Lessons from the 4-hour standard in England for Australia

Autoria(s): Forero, Roberto; McDonnell, Geoff D.; McCarthy, Sally M.; Nugus, Peter; Braithwaite, Jeffrey; Hillman, Kenneth M.; Fatovich, Daniel M.; Mountain, David; Daly, Frank F.; FitzGerald, Gerard J.; Richardson, Drew B.



Australia is in the process of making the most important change to its health care system since the implementation of Medicare.1 We agree with Cameron and Cooke that there are important lessons for Australia from the implementation of the 4-hour rule in the United Kingdom. As in Robert Zemeckis’s 1985 movie classic, Back to the future, the old question of “If I had the opportunity to do something again, what would I have done differently?” applies. We challenge the assumption that Australia is embarking on something that the UK has recently abandoned. The UK has not actually abandoned the 4-hour rule but expanded it into a suite of eight indicators that include three time-based measures, including total time in the emergency department (ED).




Australasian Medical Publishing Company



Forero, Roberto, McDonnell, Geoff D., McCarthy, Sally M., Nugus, Peter, Braithwaite, Jeffrey, Hillman, Kenneth M., Fatovich, Daniel M., Mountain, David, Daly, Frank F., FitzGerald, Gerard J., & Richardson, Drew B. (2011) Lessons from the 4-hour standard in England for Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 194(5), p. 268.


Centre for Emergency & Disaster Management; Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Public Health & Social Work

Palavras-Chave #110000 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES #111709 Health Care Administration #4-hour rule #National Emergency Access Target (NEAT)

Journal Article