976 resultados para affinity chromatography


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Adrenergic amines found in extracts of Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) evoke analytically useful chemiluminescence with acidic potassium permanganate in the presence of polyphosphates. From corrected chemiluminescence spectra, the wavelength of maximum intensity for these reactions was 680 ± 5 nm and, using flow injection analysis methodology, limits of detection for synephrine, octopamine, tyramine and hordenine were found to be between 1 × 10−9 and 1 × 10−8 M. We have applied this method of detection to the rapid determination of synephrine in dietary supplements using monolithic column chromatography.


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A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the determination of urea that incorporates automated derivatisation with xanthydrol (9H-xanthen-9-ol) is described. Unlike the classic xanthydrol approach for the determination of urea, which involves the precipitation of dixanthylurea (N,N′-di-9H-xanthen-9-ylurea), the derivatisation procedure employed in this method produces N-9H-xanthen-9-ylurea, which remains in solution and can be quantified using fluorescence detection (λex = 213 nm; λem = 308 nm) after chromatographic separation from interferences. The limit of detection for urea was 5 × 10−8 M (0.003 mg L−1). This method was applied to the determination of urea in human and animal urine and in wine.


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We have combined the generation of solvent gradients using milliGAT pumps, chromatographic separations with monolithic columns and chemiluminescence detection in an instrument manifold that approaches the automation and separation efficiency of HPLC, whilst maintaining the positive attributes of flow injection analysis (FIA), such as manifold versatility, speed of analysis and portability. As preliminary demonstrations of this hybrid FIA/HPLC system, we have determined six opiate alkaloids (morphine, pseudomorphine, codeine, oripavine, ethylmorphine and thebaine) and four biogenic amines (vanilmandelic acid, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid and homovanillic acid) in human urine, using tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) and acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection.


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Irinotecan (CPT-11) and its main metabolite SN-38 are potent anticancer derivatives of camptothecin (CPT), with active lactone and inactive carboxylate forms coexisting. A simple and sensitive HPLC method using the ion-pairing reagent tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate (TBAHS) was developed to simultaneously determine all four analytes in rat plasma samples. Camptothecin (CPT) was used as internal standard. The mobile phase was 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate containing 0.01 M TBAHS (pH 6.4)–acetonitrile (75:25, v/v). Separation of the compounds was carried out on a Hypersil C18 column, monitored at 540 nm (excitation wavelength at 380 nm). All four compounds gave linear response as a function of concentration over 0.01–10 μM. The limit of quantitation in rat plasma was 0.01, 0.008, 0.005 and 0.005 μM for CPT-11 lactone, CPT-11 carboxylate, SN-38 lactone and SN-38 carboxylate, respectively. The method was successfully used in the study on the effect of coadministered thalidomide on the plasma pharmacokinetics of CPT-11 and SN-38 in rats. Coadministered thalidomide (100 mg/kg body weight by intraperitoneal injection) significantly increased the AUC0–10h values of CPT-11 lactone and CPT-11 carboxylate by 32.6% and 30.3 %, respectively, (P < 0.01), but decreased the values by 19.2% and 32.4% for SN-38 lactone and carboxylate, respectively, (P < 0.05). Accordingly, the value of total body clearance (CL) of CPT-11 lactone was significantly lower in combination group compared to the control (1.329 versus 1.837 L/h/kg, P = 0.0002). Plasma t1/2β values for SN-38 lactone and carboxylate were significantly (P < 0.01) smaller in rats with coadministered thalidomide, as compared to rats receiving CPT-11 alone. Further studies are needed to explore the underlying mechanisms for the observed kinetic interaction between CPT-11 and thalidomide.


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A sensitive and simple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was developed and validated for the determination of thalidomide in rat plasma. Chromatography was accomplished with a reversed-phase Hypersil C18 column. Mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-10 mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH 5.50) (28:72, v/v), at a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. Thalidomide was monitored by ultraviolet detector at 220 nm and it gave a linear response as a function of concentration over 0.02–50 μM. The limit of quantitation in rat plasma was 0.50 ng (0.02 μM plasma concentration) with an aliquot of 20 μl. Results from a 3-day validation study indicated that this method allows for simple and rapid quantitation of thalidomide with excellent accuracy and reliability. Using this validated assay, the effect of coadministered irinotecan (CPT-11) on the plasma pharmacokinetics of thalidomide in rats was determined. Coadministration of CPT-11 (intravenously, 60 mg/kg) increased the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration–time curve (AUC0–10 h) of thalidomide by 32.29 and 11.66%, respectively, as compared to the control, but none of the effect of CPT-11 was of statistical significance (P > 0.05). Concomitant CPT-11 also caused a 10.04% decrease in plasma clearance (CL) and 14.51% decrease in volume of distribution (Vd) (P > 0.05). These results suggest that coadministered CPT-11 did not significantly alter the plasma pharmacokinetics of thalidomide in rats. Further studies are warranted to explore the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions between CPT-11 and thalidomide.


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Supercritical fluid extracts of New Zealand green-lipped mussels (NZGLM) have been suggested to have therapeutic properties related to their oil components. The large number of minor FA in NZGLM extract was characterized by a GC-CIMS/MS method that excels at identification of double-bond positions in FAME. The extract contained five major lipid classes: sterol esters, TAG, FFA, sterols, and polar lipids. The total FA content of the lipid extract was 0.664 g/mL. Fifty-three unsaturated FA (UFA) were fully identified, of which 37 were PUFA, and a further 21 UFA were detected for which concentrations were too low for assignment of double-bond positions. There were 17 saturated FA, with 14∶0, 16∶0, and 18∶0 present in the greatest concentration. The 10 n−3 PUFA detected included 20∶5n−3 and 22∶6n−3, the two main n−3 FA; n−3 PUFA at low concentrations were 18∶3, 18∶4, 20∶3, 20∶4, 21∶5, 22∶5, 24∶6, and 28∶8. There were 43 UFA from the n−4, n−5, n−6, n−7, n−8, n−9, n−10, n−11 families, with 16∶2n−4, 16∶1n−5, 18∶1n−5, 18∶2n−6, 20∶4n−6, 16∶1n−7, 20∶1n−7, 16∶1n−9, 18∶1n−9, and 20∶1n−9 being the most abundant. In general, we estimated that FAME concentrations greater than 0.05% (w/w) were sufficient to assign double-bond positions. In total, 91 FA were detected in an extract of the NZGLM, whereas previous studies of fresh flesh from the NZGLM had reported identification of 42 FA. These data demonstrate a remarkable diversity of NZGLM FA.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are attractive for information gathering in large-scale data rich environments. Emerging WSN applications require dissemination of information to interested clients within the network requiring support for differing traffic patterns. Further, in-network query processing capabilities are required for autonomic information discovery. In this paper, we formulate the information discovery problem as a load-balancing problem, with the combined aim being to maximize network lifetime and minimize query processing delay. We propose novel methods for data dissemination, information discovery and data aggregation that are designed to provide significant QoS benefits. We make use of affinity propagation to group "similar" sensors and have developed efficient mechanisms that can resolve both ALL-type and ANY-type queries in-network with improved energy-efficiency and query resolution time. Simulation results prove the proposed method(s) of information discovery offer significant QoS benefits for ALL-type and ANY-type queries in comparison to previous approaches.


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Cellular lipids frequently co-purify with lipid binding proteins isolated from tissue extracts or heterologous host systems and as such hinder in vitro ligand binding approaches for which the apo-protein is a prerequisite. Here we present a technique for the complete removal of unesterified fatty acids, phospholipids, steroids and other lipophilic ligands bound to soluble proteins, without protein denaturation. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain and intracellular fatty acid binding proteins were expressed in an Escherichia coli host and completely delipidated by hydrophobic interaction chromatography using phenyl sepharose. The delipidation procedure operates at room temperature with complete removal of bound lipids in a single step, as ascertained by mass spectrometry analysis of organic solvent extracts from purified protein samples. The speed and capacity of this method makes it amenable to scale-up and high-throughput applications. The method can also easily be adapted for other lipid binding proteins that require delipidation under native conditions.


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The accumulation of senile plaques composed primarily of aggregated amyloid β-peptide (Aβ), is the major characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies correlate plaque accumulation and the presence of metal ions, particularly copper and zinc. The metal binding sites of the amyloid Aβ peptide of Alzheimer’s disease are located in the N-terminal region of the full-length peptide. In this work, the interactions with metals of a model peptide comprising the first 16 amino acid residues of the amyloid Aβ peptide, Aβ(1–16), were studied. The effect of Cu2+ and Zn2+ binding to Aβ(1–16) on peptide structure and oligomerisation are reported. The results of ESI-MS, gel filtration chromatography and NMR spectroscopy demonstrated formation of oligomeric complexes of the peptide in the presence of the metal ions and revealed the stoichiometry of Cu2+ and Zn2+ binding to Aβ(1–16), with Cu2+ showing a higher affinity for binding the peptide than Zn2+.


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Dietary fatty acids are known to modulate fatty acid metabolism in fish. However, the innate capability of fish to bioconvert short chain fatty acids to health promoting long chain fatty acids (LCPUFA) is insufficient to compensate for a reduced dietary intake. While many studies have focused on the dietary regulation of the fatty acid bioconversion pathways, there is little known regarding the effects of the dietary levels of C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on fatty acid metabolism. Here, we show a greater degree of apparent enzyme activity (Δ-6 desaturase) in fish fed a diet with higher amounts of dietary C18 PUFA. In particular, fish receiving high amounts of dietary C18 PUFA had a greater amount of Δ-6 desaturase activity acting on 18:3n-3 than 18:2n-6. However, with the gradual reduction of dietary C18 PUFA there was a shift in substrate preference of Δ-6 desaturase from 18:3n-3 to 18:2n-6. This information will provide valuable insight for the implementation of low fish oil diets, which permit the maintenance of n-3 LCPUFA levels in farmed Murray cod.


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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection methodology is reported for the determination of the atypical antipsychotic drug quetiapine and the observation of its major active and inactive metabolites in human urine and serum. The method uses a monolithic chromatographic column allowing high flow rates of 3mL min−1 enabling rapid quantification. Flow injection analysis (FIA) with tris(2,2-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) chemiluminescence detection and HPLC time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) were used for the determination of quetiapine in a pharmaceutical preparation to establish its suitability as a calibration standard. The limit of detection achieved with FIA was 2×10−11 mol L−1 in simple aqueous solution. The limits of detection achieved with HPLC were 7×10−8 and 2×10−10 mol L−1 in urine and serum, respectively. The calibration range for FIA was between 5×10−9 and 1×10−6 mol L−1. The calibration ranges for HPLC were between 1×10−7–1×10−4 and 1×10−8–1×10−4 mol L−1 in urine and serum, respectively. The quetiapine concentrations in patient samples were found to be 3×10−6 mol L−1 in urine and 7×10−7 mol L−1 in serum. Without the need for preconcentration, the HPLC detection limits compared favourably with those in previously published methodologies. The metabolites were identified using HPLC-TOF-MS.


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Polystyrene behaviour in reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography was influenced mainly by the solvent system, but secondary affects were observed depending on the stationary phase. A variety of reversed phase columns were investigated using mobile phase combinations of dichlorom ethane-methanol, dichloromethane-acetonitrile, ethyl acetate-methanol and ethyl acetate-acetonitrile. Several different modes of behaviour were observed depending on the polymer solubility in the solvent system. In the dichloromethane-methanol solvent system, polymer-stationary phase interactions only occurred when the molecules had pore access. Retention of excluded polystyrene depended on the kinetics of precipitation and redissolution of the polymer. Peak splitting and band broadening occurred when the kinetics were slow and molecular weight separations were limited !o oligomers and polystyrenes lower than 5-10(4) dalton. Excellent molecular weight separations of polystyrenes were obtained using gradient elution reversed phase chromatography with a dichloromethane-acetonitrile mobile phase on C18 columns. The retention was based on polymer-stationary phase interactions regardless of the column pore size. Separations were obtained on large diameter pellicular adsorbents that were almost as good as those obtained on porous adsorbents, showing that pore access was not essential for the retention of high molecular weight polystyrenes. In the best example, the separation ranged from the monomer to 10(6) dalton in a single analysis. Very little adsorption of excluded polymers was observed on C8 or phenyl columns. Polystyrene molecular weight separations to 7-10(5) dalton were obtained in an ethyl acetate-acetonitrile solvent system on C18 columns. Adsorption was responsible for retention. When an ethyl acetate-methanol solvent system was used, no molecular weight separations were obtained because of complex peak splitting. Reversed phase chromatography was compared to size exclusion chromatography for the analysis of polydisperse polystyrenes. Similar results were obtained using both methods. However, the reversed phase method was less sensitive to concentration effects and gave better resolution.


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This thesis covers the development of the traditionally fluorescent bis(8-quinolinol-5-sulfonic acid) magnesium (II) fluorophore as a chemiluminescent emitter. A brief description of luminescence spectroscopy and its application to analytical chemistry lays the foundation to the discussion of the results obtained herein. This includes the synthesis and identification of two so called ‘water soluble’ aryl oxamides 2,2’-oxalyl-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino] ethylene-bis(N- methylpyridinium) trifluoromethane sulfonate (PETQ) and 2,2’-oxalyl-bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino]ethylene-bis(N-pyridinium) chloride (PETH), previously developed for the US navy as a possible emergency light source, yet the synthetic methodology were incomplete. The inconsistencies of the synthetic methods for PETQ and PETH were overcome with yields satisfactory for their preliminary analytical evaluation. The evaluation of these aryl oxamides, including 4,4’-oxalyI- bis[(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imino]ethylene-bis(l-methyM-benzylpiperidinium) trifluoromethanesulfonate (BPTQ), 4,4’-oxalyl-bis [(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imino] ethylene-bis(N-methylmorpholinium)trifluoromethanesulfonate (METQ) and the oxalate bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl) oxalate (TCPO) were performed with the peroxyoxalate chemiluminescent reaction using bis(8-quinolinol-5-sulfonic acid) magnesium (II) as the fluorophore. A univariate optimisation of this system resulted in 0,0082 mol 1-1 the detection limit of magnesium in the absence of cationic surfactants and 0.0041 mol 1-1 in their presence for the majority of these compounds. The oxamides were found to be insoluble in water with long ulrasonication periods required to dissolve the compound, with solvents such as acetonitrile preferred. The determination of other chemiluminescent metal-8HQS chelates to replace magnesium -8HQS in the peroxyoxalate were limited to Al (III), Cd (II), Ca (II), In (II) and Zn (II), unfortunately these metals all possessed poorer detection limits than those obtained using magnesium The base reaction conditions used for the flow injection system with chemiluminescent detection were transferred to an ion chromatographic configuration for the separation of magnesium from other cations on an exchange column. After a univariate and simplex optimisation of these conditions, the detection limit of magnesium was found to be 0.0411 mol 1-1 which was less than the limits that could be achieved with fluorescent detection, The further development of this reaction to incorporate the displacement of magnesium from Mg-EDTA by other metals that possessed a higher conditional stability constant than magnesium also proved to be problematic with interferences from not only EDTA but from the eluant (lactic acid) from the cation column. Using this system the detection limits of the displacing metals were found to be in the order of 10 mg 1-1 which was substantially less that what was observed when exactly the same configuration was used with fluorescent detection. The final component of the thesis entails the discussion of the background emission that results from the reaction of oxamides/oxalates with hydrogen peroxide. A detailed investigation into the reaction of TCPO and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of various additives, such as imidazole , heavy atoms and triethylamine illustrated the existence of a further intermediate in fee mechanism for this reaction. The species responsible for this emission was attributed to the degradation product 2,4,6-trichlorophenyi of TCPO, which was supported by the non-existent background present with the oxamides that do not contain this degradation product.


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Combined effects of hydrogen and air flow rates on the peak response of selected neutral lipid classes (triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerol, free fatty acids, and ethyl esters) were studied to optimize and calibrate the Iatroscan Mk-6s Chromarod system for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid classes by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with flame ionization detection in fish oil during the transesterification process. Air flow rate of 2 L/min, hydrogen flow rate of 150-160 mL/min, and scan rate of 30 s/rod were found to be the optimum conditions. All samples were also analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light scattering detection. Quantitative results obtained by TLC with the flame ionization detection method were comparable to those obtained from HPLC with evaporative light scattering detection.


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This thesis encompasses the development of analytical instrumentation, software and chemical methodologies for the rapid determination of pharmaceuticals in process extracts. Sensitive detection of morphine, codeine, oripavine and thebaine was achieved by measuring the quantity of light emitted as a result of their reactions with potassium permanganate and tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III).