954 resultados para adenosine triphosphatase (potassium)


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Nutrient mass balances have been used to assess a variety of land resource scenarios, at various scales. They are widely used as a simple basis for policy, planning, and regulatory decisions but it is not clear how accurately they reflect reality. This study provides a critique of broad-scale nutrient mass balances, with particular application to the fertiliser use of beef lot-feeding manure in Queensland. Mass balances completed at the district and farm scale were found to misrepresent actual manure management behaviour and potentially the risk of nutrient contamination of water resources. The difficulties of handling stockpile manure and concerns about soil compaction mean that manure is spread thickly over a few paddocks at a time and not evenly across a whole farm. Consequently, higher nutrient loads were applied to a single paddock less frequently than annually. This resulted in years with excess nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium remaining in the soil profile. This conclusion was supported by evidence of significant nutrient movement in several of the soil profiles studied. Spreading manure is profitable, but maximum returns can be associated with increased risk of nutrient leaching relative to conventional inorganic fertiliser practices. Bio-economic simulations found this increased risk where manure was applied to supply crop nitrogen requirements (the practice of the case study farms, 200-5000 head lot-feeders). Thus, the use of broad-scale mass balances can be misleading because paddock management is spatially heterogeneous and this leads to increased local potential for nutrient loss. In response to the effect of spatial heterogeneity policy makers who intend to use mass balance techniques to estimate potential for nutrient contamination should apply these techniques conservatively.


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Valinomycin, an ionophore of considerable interest for its ion selectivity, and its K+, Mg2+, Ba2+, and Ca2+ complexes were studied by Raman spectroscopy. Each complex has a characteristic spectrum which differs from that of uncomplexed valinomycin, suggesting several distinct structures for each of the metal-valinomycin complexes. The biologically active potassium complex shows the most significant changes in its spectrum, especially in the intensity of the symmetric C---H stretching vibration of CH3 and the convergence of the two ester carbonyl stretching vibration bands into one complex formation. These results are due to the unique orientation of the ester carbonyl groups toward the caged potassium ion and the resulting more free rotation of isopropyl side chains. The divalent cation-valinomycin complexes examined showed spectra which differed in each case uniquely from both valinomycin and its complex with potassium.


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Site index prediction models are an important aid for forest management and planning activities. This paper introduces a multiple regression model for spatially mapping and comparing site indices for two Pinus species (Pinus elliottii Engelm. and Queensland hybrid, a P. elliottii x Pinus caribaea Morelet hybrid) based on independent variables derived from two major sources: g-ray spectrometry (potassium (K), thorium (Th), and uranium (U)) and a digital elevation model (elevation, slope, curvature, hillshade, flow accumulation, and distance to streams). In addition, interpolated rainfall was tested. Species were coded as a dichotomous dummy variable; interaction effects between species and the g-ray spectrometric and geomorphologic variables were considered. The model explained up to 60% of the variance of site index and the standard error of estimate was 1.9 m. Uranium, elevation, distance to streams, thorium, and flow accumulation significantly correlate to the spatial variation of the site index of both species, and hillshade, curvature, elevation and slope accounted for the extra variability of one species over the other. The predicted site indices varied between 20.0 and 27.3 m for P. elliottii, and between 23.1 and 33.1 m for Queensland hybrid; the advantage of Queensland hybrid over P. elliottii ranged from 1.8 to 6.8 m, with the mean at 4.0 m. This compartment-based prediction and comparison study provides not only an overview of forest productivity of the whole plantation area studied but also a management tool at compartment scale.


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These rootstock and nitrogen fertiliser studies confirmed that rootstock race can significantly affect the development of postharvest disease and mineral nutrient accumulation in Hass avocado fruit. When Hass (Guatemalan race) was grafted to seedling Velvick (West Indian race) rootstock, the severity and incidence of anthracnose in fruit were significantly reduced by up to 64 and 37%, respectively, compared with seedling Duke 6 (Mexican race) rootstock. Stem-end rot was also influenced by rootstock in some seasons, and significant reductions (up to 87%) in the severity and incidence of stem-end rot were recorded in Hass fruit from Velvick compared with Duke 6 rootstock trees. These improvements in postharvest diseases were associated with significantly lower concentrations of nitrogen and potassium, higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium, lower ratios of nitrogen:calcium and higher ratios of calcium + magnesium:potassium in Hass leaves and fruit from Velvick compared with Duke 6 rootstock trees. Altering the rate of nitrogen fertiliser had minimal impact on postharvest disease development. However, in one season, reducing the rate of nitrogen fertiliser to nil significantly reduced the concentration of nitrogen in the fruit skin, decreased the nitrogen:calcium ratio and significantly reduced the severity and incidence of anthracnose in Hass fruit from both Velvick and Duke 6 rootstock trees. The form of nitrogen fertiliser (ammonium compared with nitrate) applied to the trees did not significantly affect the postharvest disease susceptibility of Hass avocado fruit on either Velvick or Duke 6 rootstock. The Guatemalan race rootstocks, Anderson 8 and Anderson 10, were also found to be superior to the Mexican race rootstock, Parida 1, for reducing anthracnose severity. This again, was associated with a better balance of mineral nutrients (significantly lower nitrogen:calcium and higher calcium + magnesium:potassium ratios) in the fruit. This rootstock effect, however, was only observed in the first season of a 3-year experiment, possibly because of a better balance between vegetative growth and fruit production in Parida 1 in the latter two seasons. Significant positive correlations between anthracnose severity and fruit skin nitrogen:calcium ratios were evident across all experiments.


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Single or multiple factors implicated in subsoil constraints including salinity, sodicity, and phytotoxic concentrations of chloride (Cl) are present in many Vertosols including those occurring in Queensland, Australia. The variable distribution and the complex interactions that exist between these constraints limit the agronomic or management options available to manage the soil with these subsoil constraints. The identification of crops and cultivars adapted to these adverse subsoil conditions and/or able to exploit subsoil water may be an option to maintain productivity of these soils. We evaluated relative performance of 5 winter crop species, in terms of grain yields, nutrient concentration, and ability to extract soil water, grown on soils with various levels and combinations of subsoil constraints in 19 field experiments over 2 years. Subsoil constraints were measured by levels of soil Cl, electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (ECse), and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP). Increasing levels of subsoil constraints significantly decreased maximum depth of water extraction, grain yield, and plant-available water capacity for all the 5 crops and more so for chickpea and durum wheat than bread wheat, barley, or canola. Increasing soil Cl levels had a greater restricting effect on water availability than did ECse and ESP. We developed empirical relationships between soil Cl, ECse, and ESP and crop lower limit (CLL) for estimating subsoil water extraction by 5 winter crops. However, the presence of gypsum influenced the ability to predict CLL based on the levels of ECse. Stronger relationships between apparent unused plant-available water (CLL - LL15; LL15 is lower limit at -1.5 MPa) and soil Cl concentrations than ESP or ECse suggested that the presence of high Cl in these soils most likely inhibited the subsoil water extraction by the crops. This was supported by increased sodium (Na) and Cl concentration with a corresponding decrease in calcium (Ca) and potassium (K) in young mature leaf of bread wheat, durum wheat, and chickpea with increasing levels of subsoil constraints. Of the 2 ions, Na and Cl, the latter appears to be more damaging than the former, resulting in plant dieback and reduced grain yields.


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Inconsistent internal fruit quality in Hass avocados affects consumer confidence. To determine the influence of individual trees on fruit quality, Hass avocado fruit were harvested from adjacent trees of similar external appearance in 3 commercial orchards in 1998 and 1 orchard in 1999. The trees in each orchard were grown with similar commercial practices and in similar soil types. Within each location, there were significant (P<0.05) differences in the mean ripe fruit quality between trees with respect to fruit body rot severity (mainly anthracnose) with and without cold storage, internal disorders severity due to diffuse discolouration and vascular browning (after cold storage), days to ripen, percentage dry matter, and the percentage of the skin area with purple-black colour when ripe. These effects were also noted in the same orchard in 1999. There were significant (P<0.05) differences in fruit flesh calcium, magnesium, potassium, boron and zinc concentrations between trees. Significant (P<0.05) correlations were observed between average fruit mineral concentrations in each tree (particularly calcium, magnesium and potassium) and body rot severity, percentage dry matter and fruit mass. There was little conclusive evidence that characteristics such as the growth of the non-suberised roots or the degree of scion under- or overgrowth was involved in these tree effects; however, differences between trees with respect to other rootstock characteristics may be involved. The inconsistency of the correlations across sites and years suggested that other factors apart from tree influences could also affect the relationship between fruit minerals and fruit quality.


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The effects of recycled water (effluent) on 8 tropical grasses growing in 100-L bags of sand were studied in Murrumba Downs, just north of Brisbane in southern Queensland (27.4°S, 153.1°E). The species used were: Axonopus compressus (broad-leaf carpetgrass), Cynodon dactylon (bermudagrass 'Winter Green') and C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis hybrid ('Tifgreen'), Digitaria didactyla (Queensland blue couch), Paspalum notatum (bahiagrass '38824'), Stenotaphrum secundatum (buffalograss 'Palmetto'), Eremochloa ophiuroides (centipedegrass 'Centec') and Zoysia japonica (zoysiagrass 'ZT-11'). From May 2002 to June 2003, control plots were irrigated with potable water and fertilised monthly. Plots irrigated with effluent received no fertiliser from May to August 2002 (deficient phase), complete fertilisers at control rates from September to December 2002 (recovery phase) and nitrogen (N) only at control rates from January to June 2003 (supplementary phase). In October 2002, the average shoot weight of plants from the effluent plots was 4% of that from potable plots, with centipedegrass less affected than the other species (relative growth of 20%). Shoot N concentrations declined by 40% in the effluent plots from May to August 2002 (1.8 ± 0.1%) along with phosphorus (P, 0.46 ± 0.02%), potassium (K, 1.6 ± 0.2%), sulfur (S, 0.28 ± 0.02%) and manganese (Mn, 19 ± 2 mg/kg) concentrations. Only the N and Mn concentrations were below the optimum for grasses. The grasses grew satisfactorily when irrigated with effluent if it was supplemented with N. Between January and June 2003 the average weight of shoots from the effluent plots was 116% of the weight of shoots from the control plots. Shoot nutrient concentrations were also similar in the 2 regimes at this time. The recycled water supplied 23% of the N required for maximum shoot growth, 80-100% of the P and K, and 500-880% of the S, calcium and magnesium. The use of recycled water represents savings in irrigation and fertiliser costs, and reductions in the discharge of N and P to local waterways. Effluent is currently about 50% of the cost of potable water with a saving of about AU$8000/ha.year for a typical sporting field.


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A rapid quenching technique with a quenching rate of roughly 106°C/sec has been developed to prepare glassy samples of ABO3 type materials. Glasses of potassium lithium niobate have been prepared by this technique. These glasses have been characterized by x-ray diffraction, electron diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry techniques to assess the quality of the obtained glasses.


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In Australia communities are concerned about atrazine being detected in drinking water supplies. It is important to understand mechanisms by which atrazine is transported from paddocks to waterways if we are to reduce movement of agricultural chemicals from the site of application. Two paddocks cropped with grain sorghum on a Black Vertosol were monitored for atrazine, potassium chloride (KCl) extractable atrazine, desethylatrazine (DEA), and desisopropylatrazine (DIA) at 4 soil depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20, and 0.20-0.30 m) and in runoff water and runoff sediment. Atrazine + DEA + DIA (total atrazine) had a half-life in soil of 16-20 days, more rapid dissipation than in many earlier reports. Atrazine extracted in dilute potassium chloride, considered available for weed control, was initially 34% of the total and had a half-life of 15-20 days until day 30, after which it dissipated rapidly with a half life of 6 days. We conclude that, in this region, atrazine may not pose a risk for groundwater contamination, as only 0.5% of applied atrazine moved deeper than 0.20 m into the soil, where it dissipated rapidly. In runoff (including suspended sediment) atrazine concentrations were greatest during the first runoff event (57 days after application) (85 μg/L) and declined with time. After 160 days, the total atrazine lost in runoff was 0.4% of the initial application. The total atrazine concentration in runoff was strongly related to the total concentration in soil, as expected. Even after 98% of the KCl-extractable atrazine had dissipated (and no longer provided weed control), runoff concentrations still exceeded the human health guideline value of 40 μg/L. For total atrazine in soil (0-0.05 m), the range for coefficient of soil sorption (Kd) was 1.9-28.4 mL/g and for soil organic carbon sorption (KOC) was 100-2184 mL/g, increasing with time of contact with the soil and rapid dissipation of the more soluble, available phase. Partition coefficients in runoff for total atrazine were initially 3, increasing to 32 and 51 with time, values for DEA being half these. To minimise atrazine losses, cultural practices that maximise rain infiltration, and thereby minimise runoff, and minimise concentrations in the soil surface should be adopted.


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Whole cells, homogenates and mitochondrial obtained from the livers of albino rats which were starved for 6 days or more showed a 50% decrease in oxidative activity. The decrease could be corrected by the addition of cytochrome c in vitro. The phosphorylative activity of mitochondria remained unaffected. The decrease in oxidative rate was not observed when starving animals were given the anti-hypercholesterolaemic drug clofibrate. The total cellular concentration of cytochrome c was not affected by starvation. However, the concentration of the pigment in hepatic mitochondria isolated from starving animals was less than half that in normal mitochondria. Clofibrate-treated animals did not show a decreased concentration of cytochrome c in hepatic mitochondria. Mitochondria isolated from starving animals, though deficient in cytochrome c, did not show any decrease in succinate dehydrogenase activity or in the rate of substrate-dependent reduction of potassium ferricyanide or attendant phosphorylation. In coupled mitochondria, ferricyanide may not accept electrons from the cytochrome c in the respiratory chain. Starvation decreases the concentration of high-affinity binding sites for cytochrome c on the mitochondrial membrane. The dissociation constant increases in magnitude.


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EPR spectra of lithium potassium sulfate doped with NH3+ have been recorded at 9.05 GHz. A pair of satellites can be seen symmetrically situated on either side of the main lines. The separation of the satellite lines from the main line corresponds to the 7Li NMR frequency. The distance of the interacting 7Li nucleus from the unpaired electron in NH3+ is estimated to be 3.29 Å.


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Complexation of valinomycin (VM) with the divalent cation Ca2+ in a lipophilic solvent, acetonitrile (CH3-CN), has been studied by using circular dichroism and proton and carbon- 13 nuclear magnetic resonance (‘H NMR and I3C NMR). From analyses of the spectral data, it is concluded that VM forms a 2:l (peptideion-peptide) sandwich complex with Ca2+, at low concentration of VM. At moderate conocentrations of the salt, in addition to the sandwich complex, an equimolar (1:l) complex different from those observed for potassium and sodium is also observed. At very large concentrations of the calcium salt, the data suggested a complex with a conformation similar to that of the free VM in polar solvents. Possible conformations for the sandwich and the equimolar VM-calcium complexes are proposed.


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Farmlets, each of 20 cows, were established to field test five milk production systems and provide a learning platform for farmers and researchers in a subtropical environment. The systems were developed through desktop modelling and industry consultation in response to the need for substantial increases in farm milk production following deregulation of the industry. Four of the systems were based on grazing and the continued use of existing farmland resource bases, whereas the fifth comprised a feedlot and associated forage base developed as a greenfield site. The field evaluation was conducted over 4 years under more adverse environmental conditions than anticipated with below average rainfall and restrictions on irrigation. For the grazed systems, mean annual milk yield per cow ranged from 6330 kg/year (1.9 cows/ha) for a herd based on rain-grown tropical pastures to 7617 kg/year (3.0 cows/ha) where animals were based on temperate and tropical irrigated forages. For the feedlot herd, production of 9460 kg/cow.year (4.3 cows/ha of forage base) was achieved. For all herds, the level of production achieved required annual inputs of concentrates of similar to 3 t DM/animal and purchased conserved fodder from 0.3 to 1.5 t DM/animal. This level of supplementary feeding made a major contribution to total farm nutrient inputs, contributing 50% or more of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium entering the farming system, and presents challenges to the management of manure and urine that results from the higher stocking rates enabled. Mean annual milk production for the five systems ranged from 88 to 105% of that predicted by the desktop modelling. This level of agreement for the grazed systems was achieved with minimal overall change in predicted feed inputs; however, the feedlot system required a substantial increase in inputs over those predicted. Reproductive performance for all systems was poorer than anticipated, particularly over the summer mating period. We conclude that the desktop model, developed as a rapid response to assist farmers modify their current farming systems, provided a reasonable prediction of inputs required and milk production. Further model development would need to consider more closely climate variability, the limitations summer temperatures place on reproductive success and the feed requirements of feedlot herds.


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The oxidative degradation of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), a water soluble polymer, was studied at various temperatures with different concentrations of persulfates, potassium persulfate (KPS), ammonium persulfate (APS) and sodium persulfate (SPS). The photodegradation of PAA was also examined with APS as oxidizer. The degraded samples were analyzed for the time evolution of molecular weight distribution by gel permeation chromatography. A theoretical model based on the continuous distribution kinetics was developed that accounted for the polymer degradation and the dissociation of persulfate. The rate coefficients for the oxidative and photooxidative degradation of PAA were determined from the parametric fit of the model with experimental data. The rate of degradation increased with increasing amount of persulfate in both oxidative and photooxidative degradation. The rate of degradation also increased with increasing temperature in the case of oxidative degradation.


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Sleep is governed by a homeostatic process in which the duration and quality of previous wake regulate the subsequent sleep. Active wakefulness is characterized with high frequency cortical oscillations and depends on stimulating influence of the arousal systems, such as the cholinergic basal forebrain (BF), while cessation of the activity in the arousal systems is required for slow wave sleep (SWS) to occur. The site-specific accumulation of adenosine (a by-product of ATP breakdown) in the BF during prolonged waking /sleep deprivation (SD) is known to induce sleep, thus coupling energy demand to sleep promotion. The adenosine release in the BF is accompanied with increases in extracellular lactate and nitric oxide (NO) levels. This thesis was aimed at further understanding the cellular processes by which the BF is involved in sleep-wake regulation and how these processes are affected by aging. The BF function was studied simultaneously at three levels of organization: 1) locally at a cellular level by measuring energy metabolites 2) globally at a cortical level (the out-put area of the BF) by measuring EEG oscillations and 3) at a behavioral level by studying changes in vigilance states. Study I showed that wake-promoting BF activation, particularly with glutamate receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspatate (NMDA), increased extracellular adenosine and lactate levels and led to a homeostatic increase in the subsequent sleep. Blocking NMDA activation during SD reduced the high frequency (HF) EEG theta (7-9 Hz) power and attenuated the subsequent sleep. In aging, activation of the BF during SD or experimentally with NMDA (studies III, IV), did not induce lactate or adenosine release and the increases in the HF EEG theta power during SD and SWS during the subsequent sleep were attenuated as compared to the young. These findings implicate that increased or continuous BF activity is important for active wake maintenance during SD as well as for the generation of homeostatic sleep pressure, and that in aging these mechanisms are impaired. Study II found that induction of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) during SD is accompanied with activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the BF. Because decreased cellular energy charge is the most common cause for AMPK activation, this finding implicates that the BF is selectively sensitive to the metabolic demands of SD as increases were not found in the cortex. In aging (study III), iNOS expression and extracellular levels of NO and adenosine were not significantly increased during SD in the BF. Furthermore, infusion of NO donor into the BF did not lead to sleep promotion as it did in the young. These findings indicated that the NO (and adenosine) mediated sleep induction is impaired in aging and that it could at least partly be due to the reduced sensitivity of the BF to sleep-inducing factors. Taken together, these findings show that reduced sleep promotion by the BF contributes to the attenuated homeostatic sleep response in aging.