1000 resultados para Watteau, Antoine (1684-1721)


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Chancery case concerning the publication of a translation of a work protected under the Statute of Anne 1710. The decision established that the reproduction of works in translation was not unlawful under the 1710 Act. The decision is also significant, however, in relation to the court's inherent jurisdiction concerning the publication of works on grounds of public policy.
Drawing upon material in the National Archives the commentary explores the background to, and substance of, the decision as well as its relationship with current judicial practices in refusing the court's protection to copyright protected materials on the grounds that the content of the work is, for example, obscene, sexually immoral, defamatory, blasphemous or irreligious.


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Le présent travail est une étude sur Le Petit Prince, d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Le but principal du mémoire est d’analyser la réception du message chez le lecteur adulte et chez le lecteur enfant. Nous avons analysé comment l’enfant et l’adulte interprètent le message donné par l’oeuvre, parsemée d’images et d’allégories, des citations qui son devenues symboliques avec le temps. Ensuite, nous avons analysé les personnages dans le but d’interpréter leur sens symbolique. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons regardé plusieurs interprétations allégoriques. Les résultats de notre étude nous ont permis d’affirmer que la réception du message n’est pas la même chez le lecteur adulte et le lecteur enfant. Les résultats de cette étude montrent enfin qu’il est trop difficile pour le lecteur enfant de comprendre le sens moral d’une image allégorique, tandis que le lecteur adulte est plus apte à interpréter l’image allégorique en s’appuyant sur son expérience de la lecture et de son expérience de la vie quotidienne. L’auteur utilise l’image symbolique dans la littérature pour montrer avec plus de clarté la condition humaine. En conclusion nous apprenons que Le Petit Prince nous fait réfléchir sur la vie de la façon plus profonde et philosophique.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de faire une étude comparative de la traduction suédoise Le Ventre de l’Atlantique par Lotta Riad avec le texte source à la lumière des douze tendances déformantes d’Antoine Berman. Nous nous efforçons également de présenter « notre traduction » illustrant la méthode bermanienne. Force est de constater, qu’elle n’est pas toujours réalisable, néanmoins, cette démarche permet une réflexion stimulant la clairvoyance.


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Análisis de la versión dramática sobre el tema mítico de Filomela compuesta por el pintor y dramaturgo francés Antoine Renou, estrenada en París en 1773. Se estudia no solo la versión dramática propiamente dicha, y su lugar y relevancia en el contexto de la historia de la recepción de este mito, sino también las circunstancias en medio de las cuales se compuso, la reacción del público y el conflicto que enfrentó, antes y después de la puesta en escena, al dramaturgo y la Comédie Française.


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Le diocèse de Sherbrooke fut érigé par le Pape Pie IX. La bulle d'érection, datée de Rome le 28 août 1874, confirmait ainsi le voeu de l'épiscopat de la province ecclésiastique de Québec, émis au cinquième concile provincial du 23 mai 1873. Le nouveau diocèse comprenait un démembrement des diocèses de Québec, de St-Hyacinthe et des Trois-Rivières; Québec cédait trois cantons plus une paroisse; St-Hyacinthe, dix-huit cantons; et Trois-Rivières, vingt-quatre. Moins de la moitié de la population de ce territoire était catholique, soit seulement 30,255 sur une population totale de 68,283 habitants, d'après le recensement de 1870. Par une bulle romaine du premier septembre 1874, Antoine Racine, prêtre desservant de l'église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Québec, était nommé premier évêque du nouveau diocèse. L'évêque élu avait été prévenu quelques jours auparavant par une lettre de Rome. Consacré à Québec, le 18 octobre 1874, des mains de Mgr Elzéar Alexandre Taschereau, archevêque de Québec, Mgr Antoine Racine prit possession du siège de Sherbrooke le 20 du même mois. Pendant dix-neuf ans, soit jusqu'à sa mort survenue le 17 juillet 1893, l'évêque de Sherbrooke conduisit son diocèse avec prudence, le dotant d'institutions stables. Ses nécrologistes et ses biographes le considèrent comme un des principaux artisans de la pénétration catholique et française dans les Cantons de l'Est. […]


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This paper examines the spatial pattern of ill-defined causes of death across Brazilian regions, and its relationship with the evolution of completeness of the deaths registry and changes in the mortality age profile. We make use of the Brazilian Health Informatics Department mortality database and population censuses from 1980 to 2010. We applied demographic methods to evaluate the quality of mortality data for 137 small areas and correct for under-registration of death counts when necessary. The second part of the analysis uses linear regression models to investigate the relationship between, on the one hand, changes in death counts coverage and age profile of mortality, and on the other, changes in the reporting of ill-defined causes of death. The completeness of death counts coverage increases from about 80% in 1980-1991 to over 95% in 2000-2010 at the same time the percentage of ill-defined causes of deaths reduced about 53% in the country. The analysis suggests that the government's efforts to improve data quality are proving successful, and they will allow for a better understanding of the dynamics of health and the mortality transition.


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This study evaluated the antifungal action of biomolecules produced from the secondary metabolism of bacterial strains found in the rhizosphere of semi arid plants against human pathogenic Candida albicans. Crude extracts were obtained using ethyl acetate as an organic solvent and the bioactivity was assessed with a bioautography technique. The results showed that bacterial strains, Alcaligenes faecalis MRbS12 and Bacillus cereus MRbS26, had compounds with antifungal bioactivity. The largest inhibition zones for both compounds were located on spots with Rf values below 0.500, indicating that the molecules possibly had polar characteristics. These results suggested that microorganisms found in the environment could have bioprospecting potential.


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Previously, we have demonstrated that treatment of experimental diabetes with a decoction of Bauhinia forficata leaves is beneficial. In this study, we prepared a two-fold concentrate of this extract and tested its effects on physiological, biochemical and toxicity markers in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Dried and ground leaves were extracted with warm 70% hydroethanol and the filtrate concentrated by evaporation at 50 degrees C. This solution was mixed with colloidal silicon dioxide (Tixosil-333 (R)) and dried in a spouted bed (BfT). Rats were treated with water, insulin and Tixosil particles at low or high doses, alone or coated with dried BfT. Animals were periodically weighed and monitored for water and food intake; urinary volume, glucose, urea and protein; blood glucose, serum lipids, liver toxicity markers transaminase and phosphatase and masses of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Insulin treatment gave best rat growth and lowest values for all other markers. No other treatment affected any diabetic marker, but the enzyme activities were changed by diabetes and BfT. Thus, BfT toxicity could arise from secondary products of plant constituents or Tixosil interaction. Therefore, BfT prepared in the spouted bed as described, is unsuitable for treatment of diabetes, which implies that the method of preparation of any medicine is critical for its efficacy and toxicity.


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The aim of this study was to test a novel phytocompound in an experimental model of antitumor-induced immunosuppression. Five groups of mice were considered: young (Y) and aged (A) that were given intraperitoneally 10 doses of cyclophosphamide (CPX, 25mg/kg/bw) or CPX plus (150 mg/kg/bw) of the nutraceutical DTS (Denshichi-Tochiu-Sen), and control. After sacrifice, macrophage chemotaxis and serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-2, and GM-CSF were determined. Liver and urinary bladder were examined histologically, as were the liver and kidney for redox enzymes. CPX significantly decreased macrophage chemotaxis and all cytokines (p < 0.05, A >> Y). DTS restored macrophage function and cytokine concentration (p < 0.001) and partly improved the necro-inflammatory score and substance P receptor expression in the bladder and the redox status in liver and kidney (p < 0.05). Such data suggest that DTS effectively prevents CPX-induced immune suppression and oxidative-inflammatory damage, which are particularly enhanced in aged organisms.


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This study investigated the composition and antifungal activity against Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Cladosporium cladosporioides of essential oils of leaves of Piper cernuum, Piper diospyrifolium, Piper crassinervium, Piper solmsianum and Piper umbelata and fruits of P. cernuum and P. diospyrifolium. The essentials oils were analyzed by GC-MS and submitted of the antifungal activity tests. The essential oils of fruits from P. cernuum and leaves of P. crassinervium and P. solmsianum showed potential antifungal activity against C. sphaerospermum and C. cladosporioides. In addition, this is the first report of the composition of essential oils of fruits of P. cernuum and P. diospyrifolium.


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In the scope of our ongoing research on bioactive agents from natural sources, 24 extracts and fractions obtained from Piper arboreum Aub. and Piper tuberculatum Jacq. ( Piperaceae) were screened for antifungal activity by using broth microdilution method. The current investigation reveals that P. arboreum extracts and fractions were more effective against Candida krusei and Candida parapsilosis than Cryptococcus neoformans. The growth of Candida albicans was weakly affected by all the tested extracts and fractions. The strongest effects were observed for hexane and ethyl acetate fractions from leaves of P. arboreum, with MIC values ( in mu g/ml) of 15.6 and 31.2 mu g/ml against C. krusei, respectively. Additionally, phytochemical investigation of the hexane fraction of P. arboreum leaves furnished 3 pyrrolidine amides; piperyline, 4,5-dihydropiperyline and tetrahydropiperyline, which could be responsible, at least in part for the observed antifungal activity. The most active compound, tetrahydropiperyline, displayed MIC values of 15.6 mu g/ml against C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. neoformans.


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Chemical analysis carried out in leaves of 18 specimens of Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae) occurring at Ripasa Reserve, Araraquara, SP, Brazil indicated two distinct populations when investigated over a period of 14 months (January 2000 to February 2001) and then submitted to cluster analysis. The two groups were characterized by accumulation of prenylated benzoic acids, chromenes and dihydrochalcone, respectively. A total of seven compounds were identified by HPLC analysis and compared with standards including two prenylated benzoic acid [aduncumene (1) and 3-(3'-7'-dimethyl-2'-6'-octadienyl)-4-methoxy-benzoic acid (5)], four chromenes [methyl 2,2-dimethyl-8-(3'-methyl-2'-butenyl)-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (4), methyl 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (2b), methyl 8-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylate (3) and 2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-chromene-6-carboxylic acid (2a)] and one dihydrochalcone [2',6'-dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-dihydrochalcone (6)].


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Phytochemical studies carried out with Piperaceae species have shown great diversity of secondary metabolites among which are several displayed considerable biological activities. The species Piper tuberculatum has been intensively investigated and a series of amides have been described. For instance, (E)-piplartine showed significant cytotoxic activity against tumor cell lines, especially human leukemia cell lines; antifungal activity against Cladosporium species; trypanocidal activity and others. Considering the popular use of P. tuberculatum and the lack of pharmacological studies regarding this plant species, the mutagenic and antimutagenic effect of (E)-piplartine was evaluated by the Ames test, using the strains TA97a, TA98, TA100 and TA102 of Salmonella typhimurium. No mutagenic activity was observed for this compound.