940 resultados para VASCULAR RELAXATION


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As dilatações vasculares intrapulmonares (DVIP) constituem a anormalidade vascular pulmonar mais freqüente e a principal causa de hipoxemia grave em hepatopatas. A associação de doença hepática, aumento do gradiente alvéoloarterial de oxigênio e DVIP é chamada de "síndrome hepatopulmonar". O objetivo principal deste estudo foi verificar se os níveis de DVIP aferidos por ecocardiografia com contraste estão relacionados à intensidade de shunt intrapulmonar, medida por dois diferentes métodos: cintilografia com 99mTc-MAA e gasometria com O2 a 100%. Foram estudados 28 candidatos a transplante hepático portadores com DVIP identificadas e graduadas por ecocardiografia conforme escala semi-quantitativa (graus I a IV). A idade média foi de 47,5 anos, e a doença hepática foi classificada como Child-Pugh B na maioria dos casos (60,7%). A intensidade das DVIP foi classificada como I, II, III e IV em 13 (46,4%), 9 (32,1%), 2 (7,1%) e 4 (14,3%) casos, respectivamente. Dos 28 pacientes, 21 (75%) tiveram quantificação de shunt pelo método cintigráfico e gasométrico, 6 (21,4%) apenas pelo método cintigráfico e 1 caso (3,6%) pelo método gasométrico apenas. A PaO2 média entre os pacientes com DVIP graus I e II por ecocardiografia foi 89,1 ± 11,0mmHg, enquanto naqueles com DVIP classificadas como graus III e IV foi 74,7 ± 13,2mmHg (p = 0,01). A média dos valores de shunt por cintilografia nos 27 pacientes submetidos ao exame foi 14,9 ± 9,0% do débito cardíaco (mínimo 6,9% e máximo 39%), sendo 11,7 ± 3,8% nos pacientes com DVIP graus I e II, e 26,3 ± 9,7% nos pacientes com DVIP graus III e IV (p = 0,01). A média dos valores de shunt pelo teste com O2a 100% foi 9,8 ± 3,9%, sendo 8,3 ± 2,3% nos pacientes com DVIP graus I e II, e 16,3 ± 2,6% nos pacientes com DVIP graus III e IV (p < 0,001). Observou-se uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a graduação de DVIP por ecocardiografia e o valor de shunt aferido por gasometria com O2 a 100% (rs = 0,609, p < 0,01) e por cintilografia (rs = 0,567, p < 0,001). Observou-se relação estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de shunt medidos por cintilografia e aqueles medidos por gasometria com O2 a 100% nos 21 pacientes que se submeteram à quantificação de shunt pelos 2 métodos (rs = 0,666, p < 0,001). A avaliação semi-quantitativa do grau de DVIP por ecocardiografia apresentou correlação moderada a boa com os valores de shunt aferidos pelos dois outros métodos estudados, sendo que a melhor correlação foi observada com o teste com O2 a 100%.


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O prognóstico dos pacientes com adenocarcinoma de esôfago é bastante prejudicado pelo seu diagnóstico tardio. Na tentativa de determinar fatores que possam alterar o prognóstico destes pacientes, o estudo da biologia molecular tem recebido grande importância. As mutações no gene de supressão tumoral TP53 estão entre as anormalidades genéticas mais comuns encontradas numa ampla variedade de tumores. A angiogênese é essencial para o crescimento e a metastatização de tumores sólidos. O Fator de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular (VEGF, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor), um fator de crescimento identificado recentemente com propriedades angiogênicas significativas, pode ser um importante regulador desta angiogênese tumoral. A associação entre as expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF e o prognóstico tem sido pouco estudada. Foram estudados 46 pacientes com adenocarcinoma de esôfago submetidos à cirurgia de ressecção com intenção curativa. As expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF foram observadas por análise imuno-histoqímica em 52,2% e 47,8% dos tumores, respectivamente. As expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF coincidiram em 26% dos casos, e não foi encontrada correlação entre essa expressão. Nenhum dos fatores clinicopatológicos se correlacionaram significativamente com as expressões da proteína p53 ou do VEGF. Não houve associação significativa entre as expressões da proteína p53 e do VEGF e sobrevida a longo prazo. No presente estudo, a expressão da proteína p53 e do VEGF, embora em porcentagem similar à da literatura, não se correlacionou com o prognóstico em pacientes com adenocarcinoma de esôfago submetidos à cirurgia com intenção curativa.


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Um programa de preparo de alta hospitalar, enquanto uma estratégia de Educação em Saúde, pode contribuir para que a família ou o idoso possam dar continuidade aos cuidados no contexto domiciliar, após a alta hospitalar. Assim, este estudo de caráter qualitativo descritivo objetiva analisar a percepção que tem o cuidador familiar de idosos com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) em relação ao Programa de preparo de alta para o paciente com seqüelas neurológicas de um Hospital Universitário. Após aprovação pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa da instituição onde foi desenvolvido o presente estudo, foram entrevistados 12 cuidadores familiares de 9 idosos que participaram de tal Programa. As entrevistas foram transcritas e seu conteúdo foi analisado conforme a técnica de análise de conteúdo, emergindo quatro categorias: opinião sobre o programa, adequação das orientações às demandas de cuidados, pontos de melhoria e repercussões do ser cuidador. Assim, sugere-se a implantação de programas similares nos serviços de saúde, bem como o desenvolvimento de estratégias educativas em saúde que contemplem o idoso com AVC e sua família.


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PURPOSE: Stroke is a high-incidence cerebrovascular disease with elevated morbidity that results in impairments such as functional disabilities. This study aimed to investigate the functional evolution of individuals in the first six months post-stroke. METHOD: Longitudinal study with 42 stroke patients. The functional independence measure (FIM) and The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were used by multidisciplinary staff 3 times in each participant; the first application was at admission to rehabilitation and the others three and six months later. RESULTS: Sample predominantly female (57%), married (52%), mean age 65.26 ±10.72 years, elementary schooling level (43%), ischemic stroke (91%), and right cerebral hemisphere (74%). Motor FIM scores and NIHSS scale showed improvement in the 3 evaluations, with significant p-value (<0.001). There was a strong relation between motor FIM evolution and NIHSS evolution (r = - 0.69 p-value< 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It was observed that functional evolution at 6 months post-stroke was significant and the smaller the evolution of clinical impairment in these patients, the larger the evolution of their functional independence. The study is important because it allows a more appropriate therapeutic planning according with functional evolution in stroke rehabilitation


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Stroke represents the first cause of disabilities among adults. Although different professions work together in treatment of stroke patients, all they use different terminologies for the description of the patients problems and it can constitute an impediment in the communication between the staff members. Thus, the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work would be facilitated if using a reference common tool, as the new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). However, the ICF is very extensive and complex and due to its complexity, it has been evidenced the necessity to select its categories to become it more practical. The aim of the study was to investigate which categories of the ICF are more suitable to evaluate and to describe the stroke patient in the view of teachers and municipal public health professionals. It was a descriptive research, which involved 5 professors and 11 professionals of Physiotherapy that have worked at the health public area in Natal / RN. It was used the Delphi Technique in 3 rounds and the Likert Scale to select the categories among the ICF components. As result, from the 362 IFC categories, 94 were selected. The selected categories correspond to rehabilitative characteristics of Stroke patients in the universe of the Physiotherapy performance. The methodology applied was suitable to the studied object emphasizing the necessity of future studies for validation of the chosen categories


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Tityus serrulatus, popularly known as yellow scorpion, is one of the most studied scorpion species in South America and its venom has supplied some highly active molecules. The effects of T. serrulatus venom upon the renal physiology in human showed increased renal parameters, urea and creatinine. However, in perfused rat kidney the effects were not tested until now. Isolated kidneys from Wistar rats, weighing 240-280 g, were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 6% (g weight) of previously dialysed bovine serum albumin. The effects of T. serrulatus venom were studied on the perfusion pressure (PP), renal vascular resistance (RVR), urinary flow (UF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), sodium tubular transport (%TNa+), potassium tubular transport (%TK+) and chloride tubular transport (%TCl-). Tityus serrulatus venom (TsV; 10 mu g/mL) was added to the system 30 min after the beginning of each experiment (n = 6). This 30 min period was used as an internal control. The mesenteric bed was perfused with Krebs solution kept warm at 37 T by a constant flow (4 mL/min), while the variable perfusion pressure was measured by means of a pressure transducer. The direct vascular effects of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min; n=6), infused at a constant rate (0.1 mL/min), were examined and compared to the infusion of the vehicle alone at the same rate. TsV increased PP (PP30'= 127.8 +/- 0.69 vs PP60' = 154.2 +/- 14 mmHg*, *p < 0.05) and RVR (RVR30' = 6.29 +/- 0.25 vs RVR60' = 8.03 +/- 0.82 mmHg/mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05), decreased GFR (GFR(30') =0.58 +/- 0.02 vs GFR(60') = 0.46 +/- 0.01 mL g(-1) min(-1)*, *p < 0.05) and UF (UF30' = 0.135 +/- 0.001 vs UF60' = 0.114 +/- 0.003 mL g(-1)min(-1)*, *p < 0.05). Tubular transport was not affected during the whole experimental period (120 min). on the other hand, the infusion of TsV (10 mu g/mL/min) increased the basal perfusion pressure of isolated arteriolar mesenteric bed (basal pressure: 74.17 +/- 3.42 vs TsV 151.8 +/- 17.82 mmHg*, *p < 0.05). TsV affects renal haemodynamics probably by a direct vasoconstrictor action leading to decreased renal flow. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Crotalus durissus cascavella is a snake that is usually found in the scrublands of northeast Brazil. The components of its venom may have effects on the vascular and renal systems. Recently, a new bradykinin inhibitory peptide has been identified in the venom of the Crotalinae family. The aim of the present study was to investigate the renal and vascular effects of the natriuretic peptide isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus cascavella (NP2_Casca). The chromatographic profile showed the fractionation of substances identified as convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine, as well as fractions V and VI. The electrophoretic profile of fraction V consisted of several bands ranging from approximately 6 kDa to 13 kDa, while fraction VI showed only two main electrophoretic bands with molecular weights of approximately 6 and 14 kDa. Reverse-phase chromatography showed that NP2_Casca corresponds to about 18% of fraction VI and that this fraction is the main natriuretic peptide. NP2_Casca was compared to other natriuretic peptides from other sources of snake venom. All amino acid sequences that were compared showed a consensus region of XGCFGX, XLDRIX and XSGLGCX. The group treated with NP2-Casca showed an increase in perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow and glomerular filtration rate. The percent of total and proximal tubular transport of sodium was reduced significantly after administration of the peptide. The mean arterial pressure showed a dose-dependent decrease after infusion of NP2_Casca, and an increase in nitrite production. In the aortic ring assay, NP2_Casca caused a relaxant effect in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine in the presence and absence of isatin. NP2_Casca failed to relax the aortic rings precontracted with an isosmotic potassium Krebs-Henseleit solution. In conclusion, the natriuretic peptide isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom produced renal and vascular effects. NP2_Casca reduced total and proximal sodium tubular transport, leading to an increase in sodium excretion, thereby demonstrating a diuretic action. A hypotensive effect was displayed in an arterial pressure assay, with an increase in nitrite production, suggesting a possible vasoactive action. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This letter reports microwave dielectric measurements performed in the antiferroelectric phase of NaNbO3 ceramics from 100 to 450 K. Remarkable dielectric relaxation was found within the antiferroelectric phase and in the vicinity of the ferroelectric-antiferroelectric phase transition. Such dielectric relaxation process was associated with relaxations of polar nanoregions with strong relaxor-like characteristic. In addition, the microwave dielectric measurements also revealed an unexpected and unusual anomaly in the relaxation strength, which was related to a disruption of the antiferroelectric order induced by a possible AFE-AFE phase transition. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stimulation of motor learning is an important component to a rehabilitation and type of practice used is de basic importance to Physiotherapy. The motor skills are the types more basic of behavior that subjects must acquire throughout its lives and observational learning one of forms for its acquisition. Objective: This study aimed to compare performance of patients post- stroke on test of recognition of activities of day life using self-controlled and externally determined practice. Intervention: Forty subjects had been evaluated, 20 stroke patients (the mean age was 57,9?}6,7 years, schooling 6,7?}3,09 years and time of injury 23,4?}17,2 months) and 20 health subjects (the mean age 55,4?}5,9 years and schooling 8?}3,7 years). All was evaluated about independence functional (FIM) and cognitive state (MMSE), and patients were also evaluated about neurologic state (NIHSS). Later, all realized a recognition of activities of day life test (drink water and speak to telephone) on self-controlled (PAUTO and CAUTO) and externally determined (P20 and C20) frequency. The stroke subjects also were examined for a three-dimensional system of kinematic analysis, when they have drink water. The statistic analysis was realized for chi-square and t Student tests. Results: This was not difference, about number of rightness, between groups of self-controlled and externally determined practice (p0,005), and also not between patients and control groups (p0,005). Patients mean velocity (PAUTO: 141,1mm/sec and P20: 141,6mm/sec) and peak velocity (PAUTO: 652,1mm/sec and P20: 598,6mm/sec) were reduced, as well as the angles reached for elbow (PAUTO: 66,60 and 124,40; P20: 66,30 and 128,50 extension e flexion respectively) regarding literature. Conclusions: The performance on recognition of activities of day life test was similar between on self-controlled and externally determined frequency, showing both technique may be used to stimulate motor learning on chronic patients after stroke


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It is known that sleep plays an important role in the process of motor learning. Recent studies have shown that the presence of sleep between training a motor task and retention test promotes a learning task so than the presence of only awake between training and testing. These findings also have been reported in stroke patients, however, there are few studies that investigate the results of this relationship on the functionality itself in this population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between functionality and sleep in patients in the chronic stage of stroke. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. The sample was composed of 30 stroke individuals in chronic phase, between 6 and 60 months after injury and aged between 55 and 75 years. The volunteers were initially evaluated for clinical data of disease and personal history, severity of stroke, through the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and mental status, the Mini-Mental State Examination. Sleep assessment tools were Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Questionnaire of Horne and Ostberg, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Berlin questionnaire and actigraphy, which measures were: real time of sleep, waking after sleep onset, percentage of waking after sleep onset, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep fragmentation index, mean activity score. Other actigraphy measures were intraday variability, stability interdiária, a 5-hour period with minimum level of activity (L5) and 10-hour period with maximum activity (M10), obtained to evaluate the activity-rest rhythm. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) were the instruments used to evaluate the functional status of participants. The Spearman correlation coefficient and comparison tests (Student's t and Mann-Whitney) were used to analyze the relationship of sleep assessment tools and rest-activity rhythm to measures of functional assessment. The SPSS 16.0 was used for analysis, adopting a significance level of 5%. The main results observed were a negative correlation between sleepiness and balance and a negative correlation between the level of activity (M10) and sleep fragmentation. No measurement of sleep or rhythm was associated with functional independence measure. These findings suggest that there may be an association between sleepiness and xii balance in patients in the chronic stage of stroke, and that obtaining a higher level of activity may be associated with a better sleep pattern and rhythm more stable and less fragmented. Future studies should evaluate the cause-effect relationship between these parameters