988 resultados para West-Nile virus


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Relative abundance and diurnal variations of zooplankton from six anchor stations along Kerala coast were investigated. Samples were collected during April-May 1988 at three hour intervals from depths varying between 15 and 40 m from the traditional fishing grounds of Kerala coast. Average biomass values ranged from 45-95 ml 100/mˉ³. Increase in zooplankton at night was discernible at most of the stations and the highest biomass noticed was 131 ml 100/mˉ³. Copepods formed the most abundant group, of which calanoids predominated. A swarm of the hydromedusan species, Aequorea conica, (181/mˉ³) was seen at night. Quantitative and qualitative variations of various zooplankton groups from six stations in relation to selected physicochemical factors are discussed. Maximum fish larvae were observed in the night samples. Relatively high abundance of sardines, carangids and flat fish larvae in the collections is in agreement with the predominance of fish catch from the area of study.


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The palatability of various organs (body wall, cuvierian gland, viscera, longitudinal muscle bands and gonads) of sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota (Brandt) was studied by feeding experiments, performed on a freshwater fish Sarotherodon mossambicus and a marine fish Therapon jarbua. The result shows that the food pellets of the body wall were less toxic and more palatable than the gonads, viscera and cuvierian gland (p<0.001).


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Comparative study on growth of fry in nursery system of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) and Existing strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed. The trials were conducted in a series of hapa for two months. The initial mean weight of GIFT and Existing strains of tilapia were 1.03 and 1.12g, respectively and the stocking density for both the strains was maintained at 150/m³. Fishes were fed with supplementary feed 31.29% of protein level. After two months the final cumulative mean weight of GIFT and Existing strain were observed to be 8.38 and 5.51g, respectively. The net gain for weight of GIFT and existing strain were estimated to be 666% and 368% and the mean survival were 95.75% and 81.25%, respectively. The GIFT strain showed significantly (P<0.05) higher net gain in growth in weight and also higher (P<0.01) survival than that of existing strain.


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Comparative production potential of red tilapia (a mutant hybrid of Oreochromis mossambicus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under low-input aquaculture was studied in six ponds of 360 m² each with an average water depth of 90 cm. Three ponds were stocked with fingerlings of O. niloticus (average weight 11.4±3.48 g) while three other ponds were stocked with red tilapia (average weight 10.72±2.5 g) at a density of 20,000 fingerlings/ha. Supplementary feed consisting of rice bran was given daily at 4-6% of standing biomass. Ponds were fertilized at fortnightly intervals with cattle manure 750 kg/ ha. After six months of rearing, gross fish productions of 3,218 and 3,017 kg/ha were obtained from O. niloticus and red tilapia ponds, respectively. Of this, table size fish (>80 g in size) production amounted to 2,366 and 2,823 kg/ha from O. niloticus and red tilapia culture, respectively. Analysis of cost and benefits showed higher benefit from red tilapia culture.


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The experiment was conducted at BRRI Regional Station, Habiganj during 1994-95 to evaluate the growth and economic performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fish reared in the field of irrigated boro rice with different fertilizer levels. Grain yield of rice was not affected by fish culture. It was observed that 50% of recommended fertilizer was enough to produce increased rice yield (8-10 t/ha) at floodplain environment and additional yield was obtained with the increasing fertilizer rates. Results further indicated that O. niloticus could successfully be reared in the field of irrigated boro rice with recommended fertilizer level. Larger size of fingerlings at release had improved recovery percent, body weight gain and higher fish yield. Results also revealed that rice + fish production system produced higher net return than the system with rice alone.


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An experimental culture practice of P. monodon on extension approach was conducted in two brackish water earthen ponds of Demonstration Farm and Training Center (DFTC), Kaliganj, Satkhira. The experiment was aimed to provide farmers with appropriate technology that can immediately improve pond yield with keeping the environment in friendly condition. For optimization of stocking density of a cost effective environmental friendly improved extensive shrimp farming, the ponds were stocked with coastal river post larvae of P. monodon at the stocking rates of 2 pls/m² and 2.5 pls/m² without supplementary feeding. To control experimental error another five farmer's gher were used as replicates of each demo-pond. Considering the farmers buying ability, cost of inputs and other facilities kept minimal. The impact of stocking density was evaluated on the basis of growth, survival rate, production and economic return. Better production (average 299.01 kg/ha) with same survival rate (39.33%) were found with a stocking density of 2.5 pls/m² without causing any deterioration in the culture environment.


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Deterioration of water quality clearly indicated a moderate to severe coastal pollution around Mahim whereas a relatively healthy marine environment towards offshore was noticed. Foraminifera, polychaetes, crustaceans and pelecypods were the dominant macro faunal groups encountered in the area. The occasional inhabitants like pennatularians, nemertines, sipunculids, ophiuroids and fish larvae were mostly restricted to offshore regions. Biomass and population density of macro fauna were moderate and showed fluctuating trend. Similarity coefficients of foraminifera (0.89) and polychaetes (0.81) were high for offshore unpolluted stations (3 and 4) as compared to near shore coastal stations (1 and 2). Faunal diversity was relatively more in unpolluted zone. The diversity index (H) was more at station 3 for polychaetes (1.39) and at station 4 for foraminifers (0.54). In general, biomass was high during post monsoon excepting station 1 which was invariably under severe pollution stress throughout the study period. Foraminifera were abundant at sandy bottom while polychaetes preferred muddy (clayey silt) bottom. A noticeable ecological modification associated with faunal abundance and diversity were related to deteriorating marine water quality due to anthropogenic waste disposals. The prevailing water quality around Mahim is unsuitable for any kind of culture practices and also for harvesting economically important marine species.


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A Catch Assessment Surveys (CAS) with the overall objective of generating information on the fish production and commercial value of the fisheries of Lake Albert and Albert Nile system was implemented by the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Local Government staff (FOs) and BMU members at selected landing sites on Lake Albert (12 landing sites) and Albert Nile (26 landing sites) in July 2012. A total 622 and 313 boat days on Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively were sampled for a period of 9 days. Results indicate an annual landing of 151,600 and 5,900 tonnes (t) of fish with an estimated beach value of 122.5 and 14 Billion (UShs) from Lake Albert and Albert Nile respectively. Over 80% of the catch from Lake Albert comprised the small pelagic species; Neobola bredoi (Muziri) and Brycinus nurse (Ragoogi) followed by Nile perch (6%). However, due to low market value of the small fishes and the high prices attached to Nile perch for industrial processing and export market, the contribution of the latter to beach value rose to 34% of the total. The contribution of the light fishery based on small pelagic species (B. nurse and N. bredoi) are insignificant on Albert Nile. Even if the small pelagic species may be present in the river system, a light fishery based on these two is yet to be developed. Proportionally, Albert Nile still remain a multispecies fishery with over 20 fish species harvested commercially. Interestingly, the Albert Nile fishery still remains primitive with simple crafts and gears (mainly dugout canoes, traps, and gillnets). This could suggest that the more developed the system becomes the higher the level of transformation in its fisheries leading to simplification, characterized by reduction in multispecies nature and dominance of few species. Illegal gears especially undersized gillnet of mesh size less than 4 inches were the most dominant in the Lake Albert and Albert Nile fisheries. They captured large quantities of immature fish particularly when used to target Nile perch, Bagrus, Nile tilapia, and large Barbus spp. Their impact when used to target the smaller species (Ragoogi, Angara & Ngasia) is yet to be evaluated. A specific study to analyze selectivity and impacts of these nets is a recommended. However, the dominance of 1.5” mesh sizes especially on Albert Nile to target Angara, Ngassia and Barbus, is definitely destructive to their fisheries and should be checked forthwith. In addition, there is an emerging fishing method locally referred to as “Salsio or Luzira” whereby fishers stay on the lake from 3 days up to 2 weeks without returning to the landing site. They carry with them food and salt for processing the catches on the lake, and in the case of Albert Nile on make shift shelters on islands and in the game park. They normally use gillnets of 3-3½ inch mesh size and caught mainly Nile perch & Bagrus (Pethi & Munama). On return they land several tons of fish. Most of these Catches are not captured in the estimates presented in our analyses since we target daily fishing boats. The possible impacts of this fishing method should be studied and appropriate action recommended.


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The monthly average temperatures at Puttalam Lagoon, Dutch Bay, Portugal Bay towards Kovilmunai and Portugal Bay towards Pallugaturai showed a distinct annual cycle. The peak was in April and values gradually fell till September. There was a further gradual fall in temperature from October to January. The highest temperatures in all four stations were in April. The highest salinities in all the stations were from May to October i.e., during the south-west monsoon. The salinities at Dutch Bay and Portugal Bay were high in March and April corresponding to the highest temperatures reached during these months. Two maxima have been observed in phytoplankton production. A primary maximum in May-June and a secondary maximum in October. The primary and secondary maxima are due to the influx of nutrient laden waters from the rivers Kal Aru and Pomparippu Aru. The phytoplankton producing blooms were Rhizosolenia alata. Rhizosolenia imbricata, Chaetoceros lascinosus, Chaetoceros pervianus, Ch,aetoceros diversus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Thallasionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira subtilis, Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii, Asterionella japonica, Sceletonema costatum, Bacteriastrum varians and Biddulphia sinensis. Sudden outbursts of a single species were common. These diatoms were species of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia, and Thallassiothrix frauenfeldii. Wide fluctuations have been observed in the distribution of phytoplankton but no definite conclusions can be drawn as the period of observation was only one year.