980 resultados para Vacina contra influenza : Idoso


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It is possible to argue that the first world is presently living through a period of radical global reaction against the social democratic consensus of the twentieth century. In this context, the use of Slavoj Zizek's Lacnaian theory of ideology to critique the traditions of thought which inform this reaction becomes a vital task. In this paper, I use Zizek's Lacanian theory of ideology to critically analyse de Maistre's remarkable work: particularly his 'Considerations on France'. Zizek's emphasis on the role of the Real in ideology, it is argued, allows us unique purchase on de Maistre's ideological position. It allows us to show, furthermore, how reactionary conservatism does not 'conserve' the symbolic Other of the discourse of the master, since it is animated by fear and trembling that the symbolic can no longer hold in conditions of secularisation. In this context, the proximity of de Maistre with de Sade emerges as something that goes beyond superficially similar celebrations of the role of violence in human affairs. What is minimally at stake in reactionary thought per se, this paper argues, is the attempt to reground lost authority in the unmediated Real, a procedure in which the laying down of the law verges into the need to divide and sacifice others for the Jouissance of the Other. In this way, Lacan's comment that right-wing intelectuals are knaves who, if pushed, are willing to do whatever it takes to preserve power is vindicated and also elaborated. For De Maistre, the paper shows, was nothing if not a
collosally royal knave


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Australia is separated from the Asian faunal realm by Wallace's Line, across which there is relatively little avian migration. Although this does diminish the risk of high pathogenicity avian influenza of Asian origin arriving with migratory birds, the barrier is not complete. Migratory shorebirds, as well as a few landbirds, move through the region on annual migrations to and from Southeast Asia and destinations further north, although the frequency of infection of avian influenza in these groups is low. Nonetheless,high pathogenicity H5N1 has recently been recorded on the island of New Guinea in West Papua in domestic poultry. This event increases interest in the movements of birds between Wallacea in eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia, particularly by waterbirds. There are frequent but irregular movements of ducks, geese, and other waterbirds across Torres Strait between New Guinea and Australia, including movements to regions in which H5N1 has occurred in the recent past. Although the likelihood of avian influenza entering Australia via an avian vector is presumed to be low, the nature and extent of bird movements in this region is poorly known. There have been five recorded outbreaks of high pathogenicityavian influenza in Australian poultry flocks, all of the H7 subtype. To date, Australia is the only inhabited continent not to have recorded high pathogenicity avian influenza since 1997, and H5N1 has never been recorded. The ability to map risk from high pathogenicity avian influenza to Australia is hampered by the lack of quantitative data on the extent of bird movements between Australia and its northern neighbors.Recently developed techniques offer the promise to fill this knowledge gap.


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Waterbirds, particularly Anatidae, are natural reservoirs for low-pathogenic avian influenza and have been implicated as the primary source of infection in outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza. An understanding of the movements of birds and the ecology of avian influenza viruses within the wild bird population is essential in assessing the risks to human health and production industries. Marked differences in the movements of Australian birds from those of the Northern Hemisphere emphasises the danger of generalising trends of disease prevalence to Australian conditions. Populations of Anatidae in Australia are not migratory, as they are in the Northern Hemisphere, but rather display typical nomadic traits, sometimes moving large distances across continental Australia in response to flooding or drought. There is little known regular interchange of anatids between Australia and Asia. In contrast, species such as shorebirds and some seabirds are annual migrants to Australia along recognised flyways from breeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere. Movement into Australia by these species mainly occurs into the north-west and along the east coast over the Pacific Ocean. These species primarily arrive during the Australian spring and form large aggregations along the coastline and on inland wetlands. Other Australian migratory species (passerines, bee-eaters, dollar-birds, cuckoos, doves) regularly move to and from Asia through the Torres Strait Islands. The disease status of these birds is unknown. The movements of some species, particularly anatids and ardeids, which have ranges including Australia and regions where the virus is known to occur, have been poorly studied and there is potential for introduction of avian influenza subtypes via this route. Avian influenza viruses are highly unpredictable and can undergo reassortment to more pathogenic forms. There is insufficient knowledge of the epidemiology and transmission of these viruses in Australia and broad-scale surveillance of wild birds is logistically difficult. Long-term studies of anatids that co-habit with Charadriiformes are recommended. This would provide an indication of the spatial and temporal patterns of subtypes entering Australia and improve our understanding of the ecology of endemic viruses. Until such time as these data become available, Australia's preparedness for avian influenza must focus on biosecurity at the wild bird–poultry interface.


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The rapid recall of influenza virus-specific CD8+ T cell effector function is protective, although our understanding of T cell memory remains incomplete. Recent debate has focused particularly on the CD62L lymph node homing receptor. The present analysis shows that although functional memory can be established from both CD62Lhi and CD62Llo CD8+ T cell subsets soon after initial encounter between naive precursors and antigen, the optimal precursors are CD8+CD44hiCD25lo immune lymphocytes isolated from draining lymph nodes on day 3.5 after influenza virus infection. Analysis of primed T cells at different times after challenge indicates that the capacity to transfer memory is diminished at the peak of the primary cytotoxic T lymphocyte response, challenging speculations that the transition to memory first requires full differentiation to effector status. It seems that location rather than CD62Lhi/lo phenotype may be the more profitable focus for further dissection of the early establishment of T cell memory.


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TCR repertoire diversity is important for the protective efficacy of CD8+ T cells, limiting viral escape and cross-reactivity between unrelated epitopes. The exact mechanism for selection of restricted versus diverse TCR repertoires is far from clear, although one thought is that the epitopes resembling self-peptides might select a limited array of TCR due to the deletion of autoreactive TCR. The molecule Aire promotes the expression of tissue-specific Ag on thymic medullary epithelial cells and the deletion of autoreactive cells, and in the absence of Aire autoreactive cells persist. However, the contribution of Aire-dependent peptides to the selection of the Ag-specific TCR repertoire remains unknown. In this study, we dissect restricted (DbNP366%+CD8+) and diverse (DbPA224%+CD8+, KdNP147%+CD8+) TCR repertoires responding to three influenza-derived peptides in Aire-deficient mice on both B6 and BALB/c backgrounds. Our study shows that the number, qualitative characteristics and TCR repertoires of all influenza-specific, DbNP366%+CD8+, DbPA224%+CD8+ and KdNP147%+CD8+ T cells are not significantly altered in the absence of Aire. This provides the first demonstration that the selection of an Ag-specific T-cell repertoire is not significantly perturbed in the absence of Aire.


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Influenza A viruses that circulate normally in the human population cause a debilitating, though generally transient, illness that is sometimes fatal, particularly in the elderly. Severe complications arising from pandemic influenza or the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses are often associated with rapid, massive inflammatory cell infiltration, acute respiratory distress, reactive hemophagocytosis and multiple organ involvement. Histological and pathological indicators strongly suggest a key role for an excessive host response in mediating at least some of this pathology. Here, we review the current literature on how various effector arms of the immune system can act deleteriously to initiate or exacerbate pathological damage in this viral pneumonia. Generally, the same immunological factors mediating tissue damage during the anti-influenza immune response are also critical for efficient elimination of virus, thereby posing a significant challenge in the design of harmless yet effective therapeutic strategies for tackling influenza virus.


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Seasonal influenza virus infection is a leading cause of illness and mortality in young children and the elderly each year. Current influenza vaccines generate protective antibody responses; however, these must be given annually to provide protection against serologically distinct viruses. By contrast, CD8.sup.+ T cells are capable of recognizing conserved antigenic determinants within the influenza virion and, as such, may provide protection against a number of variant strains of the virus. CD8.sup.+ T cells play a critical key role in controlling and resolving influenza virus infections via the production of cytokines and cytolytic mediators. This article focuses on the induction of the influenza-specific CD8.sup.+ T-cell response and how these cells acquire and maintain effector function after induction. Moreover, we discuss how cytotoxic T-lymphocyte function correlates with protection following vaccination.


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The induction of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response following influenza infection can lead to the formation of immunity capable of recognizing viruses of a different antigenicity. Our ability to exploit such broadly reactive responses in vaccination strategies is hampered by a lack of understanding on the regulation of CTL responses. In this report, we describe the utilization of reverse genetics to produce a range of recombinant viruses lacking immunodominant murine CTL epitopes. Recombinant viruses lacking the epitopes had indistinguishable growth properties in vitro and in vivo compared with the wild-type virus. Analysis of a primary immune response to these viruses showed that mutation of the anchor-binding residue leads to a loss of a response to that epitope, but no compensating increase in responses to other immunodominant epitopes. The utilization of reverse genetics and the murine model of influenza infection hold great promise for elucidating the factors regulating the CTL response.


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The extent to which CD8+ T cells specific for other antigens expand to compensate for the mutational loss of the prominent DbNP366 and DbPA224 epitopes has been investigated using H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses modified by reverse genetics. Significantly increased numbers of CD8+ KbPB1703+ , CD8+ KbNS2114+, and CD8+ DbPB1-F262+ T cells were found in the spleen and in the inflammatory population recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage from mice that were first given the -NP-PA H1N1 virus intraperitoneally and then challenged intranasally with the homologous H3N2 virus. The effect was less consistent when this prime-boost protocol was reversed. Also, though the quality of the response measured by cytokine staining showed some evidence of modification when these minor CD8+-T-cell populations were forced to play a more prominent part, the effects were relatively small and no consistent pattern emerged. The magnitude of the enhanced clonal expansion following secondary challenge suggested that the prime-boost with the -NP-PA viruses gave a response overall that was little different in magnitude from that following comparable exposure to the unmanipulated viruses. This was indeed shown to be the case when the total response was measured by ELISPOT analysis with virus-infected cells as stimulators. More surprisingly, the same effect was seen following primary challenge, though individual analysis of the CD8+ KbPB1703+ , CD8+ KbNS2114+, and CD8+ DbPB1-F262+ sets gave no indication of compensatory expansion. A possible explanation is that novel, as yet undetected epitopes emerge following primary exposure to the -NP-PA deletion viruses. These findings have implications for both natural infections and vaccines.


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Influenza A virus infection of C57BL/6 (B6) mice is characterized by prominent CD8 T cell responses to H2Db complexed with peptides from the viral nucleoprotein (NP366, ASNENMETM) and acid polymerase (PA224, SSLENFRAYV). An in vivo cytotoxicity assay that depends on the adoptive transfer of peptide-pulsed, syngeneic targets was used in this study to quantitate the cytotoxic potential of DbNP366- and DbPA224-specific acute and memory CD8 T cells following primary or secondary virus challenge. Both T cell populations displayed equivalent levels of in vivo effector function when comparable numbers were transferred into naive B6 hosts. Cytotoxic activity following primary infection clearly correlated with the frequency of tetramer-stained CD8 T cells. This relationship looked, however, to be less direct following secondary exposure, partly because the numbers of CD8DbNP366 T cells were greatly in excess. However, calculating the in vivo E:T ratios indicated that in vivo lysis, like many other biological functions, is threshold dependent. Furthermore, the capacity to eliminate peptide-pulsed targets was independent of the differentiation state (i.e., primary or secondary effectors) and was comparable for the two T cell specificities that were analyzed. These experiments provide insights that may be of value for adoptive immunotherapy, where careful consideration of both the activation state and the number of effector cells is required.


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Antigen-specific CD8+ T cells play an important role in virus clearance. Here we review the current understanding of influenza virus-specific CD8+ T cell immunity in experimental mouse models and humans. The characteristics and nature of CD8+ T cell killing are discussed, as is the selection and maintenance of the influenza-specific effector and memory repertoires. Consideration is given to vaccine strategies and to the effects of ageing. Understanding the complexities of CD8+ T cell mediated immunity and memory has the potential for improving vaccine design, particularly to combat pandemics caused by newly emerging influenza viruses.


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Influenza virus-specific CD8+ T cells generally recognize peptides derived from conserved, internal proteins that are not subject to antibody-mediated selection pressure. Prior exposure to any one influenza A virus (H1N1) can prime for a secondary CD8+ T cell response to a serologically different influenza A virus (H3N2). The protection afforded by this recall of established CD8+ T cell memory, although limited, is not negligible. Key characteristics of primary and secondary influenza-specific host responses are probed here with recombinant viruses expressing modified nucleoprotein (NP) and acid polymerase (PA) genes. Point mutations were introduced into the epitopes derived from the NP and PA such that they no longer bound the presenting H2Db MHC class I glycoprotein, and reassortant H1N1 and H3N2 viruses were made by reverse genetics. Conventional (C57BL/6J, H2b, and Ig+/+) and Ig-/- (muMT) mice were more susceptible to challenge with the single NP [HKx31 influenza A virus (HK)-NP] and PA (HK-PA) mutants, but unlike the Ig-/- mice, Ig+/+ mice were surprisingly resistant to the HK-NP/-PA double mutant. This virus was found to promote an enhanced IgG response resulting, perhaps, from the delayed elimination of antigen-presenting cells. Antigen persistence also could explain the increase in size of the minor KbPB1703 CD8+ T cell population in mice infected with the mutant viruses. The extent of such compensation was always partial, giving the impression that any virus-specific CD8+ T cell response operates within constrained limits. It seems that the relationship between protective humoral and cellular immunity is neither simple nor readily predicted.