959 resultados para Variations (Piano, 4 hands)


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Purpose: In animal models hemi-field deprivation results in localised, graded vitreous chamber elongation and presumably deprivation induced localised changes in retinal processing. The aim of this research was to determine if there are variations in ERG responses across the retina in normal chick eyes and to examine the effect of hemi-field and full-field deprivation on ERG responses across the retina and at earlier times than have previously been examined electrophysiologically. Methods: Chicks were either untreated, wore monocular full-diffusers or half-diffusers (depriving nasal retina) (n = 6-8 each group) from day 8. mfERG responses were measured using the VERIS mfERG system across the central 18.2º× 16.7º (H × V) field. The stimulus consisted of 61 unscaled hexagons with each hexagon modulated between black and white according to a pseudorandom binary m-sequence. The mfERG was measured on day 12 in untreated chicks, following 4 days of hemi-field diffuser wear, and 2, 48 and 96 h after application of full-field diffusers. Results: The ERG response of untreated chick eyes did not vary across the measured field; there was no effect of retinal location on the N1-P1 amplitude (p = 0.108) or on P1 implicit time (p > 0.05). This finding is consistent with retinal ganglion cell density of the chick varying by only a factor of two across the entire retina. Half-diffusers produced a ramped retina and a graded effect of negative lens correction (p < 0.0001); changes in retinal processing were localized. The untreated retina showed increasing complexity of the ERG waveform with development; form-deprivation prevented the increasing complexity of the response at the 2, 48 and 96 h measurement times and produced alterations in response timing. Conclusions: Form-deprivation and its concomitant loss of image contrast and high spatial frequency images prevented development of the ERG responses, consistent with a disruption of development of retinal feedback systems. The characterisation of ERG responses in normal and deprived chick eyes across the retina allows the assessment of concurrent visual and retinal manipulations in this model. (Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2013 The College of Optometrists.)


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Australia is in the process of making the most important change to its health care system since the implementation of Medicare.1 We agree with Cameron and Cooke that there are important lessons for Australia from the implementation of the 4-hour rule in the United Kingdom. As in Robert Zemeckis’s 1985 movie classic, Back to the future, the old question of “If I had the opportunity to do something again, what would I have done differently?” applies. We challenge the assumption that Australia is embarking on something that the UK has recently abandoned. The UK has not actually abandoned the 4-hour rule but expanded it into a suite of eight indicators that include three time-based measures, including total time in the emergency department (ED).


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The purpose of this investigation is to present an overview of roadside drug driving enforcement and detections in Queensland, Australia since the introduction of oral fluid screening. Drug driving is a problematic issue for road safety and investigations of the prevalence and impact of drug driving suggest that, in particular, the use of illicit drugs may increase a driver’s involvement in a road crash when compared to a driver who is drug free. In response to the potential increased crash involvement of drug impaired drivers, Australian police agencies have adopted the use of oral fluid analysis to detect the presence of illicit drugs in drivers. This paper describes the results of roadside drug testing for over 80,000 drivers in Queensland, Australia, from December 2007 to June 2012. It provides unique data on the prevalence of methamphetamine, cannabis and ecstasy in the screened population for the period. When prevalence rates are examined over time, drug driving detection rates have almost doubled from around 2.0% at the introduction of roadside testing operations to just under 4.0% in the latter years. The most common drug type detected was methamphetamine (40.8%) followed by cannabis (29.8%) and methamphetamine/cannabis combination (22.5%). By comparison, the rate of ecstasy detection was very low (1.7%). The data revealed a number of regional, age and gender patterns and variations of drug driving across the state. Younger drivers were more likely to test positive for cannabis whilst older drivers were more likely to test positive for methamphetamine. The overall characteristics of drivers who tested positive to the presence of at least one of the target illicit drugs are they are likely to be male, aged 30-39 years, be driving a car on Friday, Saturday or Sunday between 6:00PM and 6:00AM and to test positive for methamphetamine.


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Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of kapundaite to be determined. Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. Kapundaite is the Fe3+ member of the wardite group. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the structure of kapundaite with wardite. The Raman spectrum of kapundaite in the 800–1400 cm−1 spectral range shows two intense bands at 1089 and 1114 cm−1 assigned to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching vibrations. The observation of two bands provides evidence for the non-equivalence of the phosphate units in the kapundaite structure. The infrared spectrum of kapundaite in the 500–1300 cm−1 shows much greater complexity than the Raman spectrum. Strong infrared bands are found at 966, 1003 and 1036 cm−1 and are attributed to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching mode and ν3PO43- antisymmetric stretching mode. Raman bands in the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO43- unit support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate units in the kapundaite structure. In the 2600–3800 cm−1 spectral range, Raman bands for kapundaite are found at 2905, 3151, 3311, 3449 and 3530 cm−1. These bands are broad and are assigned to OH stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 2904, 3105, 3307, 3453 and 3523 cm−1 and are attributed to water. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of kapundaite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.


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Woman abuse varies across intimate relationship categories (e.g., marriage, divorce, separation). However, it is unclear whether relationship status variations in violence against women differ across urban, suburban, and rural areas. We test the hypothesis that rural females, regardless of their intimate partner relationship status, are at higher risk of intimate violence than their urban and suburban counterparts. Results indicate that marital status is an important aspect of the relationship between intimate victimization and geographic area and that rural divorced and separated females are victimized at rates exceeding their urban counterparts.


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For decades Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have used computers to monitor and control physical processes in many critical industries, including electricity generation, gas pipelines, water distribution, waste treatment, communications and transportation. Increasingly these systems are interconnected with corporate networks via the Internet, making them vulnerable and exposed to the same risks as those experiencing cyber-attacks on a conventional network. Very often SCADA networks services are viewed as a specialty subject, more relevant to engineers than standard IT personnel. Educators from two Australian universities have recognised these cultural issues and highlighted the gap between specialists with SCADA systems engineering skills and the specialists in network security with IT background. This paper describes a learning approach designed to help students to bridge this gap, gain theoretical knowledge of SCADA systems' vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks via experiential learning and acquire practical skills through actively participating in hands-on exercises.


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The Internet of Things facilitates the identification, digitization, and control of physical objects. However, it is the availability of cost effective sensors, mobile smart devices, scalable cloud infrastructure, and advanced analytics that have consumerized the Internet of Things. The accessibility of digital representations of things has transformative potential and provides entire new affordances for organizations and their ecosystems across most industries.


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Ovarian cancer, in particular epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC), is commonly diagnosed when the tumor has metastasized into the abdominal cavity with an accumulation of ascites fluid. Combining histopathology and genetic variations, EOC can be sub-grouped into Type-I and Type-II tumors, of which the latter are more aggressive and metastatic. Metastasis and chemoresistance are the key events associated with the tumor microenvironment that lead to a poor patient outcome. Kallikrein-related peptidases (KLKs) are aberrantly expressed in EOC, in particular, in the more metastatic Type-II tumors. KLKs are a family of 15 serine proteases that are expressed in diverse human tissues and involved in various patho-physiological processes. As extracellular enzymes, KLKs function in the hydrolysis of growth factors, proteases, cell membrane bound receptors, adhesion proteins, and cytokines initiating intracellular signaling pathways and their downstream events. High KLK levels are differentially associated with the prognosis of ovarian cancer patients, suggesting that they not only have application as biomarkers but also function in disease progression, and therefore are potential therapeutic targets. Recent studies have demonstrated the function of these proteases in promoting and/or suppressing the invasive behavior of ovarian cancer cells in metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Both conventional cell culture methods and three-dimensional platforms have been applied to mimic the ovarian cancer microenvironment of patients, such as the solid stromal matrix and ascites fluid. Here we summarize published studies to provide an overview of our understanding of the role of KLKs in EOC, and to lay the foundation for future research directions.


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Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of minyulite KAl2(OH,F)(PO4)2⋅4(H2O). Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. Minyulite belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system. This indicates that it has three axes of unequal length, yet all are perpendicular to each other. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the structure of minyulite with wardite. The reason for the comparison is that both are Al containing phosphate minerals. The Raman spectrum of minyulite shows an intense band at 1012 cm−1 assigned to the ν1PO43- symmetric stretching vibrations. A series of low intensity Raman bands at 1047, 1077, 1091 and 1105 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3PO43- antisymmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1136, 1155, 1176 and 1190 cm−1 are assigned to AlOH deformation modes. The infrared band at 1014 cm−1 is ascribed to the PO43- ν1 symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared bands at 1049, 1071, 1091 and 1123 cm−1 are attributed to the PO43- ν3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared bands at 1123, 1146 and 1157 cm−1 are attributed to AlOH deformation modes. Raman bands at 575, 592, 606 and 628 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 out of plane bending modes of the PO43- unit. In the 2600–3800 cm−1 spectral range, Raman bands for minyulite are found at 3661, 3669 and 3692 cm−1 are assigned to AlOH/AlF stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 2904, 3105, 3307, 3453 and 3523 cm−1. Raman bands at 3225, 3324 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. A comparison is made with the vibrational spectra of wardite. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of minyulite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.


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Kallikrein-related peptidases, in particular KLK4, 5, 6 and 7 (4-7), often have elevated expression levels in ovarian cancer. In OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cells, combined expression of KLK4-7 reduces cell adhesion and increases cell invasion and resistance to paclitaxel. The present work investigates how KLK4-7 shape the secreted proteome ("secretome") and proteolytic profile ("degradome") of ovarian cancer cells. The secretome comparison consistently identified >900 proteins in three replicate analyses. Expression of KLK4-7 predominantly affected the abundance of proteins involved in cell-cell communication. Among others, this includes increased levels of transforming growth factor β-1 (TGFβ-1). KLK4-7 co-transfected OV-MZ-6 cells share prominent features of elevated TGFβ-1 signaling, including increased abundance of neural cell adhesion molecule L1 (L1CAM). Augmented levels of TGFβ-1 and L1CAM upon expression of KLK4-7 were corroborated in vivo by an ovarian cancer xenograft model. The degradomic analysis showed that KLK4-7 expression mostly affected cleavage sites C-terminal to arginine, corresponding to the preference of kallikreins 4, 5 and 6. Putative kallikrein substrates include chemokines, such as growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF 15) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Proteolytic maturation of TGFβ-1 was also elevated. KLK4-7 have a pronounced, yet non-degrading impact on the secreted proteome, with a strong association between these proteases and TGFβ-1 signaling in tumor biology. © 2013 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Background There is increasing interest in using complementary and alternative treatments to manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia such as agitation, aggression and depressed mood. Objective To compare the effect of foot massage (intervention) and quiet presence (control) on agitation and mood in people with dementia. Design A randomised controlled trial using a within-subjects, crossover design. Settings Five long-term care facilities in Brisbane, Australia. The primary outcome was the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) and the secondary outcome was the Observed Emotion Rating Scale (OERS). The screening and data collection research assistants, families, and care staff were blinded to participant allocation. Participants Participants of the study were 55 long-term care residents aged 74–103 years (mean age 86.5), with moderate to severe dementia and a history of agitated behaviour according to the Pittsburgh Agitation Scale. A computer-program randomised participants to 10-min foot massage (intervention) or quiet presence (control), every weekday for 3 weeks. Results A carry-over effect was identified in the data, and so the data was treated as a parallel groups RCT. The mean total CMAI increased in both groups (reflecting an increase in agitation) with this increase greater in the quiet presence group than the foot massage group (p=0.03). There was a trend towards a difference on OERS General Alertness, with a positive change in alertness for participants in the foot massage group (indicating reduced alertness) and a negative change for participants in the quiet presence group (indicating increased alertness) (F(1,51)=3.88, p=0.05, partial ή2=0.07). Conclusions The findings highlight the need for further research on the specific conditions under which massage might promote relaxation and improve mood for people with dementia. The unfamiliar research assistants and variations in usual activity may have contributed to the increase in agitation and this needs further research.


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This article describes how - in the processes of responding to participatory storytelling practices - community, public service, and to a lesser extent, commercial media institutions are themselves negotiated and changed. Although there are significant variations in the conditions, durability, extent, motivations and quality of these developments and their impacts, they nonetheless increase the possibilities and pathways of participatory media culture. This description first frames digital storytelling as a ‘co-creative’ media practice. It then discusses the role of community arts and cultural development (CACD) practitioners and networks as co-creative media intermediaries, and then considers their influence in Australian broadcast and Internet media. It looks at how participatory storytelling methods are evolving in the Australian context and explores some of the implications for cultural inclusion arising from a shared interest in ‘co-creative’ media methods and approaches.


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Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of whiteite to be determined. Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the molecular structure of whiteite with that of other phosphate minerals. The Raman spectrum of whiteite shows an intense band at 972 cm-1 assigned to the m1 PO3- 4 symmetric stretching vibrations. The low intensity Raman bands at 1076 and 1173 cm-1 are assigned to the m3 PO3- 4 antisymmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1266, 1334 and 1368 cm-1 are assigned to AlOH deformation modes. The infrared band at 967 cm-1 is ascribed to the PO3- 4 m1 symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared bands at 1024, 1072, 1089 and 1126 cm-1 are attributed to the PO3-4 m3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands at 553, 571 and 586 cm-1 are assigned to the m4 out of plane bending modes of the PO3- 4 unit. Raman bands at 432, 457, 479 and 500 cm-1 are attributed to the m2 PO4 and H2PO4 bending modes. In the 2600 to 3800 cm-1 spectral range, Raman bands for whiteite are found 3426, 3496 and 3552 cm-1 are assigned to AlOH stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 3186 cm-1. Raman bands at 2939 and 3220 cm-1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of whiteite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.


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Introduction The clinically known importance of patient sex as a major risk factor for compromised bone healing is poorly reflected in animal models. Consequently, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain elusive. Because mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are postulated to regulate tissue regeneration and give rise to essential differentiated cell types, they may contribute to sex-specific differences in bone healing outcomes. Methods We investigated sex-specific variations in bone healing and associated differences in MSC populations. A 1.5 mm osteotomy gap in the femora of 8 male and 8 female 12-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats was stabilized by an external fixator. Healing was analyzed in terms of biomechanical testing, bridging and callus size over time (radiography at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after surgery), and callus volume and geometry by μCT at final follow-up. MSCs were obtained from bone marrow samples of an age-matched group of 12 animals (6 per gender) and analyzed for numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs) and their capacity to differentiate and proliferate. The proportion of senescent cells was determined by β-galactosidase staining. Results Sex-specific differences were indicated by a compromised mechanical competence of the callus in females compared with males (maximum torque at failure, p = 0.028). Throughout the follow-up, the cross-sectional area of callus relative to bone was reduced in females (p ≤ 0.01), and the bridging of callus was delayed (p 2weeks = 0.041). μCT revealed a reduced callus size (p = 0.003), mineralization (p = 0.003) and polar moment of inertia (p = 0.003) in female animals. The female bone marrow contained significantly fewer MSCs, represented by low CFU numbers in both femora and tibiae (p femur = 0.017, p tibia = 0.010). Functional characteristics of male and female MSCs were similar. Conclusion Biomechanically compromised and radiographically delayed bone formation were distinctive in female rats. These differences were concomitant with a reduced number of MSCs, which may be causative for the suboptimal bone healing.