979 resultados para Université de Louvain (1425-1797)
Segundo Richard R. Ramer, "Primeira edição. O autor, natural de Santos, SP, escreveu esta obra depois de ter feito um estudo cuidadoso em documentos contemporâneos...".
(PDF contains 267 pages)
Full-scale experiments were performed on a 300 MWe utility boiler retrofitted with air staging. In order to improve boiler thermal efficiency and to reduce NOx emission, the influencing factors including the overall excessive air ratio, the secondary air distribution pattern, the damper openings of CCOFA and SOFA, and pulverized coal fineness were investigated. Through comprehensive combustion adjustment, NOx emission decreased 182 ppm (NOx reduction efficiency was 44%), and boiler heat efficiency merely decreased 0.21%. After combustion improvement, high efficiency and low NOx emission was achieved in the utility coal-fired boiler retrofitted with air staging, and the unburned carbon in ash can maintain at a desired level where the utilization of fly-ash as byproducts was not influenced.
Long paleoseismic histories are necessary for understanding the full range of behavior of faults, as the most destructive events often have recurrence intervals longer than local recorded history. The Sunda megathrust, the interface along which the Australian plate subducts beneath Southeast Asia, provides an ideal natural laboratory for determining a detailed paleoseismic history over many seismic cycles. The outer-arc islands above the seismogenic portion of the megathrust cyclically rise and subside in response to processes on the underlying megathrust, providing uncommonly good illumination of megathrust behavior. Furthermore, the growth histories of coral microatolls, which record tectonic uplift and subsidence via relative sea level, can be used to investigate the detailed coseismic and interseismic deformation patterns. One particularly interesting area is the Mentawai segment of the megathrust, which has been shown to characteristically fail in a series of ruptures over decades, rather than a single end-to-end rupture. This behavior has been termed a seismic “supercycle.” Prior to the current rupture sequence, which began in 2007, the segment previously ruptured during the 14th century, the late 16th to late 17th century, and most recently during historical earthquakes in 1797 and 1833. In this study, we examine each of these previous supercycles in turn.
First, we expand upon previous analysis of the 1797–1833 rupture sequence with a comprehensive review of previously published coral microatoll data and the addition of a significant amount of new data. We present detailed maps of coseismic uplift during the two great earthquakes and of interseismic deformation during the periods 1755–1833 and 1950–1997 and models of the corresponding slip and coupling on the underlying megathrust. We derive magnitudes of Mw 8.7–9.0 for the two historical earthquakes, and determine that the 1797 earthquake fundamentally changed the state of coupling on the fault for decades afterward. We conclude that while major earthquakes generally do not involve rupture of the entire Mentawai segment, they undoubtedly influence the progression of subsequent ruptures, even beyond their own rupture area. This concept is of vital importance for monitoring and forecasting the progression of the modern rupture sequence.
Turning our attention to the 14th century, we present evidence of a shallow slip event in approximately A.D. 1314, which preceded the “conventional” megathrust rupture sequence. We calculate a suite of slip models, slightly deeper and/or larger than the 2010 Pagai Islands earthquake, that are consistent with the large amount of subsidence recorded at our study site. Sea-level records from older coral microatolls suggest that these events occur at least once every millennium, but likely far less frequently than their great downdip neighbors. The revelation that shallow slip events are important contributors to the seismic cycle of the Mentawai segment further complicates our understanding of this subduction megathrust and our assessment of the region’s exposure to seismic and tsunami hazards.
Finally, we present an outline of the complex intervening rupture sequence that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries, which involved at least five distinct uplift events. We conclude that each of the supercycles had unique features, and all of the types of fault behavior we observe are consistent with highly heterogeneous frictional properties of the megathrust beneath the south-central Mentawai Islands. We conclude that the heterogeneous distribution of asperities produces terminations and overlap zones between fault ruptures, resulting in the seismic “supercycle” phenomenon.
(PDF contains 82 pages)
Charged pion pair photoproduction has been investigated up to a gamma energy of 1500 MeV, using the Caltech 12-inch heavy liquid bubble chamber with a small diameter, high intensity photon beam passing through a central beam tube gaseous hydrogen target surrounded by the sensitive Freon. Scanning, analysis, and data reduction techniques have been developed to deal with the problems of two-vie stereo, hidden event origins, absence of magnetic field, and the range-energy and multiple scattering relationships that occur in the heavy materials. Roughly 5700 pictures have been scanned and analyzed, yielding 754 acceptable events. Cross section and parameter distributions are generally consistent with the results of previous experiments. A statistically insignificant “bump” was observed in the dipion mass spectrum in the region of 500 MeV, the disputed σ meson mass. This region was investigated as carefully as the limited statistics would allow; dipion angular distributions are consistent with isotropy, and there is indication that some of the events in this region might come from decay of an intermediate N*11 (1425) into a proton and dipion.
Photographic materials on pp. 18, 20, 22, and 24 are essential and will not reproduce clearly on Xerox copies. Photographic copies should be ordered.
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar o ethos constituído nas redações argumentativas de vestibular, verificando, a partir das escolhas linguísticas dos estudantes, a representação discursiva que eles constroem de si para defender sua tese. O corpus se constitui de cem redações, que integraram a segunda fase dos vestibulares 2006 e 2007, da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para alcançarmos essa imagem coletiva, utilizamos, prioritariamente, a noção de ethos discursivo proposta por Dominique Maingueneau. Optamos por realizar uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa do corpus. A primeira abordagem nos proporcionou uma visão panorâmica das redações ao passo que a segunda revelou os casos mais representativos de cada fenômeno observado. No decorrer da análise, verificamos nas redações práticas que incidiam no risco de configurar ethé indesejados e mesmo censuráveis, causando prejuízo à argumentação dos vestibulandos. Por essa razão, finalizamos a pesquisa com sugestões de atividades didáticas, que focam o aprimoramento das habilidades de escrita e leitura, na tentativa de apresentar uma contribuição ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Produção Textual
We investigate the lasing characteristics of a laser-diode-array side-pumped electro-optic Q-switched Nd:Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser operating at 1000 Hz pulse repetition rate. Using a YAG poltcrystalline rod with Nd3+ concentration at 1 at.% as the gain medium, pumping with 808 nm laser-diode-arrays, the Q-switched laser output at 1064 nm wavelength with 23 mJ pulse energy and less than 12 ns FWHM pulse width are obtained at a pumping power of about 400 W, the slope efficiency is around 15%, the output beam divergence angle is about 1.2 mrad.
Este trabajo se ha desarrollado a partir de la edición de las inscripciones romanas del País Vasco dentro del proyecto PETRAE Hispaniarum (Université Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III, Francia).
Escrever uma história do antigo Israel não é tanto uma aventura, apesar das querelas cronológicas e alguns confrontos com as culturas material e bíblica. O fato de ter como hipótese central a emergência do antigo Israel entre os séculos XIV-XIII a.C. julgou-se importante considerar o evento cronológico de média duração e ocorrido em interação sociocultural no Mediterrâneo. Para a fundamentação foram apresentados os documentos literários e artefatos materiais. Assim, realizou-se a abordagem historiográfica em diálogo científico com a arqueologia histórica, sendo a cultura material o campo de comprovação dos pressupostos, e pela antropologia social de grandezas socioétnicas e políticas do segundo milênio a.C., como auxiliar no desenvolvimento da argumentação. Tanto os documentos de Tell el-'Amarna quanto a estela Hino da vitória de Merenptah, Cairo e Karnak foram analisados em seus contextos históricos. Os objetivos, portanto, foram fundamentar com evidências a fuga de escravos do Egito em vários períodos da Idade do Bronze Recente, entre a época amarniana e a época ramessida, e a emergência multiétnica dos 'ibrîm em meio a povos nômades e seminômades em um amplo fenômeno histórico de reação ao protetorado egípcio no Mediterrâneo. Isso levou-nos a adotar o método comparativo para a análise dos documentos e seguir o debate historiográfico sobre os testemunhos arqueológicos desenvolvido por pesquisadores da Universidade de Tel Aviv e da Universidade Hebraica de Jerusalém. Em conclusão, ficou demonstrada a existência de várias rotas de fugas de escravos e evidências de ocorrências envolvendo os povos mediterrâneos à época da emergência do antigo Israel e a correspondência por trocas culturais, organização política, atividades e assentamentos nos altiplanos envolvendo aqueles povos, o que possibilitou a simbiótica etnicidade.