et de la valeur d'achat des produits par les consommateurs. L'objet de cette étude est de savoir si l'origine nationale a une influence sur un autre intervenant dans le processus d'achat : le vendeur et si cette influence est comparable à celle déjà observée chez le consommateur. 194 vendeurs d’appareils électroniques des villes de Montréal, Québec et Sherbrooke ont évalué des pays d'origine de niveaux de développement différents ainsi que la qualité et la valeur d'achat de trois catégories de produits : magnétoscopes, chaussures et automobiles. Chaque produit était caractérisé par cinq attributs : le pays de conception, le pays d'assemblage, la marque, la garantie et le prix. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux issus d'une recherche antérieure sur l'influence du pays d'origine sur un échantillon de consommateurs (de Bussac, 1992). Cette étude comparative démontre notamment que les vendeurs, comme les consommateurs, associent des stéréotypes aux pays d'origine, stéréotypes qui influencent leur évaluation de la qualité et de la valeur d'achat des produits. Par ailleurs, la majorité des vendeurs interrogés pense que les consommateurs qu'ils rencontrent ne font pas de distinction entre pays de conception et pays d'assemblage. Il semble aussi que le pays d'origine est l'attribut du produit que les vendeurs utilisent le moins dans leur argumentation de vente.