974 resultados para Tyrosine


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Danusertib (Danu) is a pan-inhibitor of Aurora kinases and a third-generation breakpoint cluster region-Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 (Bcr-Abl) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but its antitumor effect and underlying mechanisms in the treatment of human breast cancer remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Danu on the growth, apoptosis, autophagy, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the molecular mechanisms in human breast cancer MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. The results demonstrated that Danu remarkably inhibited cell proliferation, induced apoptosis and autophagy, and suppressed EMT in both breast cancer cell lines. Danu arrested MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells in G2/M phase, accompanied by the downregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase 1 and cyclin B1 and upregulation of p21 Waf1/Cip1, p27 Kip1, and p53. Danu significantly decreased the expression of B-cell lymphoma-extra-large (Bcl-xl) and B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), but increased the expression of Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) and p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA), and promoted the cleavage of caspases 3 and 9. Furthermore, Danu significantly increased the expression levels of the membrane-bound microtubule-associated protein 1A/1B-light chain 3 (LC3-II) and beclin 1 in breast cancer cells, two markers for autophagy. Danu induced the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (Erk1/2) and inhibited the activation of protein kinase B (Akt)/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathways in breast cancer cells. Treatment with wortmannin (a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor) markedly inhibited Danu-induced activation of p38 MAPK and conversion of cytosolic LC3-I to membrane-bound LC3-II. Pharmacological inhibition and small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of p38 MAPK suppressed Akt activation, resulting in LC3-II accumulation and enhanced autophagy. Pharmacological inhibition and small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Erk1/2 also remarkably increased the level of LC3-II in MCF7 cells. Moreover, Danu inhibited EMT in both MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells with upregulated E-cadherin and zona occludens protein 1 (ZO-1) but downregulated N-cadherin, zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox 1 (TCF8/ZEB1), snail, slug, vimentin, and β-catenin. Notably, Danu showed lower cytotoxicity toward normal breast epithelial MCF10A cells. These findings indicate that Danu promotes cellular apoptosis and autophagy but inhibits EMT in human breast cancer cells via modulation of p38 MAPK/Erk1/2/Akt/mTOR signaling pathways. Danu may represent a promising anticancer agent for breast cancer treatment. More studies are warranted to fully delineate the underlying mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of Danu in breast cancer therapy.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) primarily activates erythroid cell proliferation and growth and is active in several types of non-hematopoietic cells via its interaction with the EPO-receptor (EPO-R). This review focuses on the role of EPO in skeletal muscle. The EPO-R is expressed in skeletal muscle cells and EPO may promote myoblast differentiation and survival via the activation of the same signaling cascades as in hematopoietic cells, such as STAT5, MAPK and Akt. Inconsistent results exist with respect to the detection of the EPO-R mRNA and protein in muscle cells, tissue and across species and the use of non-specific EPO-R antibodies contributes to this problem. Additionally, the inability to reproducibly detect an activation of the known EPO-induced signaling pathways in skeletal muscle questions the functionality of the EPO-R in muscle in vivo. These equivocal findings make it difficult to distinguish between a direct effect of EPO on skeletal muscle, via the activation of its receptor, and an indirect effect resulting from a better oxygen supply to the muscle. Consequently, the precise role of EPO in skeletal muscle and its regulatory mechanism/s remain to be elucidated. Further studies are required to comprehensively establish the importance of EPO and its function in skeletal muscle health.


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Cell-cell signaling represents an essential hallmark of multicellular organisms, which necessarily require a means of communicating between different cell populations, particularly immune cells. Cytokine receptor signaling through the Janus kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription/Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (CytoR/JAK/STAT/SOCS) pathway embodies one important paradigm by which this is achieved. This pathway has been extensively studied in vertebrates and protostomes and shown to play fundamental roles in development and function of immune and other cells. However, our understanding of the origins of the individual pathway components and their assembly into a functional pathway has remained limited. This study examined the origins of each component of this pathway through bioinformatics analysis of key extant species. This has revealed step-wise accretion of individual components over a large evolutionary time-frame, but only in bilateria did a series of innovations allow their final coalescence to form a complete pathway. Assembly of the CytoR/JAK/STAT pathway has followed the retrograde model of pathway evolution, whereas addition of the SOCS component has adhered to the patchwork model.


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Neste trabalho investigou-se as características do receptor à insulina e a capacidade de captação de glicose nas brânquias do caranguejo Chasmagnathus granulata aclimatado a diferentes tempos (24, 72 e 144 horas) de estresse hiper e hiposmótico. Primeiramente, o cDNA do receptor para insulina foi parcialmente clonado e seqüenciado em brânquias posteriores de Chasmagnathus granulata. A seqüência peptídica mostrou a presença de 39 aminoácidos e foi designada CGIRLTK (C. granulata insulina receptor-like tyrosine kinase). Esta seqüência apresentou significativa homologia com o domínio tirosina quinase da subunidade b dos receptores para insulina de mamíferos (69%) e de Drosophila (74%). Sítios de ligação à insulina foram caracterizados nas membranas plasmáticas das brânquias através do estudo de ligação com 125I-insulina. A atividade tirosina quinase foi determinada pela capacidade do CGIRLTK de fosforilar o substrato sintético poly (Glu; Tyr 4:1). A captação de glicose foi avaliada pela captação de [14C] 2-deoxi-D-glicose pelo tecido branquial. Nas brânquias posteriores a insulina bovina estimulou significativamente a fosforilação do CGIRLTK nos animais aclimatados a 20‰ de salinidade (controle), já nas brânquias anteriores este estímulo não foi observado. O estresse hiperosmótico (34 ‰ de salinidade) levou a uma diminuição do número e da afinidade dos receptores à insulina nas brânquias posteriores, bem como a uma redução na atividade tirosina quinase. A captação de glicose não mudou durante os tempos de estresse osmótico estudados Esses resultados mostram que o estresse hiperosmótico modifica a sinalização da insulina, causando um estado de resistência à insulina nas brânquias posteriores. Nenhuma mudança foi observada na concentração dos receptores à insulina nas brânquias posteriores de caranguejos aclimatados durante 24 horas ao estresse hiposmótico (0‰). Contudo, foi observada uma redução na afinidade dos receptores pela insulina bovina. A fosforilação do CGIRLTK diminui às 24 horas de estresse e retornou aos valores basais às 144horas. A captação de glicose não foi alterada significativamente. Os resultados sugerem que o estresse hiposmótico modifica as características do CGIRLTK nas brânquias posteriores de C. granulata de forma tempo-dependente. Essas mudanças são parte dos ajustes necessários à sobrevivência à baixa salinidade. Nas brânquias anteriores, durante aclimatação ao estresse hiperosmótico, foi observada redução da concentração e da capacidade de fosforilação dos receptores insulínicos. Contudo, a insulina bovina não estimulou a fosforilação nas brânquias anteriores durante o estresse Nenhuma alteração foi observada na concentração e na afinidade de receptores à insulina nas brânquias anteriores após 24 horas de estresse hiposmótico. A fosforilação do receptor à insulina diminuiu após 24 horas de estresse e voltou aos valores basais após 72 horas. A capacidade de captação de glicose, por sua vez, não foi modificada em função de mudanças na osmoliridade do ambiente. Assim como no estresse hiperosmótico, a insulina bovina não estimulou a fosforilação nas brânquias anteriores no estresse hiposmótico. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que o estresse osmótico modifica as características do CGILRTK e conseqüentemente a transdução do sinal insulínico nas brânquias. As respostas às alterações de salinidade dependem do tipo de estresse ao qual o animal é submetido e da brânquia estudada (anterior ou posterior). As mudanças observadas no sinal insulínico fazem parte dos ajustes necessários para a regulação osmótica frente às mudanças ambientais de salinidade.


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Asthma is a significant health issue in the pediatric population with a noteworthy growth over the years. The proposed challenge for this PhD thesis was the development of advanced methodologies to establish metabolomic patterns in urine and exhaled breath associated with asthma whose applicability was subsequently exploited to evaluate the disease state, the therapy adhesion and effect and for diagnostic purposes. The volatile composition of exhaled breath was studied combining headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry or with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with a high resolution time of flight analyzer (GC×GC–ToFMS). These methodologies allowed the identification of several hundred compounds from different chemical families. Multivariate analysis (MVA) led to the conclusion that the metabolomic profile of asthma individuals is characterized by higher levels of compounds associated with lipid peroxidation, possibly linked to oxidative stress and inflammation (alkanes and aldehydes) known to play an important role in asthma. For future applications in clinical settings a set of nine compounds was defined and the clinical applicability was proven in monitoring the disease status and in the evaluation of the effect and / or adherence to therapy. The global volatile metabolome of urine was also explored using an HSSPME/GC×GC–ToFMS method and c.a. 200 compounds were identified. A targeted analysis was performed, with 78 compounds related with lipid peroxidation and consequently to oxidative stress levels and inflammation. The urinary non-volatile metabolomic pattern of asthma was established using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). This analysis allowed identifying central metabolic pathways such as oxidative stress, amino acid and lipid metabolism, gut microflora alterations, alterations in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, histidine metabolism, lactic acidosis, and modification of free tyrosine residues after eosinophil stimulation. The obtained results allowed exploring and demonstrating the potential of analyzing the metabolomic profile of exhaled air and urine in asthma. Besides the successful development of analysis methodologies, it was possible to explore through exhaled air and urine biochemical pathways affected by asthma, observing complementarity between matrices, as well as, verify the clinical applicability.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which although not formally considered an intracellular pathogen, can be internalized by epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms used by P. brasiliensis to adhere to and invade non-professional phagocytes have not been identified. The signal-transduction networks, involving protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and protein phosphatase activities, can modulate crucial events during fungal infections. In this study, the involvement of PTK has been investigated in P. brasiliensis adherence and invasion in mammalian epithelial cells. A significant inhibition of the fungal invasion occurred after the pre-treatment of the epithelial cells with genistein, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, indicating that the tyrosine kinase pathway is involved in P. brasiliensis internalization. In contrast, when the fungus was treated, a slight (not significant) inhibition of PTK was observed, suggesting that PTK might not be the fungus' transduction signal pathway during the invasion process of epithelial cells. An intense PTK immunofluorescence labeling was observed in the periphery of the P. brasiliensis infected cells, little PTK labeling was found in both uninfected cells and yeast cells, at later infection times (8 and 24 h). Moreover, when the epithelial cells were treated with genistein and infected with P. brasiliensis, no labeling was observed, suggesting the importance of the PTK in the infectious process. These results suggest that PTK pathway participates in the transduction signal during the initial events of the adhesion and invasion processes of P. brasiliensis to mammalian epithelial cells.


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The visual system is an important link between the animal and the environment, com profound influences on the habits and lifestyle in various habitats. Adaptive mechanismsto the temporal niche are present in the visual system of many vertebrates, involving changins in ocular dimensios and design, retinal cell distribution and organization of neurochemical circuits related to the retinal resolution or sensitivity. The sensory system of the eye is represented by the retina, whose organization is responsible by receipty, initial analysis, and transmission of the information to the brain. The knowledge of the position of the eyes in the head and the distribution of retinal cells allow to identify adaptive aspects of each species to its visual field, which is characteristic to the ecological niche it occupies. In this research, we study eye anatomical characteristics and retina neurochemical features of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a tipical Brazilian rodent from the suborder Hystricomorpha, family Caviidae. The rock cavy has lateral eyes well constitute bony orbit and well differentiated extrinsic muscle. The study of the descriptive and morphometric anatomy of the showed mean values of axial diameter 10.7±0,5mm and equatorial diameter 11.6±0.7mm. The pupil is slit shaped and the lens has mean axial diameter 5.4±0.03 mm, corresponding to ~45% of the axial diameter of the eye. The posterior nodal distance and the retinal magnification factor were estimated at 6.74 mm e 118 μm/grau, respectively. Flat mounts were processed for Nissl stain, and the topographic distribution of ganglion cells showed a moderate visual band, just below the optic disc, with higher density in the ventral retina. Retinal vertical sections and flat mounts were processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize tyrosine hydroxilase (TH) and thus two types of TH+ cells were detected. Type 1 cells had strong TH-immunoreactivity, the body cell varied from 120.047 to 269.373 μm2 stratifying in the sublamina 1 of the IPL. Type 2 cells were weakly TH-imunoreactive, had cell body located mostly in the IPL, varying from 54.848 to 177.142 μm2, constituting ~10% of the TH+ cells. Both cell types exhibited similar topographic distribution with higher density found in a horizontal band along of the naso-temporal axis in the dorsal retina. The total population of dopaminergic cells was 2,156±469,4 cells, occupying an average area of 198,164 μm2. The presence of cones and rods was detected by immunohistochemistry in vertical sections and flat mounts. S cones density is around 10 times smaller than L cones, with different degree of spatial organization. Other retinal neuronal populations of the rock cavy were also detected in vertical sections with specific markers. Comparative analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the rock cavy eye 12 suggest that it was designed to acquire higher sensitivity to light, at expense of image sharpness, compatible with a vision at mesopic conditions. Additionally, the distribution of the 2 subtypes of dopaminergic cells in a naso-temporal band in the dorsal retina seems suitable to a gain in sensitivity, coherent with an animal with predominantly crepuscular activity pattern


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The 3-hydroxytyramine/dopamine (DA) is a monoamine of catecholamineric group and consists in the progenitor substantia of synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline, having the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase as a regulator of this process. Nuclei of midbrain expressing DA are the retrorubral field (RRF, A8 group), the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc, A9 group) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA, A10 group). These nuclei are involved in three complex circuitry called mesostriatal, mesocortical and mesolimbic, which are related directly with various behavioral manifestations such as motor control, reward signaling in behavioural learning, motivation and pathological manifestations of Parkinson s disease and schizophrenia. The aim of this study was describe the morphology of midbrain dopaminergic neurons (A8, A9 and A10) of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a rodent belonging to the family Caviidae typical of the Brazilian Northeast, which is being adopted as a model for neuroanatomical studies in laboratory of neuroanatomy of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Coronal sections of brains of the rock cavies were submitted to staining by Nissl s method and immunohistochemistry against tyrosine hydroxylase. The nuclear organization of the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei of the rock cavy is very similar to that found in other animals of the order Rodentia, except by the presence of the tail of substantia nigra, which was found only in the studied species. We concluded that the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei are phylogenetically stable among species, but we think to be it necessary to expand the studies about the particularity found the rock cavy, investigating its occurrence in other species of rodents or investigating its functional relevance


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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii transforms the innate aversion of rats for cat urine into a fatal attraction, that increases the likelihood of the parasite completing its life cycle in the cat s intestine. The neural circuits implicated in innate fear, anxiety, and learned fear all overlap considerably, raising the possibility, that T. gondii may disrupt all of these nonspecifically. In this study, we evaluated immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in areas associated with innate fear of infected male swiss mice. The latent Toxoplasma infection converted the aversion of mice to feline odors into attraction. This loss of fear is remarkably specific, as demonstrated by Vyas et al (2007), because infection did not diminish learned fear, anxiety-like behavior, olfaction, or nonaversive learning. However, the neurochemical mechanism related to alterations in innate fear due to T. gondii infection remains poorly studied. 20 mice were inoculated with bradyzoites (25 cysts) from a Toxoplasma gondii (Me-49 strain). The brains were removed after 60 days, sectioned and processed for TH immunohistochemistry. The correlation between the amount of cysts per area and the densitometric analysis of neurotransmitter reactivity was low in the areas implicated in innate fear of infected animals, when comparated with noninfected controls


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OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine whether measurement of placenta growth factor (PLGF), inhibin A, or soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) at 2 times during pregnancy would usefully predict subsequent preeclampsia ( PE) in women at high risk. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed serum obtained at enrollment (12(0/7) to 19(6/7) weeks) and follow-up (24-28 weeks) from 704 patients with previous PE and/or chronic hypertension (CHTN) enrolled in a randomized trial for the prevention of PE. Logistic regression analysis assessed the association of log-transformed markers with subsequent PE; receiver operating characteristic analysis assessed predictive value. RESULTS: One hundred four developed preeclampsia: 27 at 37 weeks or longer and 77 at less than 37 weeks (9 at less than 27 weeks). None of the markers was associated with PE at 37 weeks or longer. Significant associations were observed between PE at less than 37 weeks and reduced PLGF levels at baseline (P =.022) and follow-up (P <.0001) and elevated inhibin A (P <.0001) and sFlt-1 (P =.0002) levels at follow-up; at 75% specificity, sensitivities ranged from 38% to 52%. Using changes in markers from baseline to follow-up, sensitivities were 52-55%. Associations were observed between baseline markers and PE less than 27 weeks (P <=.0004 for all); sensitivities were 67-89%, but positive predictive values (PPVs) were only 3.4-4.5%. CONCLUSION: Inhibin A and circulating angiogenic factors levels obtained at 12(0/7) to 19(6/7) weeks have significant associations with onset of PE at less than 27 weeks, as do levels obtained at 24-28 weeks with onset of PE at less than 37 weeks. However, because the corresponding sensitivities and/or PPVs were low, these markers might not be clinically useful to predict PE in women with previous PE and/or CHTN.